Know Your 'Rafale'


lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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F-22, T-50, J-20 and Rafale ... "efficiency" rhymes with "stealth"? -

It would be the biggest race of recent years: the sacrosanct stealth!

Americans, Russians and Chinese design their military aircraft to reduce or almost clear, their radar cross section (RCS). This is the basis of the architecture of the latest generation of aircraft. Their general forms are designed to reflect the least possible radar waves, and (in contact with the external air flow) "wet surfaces" are made of absorbent materials and coatings.
Examples of SER on American stealth aircraft:
- The RCS of a F-117 "Nighthawk" equals 0.0030 m2,
- The RCS of a B-2 "Spirit" is equivalent to 0.0015 m2.
- The RCS of an F-22 "Raptor" is equivalent to 0.0010 m2,

American side, then, the F-22 "Raptor" is the backbone of the U.S. Air Force (USAF). This device, which has seen many twists and youth problems, seem slowly mature. The United States the show as THE most powerful fighter in the world in his chosen field: air superiority. The USAF and the manufacturer Lockheed Martin boast to have created an unbeatable unit dogfight (dogfight between two hunters). We will see later that this bet has already been lost ...

Russian side, the latest manufacturer Sukhoi, T-50, is, according to Putin, "well above the F-22, plus maneuvering and 2-3 times cheaper" ... The T-50 combines the capabilities plane striking and classic hunter. The figures SER this aircraft is not disclosed, there is no evidence of the effectiveness of stealth. However, observing the forms of T-50, we guess its radar signature is relatively low. About its capacity dogfight, since the reputation of Russian aircraft maneuverability is second to none, and with hints of the statements of the first Cold War Russian minister, suggesting that the device would indeed formidable.

Chinese side, the Chengdu J-20 is a device size, very agile very wide radius of action, and which has in its hold, a very large payload of weapons. We do not know the exact purpose of the J-20, but because of its size and if it is given all the credit wishes be granted the manufacturer about the maneuverability of the aircraft, a vocation fighter-bomber sound like a no-brainer.
SER level, including its angular nose (largely inspired by the American F-22), everything seems to indicate that the neophyte airplane is indeed stealthy. This is unfortunately not the case and the J-20 is more cobbled scarecrow figure than anything else: just ducks flying plans ensure good visibility to radar. Moreover, when looking at a full color representation, derived from simulations based on an algorithm of optical physics simulation, performed at several levels of frequencies, one can see that the failure of the work of the stealth aircraft Chengdu. Simply put, this kind of representation polychrome, more colors are warmer, the radar signature is strong ... And for the J-20, "it is very hot!"

F-22, T-50, J-20 ... In 2013, which should be stealthy at all costs? Our Rafale would therefore completely obsolete? Of course not.

Not be stealth does not mean being less effective for all that.

If, at the outset, Dassault has not developed a stealth aircraft in the strict sense of the term, for an obvious reason: the 80s, when the first were plotted curves Rafale, were not the era of stealth.
And yet, from the drawing board, Dassault has undertaken to reduce the radar signature of the aircraft. Indeed, if the plans ducks and carrying weapons under the wings are a major handicap to the quality, the use of composite materials has helped to reduce the RCS of Rafale. Since the compressor blades are an important source of radar reflectivity, air intakes were placed so as to render impossible any direct views of the engines. The apparatus also uses materials that absorb radar waves: for example, the glass is coated with a thin gold layer, almost invisible to the naked eye. More recently, the Snecma company that designs and manufactures engine Rafale, has announced that "taken steps to reduce the infrared signature of the engines," without revealing details. Secret defense forces!
In sum, there is much to qualify Rafale semi-stealth aircraft ...
The other major advantage of Rafale, compared to the three other stealth aircraft mentioned above, is its multi-role appearance: air superiority, tactical bombing, strategic bombing, close air support, anti-ship attack, nuclear strike ... Rafale can do anything! It was, from the start of the program, the purpose of Dassault. The plane comes in two main versions: Air and Marine, declined themselves into several sub-versions dedicated.

On the other hand, the F-22 Raptor, the self-proclaimed kings of air superiority, have experienced crushing defeats in dogfights against the Rafale during exercise TRTA in 2009. This event is a real taboo in the USAF, and a real pride for the French pilot and Dassault ...
Moreover, during "Operation Odyssey Dawn" - American contribution to the military intervention of 2011, Libya - USAF has failed to commit its F-22, as she wished. Indeed, the Raptor, pride of the USA, revealed his inability to communicate with the NATO aircraft, due to lack of network connection "connection 16" (standard tactical data link NATO) realize ... that to perfection, the unit of Dassault.
Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, unlike all these "jewels stealth" Rafale has proven itself in combat and that, it has no price!

