Know Your 'Rafale'


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Dec 25, 2015
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Senior Member
Nov 3, 2012
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NATO was not a peaceful organisation,
You are part of NATO, why do you need nuclear weapons? Are nuclear weapons part of a peaceful organisation?
Germans had modern tanks in WW2 so much so that they over ran France in less than a month.
But they found it tough and lost against much weaker Russian tanks, because numbers is also a quality.

Nato is a peacefull organization. Only built to face USSR. Russia is far from being so strong. You may have 20000 MBT, only some thousend are modern (with west electro optical systems...). same with navy and air fleet.


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2012
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Not at the rate @ which your ignorant immigration friendly country is :pound:
French along with the British, ruled almost 3/5th of the world at a time,
But then when these countries became free and French and British wanted to go back the people from this country sort of said ".. hey wait, where are you going??.. we are coming with you ..."
Brtiain and French tried to make these countries as their own countries for their convenience, but now the people from these countries, want to make France and Britain like their countries.. I think its Fair.


Senior Member
Nov 3, 2012
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Nato is a peacefull organization. Only built to face USSR. Russia is far from being so strong. You may have 20000 MBT, only some thousend are modern (with west electro optical systems...). same with navy and air fleet.
France is on its knees by similar nos of Refugees, imagine what 20,000 Russians tanks will do.

Sam Biswas

Regular Member
Feb 4, 2016
F-35 is not cheap , its real price with all the equipment is more than 400 million $ and operating & maintenance cost is also very high can not be repaired outside USA.....and USA can spy the activities of this plane because it is connected to american satellites .............

super sukhoi is just an upgrade which is ok , according to me GOI should buy Rafael for aircraft carriers of Indian navy .......................for air-force pak-fa , super sukhoi & tejas and we should develop AMCA as soon as possible .

F-35 is a completely new system and like all new technology was very pricey in the beginning. Now it is being purchased by many countries including US Air Force. As a result the price is coming down rapidly. Lockheed CEO is offering it for $85 million in 2019 production. If India buys a sizable number it could be assembled and repaired in India. It is already being assembled and repaired in multiple countries. If US and India are in friendly terms, what is the harm in US knowing its activities. F-35 will be unparalleled for missions inside China. India is not planning to fight USA and if it does in the future, use FGFA or Pak-FA for those missions.

India needs a streamlined strategy for the military aircrafts. Super expensive outdated Rafale or Super-Sukhoi at 8-9 billion each deal is simply not the solution. Then spend more money for Navy jets. Perhaps, it makes sense to many of you. It does not make sense to many.

My point is why to waste so many billions on outdated technology and equipment of the past. Why not invest on equipment of the future like F-35 and FGFA that will last many decades to come?


Dec 24, 2015
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QUOTE="BON PLAN, post: 1191327, member: 19121"]Nato is a peacefull organization. Only built to face USSR. Russia is far from being so strong. You may have 20000 MBT, only some thousend are modern (with west electro optical systems...). same with navy and air fleet.
NATO Is peaceful organization :pound::balleballe:

I guess you have been to school in your life , read my comment Russia is weak why don't you invade they have old equipments[/QUOTE]

Why invading russia? except maybe so called Islamic state, we don't want to invade any country.


Dec 24, 2015
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NATO was not a peaceful organisation,
You are part of NATO, why do you need nuclear weapons? Are nuclear weapons part of a peaceful organisation?
Germans had modern tanks in WW2 so much so that they over ran France in less than a month.
But they found it tough and lost against much weaker Russian tanks, because numbers is also a quality.
It's to avoid another WW2 we have a fully independant nuclear force. First developped to face USSR ... don't forget it.

2000 x T62 in front of 100 x Leclerc .... it's peace of cake.


Dec 24, 2015
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French along with the British, ruled almost 3/5th of the world at a time,
But then when these countries became free and French and British wanted to go back the people from this country sort of said ".. hey wait, where are you going??.. we are coming with you ..."
Brtiain and French tried to make these countries as their own countries for their convenience, but now the people from these countries, want to make France and Britain like their countries.. I think its Fair.
Just wait 2017 and the new french President election.... It will be a corner for immigration, because french people are tired and hangry. Enough is enough !

Sam Biswas

Regular Member
Feb 4, 2016
Just wait 2017 and the new french President election.... It will be a corner for immigration, because french people are tired and hangry. Enough is enough !

France, Germany, UK are like old retired warriors. These countries should eat cheese, drink wine, and take day naps and stay out of the world politics including war. The new warriors are USA, Russia China, India etc. They are going to rule the world. There will be nothing new French President, UK Prime Minister or German Chancellor can do other than tagging along with USA and making empty threats. My suggestion to you Bon Plan, is to take care of your country, your Muslim population and catastrophic problems. You have great beautiful (in my eyes) cities like Nice (loved Promenade de Anglais), Montpelier, Antibes (loved Muse de Picasso), Grass (loved Fragonard) etc. which are under significant threats from enemies within. Why are you threatning or even annoying Russia.
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Regular Member
Feb 5, 2014
NATO Is peaceful organization :pound::balleballe:

I guess you have been to school in your life , read my comment Russia is weak why don't you invade they have old equipments

Why invading russia? except maybe so called Islamic state, we don't want to invade any country.[/QUOTE]

Since you were quoting that Russia is full of junk arnaments and you full of high tech stuff taking over Russia does make sense

any ways thanks that you agree other than doing lip service and fighting against third world country u can't to much cool

on ISIS they are whupping you guys in your own back yard due to your policy , hope you invade them


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2014
It's to avoid another WW2 we have a fully independant nuclear force. First developped to face USSR ... don't forget it.

