Kaveri Engine


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Sep 24, 2016
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Why can't we ask all the government companies (like ISRO, BARC), all big private companies and all the top institutes and universities to collectively research on this thing. Hold an emergency meeting or something. We can collectively find a solution to this puzzle, if there is a will.
It's experimental knowledge which can only be gained two ways
One you experiment and learn from data collected which takes time in years and decades and billions of dollars.
Two someone experienced transfer you knowledge which no one will do for hot sections .

Throwing more people at problem won't work . Throwing more resources ( money ) more technology (latest lasers , cutting , simulation , material) and more time are only path forward.

Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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It's experimental knowledge which can only be gained two ways
One you experiment and learn from data collected which takes time in years and decades and billions of dollars.
Two someone experienced transfer you knowledge which no one will do for hot sections .

Throwing more people at problem won't work . Throwing more resources ( money ) more technology (latest lasers , cutting , simulation , material) and more time are only path forward.
Brother you forgot one thing.
You need very advanced high precision machines to build turbine blades. You can design the core and everything but these machines are very important for mass manufacturing.
India should constantly put efforts to acquire these machines.
Chinese acquired some of these machines in 90s but luckily they aren’t precise enough.


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Jul 15, 2018
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Air Flow Pattern in a Combustor.jpg

Air Flow Pattern in a Combustor.

Combustion chamber is one of the most important components in a conventional gas turbine engine, through which the combustion process takes place, it is always positioned in between the compressor and turbine assemblies. The highest temperature in Jetengine occurs in CC.

Annular type of combustors is the most widely used in today aero-engines among the other types, these types being tubular and tubo-annular. Annular combustor type is designed in such a way that an annular liner is mounted concentrically inside an annular casing.

There are many features of using this type of combustors, and these may include more stable combustion, relatively shorter size, lower pressure drop, and less surface area. Moreover, the use of this type of combustors tends to obtain very uniform temperatures at the exit cross sectional area.

I have shared some designs of Annular combustor by Indian scientists . The major problem is suitable materials which can withstand high temps , cooling techniques and coatings .

Using coatings and cooling techniques we can reduce temp as much as 500-600 C .

And the major thing in Jetengine is synchronisation , 100s of parts will work synchronously to get efficient compression , ignition and thrust . For that we need precision engineering techniques .

Hope we can successfully develop on this time . Personally I think we need an AERO engine park with all kind of testing facilities and technical institutions in a single campus . And we should develop Aircraft for both civilian and military uses .


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Brother you forgot one thing.
You need very advanced high precision machines to build turbine blades. You can design the core and everything but these machines are very important for mass manufacturing.
India should constantly put efforts to acquire these machines.
These machine are available in market. Nothing secret there. We are already building al31 in India from scratch!!


New Member
Aug 12, 2017
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It's experimental knowledge which can only be gained two ways
One you experiment and learn from data collected which takes time in years and decades and billions of dollars.
Two someone experienced transfer you knowledge which no one will do for hot sections .

Throwing more people at problem won't work . Throwing more resources ( money ) more technology (latest lasers , cutting , simulation , material) and more time are only path forward.
Agreed. But isn't the problem that we don't know the exact material which can withstand the temperature. Lasers, cutting can be made, but research in the exact material is needed. That can only be possible if we make multiple teams to venture out to find a solution for the problem. It requires manpower.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Agreed. But isn't the problem that we don't know the exact material which can withstand the temperature. Lasers, cutting can be made, but research in the exact material is needed. That can only be possible if we make multiple teams to venture out to find a solution for the problem. It requires manpower.
We know the materials. We don't know their exact combination to build higher thrust engines. Which we will have to figure out by continuous experiments.

Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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Somebody was as asking for Kaveri temp data.
Here is data . Credit to BRF maitya.
View attachment 41759
Here is some old discussion regarding engine blade and problems and our tech status.
Credit :: BRF forum discussion.