To end on a note slightly less chauvinistic, even equipped with F-22 if not higher than that F-35 or other calamitous, the U.S. remains the world's air power, and for a very simple mathematical reason: the total system of U.S. Army and literally staggering number of devices that the U.S. Air Force could engage in conflict, strictly no chance to leave a foreign power ... even equipped Rafale!

The number is strength. This is the teaching of the world of insects, including ants ...

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RAFALE BASHERS wont like this post as usual

french marketting B.S :lol



lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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Currently, all fighters frontline, whether controlled or not, have in common that they are all dressed up in the word "stealth" arms are bunkers, the lines are similar, and nothing or almost exceeds the cell, in order to try to escape as possible to the electromagnetic waves produced by radar goal. Stealth is a very well known, but often wrongly used term, because the subject is much more complex than it seems.

In the first part of this article, we will describe what are the means available to a plane to be as unobtrusive as possible against his opponents. We will explore various technologies that allow the aircraft to escape electromagnetic waves, but also that it will be as discreet as possible in the infrared spectrum and finally the technical means to avoid or delay the detection of the appliance to opposing defenses.
In the second part, to be published in a few days, we will study in more detail the field of electromagnetic stealth radar with LPI and means to strengthen and counter the "stealth".
Article written by Yves Pagot in collaboration with Bruno Etchenic for portal aviation enthusiasts.

1) infrared discretion.

In general, when talking emission control about tickets, we think spontaneously emission of electromagnetic waves. However, a plane also produces infra red radiation (IR) due to heat. This can be generated by the own aircraft systems (especially motor and electrical components) or its interaction with the environment (the air friction against). Thus, an aircraft traveling at "low" speed will be much less identifiable, firstly because its reactor eject less hot air, but also because its surface will heat less in contact with air (and air itself in contact with air).

There are many systems to reduce the IR signature fighter: cold air flow around the hot gas ejected "caches" nozzles, or even cooling of the surface of the unit with fuel (case of F35).

Vector nozzles F22. The "palettes" ceramic deflect the air flow while hiding the hottest part. The rectangular design of the nozzles also allows much better control of the RCS of the aircraft compared to a round nozzle, but at the sacrifice of 3 to 5% thrust according to specialists.

2) the discretion emissions electromagnetic waves s.

It would be wrong however to reduce the emission control of the aircraft to infrared radiation. The electromagnetic spectrum is concerned. In the first place, the communication systems of the airplane with ... radio, but also:

-Data links:
the modern combat aircraft are able to collect, send and receive data on the tactical situation in "real time." For this they use connections (datalinks) that allow them to integrate into networks including AWACS radar aircraft, ships, ground stations ... These connections are standardized within NATO to allow the interoperability. The best known is the link 16, but there are others for example the exchange of images with ground troops (ROVER) etc.. These links are highly secure and relatively unobtrusive, but can still be detected. From this point of view, the F35 with its future bond MADL and Gripen with its binding TILDS, using links ave a very thin beam (pencil beam) are very advanced.

-The interrogation systems Friend / Foe (IFF)
We hear more and more about combat BVR (beyond visual range, beyond visual range). Engage an enemy out of sight requires obviously identify as such. For this, the aircraft have transponders that respond when asked. The latest version is NATO IFF Mode 5 / S which has been provided with the Eurofighter and the Rafale will be implemented in 2018 (standard F3R)

-Laser beams telemetry:
the (electro-optic) acquisition of optronic systems are indeed liabilities, but they do not (or poorly) to measure the distance to a detected object. In addition, laser rangefinders, whose beam is detectable used.

The emission-radar:
Because the source of a radar wave is detectable about four times as far as it can not detect an object itself, it is inconsistent for a stealth aircraft to use such an ability without which its presence is betrayed by his own emissions over long distances. To avoid this situation, the stealth aircraft use radar called "LPI" for Low probability of Intercept. This aspect of the technology will be detailed in the next section.

