LOC, LAC & IB skirmishs

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May 28, 2016
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The Chinese have a history of embedding spyware to their devices.

If you know half of what is possible with compromised mobile phones, computers and routers, you would think we are not being paranoid enough.
Lenovo spy tech was brought to limelight a few years ago. Who knows they are still doing it, as an IT grad, I can tell you one thing for sure, our economy is generating almost 40% of Big data content that is being routed to Chinese server farms. Especially from people who own Chinese mobile phone.

If you happen to own any of there phones, either stop syncing data into there cloud services, like xiaomi does and etc, or change the OS to vanilla android. Use 3rd party apps that value your privacy (although it's a joke but what else we can do), there are apps that allow you to switch off certain sensors in your phone.

Use privacy setting to full potential, it's the only underdog feature we have.


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Jul 4, 2013
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China has changed a lot!!!

They are SINGLE BABY EMPERORS of a Nuclear Family, thanx to ONE CHILD POLICY.

If a Chinese Soldier Dies, he will left behind Two Parents, Four Grand Parents (Six in total), whom there will be no-one to look after.

And now Chinese have gone richer also (Middle Income Country).

The Chinese Blood has gone COSTLIER then what it was under MAO.

Think about when BODY BAGS RETURN BACK TO "HAN-LAND", what will happen to Psychology of HANs?? Which had a relatively Peaceful Run since 1962, without any Serious Blood Bath.
The one child policy can cause more pain, but IMO its restricted to that family. China is still very hierarchical. The communist party will care 2 hoots about who dies and they are the ones that set the narrative.


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May 28, 2016
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If we do a preemptive strike, we would be the starter of this war. Now India for sure doesn't want this. Its all about politics. Even Chinese are not doing this to get any advantage on strategic point. The basic idea behind this issue is to uphold the party in upcoming October election. So instead of firing the first round till now, China too is mulling over how to keep India on backfoot and for this sole purpose they have kept up the whole media drama.

India too would not like to give its neighbor any wrong idea. Any kind of strike would give China a leverage against India in its neighborhood. Already they are trying to win up support with money, we should not give them another leverage to portray India being hegemonic in nature.

BTW, look at this gem on Chinese side. Unrelated to this thread. Please post it in relevant thread if possible.

Completely agree, they have an election set up in October, this is the time when Xi JinPig use it to warm his corn nuts. This whole thing is set up to take maximum advantage by JinPig admin (who am I kidding, they all are commies) by creating a rhetoric to plan a bold stance into the mind of "dog eating countrymen".

They are all what we say, "all fluff and no substance".


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May 23, 2011
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Lenovo spy tech was brought to limelight a few years ago. Who knows they are still doing it, as an IT grad, I can tell you one thing for sure, our economy is generating almost 40% of Big data content that is being routed to Chinese server farms. Especially from people who own Chinese mobile phone.

If you happen to own any of there phones, either stop syncing data into there cloud services, like xiaomi does and etc, or change the OS to vanilla android. Use 3rd party apps that value your privacy (although it's a joke but what else we can do), there are apps that allow you to switch off certain sensors in your phone.

Use privacy setting to full potential, it's the only underdog feature we have.
More than anonymous data we generate for businesses (be it Google, Microsoft or Xiaomi) , it is the possibility of hard surveillance that Chinese products present that is worrying. Remember Samsung TVs that were infected by intelligence agencies to turn them into surveillance instruments? A cellphone is that, times 100.

There is jack-shit you can do if you have a Chinese phone and they decide to use it to spy on you. Permissions and privacy defaults are for application level programs. Lower-level applications with root access and even further lower at the kernel and the firmware level they can do anything they want.


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May 28, 2016
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Look at the rate of fire, Enemy will feel mini MBRL pounding ..

Of-course the round are illumination, during any battle it could be easily HE..
Sir can we use white Phosphorus here with these mortar shells? I mean to mentally disarm the aggressor ... because when there flesh will melt in front of there own eye's it will be a true horror sight.


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May 28, 2016
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please educate me on this the mortors are falling slowly like a things falling with a parachute. why arent they ramming in the sky ?
Gyro or altitude based detonator inside the shell ... I guess.

Bhoot Pishach

Tihar Jail
Dec 14, 2016
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The one child policy can cause more pain, but IMO its restricted to that family. China is still very hierarchical. The communist party will care 2 hoots about who dies and they are the ones that set the narrative.
1) Already aging demography is hurting Chinese.

2) Also consider that most of the Chines soldiers are not regular they mostly are on Short Commission.

