Israel - Hamas Gaza Conflict Oct-2023


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Oct 9, 2023
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What "world" are you talking about ? Who is this who'll make Israel an international pariah ? Israel is joined at the hip with the west culturally, politically, economically and militarily. The forces that threaten Israel and her existence intersect with those that are also anti-west. It is a shame that even without spending a dime, the Islamists can find millions of useful idiots in the west to do their propaganda else no one would have batted an eye about Israel pounding those terrorists to the ground! Israel will continue to live and survive in a tumultous region and ironically it won't be the sunset of the American empire but the sunset of the middle eastern empires when there will be another great war for Israel's existence .

As for Bengali or Kerala muslims, at the end of the day they are Indian citizens. And no one is going to carpet bomb them or "push them into ocean" no matter how dangerous their designs are towards the nation.
Larke lenge Pakistan, Marke lenge Pakistan. - Bong Muslims (Direct Action Day)


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Oct 9, 2023
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Eagle Eye

Senior Member
Oct 1, 2022
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Why south american countries like Chile, Colombia and Bolivia taking extreme stand against Israel? Any clue?

Usually these countries other than Brazil may be, not involve in international issues...


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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have any good oped pieces come out on what the global reactions would be if India was in a situation where israel was on 7th october?


Regular Member
Sep 20, 2019
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Yemen in the far South, Hamas in the south, and on Friday, Hezbollah in the north all declaring war against Israel.

Israel is in a tough fight for its survival.

A squadron or two F16 and F35's bombing out Houthi s and South Lebanon would clear hawa from Houthi and Hizbullah challenge. They are a challenge till Israel cares about casualties and in so called battle of survival Israel doesn't. Also we have seen western media and Israel virtually declarw Hizbullah more than enough for Israel, this way Israel has presented Hizbullah as an equal adversary and their attack from north will be presented as war for survival and in that anything can be used. And in that case Hizbullah will be done and dusted in a week. Bomb whole South Lebanon and be done with it.

Love Charger

Senior Member
Oct 9, 2021
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I would say the French are the most "extra marital" people in Europe, rather!

But their supposed cowardice is certainly overstated. And even in1870 and WW2, the issue wasn't their soldiers, it was their leaders who were utterly incompetent.
In battle of jena - aures
I would say the French are the most "extra marital" people in Europe, rather!

But their supposed cowardice is certainly overstated. And even in1870 and WW2, the issue wasn't their soldiers, it was their leaders who were utterly incompetent.
Kek Napoleon was near jena trying to defeat the Prussian army. The battle took place on 14 October , 1806.
He judged wrong and sent his iron Marshal aka marshal davout with his third corp to cut off the retreat of the " main " Prussian army which Napoleon was facing.
Actually at jena Napoleon faced Prussian Vanguard.
It was davout who came across the main Prussian army of 69000 men with his 26000 men.
Well the marshal could not retreat at all.
Now davout was not loved by his troops , he was respected and feared.
Because before the war the Marshall was incharge of the camp at Boulogne camp which was specifically established to train troops for a invasion of Britain across the channel , which never took place.
Here he drilled his troops daily , trained them to bloody stand in front of enemy fire.
Regimental exercises took place once a month which others like Russians and Brits did once or twice a year
The troops were trained with live ammo and faced real ammo in weekly brigade level excercises.which sometimes took place twice a week.
He trained his men to be tenacious and resolute.
Which proved in battle of auerstedt where the iron Marshal and corp commander of the third corp defeated the main prussian army simply by leading from the front .
He was a indeed brilliant corp commander.
Heck even Napoleon refused to believe the news till he saw for himself.
And when he was made governor of Hamburg he held out for six months against enemies till he got the confirmation that Napoleon had abdicated.
Indeed he was " terror belle , decus pacis ".
Terror in war, ornament in peace.

And this is just one instance, many like davout are there in french history.
Them Brits are salty MFS who cannot digest their defeats on the hands of French and thus portray them as weak and surrendering cowards.



Senior Member
Mar 8, 2022
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In battle of jena - aures
Kek Napoleon was near jena trying to defeat the Prussian army. The battle took place on 14 October , 1806.
He judged wrong and sent his iron Marshal aka marshal davout with his third corp to cut off the retreat of the " main " Prussian army which Napoleon was facing.
Actually at jena Napoleon faced Prussian Vanguard.
It was davout who came across the main Prussian army of 69000 men with his 26000 men.
Well the marshal could not retreat at all.
Now davout was not loved by his troops , he was respected and feared.
Because before the war the Marshall was incharge of the camp at Boulogne camp which was specifically established to train troops for a invasion of Britain across the channel , which never took place.
Here he drilled his troops daily , trained them to bloody stand in front of enemy fire.
Regimental exercises took place once a month which others like Russians and Brits did once or twice a year
The troops were trained with live ammo and faced real ammo in weekly brigade level excercises.which sometimes took place twice a week.
He trained his men to be tenacious and resolute.
Which proved in battle of auerstedt where the iron Marshal and corp commander of the third corp defeated the main prussian army simply by leading from the front .
He was a indeed brilliant corp commander.
Heck even Napoleon refused to believe the news till he saw for himself.
And when he was made governor of Hamburg he held out for six months against enemies till he got the confirmation that Napoleon had abdicated.
Indeed he was " terror belle , decus pacis ".
Terror in war, ornament in peace.

And this is just one instance, many like davout are there in french history.
Them Brits are salty MFS who cannot digest their defeats on the hands of French and thus portray them as weak and surrendering cowards.