Generally, two methods are used to reduce these emissions: make very directional or little / no recognizable (similar to noise).
3) the discretion to face adverse electromagnetic emissions

The most common and best known of those interested a minimum combat aircraft for stealth means, is their ability to escape the waves of electromagnetic origin. To succeed in this small miracle, designers of an aircraft should minimize what is called the equivalent Surface Radar (or SER and Radar Cross Section RCS English).
For this, they need to work on several aspects of the airplane:

-The general drawing. More aircraft is large and includes angles, the more it becomes a haven for enemy radars. Designers should bring up the design of the cell, maximize the integration of wings in the fuselage, close the vents, do not provide moving parts and also prevent the turbine blades are visible from the outside, integrate antennas, etc..

-In detail, the rivets are prohibited, hatches and access panels are less visible as possible. This also becomes a nightmare for mechanics who maintain a stealth aircraft. Several systems can be used to decrease the energy of the electromagnetic wave which is reflected on the plane, as the multiplication of sawtooth shapes.

Use-absorbent materials and paints radar waves, and transforming the heat mostly (double edged therefore)

-Its armament. Suitable armament is also key in the search for greater radar discretion. Where a conventional GBU will have a range of about fifteen miles wide maximum, the aircraft will be closer to his target before firing, and thus maximize its chances of being detected. Pulling ammunition longer range, like cruise missiles (effective but very expensive), or kits flying bombs or motorized as Sagem AASM (over 50km range), the aircraft carrier has the option of draw further and therefore keep quiet as long as possible.

4) Avoid and bypass the detection means

A stealth aircraft is said it is difficult to detect or locate. To do this, he must avoid emitting or reflecting waves toward a target or threat, and that the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

The most obvious way is ... From around the threat! If it is known in advance, we will try to work around preparing the mission. If it occurs during the mission, it has a good chance of being spotted by specialized means that the transmit (and will be integrated into the combat system of the aircraft). Finally, the plane itself can detect threats and provide answers (and trajectories) appropriate. This is partly why is the famous SPECTRA System Protection and Avoidance Shot Burst pipes.

Just as simply another way will the presence of a barrier between the plane and the detector. This is an area of "‹"‹excellence in French air force has, since the onset of systems Mirage 2000N and D, and finally the Rafale, a terrain-following mode (digital maps and radar monitoring) enabling it to automatically fly at very low altitude at speeds absolutely disreputable for a human pilot, especially when flying through zero visibility (even if Vettel or Loeb). These capabilities enable him to interpose between him and his target terrain features (hills ...) or simply the curvature of the Earth.

The discretion of an aircraft will be equally related to its behavior (speed, altitude, emissions) than its intrinsic capabilities reflectivity radar waves. A good system for mission preparation, a good integration with a network of sensors (eg the famous via link 16), a careful use of active sensors to count as much discretion and therefore survivability and mission accomplishment that mere possession of an airplane with only a passive stealth.
In conclusion says stealth aircraft will actually do as long as they submit to a multitude of criteria, depending on the profile of the mission he accomplished. A stealth aircraft will never be totally invisible, but its purpose will be detected as late as possible.

portal aviation enthusiasts: STEALTH? YOU SAID STEALTH? Part 1


lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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Low-speed looping (follow the speed on the left upper corner). Rafale 's exceptional handling qualities.

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Dec 17, 2009
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Brimstone missile is as costly as Paveway II, a more economic solution is required and Thales already makes one.


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Apr 3, 2010
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Reliance, Dassault planning facility to produce wings for Rafale

New Delhi, Dec 10:

France's Dassault Aviation and Reliance Industries are planning to set up a facility to produce wings of Rafale combat aircraft selected by IAF for meeting its requirement of 126 fighter planes.

The two firms are planning to set up a Rs 1,000-crore facility for producing the wings of the Rafale combat aircraft and it is most likely to come up in Bangalore, industry sources told PTI here.

Under the plan, Dassault Aviation would help Reliance to establish the factory similar to its production facilities in France where the aircraft is produced, they said.

The Defence Ministry and other agencies concerned have given a go ahead to the two companies for creating the unit, they said.

India had selected Dassault Aviation's Rafale plane last year after a five-year-long process in which five other companies had participated.

Dassault and the Defence Ministry had been engaged in long contract negotiations after which the Ministry finalised the deal, which is expected to cost around Rs 60,000 crore.

Earlier, the French firm and the Defence Ministry were engaged in a tussle over the role of the defence arm of the Reliance Industries in the contract.

Dassault wanted Reliance to be the main partner in production of the aircraft in India but the Government made it clear that it was not possible as the tender for the procurement clearly stated that aerospace PSU Hindustan Aeronautics Limited would be the lead integrator for the project.