And funfact is GTRE has core working OK, and has had trouble with LP Compressor and AB system mainly. So I dont see the point in replacing core. What we shud hv gotten from French is SCB. Not the ToT but blades supplied to our design. And help in AB system design.
JayS · Yesterday, 10:46 PM

I never have seen no reference to SCBs in Kaveri so far, apart from SCBs from DMRL. Kaveri has had DS blades. We do not have technology so far, for TBC coating and laser hole drilling. For that the blades are sent abroad. I cant think why France wouldnt want to mfg scb stock blades for us and supply.
JayS · 12:12 AM

The process that Russians ToTed is less advanced than even what DMRL has developed. What we were lacking was TBC and laser drilling. Recently we have seen TBC related tender from DMRL, IIRC, indicating some definite progress there.
JayS · 12:15 AM

#JaiShriRam Ramana
France had a close call with DT demanding India buy American for 114. India refused and bought S400. So France owes India one.

Interestingly HAL's HTSE1200 also have SCB in them. Question is how is HAL making them, or is it Snecma which is supplying them..? Its highly likely that HAL is getting Shakti SCB from Snecma and usi g them in HTSE. I would be surprized to see HAL making those SCB on their own based on Russian ToT. Its definitely a possibility and would be a pleasant surprize if its the case.
JayS· 12:25 AM

GTRE folks say its ready. Scecma has audited and says its ready for limited flight testing.
JayS· 12:27 AM

There is a plane for couple of FT campaigns on larger FTB, most likely IL76. I think a tender was out for first one. But my memory is bit hazy on this. The discussion must be there in Kaberi thread. Or Indranil might remember.
JayS· 12:30 AM

#JaiShriRam Ramana
Indranil and your article on MWF and comparison to Grippen being read in high places.
#JaiShriRam Ramana · 12:55 AM

Good too know. If it makes some. Impression where it matters,nothing like it.
JayS · 1:40 AM

No Jay, I meant the SCBs were almost ready from our labs and it was only a question of jigs. I don't recollect any news after that we made to make the prototype (k9?).

The failure was with the existing blade.. and we were working on the SCB (drdo pub i recollect). BTW, isn't DS the first step to single crystals? The process used by russkies for the AL fps is different? Or we never got this tech from them?

Anyway, I think we were close yp get the 90* bends with SCB (I need tp refer the pub) or something. I vaguely remember zirconium reference..hence the question.
2:43 AM

DMRL has 2nd Gen SCB. But they can make the stock material. From there to finished blade need two critical. Tech we didnt have, TBC and Laser driling for cooli g holes. Midhani was in process of dev those tech. This is way back in 2017.recently there was a tender for TBC machine setup.
JayS · 5:46 AM

Russian tech is a bit tedious one, per a DMRL scientist. Western method is better and DMRL has followed the western approach. Also IIRC, Al31 HPT blades have single pass internal cooli g channels. While western scb have multipass. Even DMRL blades are multipass.
JayS · 5:48 AM

We have couple of small jet engines, PTAE7, Manik which are good for drones. Companies like Poerjet, Kalyani are making micro jets. HTFE25 is there. Kaveri is too tfta for drones.
JayS· 6:17 AM

At IITB, we have now new propulsion lab for SCB research

This is where recent developments come into play.
Post credit Maitya at BRF.

2) Lanthanum Zirconate (LZ), has much higher thermal and phase stability - close to 2000deg C.
It also has lower thermal conductivity and sintering tendency compared to YSZ.

(Thermal Conductivity - 2 W/m/K of YSZ vs 1.56 W/m/K of LZ)

3) LZ is also less oxygen transparent than YSZ, providing better bond coat oxidation resistance and minimises the growth of TGO (Thermaly Grown Oxide layer) - Wiki has good details about TGO and it's impact on TBC.

