Iran Military Developments

Would Iran having a Nuclear Bomb benefit India vis-a-vis Pakistan?

  • Yes

    Votes: 16 23.5%
  • No

    Votes: 39 57.4%
  • Can't Say

    Votes: 13 19.1%

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Senior Member
Jan 17, 2010
Good for Iran.

But 1420-ton Destroyer???

It would at best qualify as a Corvette. Though what remains to be seen is what is her full compliment of weapons.
What's puzzling is it's deployed in Capsian Sea


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
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World Defence News: Russia could delivered S-300 air defense missile system to Iran only with a new contract.

Saturday, 4 April 2015

Russia could delivered S-300 air defense missile system to Iran only with a new contract.

Russia will be able to deliver S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran only if a new contract is signed because the two countries' previous deal was annulled, a source in one of Russia's military-technological cooperation agencies told Interfax-AVN on Friday, April 3, 2015.


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Apr 11, 2015
Iran, Russia boost cooperation in science, technology

TEHRAN, Apr. 14 (MNA) – Iranian Vice President for Science and Technology has reviewed various fields of cooperation with the Russian side in the meeting with Professor Fursenko here on Tuesday.

Sorena Sattari met with the Presidential Assistant for Science and Technology Andrei Aleksandrovich Fursenko today and reviewed the two countries' capacities for cooperation in various fields of science and technology.

Noting that over 30 expert sessions in various fields have been held during the two-day visit of the Russian delegation, Sattari added a number of valuable agreements on science and technology have been signed between the two sides. He deemed this level of cooperation as unprecedented in the history of Iran-Russia relations.

He pointed to Russia's cooperation with Iran's National Science Foundation (INSF), adding "several joint cooperation in air and space, oil and gas equipment, and a number of other fields of technology will take place with the Russian side in the near future."

Professor Fursenko, for his part, maintained that as one of the areas of cooperation, anti-cancer drugs will be tested in one of Russia's major centers for cancer treatment.

He attached great significance to the formation of a joint working group for the realization of science and technology deals, adding cooperation among small companies will certainly bear fruit and be to the great benefit of the two countries.

On the sidelines of the meeting, an MoU was signed between Iran's National Elites Foundation (INEF) and Moscow State University.


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Apr 11, 2015
Iran will introduce a new missile defense system, capable of shooting down target at the range of more than 200 kilometers.Iran to Unveil New Missile Defense System

Iran will introduce a new missile defense system, capable of shooting down target at the range of more than 200 kilometers.
Tehran plans to introduce a new missile defense system on April 18, on the occasion of the Army Day in Iran, said Brigadier General Farzad Esmayeeli, the commander of the Iranian Air Defense Force, according to Fars News Agency.

Iranian-made missile defense system called the Talash 3, also known as Endeavor-3, is capable of shooting down targets at a range of more than 200 kilometers.
"The capability and might of the Armed Forces, specially Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base, will be displayed to the enemies again and we will once again see tumult among the ill-wishers," Esmayeeli said.

According to Esmayeeli, Iran already has the safest airspace in the Middle East, with 3,600 locations spots under its control. The country aims to increase the number to 5,000 locations in the future.

The Brigadier General also added that Iran is currently working to launch several new hi-tech radar systems, capable of tracing and identifying small flying objects.

Iran Hopes to Receive Russian S-300 Air Defense Systems in 2015

"Arash 2 radar system with the capability of discovering small flying objects which is based on the world's state-of-the-art technology is one of the latest achievements," Esmayeeli said.


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Apr 11, 2015
Vladimir Putin authorises delivery of missile system to Iran

The Russian president unfreezes ban on delivering $800m contract as Moscow moves ahead with oil-for-goods barter deal with Tehran

The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, has opened the way for the controversial delivery of a sophisticated anti-aircraft missile system to Iran which had been under embargo for the past five years.

US Secretary of State John Kerry called his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov to object to the move, and the US government warned that the delivery could complicate plans to eventually lift sanctions on Iran as part of a deal over the country's nuclear programme.

"It's safe to say that Russia understands that the US takes very seriously the safety and security of our allies in the region," said White House spokesman Josh Earnest.

Citing the interim framework agreement on Iran's nuclear programme in Lausanne, the move signalled an apparent determination by Moscow to get a head start in the race to benefit from an eventual lifting of sanctions on Tehran.

Putin signed a decree on Monday to unfreeze the ban on delivering the $800m (£546m) contract for the Russian-made S-300 missiles as Moscow forged ahead with a $20bn oil-for-goods barter deal with Tehran.