The differences over the issue have been resolved and Dassault and HAL have started readying their teams for implementing the project after it is signed.
Reliance, Dassault planning facility to produce wings for Rafale | Business Line


New Member
Dec 23, 2012
Dassault CEO will accompany PdT Hollande on thursday in Brazil and is expected to stay about ten days there...


lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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A new platform "nanny" for Rafale

This is not necessarily the equipment as "sexy" Rafale, but it must also go through a renovation project: the car refueling aircraft used by the Naval Aviation and will undergo a course of youth under the future standard F3-R, the Notification must be made in the coming days.

Baptized Narang (Platform new generation refueling), this program should be attributed to the French industrial INTERTECHNIQUE (Zodiac Group), already a supplier of some of the refueling pods currently in service in Naval Aviation. It has a score of these systems to equip its Rafale and Super Etendard, but only a portion should be retained at the end of this renovation project.

The idea is to increase the reliability of the car, while improving its performance especially in terms of flow of kerosene, this variable determines the speed at which the airplane "receiver" can be supplied with fuel. The integration system of the aircraft should also be further.

Other solutions were studied, such as buying a U.S. nacelle Cobham 1,000 liters (notably used by the U.S. Navy on its Super Hornet), but this option would need to carry out new (and expensive) work of integration aeromechanical. The renovated Rafale nacelle therefore reuse the same external than the current system shell.

Regularly used by the Naval Aviation operations in this configuration the Rafale "nanny" are also interested in potential export customers. India already uses a similar system on its Su-30, with a gondola that would have been provided by Cobham.

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lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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Air&Cosmos 2386s, Dec 13:

Rafale : preparing for the future ; page 16-19, excerpts:

*Active antenna, versatility, data fusion , the Rafale is undeniably a step ahead of its European competitors [...] And now?

*In the coming days must be notified to Dassault and its partners the development contract for the new F3- R standard , [...] which will modernize all Rafale delivered to France .[...]

*The new standard will improve the aircraft in 2 main areas: air-to-air and ground targets targeting [...] But the F3R standard is not limited to the PDL-NG and Meteor , other changes are planned [new link 16; IFF Mode 5 , new buddy refueling pod ] [... ] and some improvements on electronic warfare and radar will be integrated in 2016 and 2017. DGA wants to qualify the F3R standard by mid-2018.

* But the DGA , the industry and the operationals are already preparing the next move, the following standard should be qualified by 2023 [...], 2 pillars are emerging for this future standard ; one focuses on the development and integration of modernized missiles ( New MICA , SCALP , ASMP /A ) and the other on interoperability.

* Many research studies ( PEA ) are underway to ripen the technologies needed for this future F4 : AESA performance improvement, SPECTRA performance improvement , increased connectivity , reduction of the total cost of ownership ... And later , the future midlife update, by 2030, will bring up various hardware improvements : new cockpit, stealth kit ...

What is still missing ?

Despite its european lead , Rafale still has a few shortcomings, most of which should be corrected by 2020.

- Reduction of collateral damage: Rafale needs a precision weaponry with lower collateral damage. Sagem proposes to integrate a light version of the AASM (125 kg) while MBDA offers the integration of Brimstone . The two manufacturers could also join forces for the development of a new mini missile if the fiscal situation improves...

- The insufficient resolution of the current targeting pod will be corrected with the new PDL-NG .

- Lack of HMD: nothing is planned before 2020 unless India (or another export customer) joins France to integrate a new HMD; answer in 2014 perhaps.

F3.3 -> F3.4+ (in french)

@halloweene plz be kind of to translate the pic

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Apr 3, 2010
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Rafale out of Brazil's F-X2 competition

Dassault, will be shot down for cost reason. It did not say who would be the likely winner of the highly prized contract.

The French bid is up against Boeing's F/A-18 Super Hornet and the Gripen, made by Sweden's Saab, for its FX-2 program.

French President Francois Hollande held talks Thursday with his Brazilian counterpart Dilma Rousseff in Brasilia during which he backed sharing technological know how and saluted increasing bilateral trade.

With Brazil seeking to retire its Mirage 2000 jets at the end of the year, France has been pushing the merits of the Rafale, initially believing it had a deal under Hollande's predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy.

Rousseff's predecessor, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, had said in 2009 that Brazil would plump for the Rafale but he left office before a deal could be put together and Rousseff then decided to reassess the options.