4) LZ has lower coefficient of thermal expansion compared to YSZ - so it can not be applied directly on the NiCrAlY bond coat. Therefore LZ is applied as a top coat material over YSZ forming a bilayer TBC. Furthermore LZ has good chemical compatibility with YSZ, making them a very good candidate for bilayer top coat applications.

5) Nano-structured TBCs often exhibit excellent performance compared with conventional TBCs such as adhesive strength, thermal shock resistance, thermal insulation, corrosion resistance and so on.
Furthermore nano-structured bi-layer is also expected to reflect certain amount of radiations (std phyzziks says wavelength of the reflected light is directly proportional to the particle diameter) thus providing a more effective TBC. So for reflecting heat in the near IR spectrum, TBC micro-particles needs to be of the order of 1-3 μm.

6) In India Nano-structured high purity grade YSZ and LZ are prepared from beach sand containing monazite and zircon following wet chemical route i.e. co-precipitation method.

7) DRDO has tested air-plasma sprayed TBC comprising of NiCrAlY bond coat (of 50 μm thickness), YSZ top coat (thickness 100 μm) and LZ top-most coat (thickness 50 μm) on to cast Ni-base super alloy substrates. The total maximum thickness was kept well below 250 μm.

8 ) DRDO has already assembled and validated the bi-layer YSZ-LZ coated flaps in an aero-engine for test cases involving rapid thermal transients, supersonic flow of combustion products, vibratory loads of about 4 ‘g’, sustained 1,000 h equivalent of engine operation and more than 30,000 nozzle actuations.

I compiled @IndianHawk s posts on brf discussion for the sake of convenience.

@IndianHawk one of the post mentioned that,we don't have tbc and laser drilling capabilities.

Recently,Saurav jha stated that Indian lab achieved TBC,what s the latest development on laser hole drilling front?

Do you have any recent info on that?

Ref on tbc,
Well, in recent months @delhidefence has gone into the issue of precisely where India stands at the moment with respect to jet engine development. Significant progress has been made in some areas such as TBC etc. I'll return with a set of articles on this issue.

If our labs mastered the "art of thermal coating" then we should focus on funding our local labs rather than waiting for the goras to the rescue...

It may take few extra years,but on the plus side we will not be hemorrhaging money to a foreign country

Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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These machine are available in market. Nothing secret there. We are already building al31 in India from scratch!!
Then why Chinese were using every method to import such machines from USA?
Machine tool and jet engine technologies are priority acquisition targets for the PRC. This chapter presents two case studies relating to the PRC’s priority efforts to obtain such technology — its 1994 purchase of machine tools from McDonnell Douglas, and its efforts in the late 1980s and early 1990s to obtain jet engine technology from Allied Signal’s Garrett Engine Division.

McDonnell Douglas Machine Tools

In 1993, China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) agreed to purchase a number of excess machine tools and other equipment from McDonnell Douglas, including 19 machine tools that required individual validated licenses to be exported. CATIC told McDonnell Douglas it was purchasing the machine tools to produce parts for the Trunkliner Program, a 1992 agreement between McDonnell Douglas and CATIC to build 40 MD-82 and MD-90 series commercial aircraft in the PRC.

During the interagency licensing process for the machine tools, the Defense Technology Security Administration sought assessments from the Central Intelligence Agency and from the Defense Intelligence Agency, because of concerns that the PRC could use the McDonnell Douglas five-axis machine tools for unauthorized purposes, particularly to develop quieter submarines. Since the PRC wishes to enhance its power projection capabilities and is making efforts to strengthen its naval forces, the five-axis machine tools could easily be diverted for projects that would achieve that goal.

Initially, CATIC told McDonnell Douglas it planned to sell the machine tools to four factories in the PRC that were involved in the Trunkliner commercial aircraft program. When those efforts reportedly failed, CATIC told McDonnell Douglas it planned to use the machine tools at a machining center to be built in Beijing to produce Trunkliner parts for the four factories.

