Know Your 'Rafale'


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Nah it is Damocles NG
Sir... I Have some Doubts

I think Damocles NG used for Guide bombs to hit Pre designated targets and Gather Ground intelligence

But why they using it for Air Policing Mission ..?


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Two RAFALE aircraft represent the same potential as six MIRAGE 2000 class aircraft

Once again the Number Game ..See 2 Rafale Equal to Six Mirage 2000

Less Fuel , Only two Hangers . Less Ground Crew ..Less Maintenance Cost ...etc etc


New Member
Dec 23, 2012
Sir... I Have some Doubts

I think Damocles NG used for Guide bombs to hit Pre designated targets and Gather Ground intelligence

But why they using it for Air Policing Mission ..?
I was kidding about the bird.
On the other hand, Damocles was used as an OSF during swiss eval.


lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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The Rafale on the runway in Qatar?

On 23 June the new emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, could announce during his visit to Paris have selected the Rafale.

June 23 could be a very important date for the Rafale. Why? The new emir of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al Thani, should come this day in Paris, according to several sources. It could announce on this occasion have chosen the French fighter aircraft and enter into exclusive negotiations with Dassault Aviation in stride. This is what all the tricolor military aerospace industrial sector hopes. Just as the defense minister, Jean-Yves Le Drian, who built the military program law (LPM) on an export contract of the fighter and François Hollande, who will roll out the red carpet to Sheikh Al Thani during his stay.

Especially at present there blows a wind of optimism in the ranks of the industrial sector, surveyed in recent days by the Tribune. "Everything is ready, just as Qatar presses the button," says one of them. And specify a year or will take to finalize a much less complex than negotiated contract in India.

Resumption of negotiations in March

Discussions between France and Qatar had resumed since March after a period Doha had shelved the issue. For about three months, the Qataris had given no sign of life on the Rafale. However, in Paris, during this period, industrial and state did not seem too worried by the silence. "Must register in time with Doha, they have their own tempo," they explained in "La Tribune ".

And it was in March that the Qataris have finally resumed talks with Team Rafale (Dassault Aviation, Thales and Safran) asking new questions about the fighter. Including the price of the device according to the volume of a possible (12, 24, 36, 72 Rafale) to better understand the cost structure of the fighter.

72 combat aircraft

Twelve aircraft - Mirage 2000-5 - Qatar would increase its fleet of combat aircraft to 72, a first batch of 36 In any case it is hoped that Doha last summer.. A customer who has anyway afford 72 combat aircraft. In this context, the emirate had sent last August a tender (Request for Proposal) to three candidates: Dassault Aviation, Lockheed Martin and the Eurofighter consortium. According to an informal schedule, Qatar had to choose a supplier for a first batch of 36 aircraft by the end of 2013 and then enter with the manufacturer of exclusive negotiations. Dassault Aviation took the rope for the first batch.

But the schedule slipped in particular because of the strange game Americans. Mid-September, London, which offers Eurofighter Typhoon, and Paris, which supports the Rafale (Dassault Aviation), had made their offer in accordance with the timetable set by Doha. But not Washington. Suddenly, the two envelopes containing the bids of Eurofighter consortium (BAE Systems, EADS and Italy's Finmeccanica) and Dassault Aviation have stayed several months at the bottom of a trunk before being unsealed ... once the response of Americans réceptionnée by Qataris. Curiously, the United States did not finally proposed the F-35, according to several sources.

The challenge of exporting Jean-Yves Le Drian

In the construction of the LPM, export the Rafale is a gamble for Jean-Yves Le Drian. Not a contract is inaccessible. Far from it. But when will he signed to release some leeway for the defense budget? Of course everyone thinks of India, which could complete negotiations with Dassault Aviation in Delhi 2015. Chose the New Rafale in January 2012 after a call for tenders for 126 units and an option of 63 additional aircraft. And why not Qatar could choose a standard near the French Rafale. It is also very possible that France associates Qatar development of the device within a broader and very close cooperation between the two countries.

In short, the minister made a sacred bet by entering the delivery of only 26 Rafale 2014-2019. The ministry can we reduce the number of deliveries of combat aircraft fixed at 11 units per year, or around 1 billion per year? A priori, but not to expose themselves to very heavy penalties. "The contract stipulates the annual delivery of eleven Rafale, recalled last fall Delegate General for Armaments, Laurent Collet-Billon. This is the rate minimum set under industrial continuity and the ability of suppliers to Dassault to produce the necessary equipment. "

26 Rafale delivered between 2014 to 2019 the French air force

The CA ensures the delivery of 11 Rafale in 2014 and 2015. Afterwards, it is the challenge of export had already made the previous majority with only four aircraft delivered in 2016. Dassault Aviation CEO, Eric Trappier had estimated that the first Rafale could be delivered to India three years after the signing of the contract. In 2018 when the contract was signed in 2015. Finally, if the predictions of LPM in terms of export were not meeting the ministry predicted the end of 2015 an appointment for the update if necessary. Or a review clause.

p.s WTF 3 years after signing the contract india would get his 1st rafale {F U trappier:rofl:)

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lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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Why the Rafale was seized in Brazil

The Rafale does not land in Brazil. Four reasons for this new failure to export the fighter tricolor face a much smaller Swedish rival, the Gripen.