Except for the British Indian Army, the British were never good enough as the French at land combat through most of medieval history. This is how the crown of England lost most of its significant french holdings and played a junior partner's role to most allied land battles with the French ever since. Contrary to popular opinion, Brits are far bigger surrendermonkeys on land than the french- they just do it by running the eff away, like in Dunkirk and holing up in their pirate island shielded by their blisteringly competent and humongous navy. Hence why britain relied so heavily on the BIA for most of its successes during WW1 and WW2, while losing brit men by the millions in those wars due to sheer inferiority of land combat ability.

Truth is, brits never had to surrender as badly as the French is because they are an Island and the biggest baddest island of europe, who is now under chatrachaaya of its Santaan amrikka.

Truth of the matter is, the best of the best of British generals were far, far below accomplishment & repute (of their times for eg) than their French counterparts for most of their recorded histories.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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Israel and India's situation is very different.
Anti-Israel sentiment on American campuses is a warning for Hindus

Modi’s Statement on the Israel Crisis Demonstrates a Transformed India-Israel Bilateral Relationship

the other side thinks differently.. whether we recognise it or not, India-Israel are being bundled together for years.

from 2021

Israel, India and the Islamophobic Alliance

Why Indian Hindutva supporters back Israel on Gaza bombing

The Settler-Colonialist Alliance of India and Israel
Last edited:


Senior Member
Nov 1, 2022
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In battle of jena - aures
Kek Napoleon was near jena trying to defeat the Prussian army. The battle took place on 14 October , 1806.
He judged wrong and sent his iron Marshal aka marshal davout with his third corp to cut off the retreat of the " main " Prussian army which Napoleon was facing.
Actually at jena Napoleon faced Prussian Vanguard.
It was davout who came across the main Prussian army of 69000 men with his 26000 men.
Well the marshal could not retreat at all.
Now davout was not loved by his troops , he was respected and feared.
Because before the war the Marshall was incharge of the camp at Boulogne camp which was specifically established to train troops for a invasion of Britain across the channel , which never took place.
Here he drilled his troops daily , trained them to bloody stand in front of enemy fire.
Regimental exercises took place once a month which others like Russians and Brits did once or twice a year
The troops were trained with live ammo and faced real ammo in weekly brigade level excercises.which sometimes took place twice a week.
He trained his men to be tenacious and resolute.
Which proved in battle of auerstedt where the iron Marshal and corp commander of the third corp defeated the main prussian army simply by leading from the front .
He was a indeed brilliant corp commander.
Heck even Napoleon refused to believe the news till he saw for himself.
And when he was made governor of Hamburg he held out for six months against enemies till he got the confirmation that Napoleon had abdicated.
Indeed he was " terror belle , decus pacis ".
Terror in war, ornament in peace.

And this is just one instance, many like davout are there in french history.
Them Brits are salty MFS who cannot digest their defeats on the hands of French and thus portray them as weak and surrendering cowards.

You can't bring up 18th & 19th century France to whitewash their abysmal battle record in the 20th century . It's not just WW-2 ( although they acquitted themselves well in WW-1 ) , it's their performance in Vietnam & later in Algeria which also goes against them particularly in Vietnam. Read about Dien Bien Phu & how Nguyen Van Giap completely outwitted & outfought the French in spite of being outgunned securing Vietnamese independence before the Americans got more deeply involved in Vietnam.

Then there's the Battle of Algiers where they won every battle there was to be won against Algeria but lost the war . De Gaulle seeing the writing on the wall called for withdrawal of French troops & administration thereby acknowledging Algerian independence & nearly got toppled in a coup led by renegade French soldiers & nearly lost his life for all his pains .

There's a wonderful much acclaimed & recipient of multiple international awards documentary style French film Battle of Algiers directed by Marxist Italian director Gillo Pontecorvo based on true events featuring a cast of unknowns mostly locals who'd participated in actually fighting the French .

It offers a wonderful microcosm on how the French went about battling the insurgency threatening to break out into war from the French side & how the ordinary Algerians perceived the revolt , how it's leaders went about organising the resistance & the support it received from ordinary Algerians thus attempting to offer both points of views - a difficult task at best but he pulls it off spectacularly.

Check it out if interested.



Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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The Hindu’s English Magazine ‘FrontLine’ and its Editor decide to officially be Hamas-collaborators: The shameful justification of rape, torture and beheading

This delusion of Jihadi collaborators like Vaishna Roy will ensure that when the next genocide happens, it is contextualised and supported in the name of vengeance for those who used the blanket victimhood handed over to them by these very Jihadi collaborators as a convenient excuse for their Holy War.


"We are being harangued"

"Hamas was not begotten in a vaccum"

Next will be -

LeT & JeM "was not begotten in a vaccum"

Abject & absolute surrender to Islamist terror narrative from Indian Jhollas.


Senior Member
Jan 7, 2022
So let me get this straight- Hamas attacks Israel, starts attacking their civilians, literally documents themselves killing old men and little boys, and then the world cries foul when israel retaliates? LOL absolutely pathetic levels of brainwashing by liberals!

Just proof Islam is a cancer.


Senior Member
Jul 28, 2022
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have any good oped pieces come out on what the global reactions would be if India was in a situation where israel was on 7th october?
Look up world reaction to indias nuclear test in 1998. Most countries still have the same foreign policy towards india,
2 countries supported, 10+ countries put sanctions, 5+ countries cried foul, 100+ to small to care.

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