The PRC has obtained U.S. jet engine technology through diversions of engines from commercial end uses, by direct purchase, and through joint ventures. Although the United States has generally sought to restrict the most militarily sensitive jet engine technologies and equipment, the PRC has reportedly acquired such technologies and equipment through surreptitious means.

Prior to 1991, Garrett jet engines had been exported to the PRC under individual validated licenses that included certain conditions to protect U.S. national security. These conditions were intended to impede any attempt by the PRC to advance its capability to develop jet engines for military aircraft and cruise missiles.

The 1991 decision by the Commerce Department to decontrol Garrett jet engines ensured that they could be exported to the PRC without an individual validated license or U.S. Government review. In 1992, the Defense Department learned of negotiations between Allied Signal’s Garrett Engine Division and PRC officials for a co-production deal that prompted an interagency review of Commerce’s earlier decision. The interagency review raised a number of questions regarding the methodology Commerce had followed in its decision to decontrol the Garrett jet engines.

The PRC continues its efforts to acquire U.S. jet engine production technology. The PRC may have also benefited from the direct exploitation of specially designed U.S. cruise missile engines. According to published reports, the PRC examined a U.S. Tomahawk cruise missile that had been fired at a target in Afghanistan in 1998, but crashed en route in Pakistan.

PRC Targeting of Advanced Machine Tools

The PRC is committed to the acquisition of Western machine tool technology, and the advanced computer controls that provide the foundation for an advanced aerospace industry.

Although the PRC acquires machine tools from foreign sources in connection with commercial ventures, it also seeks foreign-made machine tools on a case-by-case basis to support its military armament programs.

Moreover, the proliferation of joint ventures and other commercial endeavors that involve the transfer or sale of machine tools to the PRC makes it more difficult for foreign governments and private industry to distinguish between civilian and military end-uses of the equipment.

The China National Aero-Technology Import-Export Corporation’s (CATIC) purchase of used machine tools from McDonnell Douglas, now part of Boeing, is one illustration of the complexities and uncertainties faced by private industry and the U.S. Government in these endeavors.

Traditional machine tools cut, bend, and shape metals and non-metal materials to manufacture the components and structures of other machines. Machine tools form the foundation of modern industrial economies, and are widely used in the aerospace and defense industries.

The capability of machine tools is typically indicated by the number of linear or rotational motions — of either the tool or the workpiece — that can be continuously controlled during the machining process, and by the machining accuracy that can be achieved. The latter is measured in microns, that is, millionths of a meter.

Advanced machine tools can provide five axes of motion — typically horizontal, lateral, and vertical movement, and rotation on two perpendicular axes. Less widely used or required are six- and seven-axis machines, which are sometimes used for special applications.

Machine tools used in aircraft and defense manufacturing today are generally numerically controlled (NC). More advanced equipment is computer numerically controlled (CNC). CNC machine tools are essential to batch production of components for modern weapon systems, and can reduce machining times for complex parts by up to 90 percent compared to conventional machine tools.

In addition, these modern machines require operators with less skill and experience and, when combined with computer-aided design software, can reduce the manufacturing cycle of a product, from concept to production, from months to days.

Machine tools are essential to commercial industry, and high precision, multiple-axis machine tools broaden the range of design solutions for weapon components and structural assemblies. Parts and structures can be designed with advantages in weight and cost relative to what could be achieved with less advanced machine tools. For military and aerospace applications, the level of manufacturing technology possessed by a country directly affects the level of military hardware that can be produced, and the cost and reliability of the hardware.9

( it's a big report)

But if Russian technology process was good enough then why china was working covertly worked to acquire these machines from the west China even today wants to buy these machines.

I believe india should use its diplomatic capital to procure such machines.


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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I compiled @IndianHawk s posts on brf discussion for the sake of convenience.

@IndianHawk one of the post mentioned that,we don't have tbc and laser drilling capabilities.

Recently,Saurav jha stated that Indian lab achieved TBC,what s the latest laser hole drilling front?