3) PLA lacs real War Experience, last war PLA fought was in 1969 with Vietnam, with a humiliating defeat.

4) Please also note PLA is not Answerable to Government of China but it's Loyalty lies with CCP.

5) Most of the High Ranking Official are CCP Members, not real experienced Officers.

6) All the Soldiers of PLA has to devote substantial time in studying CCP propagandu then on military studies.

7) Kindly note this is no 1962 when India was grossly unprepared. And were ruled by lunatics like JN and VKKM and BM Koul.

8) India is heavily prepared having man to man superiority by 1:6 in most of the sectors, and with ample ammunition, not without any equipment as was in 1962.

Let them send as many as they can in the GRAVE YARD CALLED TIBET.

Their Sustainability in Hostile Climatic Condition of Tibet has been explained in the previous post.

P.S.: Enjoy Battle Readiness of Chinese Troops:


One-Child Policy 'Weakens China's Military


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Now how on earth PLAAF got C-130 and CH-64 ...These are operated by ROC airforce not by PRC airforce..

Chinese have their new strategic airlifter Y-20 5 aircrafts ....

In times of war, the 15th Airborne Corps can also utilize civilian aircraft such as Shaanxi Y-9, Shaanxi Y-8, Xian Y-7, C-130s, HU-1s, AS332s, Chinooks, and a very large number of Y-5 (700+) utility transports. During a number of exercises, the 15th Airborne Corps has demonstrated it can move a regiment plus of paratroopers with light armored vehicles to anywhere within China in less than 24 hours. These exercises also show that a large number of para-gliders are in use.

Of-course they are modernized now ..
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New Member
May 31, 2017
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This should spice things up a little:

Trump Warns Xi: Trade War With China Begins Monday

As if there weren't enough geopolitical stress points in the world to fill a lifetime of "sleepy, vacationy" Augusts, late on Friday night President Trump spoke to Chinese President Xi Jinping and told him that he's preparing to order an investigation into Chinese trade practices next week, according to NBC. Politico confirms that Trump is ready to launch a new trade crackdown on China next week, citing an administration official, a step that Trump delayed two weeks ago under the guidance of his new Chief of Staff Gen. Kelly, but now appears imminent. It is also an escalation which most analysts agree will launch a trade war between Washington and Beijing.

As Politico details, Trump on Monday will call for an investigation into China over allegations that the nation violated U.S. intellectual property rights and forced technology transfers, the official said. While it's unclear how much detail Trump will get into in the announcement, administration officials expect U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to open an investigation against China under Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974. The ordering of the investigation will not immediately impose sanctions but could lead to steep tariffs on Chinese goods. Trump has expressed frustration in recent months over what he sees as China's unfair trade policies.

Full article:


New Member
May 28, 2016
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More than anonymous data we generate for businesses (be it Google, Microsoft or Xiaomi) , it is the possibility of hard surveillance that Chinese products present that is worrying. Remember Samsung TVs that were infected by intelligence agencies to turn them into surveillance instruments? A cellphone is that, times 100.

There is jack-shit you can do if you have a Chinese phone and they decide to use it to spy on you. Permissions and privacy defaults are for application level programs. Lower-level applications with root access and even further lower at the kernel and the firmware level they can do anything they want.
Agreed, who am I kidding,the NSA ordered Samsung to plant camera and mic, so what makes chinks not he doing the same, they are the chip makers ... they have complete access to low level hardware. Kernel could hide a code that can activate all sensors but the applications running at high level will not register it.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Agreed, who am I kidding,the NSA ordered Samsung to plant camera and mic, so what makes chinks not he doing the same, they are the chip makers ... they have complete access to low level hardware. Kernel could hide a code that can activate all sensors but the applications running at high level will not register it.
Chinese manufacture chip but design is still in hands of wester technology firms mostly.

Also Chinese misuse of its corporate giants won't go unnoticed. They will loose markets forever and will be blacklisted in most of the Democratic countries.

Chinese companies often face denial of security clearance in India and west. One open case of misuse and Chinese can say goodbye to their golden goose forever.


