@nimo_cn @amoy
Ok you Chinese Lizards... you low IQ Chinese can't even spell Sin correctly and say "Scenes". Look at this stupid accent Chinese girl who is instructed by
Terrorist Communist Han Chinese regime to troll India but ends up getting trolled by even Chinese as a poor quality propaganda. I really pity Chinese as they got no freedom at all.
You Chinese have no freedom as humans, you are just subhumans controlled by
Terrorist Communist Han Chinese regime. Common Chinese are getting sick and tired of
Terrorist Communist Han Chinese regime.
So here is your video(being called racist by a lot) and then the video from a Indian woman which has royally trolled(thrashed literally) the Chinese girl based on FACTS. I am laughing at the FAKE accent and LIES of this Chinese lizard.
Terrific reply from a Indian woman who is free and not a slave (not state sponsored) like a Chinese subhuman slave.
So below are the Seven "Scenes" of China based on REAL FACTS:-
- Genocide of Tibetans and illegally occupying Tibet even today.Calling peaceful Dalai Lama as a terrorist but blocking proven International Terrorist Masood Azhar in UN.Also giving moral/weapons to REAL terrorist countries like Pakistan and NKorea
- Threatening and issuing DAILY warnings to half the world for ex. Japan,Vietnam,Taiwan,Philippines,S Korea,India,Bhutan,America,Australia,UK but ending up as a laughing stock in front of the world.
- Claiming Territories of others by citing history and illegally annexing their land by force. As per
history Tibet was a free country and China was hardly 30% of what it is today due to expansionist terrorism.This proves that 70% of the Chinese land today is disputed and should be given back to it's original owners.
- State sponsored harvesting organs of its own people by kidnapping and killings specially the prisoners. This proves China treats its own people as subhumans.Eating human fetus as a delicacy of Chinese taste buds.
- Censoring any media sources which are no controlled by Communist Terrorist Han Chinese party.China has brainwashed their people as they cant know REAL FACTS about the world specially their own history.
- Running Tanks on it's people and killing anyone who doesn't agree to Terrorist Han Chinese regime.
- Not learning English even after learning so much and not learning about it's biggest neighbor India at all.
Maulana Rockullah's Expert comment: Please spread these 7 "Scenes" of China to the social media and let's see if Chinese subhumans slave lizard can refute it with any FACTS.