Do you have any recent info on that?
Good job mate!

On TBC read the posts. We probably have them now. In last two three years we have progressed ahead with lots of missing pieces .

I don't have exact Info. But the posts say that drdo has already tested air sprayed TBC methods .


New Member
Sep 24, 2016
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Then why Chinese were using every method to import such machines from USA?
Machine tool and jet engine technologies are priority acquisition targets for the PRC. This chapter presents two case studies relating to the PRC’s priority efforts to obtain such technology — its 1994 purchase of machine tools from McDonnell Douglas, and its efforts in the late 1980s and early 1990s to obtain jet engine technology from Allied Signal’s Garrett Engine Division.

McDonnell Douglas Machine Tools

In 1993, China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corporation (CATIC) agreed to purchase a number of excess machine tools and other equipment from McDonnell Douglas, including 19 machine tools that required individual validated licenses to be exported. CATIC told McDonnell Douglas it was purchasing the machine tools to produce parts for the Trunkliner Program, a 1992 agreement between McDonnell Douglas and CATIC to build 40 MD-82 and MD-90 series commercial aircraft in the PRC.

During the interagency licensing process for the machine tools, the Defense Technology Security Administration sought assessments from the Central Intelligence Agency and from the Defense Intelligence Agency, because of concerns that the PRC could use the McDonnell Douglas five-axis machine tools for unauthorized purposes, particularly to develop quieter submarines. Since the PRC wishes to enhance its power projection capabilities and is making efforts to strengthen its naval forces, the five-axis machine tools could easily be diverted for projects that would achieve that goal.

Initially, CATIC told McDonnell Douglas it planned to sell the machine tools to four factories in the PRC that were involved in the Trunkliner commercial aircraft program. When those efforts reportedly failed, CATIC told McDonnell Douglas it planned to use the machine tools at a machining center to be built in Beijing to produce Trunkliner parts for the four factories.

The PRC has obtained U.S. jet engine technology through diversions of engines from commercial end uses, by direct purchase, and through joint ventures. Although the United States has generally sought to restrict the most militarily sensitive jet engine technologies and equipment, the PRC has reportedly acquired such technologies and equipment through surreptitious means.

Prior to 1991, Garrett jet engines had been exported to the PRC under individual validated licenses that included certain conditions to protect U.S. national security. These conditions were intended to impede any attempt by the PRC to advance its capability to develop jet engines for military aircraft and cruise missiles.

The 1991 decision by the Commerce Department to decontrol Garrett jet engines ensured that they could be exported to the PRC without an individual validated license or U.S. Government review. In 1992, the Defense Department learned of negotiations between Allied Signal’s Garrett Engine Division and PRC officials for a co-production deal that prompted an interagency review of Commerce’s earlier decision. The interagency review raised a number of questions regarding the methodology Commerce had followed in its decision to decontrol the Garrett jet engines.

The PRC continues its efforts to acquire U.S. jet engine production technology. The PRC may have also benefited from the direct exploitation of specially designed U.S. cruise missile engines. According to published reports, the PRC examined a U.S. Tomahawk cruise missile that had been fired at a target in Afghanistan in 1998, but crashed en route in Pakistan.

PRC Targeting of Advanced Machine Tools

The PRC is committed to the acquisition of Western machine tool technology, and the advanced computer controls that provide the foundation for an advanced aerospace industry.

Although the PRC acquires machine tools from foreign sources in connection with commercial ventures, it also seeks foreign-made machine tools on a case-by-case basis to support its military armament programs.

Moreover, the proliferation of joint ventures and other commercial endeavors that involve the transfer or sale of machine tools to the PRC makes it more difficult for foreign governments and private industry to distinguish between civilian and military end-uses of the equipment.

The China National Aero-Technology Import-Export Corporation’s (CATIC) purchase of used machine tools from McDonnell Douglas, now part of Boeing, is one illustration of the complexities and uncertainties faced by private industry and the U.S. Government in these endeavors.