The Russian news agency, Interfax, quoted an official at the country's defence ministry saying it would be able to deliver the five squadrons of purchased S-300 missile systems swiftly to Iran once given the go ahead to do so.

The missile contract had been frozen since 2010 when it was put on ice by the Russian prime minister, Dmitry Medvedev, following pressure primarily from the US and Israel. Russia has long insisted its decision in 2010 to freeze the S-300 delivery was based on the sanctions the United Nations security council imposed on Iran over its nuclear programme.


According to Russian media, the decree "lifts the ban on transit through Russian territory, including airlift, and the export from the Russian Federation to the Islamic Republic of Iran, and also the transfer to the Islamic Republic of Iran outside the territory of the Russian Federation, both by sea and by air, of air defence missile systems S-300."

Medvedev's move followed the passage of UN security council resolution 1929, approved in June 2010, that banned the sale to Iran of "battle tanks, armoured combat vehicles, large caliber artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles or missile systems."

Although Iran had developed its own version of the missile system – unveiled for the first time last year – delivery of the S-300s will markedly upgrade its anti-aircraft missile defences at a time of increased tension in the region.

The S-300 has been superseded by the new S-400 and the Antey-2500 missile systems – which Iran was reportedly offered instead earlier this year

but it is still regarded as a formidable air defence system with a range of about 90 km:sick:

Delivery and installation of the missile system would make any future attack on Iran or its nuclear facilities – by the US or Israel – considerably more difficult and costly.

The delivery also comes amid an increasingly hot – if still largely proxy conflict – between Iran and Saudi Arabia, most recently in Yemen where the US has backed Saudi Arabia.

Iran had already paid for the missile contract, signed in 2007, and had sued for non-delivery.

However, indications that the impasse between Tehran and Moscow over the missiles began to emerge earlier this year.

One possibility for the timing of the announcement lifting the embargo is that the US understanding of the Lausanne framework deal foresees a lifting of sanctions backed by a potential new UN resolution on conventional and ballistic weapons sales to Iran which Russia appears to have pre-empted.

The move also drew swift condemnation from the government of Israel, which has lobbied hard against the nuclear agreement.

The Israeli intelligence minister, Yuval Steinitz, said the Russian announcement was the direct result of the nuclear agreement reached between Iran and world powers.

"Even as Iran disavows article after article in the framework agreement ... the international community is beginning to ease restrictions on it.

"This is the direct result of the legitimacy that Iran is receiving from the nuclear deal being made with it. This also proves that the economic momentum in Iran that will come in the wake of the lifting of the sanctions will be exploited for armaments and not used for the welfare of the Iranian people.

"Instead of demanding that Iran desist from the terrorist activity that it is carrying out in the Middle East and throughout the world, it is being allowed to arm itself with advanced weapons that will only increase its aggression," he said.

A senior Russian government official – who spoke to Reuters – said separately that Russia has started supplying grain, equipment and construction materials to Iran in exchange for crude oil under a barter deal.

"I wanted to draw your attention to the rolling out of the oil-for-goods deal, which is on a very significant scale," Ryabkov told a briefing with members of the upper house of parliament on the talks with Iran.

"In exchange for Iranian crude oil supplies, we are delivering certain products. This is not banned or limited under the current sanctions regime."

Russia hopes to reap economic and trade benefits if a final deal is concluded to build on the framework agreement reached in Lausanne between Iran and six world powers - Russia, the United States, France, Britain, Germany and China.

The sides have until the end of June to work out a detailed technical agreement under which Iran would curb its nuclear programme and allow international control in exchange for a lifting of economic sanctions. Tehran has denied that its nuclear activities are designed at developing atomic weapons.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Feared Iran general tops person of year poll

Tehran (AFP) - An Iranian general who has been a key adviser in Iraq's fightback against the Islamic State group was voted Iran's person of the year in an annual poll released Sunday.

General Qassem Suleimani, commander of the Quds Force, the foreign operations arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guards, won 37 percent of the votes cast in the survey to mark the Persian New Year, Nowruz.

Once rarely seen, Suleimani is now frequently pictured in social media near the front line in Iraq and has been spotted close to this week's battles in Tikrit.

He has become the public, if unofficial, face of Iran's support for the Iraqi and Syrian governments against IS jihadists, reportedly landing in Baghdad hours after IS overran Iraq's second city Mosul last June.

Suleimani beat last year's winner, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, in the poll, which is conducted by KhabarOnline, a moderate conservative news website.

