Know Your 'Rafale'


DFI Buddha
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Aug 21, 2010
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I wonder Armand died of a massive heart attack when he read the news! :D

I was always pro Dassult and thank goodness we took that and not an project merely made to create employment in the EU not to mention an conglomerate failure like the EF-2000. We would have sat another decade on the table with the EU on deciding who builds what part of what wing in India. They also have no AESA or naval variant.

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Rohan Sharma

New Member
Nov 15, 2011
Well saya sir, use your criminal (pun intended) mind,

We have Dhruv flying with Turbocema engines (French Company)

We have selected Mirage upgrade with French weapon

We are going with Rafale, and in negotiation with Snecma for the help in Kaveri (I believe we will see the signing news coming soon now).
French have said previosuly that if Rafale is selected, both LCA and Rafale can operate the same engine.

We have Scorpene deal going on, where French can help putting a small nuclear reactor.

If we correlate all these bits and pieces, I feel GoI is looking for independence in terms of engine technology (both for rotary and winged birds), also some help in nuclear technology and possibly for seekers to make our own missile (Astra).
PS: There was news about India assembling Russian Agat seeker also, but I feel we are interested in dual role MICA.
I understand what and why did you quoted this...

But French did nothing like Russia did.
All the projects you mentioned were just because French got a lot of dollars from Indian purse.
What should be looked more importantly is whether our iits are able to produce engineers in order to grasp and absorb all the tech and knowhow we have paid for??? :toilet:

And the answer is a little glimsy.
I seriouslt doubt until serious step like abandoning the quota in iits iisc and nits atleast could take place.
Also big amount of money atleast 2% of our gdp must be put into R&D sector.

Another thing is instead of taking risky path like Tejas we must utilize the design of already tested birds like raptor F-35 and T-50.
There is no way we should again go into the cycle back and try to reinvent the engines and instead look for shortcuts wherever possible.

Kaveri Engine atlast is a good thing to come up.
Now we must make many derivatives of this and should replace all the trainer air craft and everything we have with these engines abd pump the revenue into more research to get a engine with more thrust and power.

I don't think kaveri engine will be enough to power AMCA so care must be given to develop a powerful version of this basic design and involve russia too.
They will definitely give us what no one will and it will be better to pay them instead and get everything we desire.

Rafale must be seen as a translation phase for our aviation sector.

As a capable jet Typhoon was much better but we can work on rafale and next time i don't wish to see a french upgrade but Rafale upgraded by Hal India.


Rohan Sharma

New Member
Nov 15, 2011
Well saya sir, use your criminal (pun intended) mind,

We have Dhruv flying with Turbocema engines (French Company)

We have selected Mirage upgrade with French weapon

We are going with Rafale, and in negotiation with Snecma for the help in Kaveri (I believe we will see the signing news coming soon now).
French have said previosuly that if Rafale is selected, both LCA and Rafale can operate the same engine.

We have Scorpene deal going on, where French can help putting a small nuclear reactor.

If we correlate all these bits and pieces, I feel GoI is looking for independence in terms of engine technology (both for rotary and winged birds), also some help in nuclear technology and possibly for seekers to make our own missile (Astra).
PS: There was news about India assembling Russian Agat seeker also, but I feel we are interested in dual role MICA.
I understand what and why did you quoted this...

But French did nothing like Russia did.
All the projects you mentioned were just because French got a lot of dollars from Indian purse.
What should be looked more importantly is whether our iits are able to produce engineers in order to grasp and absorb all the tech and knowhow we have paid for??? :toilet:

And the answer is a little glimsy.
I seriouslt doubt until serious step like abandoning the quota in iits iisc and nits atleast could take place.
Also big amount of money atleast 2% of our gdp must be put into R&D sector.

Another thing is instead of taking risky path like Tejas we must utilize the design of already tested birds like raptor F-35 and T-50.
There is no way we should again go into the cycle back and try to reinvent the engines and instead look for shortcuts wherever possible.

Kaveri Engine atlast is a good thing to come up.
Now we must make many derivatives of this and should replace all the trainer air craft and everything we have with these engines abd pump the revenue into more research to get a engine with more thrust and power.

I don't think kaveri engine will be enough to power AMCA so care must be given to develop a powerful version of this basic design and involve russia too.
They will definitely give us what no one will and it will be better to pay them instead and get everything we desire.

Rafale must be seen as a translation phase for our aviation sector.

As a capable jet Typhoon was much better but we can work on rafale and next time i don't wish to see a french upgrade but Rafale upgraded by Hal India.


Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Presently IAF use Top sight on Mir-200& MIG-29 updated ones Probably Rafale too or advance..



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Oct 16, 2010
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Holy shit .. close to 600 users at the thread :shocked:
Where's Armend ??


Sanathan Pepe
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Sep 18, 2009
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CNN-IBN's editor Surya Gangadharan commented that the "126" quantity was fixed a long time ago, and some rolling stock has been decommissioned since then, and so the order quantity could go up to 200.


New Member
Dec 23, 2009
So the IAF does not comprehends going into intense dogfight that they would like to dominate? In that sense, I don't think Rafaele can beat EF.