Traditional machine tools cut, bend, and shape metals and non-metal materials to manufacture the components and structures of other machines. Machine tools form the foundation of modern industrial economies, and are widely used in the aerospace and defense industries.

The capability of machine tools is typically indicated by the number of linear or rotational motions — of either the tool or the workpiece — that can be continuously controlled during the machining process, and by the machining accuracy that can be achieved. The latter is measured in microns, that is, millionths of a meter.

Advanced machine tools can provide five axes of motion — typically horizontal, lateral, and vertical movement, and rotation on two perpendicular axes. Less widely used or required are six- and seven-axis machines, which are sometimes used for special applications.

Machine tools used in aircraft and defense manufacturing today are generally numerically controlled (NC). More advanced equipment is computer numerically controlled (CNC). CNC machine tools are essential to batch production of components for modern weapon systems, and can reduce machining times for complex parts by up to 90 percent compared to conventional machine tools.

In addition, these modern machines require operators with less skill and experience and, when combined with computer-aided design software, can reduce the manufacturing cycle of a product, from concept to production, from months to days.

Machine tools are essential to commercial industry, and high precision, multiple-axis machine tools broaden the range of design solutions for weapon components and structural assemblies. Parts and structures can be designed with advantages in weight and cost relative to what could be achieved with less advanced machine tools. For military and aerospace applications, the level of manufacturing technology possessed by a country directly affects the level of military hardware that can be produced, and the cost and reliability of the hardware.9

( it's a big report)

But if Russian technology process was good enough then why china was working covertly worked to acquire these machines from the west China even today wants to buy these machines.

I believe india should use its diplomatic capital to procure such machines.
Chinese are probably blocked from directly buying them we are not.
USA is even ready to manufacture all the gef414 in India . Obviously it will sell us all the machine to manufacture too.

West is ahead of Russia in engines no doubt.
West is ready to sell us everything barring the know how of hot section.

Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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Chinese are probably blocked from directly buying them we are not.
USA is even ready to manufacture all the gef414 in India . Obviously it will sell us all the machine to manufacture too.

West is ahead of Russia in engines no doubt.
West is ready to sell us everything barring the know how of hot section.
I agree with you but we don't know about what they will allow manufacturing of total indigenous GE-414 blades in india or not. I think if we manufacturer GE-414 in india it will be blades and casting imported put together in india.
Because if we can get access to such machines then who knows we can manufacture a material which is able to withstand high temperatures. India can design the core but manufacturing material is the issue. Know how of the hot core will not come without these machines.
US is very possessive about its jet engine technology that's why they left the DTTI initiative of joint development.


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Sep 24, 2016
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I agree with you but we don't know about what they will allow manufacturing of total indigenous GE-414 blades in india or not. I think if we manufacturer GE-414 in india it will be blades and casting imported put together in india.
Because if we can get access to such machines then who knows we can manufacture a material which is able to withstand high temperatures. India can design the core but manufacturing material is the issue. Know how of the hot core will not come without these machines.
We can build required machines our self. Machine are not that complex. Rest assure once our engine is mature to mass manufacture there will be no derth of machinery .

Our being party of mtcr , wessenar etc means we have access to restricted tech of even dual use too.

But if we can build a jet engine successfully making manufacturing machine is way more easier.


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Jan 7, 2016
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Design and CFD Simulation of Annular Combustion Chamber with Kerosene as Fuel for 20 kW Gas Turbine Engine
K. V. Chaudhari, D. B. Kulshreshtha, S.A. Channiwala.

(Department of Mechanical Engineering, GEC Bharuch, Guj. Tech. University, Gujarat, India,. (Department of Mechanical Engineering, C.K.P.C.E.T., Guj. Tech. University, Gujarat, India, (Department of Mechanical Engineering, S. V. N. I. T., Gujarat, India)

View attachment 45625

3-D model of Annular Combustor

View attachment 45626

3-D mesh model of Annular Combustor

View attachment 45627

Streamline through the flow domain

View attachment 45628

Temperature profile at the exit of the Combustor

Excellent. I never knew that engineering college of my city does such a nice work. I knew that it is a good college but this is very special.