Why the Rafale lost to Saab Gripen in Brazil? This is not really a surprise as the plane tricolor fight had lost ground in recent years compared to its rivals, the first Boeing F-18 before it was swept away by the flood Snowden and the Gripen aircraft low cost battle of the Swedish manufacturer.

Saab had to be pretty disheveled by this very happy announcement. This is however a coup de theater, the timing chosen by President Dilma Rousseff. She surprised many observers believe that Brasilia would not renew its battle fleet before 2015.

The Rafale favorite Lula ... but no Rousseff

Long, the Rafale was the favorite of Brazilians. This status especially considering the excellent personal relationship What kept the two former presidents Lula and Nicolas Sarkozy, who had succeeded in imposing aircraft tricolor combat in a hostile environment yet.

Because neither the Air Force nor the iconic industrial Brazil Embraer rolled for the Rafale. "Between Brazil and France, it is not a supplier-customer relationship, but to partnership ", stated Nicolas Sarkozy in an interview published during his visit to Brazil in September 2009 in the newspaper" O Globo ". Despite misgivings, Lula had imposed. "This is Nicolas Sarkozy who sold the Rafale, it is not us. Success it deserves," was even considered during this visit the former CEO of Dassault Aviation, Charles Edelstenne, who has always considered this marketing campaign as very political.

But President Lula promised to select the Rafale shortly before his departure in December 2010, has not kept his promise. Why? Mystery. But rumors of kickbacks hovered, with the presence of some French intermediaries, which have appeared in provocative cases around the former president. Once in power, Rousseff has never been societatis affectio for France and its leaders in general, and the Rafale in particular. Therefore, the Rafale was condemned to play the Stooges.

Brazil between economic crisis and major works

"There are four years, Brazil would have to choose the Rafale. Economic situation was a little better, there was not the crisis of the middle class. And there was no prospect of funding Olympic Games and the World Cup, "said AFP deputy director of the Institute of International and Strategic Relations (IRIS), Jean-Pierre Maulny." With the Gripen, the Brazilians finally have a quality / excellent price, "says Philippe Plouvier, the consulting firm Roland Berger Strategy. A key equation in times of budget restrictions.

The Air Force has never supported the Rafale

The Brazilian Air Force, including his Chief of Staff, still in place, Juniti Saito has never called for the Rafale, defended by Lula. But however the FAB has always been interested in the Gripen. In January 2010, she explained that Saab Gripen offered "for half the price of the Rafale, or about $ 70 million, and the flight time is four times cheaper than the Rafale."

This is what most embarrassing aviators. maintenance costs and the cost per flight hour of the tricolor jet considered too high were periodically criticized in Brazil, especially in the air force. where there was .. but supporters of Rafale.

But compared to the Gripen, a single engine, the latest version does not exist but that advance delusional costs per flight hour (4,500 euros), Brazilians felt that the maintenance cost of the Rafale was still too high. "All budget goes to maintenance," heard you say in Brazil. According to our information, the time of flight of the Rafale would rise between 12,000 and 15,000 euros.

Brazil has already bought a lot in France

France and Brazil have a strategic partnership which has borne fruit for the tricolor industry. "Paris can not have everything," Wednesday felt a Brazilian source. Thus, the naval group DCNS signed a contract in 2009 to € 6.7 billion on construction in partnership with the Brazilian Navy five submarines, including a nuclear submarine attack (SNA). Another important contract, signed in 2008, focuses on the production Helibras Brazilian subsidiary of Eurocopter, 50 military helicopters EC725 transportation (Caracal), which will be manufactured in Brazil.

More recently, during the recent visit to Brazil Hollande, several contracts were signed during the trip. Including Total's commitment alongside Petrobras in the offshore oilfield Libra. Areva also signed a € 1.25 billion for the construction of a third reactor at the center of Angra . then Thales will sign the provision of a telecommunications satellite dual-use - civilian and military - while the Arianespace launch. A global contract of € 400 million.

Finally, the IT group Bull has also signed a letter of intent to locally manufacture supercomputers .
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Nov 19, 2010
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Integrated and Planned LGBs and PGMs for the Rafale for the Armee de l'Air.

GBU-58 Paveway II - Mk.81
GBU-12 Paveway II - Mk.82 & Bang 250
GBU-10 Paveway II - Mk.84 and BLU-109
GBU-22 Paveway III - Mk.82
GBU-24A/B Paveway III - Mk.84 and BLU-109
GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II - Mk.82 and Bang 250
AASM Hammer 125 - Mk.81
AASM Hammer 250 - Mk.82 and Bang 250
AASM Hammer 500 - Mk.83
AASM Hammer 1000 - Mk.84

Did I miss anything? Have BGL series been phased out?


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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Integrated and Planned LGBs and PGMs for the Rafale for the Armee de l'Air.