2000 x T62 in front of 100 x Leclerc .... it's peace of cake.
Cake from which bakery genius???


Regular Member
Feb 5, 2014
Now I understand from where Pakistan got this theory of 1 Pakistani = 4 Indians , this is from their US & European masters

These master jokers always think they are 2-3 times better than Russia , yet get shit scared of them to take on militarily and form a wolf pack so called peaceful organization called NATO which is most laughable of lot

other than taking on Libya , Iraq , Afghanistan and doing chest thumping have you done anything peaceful lol
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Regular Member
Feb 5, 2014
Just wait 2017 and the new french President election.... It will be a corner for immigration, because french people are tired and hangry. Enough is enough !
Lol French version of achey din ok cool let us wait


Senior Member
Dec 25, 2015
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F-35 is a completely new system and like all new technology was very pricey in the beginning. Now it is being purchased by many countries including US Air Force. As a result the price is coming down rapidly. Lockheed CEO is offering it for $85 million in 2019 production. If India buys a sizable number it could be assembled and repaired in India. It is already being assembled and repaired in multiple countries. If US and India are in friendly terms, what is the harm in US knowing its activities. F-35 will be unparalleled for missions inside China. India is not planning to fight USA and if it does in the future, use FGFA or Pak-FA for those missions.

India needs a streamlined strategy for the military aircrafts. Super expensive outdated Rafale or Super-Sukhoi at 8-9 billion each deal is simply not the solution. Then spend more money for Navy jets. Perhaps, it makes sense to many of you. It does not make sense to many.

My point is why to waste so many billions on outdated technology and equipment of the past. Why not invest on equipment of the future like F-35 and FGFA that will last many decades to come?
you want a 5th generation fighter plane in 85 million $ ? really ??

85 million $ will be estimate cost of plane without engine , subsystems & weapons (& EXCLUDING DEVELOPMENT COST ) .
only Israel have permission to repair & modify F-35 outside USA ,even NATO allies like Japan , canada & Australia dont have that privilege , we can not use non NATO missiles like ASTRA & BRAMHOS , we will not get any technological benefit .

chinkies are preparing for F-35 & they have anti stealth radars .

India bought sukhoi 30 Mki in 1999 & it needs upgrade , it is not optional it is necessary .
India is not buying super sukhois , india is just upgrading it's 194 sukhoi 30 mki .....................upgraded sukhoi 30 mki will be called super sukhois .

and i dont think India needs rafaels but if we are buying it then it is because of some other reasons , like we want french help in developing 5th generation jet engines , in atomic technologies or we want french political support in International Forums like NSG , MCTR & United nations .


Dec 24, 2015
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France, Germany, UK are like old retired warriors. These countries should eat cheese, drink wine, and take day naps and stay out of the world politics including war. The new warriors are USA, Russia China, India etc. They are going to rule the world. There will be nothing new French President, UK Prime Minister or German Chancellor can do other than tagging along with USA and making empty threats. My suggestion to you Bon Plan, is to take care of your country, your Muslim population and catastrophic problems. You have great beautiful (in my eyes) cities like Nice (loved Promenade de Anglais), Montpelier, Antibes (loved Muse de Picasso), Grass (loved Fragonard) etc. which are under significant threats from enemies within. Why are you threatning or even annoying Russia.
I agree with you about our muslim people. It's an interior threat.


Senior Member
May 16, 2011
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you want a 5th generation fighter plane in 85 million $ ? really ??

85 million $ will be estimate cost of plane without engine , subsystems & weapons (& EXCLUDING DEVELOPMENT COST ) .
only Israel have permission to repair & modify F-35 outside USA ,even NATO allies like Japan , canada & Australia dont have that privilege , we can not use non NATO missiles like ASTRA & BRAMHOS , we will not get any technological benefit .

chinkies are preparing for F-35 & they have anti stealth radars .

India bought sukhoi 30 Mki in 1999 & it needs upgrade , it is not optional it is necessary .
India is not buying super sukhois , india is just upgrading it's 194 sukhoi 30 mki .....................upgraded sukhoi 30 mki will be called super sukhois .

and i dont think India needs rafaels but if we are buying it then it is because of some other reasons , like we want french help in developing 5th generation jet engines , in atomic technologies or we want french political support in International Forums like NSG , MCTR & United nations .

Any one who knows anything about the F-35 actually knows that by 2019 its price will be under $90 million flyaway, comes from Bogdan himself.

As for F-35's, they will eventually deploy most western weapons including plenty of EU made weapons like Asraam, IRIS-T, JSM, Meteor etc. There is nothing that says that Astra cannot be integrated on it. Brahmos won't be integrated on anything that isn't entirely Russian or Indian. As for Tech benefits, if the F-35 is ordered on a large scale, you can be sure it will have an assembly line in India and a lot of non critical items will be made in India. Indian parts would therefore feed into the global supply chain. No one will give us full TOT save Russia. Having TOT doesn't magically give us the know how on developing home made stuff ourselves. The need of the hour is good old funding into R&D.

Whats with the silly logic? If chinkies are soo busy with anti stealth stuff, then why buy aircraft in the first place?

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