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Jul 15, 2018
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Department of Mechanical Engineering, SHIATS -DU, Allahabad, India ,3Department Professor & Head of Mechanical Engineering. Chaitanya Bharathi Institute of Technology, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India

Finite Element Modal Free Mesh.jpg

Finite Element Modal Free Mesh.

Resultant Deformation of Stainless  Steel Alloy, mm.jpg

Resultant Deformation of Stainless Steel Alloy, mm.

Resultant Deformation of Titanium Alloy, mm.jpg

Resultant Deformation of Titanium Alloy, mm.
Solid Modal of Gas Turbine Blade.jpg

Solid Modal of Gas Turbine Blade

Temperature Distribution of Titanium Alloy, 0C.jpg

Temperature Distribution of Titanium Alloy, 0C

Thermal Flux Vector Sum of Titanium Alloy, W mm2.jpg

Thermal Flux Vector Sum of Titanium Alloy, W mm2

Von Mises Stress of Titanium Alloy, MPa.jpg

Von Mises Stress of Titanium Alloy, MPa.

Design of engine blades by Research fellows.


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Jul 15, 2018
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Design Aspects & Manufacturing of Blade
Types in Aero Engine

Hepsiba Seeli1, Joel P John

Asst. Professor, Mechanical Dept., Pydah Kaushik College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, India , cStudent, Mechanical Dept., Pydah Kaushik College of Engineering, Visakhapatnam, India

Impulse Turbine Blades.jpg

Impulse Turbine Blades.

Forces exerted on a reaction blade.jpg

Forces exerted on a reaction blade.

Microturbine based combined heat and power system.jpg

Microturbine based combined heat and power system


New Member
Jul 15, 2018
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Design and Analysis of Gas Turbine Blade
Theju V,Uday P S , PLV Gopinath Reddy , C.J.Manjunath

Sector Model of Turbine Blade.jpg

Sector Model of Turbine Blade.

Temperature distribution on Inconel 718..jpg

Temperature distribution on Inconel 718

Temperature distribution on Titanium T6..jpg

Temperature distribution on Titanium T6

Von-miss stress on Inconel.jpg

Von-miss stress on Inconel

Von-miss stress on Titanium T6.jpg

Von-miss stress on Titanium T6


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Jul 15, 2018
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GTRE used Rapid Prototyping method to construct Kaveri

Rapid Prototyping is a group of techniques used to quickly fabricate a scale model of physical part or assembly using 3D CADvia 3D printers or additive manufacturing technique. Additive Manufacturing has ability to create any shape and geometry. Rapid Prototyping can be classified into solid, liquid, paste and gases. Fused Deposition Modeling is an additive manufacturing technology. FDM is more quicker and cost effective method. Basic material used in Fused Deposition Modeling is ABS- Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene. For higher mechanical properties of FDM, advanced materials are also used.

The most challenging task while designing the Kaveri was positioning piping runs which minimize length to reduce weight and cost and line replaceable units(LRUs) on the outside of the aircraft. Many of the LRUs are connected to interior of the engine that carries hydraulic fluid, fuel and lubricant.

There are approximately 2500 engine components in the design. Initially layout of piping was created by CAD software. If GTRE would have considered building the prototype using CNC machining it would have taken a minimum of one year. It considered Stereolithography, but the project was not suited for this method. GTRE realized that conventional rapid prototyping methods would have made it necessary to produce solid pipes which would have eliminated the possibility of flow testing. There is uncertainty between conventional and new design. New design also have problem. A prototype is used as part of the product design process to allow engineers and designers the ability to explore design alternatives, test theories and confirm performance prior to launch of new product. RP is capable of making parts with very small internal cavity and complex geometrics. It is possible to see the real product in an early stage of the development process.