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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No if i am not wrong majority of the chips are manufactured in Taiwan ROC not in PRC ..Thats why Taiwan s biggest export market is china ..And those are nothing but the chips and motherboards. The chinese do the rest of the parts ..Below are the Taiwan's top importer countries and the Top Forbes listed export companies

  1. China: US$73.9 billion (26.4% of total Taiwanese exports)
  2. Hong Kong: $38.4 billion (13.7%)
  3. United States: $33.6 billion (12%)
  4. Japan: $19.6 billion (7%)
  5. Singapore: $16.2 billion (5.8%)
  • Hon Hai Precision (electronics)
  • Taiwan Semiconductor (semiconductors)
  • Quanta Computer (computer hardware)
  • Asustek Computer (computer hardware)
  • Mediatek (semiconductors)
  • Delta Electronics (electronics)
  • Advanced Semiconductor (semiconductors)
  • Pegatron (electronics)
Agreed, who am I kidding,the NSA ordered Samsung to plant camera and mic, so what makes chinks not he doing the same, they are the chip makers ... they have complete access to low level hardware. Kernel could hide a code that can activate all sensors but the applications running at high level will not register it.
Chinese manufacture chip but design is still in hands of wester technology firms mostly.

Also Chinese misuse of its corporate giants won't go unnoticed. They will loose markets forever and will be blacklisted in most of the Democratic countries.

Chinese companies often face denial of security clearance in India and west. One open case of misuse and Chinese can say goodbye to their golden goose forever.


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Feb 17, 2017
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I will suggest that we should ask Tibetans to form an army. In case of war, while we are engaged with China on other borders, Tibetans can march to their country and capture as much area with local support as they can. They should cut Chinese supply lines including bridges that connect Tibet with China. We can show that it's local Tibetans who are fighting the war of freedom from China. The same as China is doing by inciting and financing and arming our dissidents in north east, naxals and also supporting kashmiris through Pakistan as proxy.


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Aug 8, 2017
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Guys, what do you think are the chances of the chinks invading our country from the sea route (via west coast)- remember they have already deployed a sizeable no of their soldiers at African base/Pakistani side, while the skirmishes at the LAC begin?


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May 23, 2011
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Guys, what do you think are the chances of the chinks invading our country from the sea route (via west coast)- remember they have already deployed a sizeable no of their soldiers at African base/Pakistani side, while the skirmishes at the LAC begin?
Invade? No chance. How many soldiers they can land on our soil?

The Western Fleet is fully capable of blockading all of Pakistan twice over. Then there is Lakshadweep. Chinese submarine fleet will be a threat in the IoR and Arabian sea, however.


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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Negative . . Opening up our western front with their naval resources will only put them in more trouble as we can make it hard for the support coming from mainland by blocking Malacca straits . . Djibouti base is very close to an existing US base so chances of them using it to attack US are very bleak . But yes they can always use Gwadar to hit us from the west . Subject to China wants to make it look itself like aggressor instead of victim what it's playing now to international audience

Guys, what do you think are the chances of the chinks invading our country from the sea route (via west coast)- remember they have already deployed a sizeable no of their soldiers at African base/Pakistani side, while the skirmishes at the LAC begin?


New Member
Feb 19, 2017
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Guys, what do you think are the chances of the chinks invading our country from the sea route (via west coast)- remember they have already deployed a sizeable no of their soldiers at African base/Pakistani side, while the skirmishes at the LAC begin?
Any attack from the west would be catastrophic to PLAN...Wat they know is dat IN sees Indian Ocean as its backyard...Wat they don't know is dat it could become their potential Graveyard,in case of any misadventure...Also,PLAN is not a bluewater navy 2 operate far off its home...The logistics problem persists in dis situation, considering the distance they r operating...The PLAN operates in IOR just 2 familiarize themselves with the trade routes nd 2 have a grip on 'em in case of conflicts....It is operating there in d name of anti-piracy ops,but keeping an eye on IN and USN deployments nd operations....Our home advantage would prove beneficial in such case-we have no logistics problem,western flank also has British Indian Ocean Territory-Diego Garcia,which is the base of US 7th Fleet which can put a check on PLAN...Also we have our own expertise in tackling such threats-we even nailed Karachi...So,the PLAN cannot survive 2 tell the tale in Harbin,if it threatens India via western seaboard...We'll immediately enforce a naval blockade in the Straits which literally cripples d Chinkis.

Sent from my SM-E500H using Tapatalk


Ghanta Senior Member?
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Jan 1, 2015
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Guys, what do you think are the chances of the chinks invading our country from the sea route (via west coast)- remember they have already deployed a sizeable no of their soldiers at African base/Pakistani side, while the skirmishes at the LAC begin?
They cannot open so many fronts.

1. They already have trouble in SCS, NoKo
2. Trouble with India

They will wait till SCS calms down. And then they will plan rest of the adventure, what you mentioned.
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