Indications in Brazil are that Rousseff is not ready to approve such a big-ticket purchase going into a year in which she seeks re-election and when her government is already under fire from voters for the estimated $11 billion cost of staging the World Cup.

Folha predicted a final decision would not come before 2015.
Rafale out of Brazil's F-X2 competition |


lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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Brimstone missile is as costly as Paveway II, a more economic solution is required and Thales already makes one.
Well i dont know about the french but we have our indigenized options also
like Sudharshan LGB / or ADE is developing a next-generation bomb (NG-LGB),

The good news is that DRDO has had some success in its indigenisation efforts in this field. In 2010, IAF appears to have successfully tested a DRDO produced LGB (Sudarshan) with a stand-off range of 9 km. That the tests were followed by an order for 50 units suggests a good beginning. A next generation smart bomb with a stand-off range of 50 km now appears to be under development. There would undoubtedly be teething problems. But if DRDO persists and rekindles user confidence, it could help IAF usher in a new era of capability.
an excellent article
..:: India Strategic ::. IAF: IAF's requirement of PGMs in the NEXT DECADE


like other foreign weapon integration like Russian KH 31P krypton the same thing also
also in future
india's own anti radiation missile could be integrated into Rafale if KH 31P krypton integration doesnt work out
A new state-of-the art, anti-radiation missile that can target enemy radars and communication facilities is being developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

At present there is no such missile in India's arsenal, while some advanced countries, including the US, Israel and Russia, have such a weapon, top DRDO sources told The Hindu here on Sunday.

Design work begins

The government recently gave the go-ahead for the project, and the design work has already begun at one of the key DRDO laboratories here.

Sources added that in any war scenario, radar and communication facilities of the enemy would be the first target.

The new air-to-surface 100-km range tactical missile picks up radiation or signals emitted by radars and communication systems, homes on to the target and destroys the network.
Anti-radiation missile by DRDO to be ready in 3-5 years - The Hindu



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Dec 17, 2009
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Well i dont know about the french but we have our indigenized options also
like Sudharshan LGB / or ADE is developing a next-generation bomb (NG-LGB),
I am sure it will be a fine weapon, but we need something small and cheap. The Thales LMM was what I had in mind.

A rack of 7 is very light and can be carried on outer pylons while the tri-rack of 3 AASM or Paveway II can be carried inside along with a compliment of MICA and an undercarriage fuel tank and targeting pod. That gives you 14 light weapons and 6 heavy. LMM is not capable of destroying tanks but it can take anything up to IFVs.


lord of 32 teeth
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Jun 17, 2011
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Re: MiG-21 FL fighter jets to fly into history on Wednesday


Do you have any French sources that list Rafale as mach 2?
My FB friend

the legendary french rafale fanboy "Marc Sampaix" aka Dare 2/ Thunder from WAFF reponsible for the leak of F22 vs rafale gunkill video ,deeply hated by all rafale bashers

did post this source
This is a screenshot of the old Dassault website with the copy/pasted www address.

LE Fait que le mach supersonique de combat suit plutôt M=1,6/1,8 que mach 2/2,
The fact that the supersonic mach combat rather follows M = 1.6 / 1.8 than mach 2/2,2

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Aug 3, 2009
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Re: MiG-21 FL fighter jets to fly into history on Wednesday

Erm... When they updated the website they did drop this old figure like a hot potato and gave prominence to Mach 1.8, like the speed on the prototype test. I thought i was gonna get sources which counters Mach 1.8 with special mention of "wartime speed" without adverse effect on the aircraft. Or maybe an interview with the Dassault CEO or engineers. The fact that they dropped this figure speaks for itself. Seriously if the aircraft can deliver a sustained figure of Mach 2.0 max top speed, every day-in and day-out why would Dassault underplay its speed. Only explanation I can get is it is not safe for the aircraft to operate in that speed, with the risk being the loss of the entire aircraft. With the level of competition they have with Eurofighter, and with Eurofighter having a greater top speed, Dassault would never pass the opportunity of highlighting their aircraft's capability even if it means operating at that speed may result in a reduction of airframe life, or some other negative effects which doesn't threaten the very aircraft itself in that Mach 2.0 speed regime. Any way, the current figure which adorns their official website says Mach 1.8 with no Mach 2.0 or any special 'but' accompanying Mach 2.0.

PS: That page's Rafale pop-up(screenshot posted above) isn't archived by the wayback machine.
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New Member
Dec 18, 2013
So when do we get to see the contract and eventually the first aircrafts as we are starting to retire the MIG-21s already