FDM technology provided the ideal solution. GTRE also like the fact that FDM creates parts from real engineering thermoplastics, such as ABS, which allowed them to make high-strength durable components for the project. Nowadays more than 20 vendors are available for FDM. FDM’s applications can be used in every sector such as design engineering, analysis, testing, optimization, and manufacturing.

Kaveri Engine.jpg

Kaveri Engine

FDM process.jpg

FDM process

Percentage use of RP technology worldwide.jpg

Percentage use of RP technology worldwide

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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HYDERABADMIDHANI to be part of combat aircraft project
MIDHANI chairman and managing director Dinesh Kumar Likhi and others after the 45th annual general meeting of the company held in Hyderabad on Wednesday.
It will be involved in supply of specialised metal alloys for making main body parts and engine
Mishra Dhatu Nigam Limited or ‘MIDHANI’ is looking forward to participating in the proposed manufacture of new aircraft engine for Advanced Multi-role Combat Aircraft (AMCA) to be built jointly by Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) and Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) — both Defence Research and Development Organisation bodies based in Bengaluru.

A high-level committee headed by NITI-Aayog member V.K. Saraswat is looking into the multi-crore project details. MIDHANI and Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL) will be involved in supply of specialised metal alloys like steel, titanium and nickel for making the main body parts and engine.

“The Government intends to start using GE machines to begin with and later on go for indigenously developed aircraft engines to the tune of 250. We expect work order of up to ₹500 crore,” disclosed MIDHANI chairman and managing director Dinesh Kumar Likhi to the media on Wednesday.

Giving details of the 45th annual general meeting held earlier in the day, Mr. Likhi said the firm has got most of its work orders from the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) of about ₹1,300 crore from ₹1,844 crore and the rest coming from defence ministry for this year. It has reported a turnover of ₹710.85 crore and a profit of ₹130.56 crore for 2018-19.

“We have been fully involved in the Chandrayaan programme and will play a key role in the upcoming Gaganyaan programme supplying material and components. We are also looking at export market actively and will set up warehouses at Dubai to cater to clients of Middle East and at Rotterdam (Netherlands) for those in Europe. This year we plan to have ₹40 crore worth of exports from ₹8 crore and in three years we aim to make exports 15% of our annual turnover,” he explained.

The firm has also successfully modernised its existing manufacturing facilities here by upgrading the forging and other equipment at a total cost of ₹200 crore. “This will help us scale up our annual production to ₹1,000 crore and more to cater to growing demand for specialised metals for our export market too,” he said.

Work on MIDHANI’s new ₹4,000 crore plant to make high-end aluminium alloy in a joint venture with Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) at Nellore has begun and it would take up to five years before production begins. Each of the firms would be investing up to ₹170 crore each and rest is to be raised through debt or with the help of a new partner.

It is also planning to set up an atomiser plant to make use of the 50% nickel metal scrap which can be turned into powder, dissolved and converted into pure metal again to make it a sustainable cycle. A helical compression springs plant here to cater to requirements of railways, metro coaches and earth moving equipment and an armouring unit at Rohtak is its other new plant coming up, the CMD added.

Midhani will be part of the multi-million dollar Advanced Multirole Combat Aircraft (AMCA) being firmed up by the Defence Ministry. The Aeronautical Development Establishment (ADE) is the developer, while the Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE), Bengaluru will develop the engine and Midhani & Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL), Hyderabad will provide the material and components to make the body and engine, Likhi said.

( sorry if this is a repost... But private sector is also coming in for development of kaveri engine :))

Assassin 2.0

New Member
Aug 13, 2019
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I think we are giving extremely challenging task to GTRE and drdo to develop A medium weight 110KN thrust engine.
It again proves India's ambitions always remain high.

The engine which are seeking neither Russians and amerikkii& french have developed this type of engine.