GBU-58 Paveway II - Mk.81
GBU-12 Paveway II - Mk.82 & Bang 250
GBU-10 Paveway II - Mk.84 and BLU-109
GBU-22 Paveway III - Mk.82
GBU-24A/B Paveway III - Mk.84 and BLU-109
GBU-49 Enhanced Paveway II - Mk.82 and Bang 250
AASM Hammer 125 - Mk.81
AASM Hammer 250 - Mk.82 and Bang 250
AASM Hammer 500 - Mk.83
AASM Hammer 1000 - Mk.84

Did I miss anything? Have BGL series been phased out?
Good Info ..can you Please Mention it's Weight


lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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on the other hand that give you straight F3-R standard (+ indian tweeks). On purpose?
oh yes !! why not but i wonder by that time will any IAF pilot be alive to fly those rafales

May GOD save IAF pilots from Mig 21 crashes .:lol:




lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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BLU-111 bomb bodies can now be used on Rafale M

Price daring 2014 Interview DGA winner for innovation on the bomb BLU-111

Can you introduce your innovation?

Turntables protection BLU-111 sub tribombe (PPBT) are protective cushions that ensure the carriage of the BLU-111 bomb under the Rafale. Tests conducted with this bomb body had not been satisfactory so far. Mechanical interfaces were damaging the lining of the bomb and did not allow to keep the clamps on that plane. This invention has the advantage of addressing these two issues. Indeed, thanks to it, the body bombs BLU-111 can now be used on the Rafale. The parts are, by their forms, distribute the clamping force on the bomb and coating it will not be damaged.

How did you get that idea?

This is a subject that is not new but had remained neutral. It had been years that these problems pavement deterioration and loss of clamping were discussed but it was not moving ... So I decided to look into the matter.

What were the different stages of the project?

Early reflections back to January 2013, with a first drawing and first prototype developed with the Boilermakers engineering. Participatory Innovation Mission (PIM), interested in the project, has agreed to fund up to € 25,000. We have, thanks to this support, making parts conform to the aircraft manufacturing process. We made a first set on a bomb to embark on a Rafale. We then proceeded to test the ground in the first half of 2013, and flight tests in July and September of the same year. They gave satisfaction. It was at this time that we took the promising aspect of the project.

We decided to go further in testing and manufacture four additional games improved. Trials were held in January 2014 with the completion of a test firing Rafale. Then, in April 2014, we conducted flight tests of landing and catapult to verify that the system worked from the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, operational base from which this ammunition is used.

-Is this the first time you develop equipment for the DGA?

No! In principle in our business, we can not conceive of weapons materials. We qualification of weapon equipment whether it is suitable or not for use by the military, or we manage the provision of resources for industrial trials. By dint of these test equipment, our expert advice urges us to find solutions when we see they are not suitable. This was already the case for pipes bombs GBU-49 Mirage 2000D that are specific to France, which are in use today and have been developed on the site of DGA Testing Site Cazaux flight by the same personal.

You received on May 28 the price of Audacity, how do you feel?

I am proud, although initially I was not aware that there was a price match! And I'll be happy to repeat the experience. It's very rewarding to develop innovations. Beyond the fact of receiving a prize, where I am mostly satisfied, is to have found a solution to a problem.

A word, finally, about the evolution of this invention?

These tests are an important step in raising risks necessary before the series of this equipment will allow the Rafale to retain its ability "bomb general use." Since then, the DGA is also transitioning into a contract with a manufacturer to produce parts in series. In principle, by the end of 2014, the material will be produced in series.

The price of Audacity, what is it?

The 11th award ceremony of Daring 2014 took place on May 28 at the Ecole Militaire in Paris. The prize is awarded every two years by the Maréchal Leclerc foundation Hauteclocque. This is the mission that ensures participative organization of this award innovation. Its purpose? Reward innovative projects for the French armed forces. These inventions distinguished then lead to the development of practical solutions to operational need.

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
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Oct 3, 2009
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French airforce
contingent arrives in
India for 'Garuda-5'

Jodhpur: Four French Rafale fighter aircraft and a contingent of about 70 French airforce personnel on Saturday landed at Jodhpur airbase to participate in the 10-day long joint air exercise "Garuda-5". The air exercise, expected to be attended by Defence Minister Arun Jaitley, will kick start at the Jodhpur airbase on June 2. The two air forces would be engaged in various missions ranging from close combat engagement of large forces, slow mover protection, and protecting and engaging high-value aerial assets in the exercise at the strategic airbase near Indo-Pak border. The air exercise will include four Rafale multirole fighter aircraft and one air refueler that will participate with IAF's multirole Su-30MKI, four MiG-27 and four MiG-21 (BISON) aircraft. The chiefs of both air forces will be flying the Rafale and Su-30 MKI. The objective of the exercise is to acquaint the fighter pilots of the two countries with the fighter tactics of each other, air to air refuelling, cross-servicing of a common type between ground crews and understanding basic concepts of each countries fighter operations, defence sources said.
French airforce contingent arrives in India for `Garuda-5`


New Member
Dec 23, 2012
I'm really laughing when i think about the communication nightmare both air forces will be facing when asked about the results ;)


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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