New Member
Jan 7, 2011
Can any one compare EF F-22 and rafael in terms of
Arms carried both A2A missiles and cannons.
Top speed
Ceiling height
Area covered/Range
Turn radius


Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Will it also have cannon??
the front mounted gun???

Rafale's DEFA 791 30mm cannon

Intended for fighter aircraft such as the Dassault Rafale. It uses a new range of 30x150mm B ammunition in a variety of types. It has a muzzle velocity of 1025 m/s. A selectable rate of fire allowing cyclic rates of 300, 600, 1,500, or 2,500 rounds per minute. It can fire continuous bursts or controlled 0.5 or 1 second bursts. It carry 125 Rounds..


New Member
Jan 13, 2011
Can any one compare EF F-22 and rafael in terms of
Arms carried both A2A missiles and cannons.
Top speed
Ceiling height
Area covered/Range
Turn radius

according to this funny and amusing video, dozens of MKIs, Rafales and Mig 29s will be slaughtered by 4 F22s:)

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
So the IAF does not comprehends going into intense dogfight that they would like to dominate? In that sense, I don't think Rafaele can beat EF.

In aerial combat, the Rafale won the rout of the RAF Typhoons, reaching scores from 4 to 0 and 3 to 1, in fighting 4 x 4 (flight against flight). And amazingly, the Rafale also have scratched the reputation of the F-22 Raptor, the most advanced fighter in the world, who have won only once in the Rafale in the dogfight. In summary, the performance of the Rafale ATLC have been the following: * Rafale vs Typhoon: 7 x 1 for the Rafale, to arms-to-air degradation; * Rafale vs. F-22: Air Combat at close range in visual range. HUD Rafale in F-22 only once; * Rafale SEAD missions SAM sites found that the F-16CJ not detected; * The Rafale's OSF worked well against targets to 20 miles. * Demonstration of capacity "omnirole" with shots of 6 Sagem AASM against 6 different targets and engagement of air targets simultaneously with 4 BVR missiles MICA. In this mission, the back seat of the Rafale was busy with a pilot of the Emirates.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
"F-22 in the sights of a Rafale"

Air & Cosmos published last week a photo obtained from the French Air Force showing a Lockheed Martin F-22 in the target sights of a Dassault Rafale. The apparent intercept took place during the exercises at Al Dhafra AB, UAE, in November and December, Air & Cosmos' Guillaume Steuer reports.This image of a F-22 was taken by the SFO of a Rafale : The Raptor is obviously maneuvering hard in the vertical plane (noise up and post combution on) to catch up with an inverted rafale pulling G toward the ground. The F-22 is clearly not in a position for a gun or a fox2 kill.As all the targeting data have been removed, it is also impossible to tell if the rafale has the upper hand : The SFO has a high of boresight capability, therefore the rafale probably took this picture without being able to get valid gun shot on the F-22. in addition, the big red cross could indicate that the F-22 is too close for a mica IR shot (which is less than 500m).

A chauhan

"अहिंसा परमो धर्मः धर्म हिंसा तथैव च: l"
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Oct 10, 2009
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I'll call it a victory to Armand ;) ; and now Pakistan will buy Eurofighter Typhoon as they were dreaming so...:lol:

BTW congrats !! to DFI members !! such a long but fruitful wait :india:

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
Thales Spectra

The Thales SPECTRA (Système de Protection et d'Évitement des Conduites de Tir du Rafale, Self-Protection Equipment Countering Threats to Rafale Aircraft) is an integrated defensive aids suite developed by Thales Group for the Dassault Rafale series of fighter aircraft.

All elements of the Thales SPECTRA system are built into the airframe, and have high levels of automation and system integration. SPECTRA includes radar detectors, laser warning receivers and infrared missile approach warning. Active elements of the system include chaff and flare dispensers, and radio frequency jamming. SPECTRA also has ELINT functions, for recording and analysing the characteristics of hostile emitters and their locations.

Thales Group and Dassault Aviation have mentioned stealthy jamming modes for the SPECTRA system, to reduce the aircraft's apparent radar signature. It is not known exactly how these work or even if the capability is fully operational, but it may employ active cancellation technology, such as has been tested by Thales and MBDA. Active cancellation is supposed to work by sampling and analysing incoming radar and feeding it back to the hostile emitter out of phase thus cancelling out the returning radar echo.

Future upgrades of the system will include the ability to datalink several Rafales together, sharing SPECTRA data among various units of a fighter group.


New Member
Jan 13, 2011
according to this funny and amusing video, dozens of MKIs, Rafales and Mig 29s will be slaughtered by 4 F22s:)

sorry guys forgot the link :rolleyes:
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New Member
Mar 13, 2010
wiki had updated the selection of Rafale as Indian MMRCA.
Indian MRCA competition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
On 27 April 2011, the IAF shortlisted two of the six competing fighter jets — Eurofighter Typhoon and Dassault Rafale.[3] Bids for the two remaining competitors were received in 2011. On 31 January 2012 it was announced that Dassault Rafale won the competition due to it lower cost per plane. The contract is not likely to be signed before the end of fiscal year in March 2012 and may take up to 6 months to work out.