Zarif, who heads Iran's negotiating team in nuclear talks with the world powers, scored 28 percent this year.

According to KhabarOnline, 463,000 votes were cast between March 7 and March 14, with the results being released one week before Nowruz, which falls on March 21.

Popular pop singer and composer Morteza Pashaei, who died from cancer in November aged just 30, placed third in the poll with 18 percent.

Outspoken conservative member of parliament Ali Motahari came fourth with 13 percent.


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Apr 11, 2015
Iran is building a non-nuclear threat faster than experts 'would have ever imagined'

In just over two years, the Iranian government has managed to build up a sophisticated cyberarmy that experts now say is capable of crippling key global infrastructure.

"Five years ago, I would have never imagined Iran to be where they are today," cybersecurity expert David Kennedy, founder of information security firm TrustedSec, told Business Insider. "Iran was once considered a D-grade cyber threat. Now it's almost on the same level as Russia or China."

Iran has increased its cybersecurity spending 12-fold since President Hassan Rouhani assumed office in 2013, according to a report released Monday by British technology research firm Small Media. Vowing to ramp up the country's cyber capabilities, Rouhani has given the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) an annual cybersecurity budget of roughly $19.8 million.

While Iran's initial cyber efforts were focused on countering internal dissidence, the government put its cyber experts on the offensive after an American computer worm, Stuxnet, infiltrated Iranian government servers and ruined almost one-fifth of the country's nuclear centrifuges in June 2010.

By November 2010, the Basij Cyber Council had trained 1,500 cyber-warriors who, according to IRGC commander Hossein Hamedani, "have assumed their duties and will in the future carry out many operations," according to a report released in 2013 by the Middle East Media Research Institute.

"Out of any country on the planet, I can't think of a country that has been more focused than Iran from the high levels of government on cyber, and that includes the United States," Dmitri Alperovitch, co-founder of cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike, told The Hill back in November.

And they'll only get better.

"In 10 years time, Iran's cyber capabilities will be more troubling than its nuclear program," geopolitical expert Ian Bremmer, president of the Eurasiaa group, tweeted earlier this week. He also noted that aggressive cyber operations by the US can be turned around on them by weaker adversaries.

The US government is now at a severe disadvantage when it comes to protecting the country's critical infrastructure from foreign hackers, especially given the current global political climate. The US' ongoing nuclear talks with Iran and its frosty relationship with Russia — a major Iranian ally — have made conditions ripe for Iran to try and use its cyber capabilities as negotiating leverage.

REUTERS/StringerIran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei (R) speaks with Russia's President Vladimir Putin during an official meeting in Tehran

"Russia has probably helped Iran a lot in stepping up its cyber capabilities in the event of a conflict with NATO," Kennedy said. "If they [the Iranians] want to topple the US' financial sector, or cripple the military's ability to communicate, they can do that."

Kennedy noted that while Chinese and Russian hackers are typically motivated by competitive advantage or monetary gain, Iranian hackers are trained to infiltrate servers so that they can destroy them.

"Iran's cyber warriors ask themselves one question," Kennedy said. "Can I entrench myself in key sensitive areas and take the US down in the event of a conflict?"

Most likely, they can. Cyber security and hacking has become a booming industry in Iran — as a result, more and more Iranian students are choosing to study computer network defense, exploitation, and warfare in high school and college.

"At the Sharif University of Technology, which is like the MIT of Iran (Second only to university of Tehran*), students are participating in cyber 'capture-the-flag' games to hone their hacking skills," cyber-jihad expert Jeff Bardin, chief intelligence officer of cyber intelligence firm Treadstone 71, told Business Insider. "They compete to see who can find security holes and break through servers' encryptions and firewalls the fastest."

Colleges and universities in Iran also offer their students internships with notorious Iranian hacker groups, according to Bardin, who they then go on to work for after they graduate.

"It's all highly institutionalized," Bardin said. "The irony is that, after looking at some of the professors' resumes, you'll see that most of these cyber experts teaching students how to hack were initially trained in the US or UK."
Iran's cyber army - Business Insider


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Iran to Test Intercontinental Ballistic Missile in 2015 -

US Defense Agency

The US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has assessed that Iran will be capable of testing an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) this year, US Missile Defense Agency Director James Syring saidIran to Test Intercontinental Ballistic Missile in 2015 - US Defense Agency

The US Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has assessed that Iran will be capable of testing an intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) this year, US Missile Defense Agency Director James Syring said.

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The US ground-based interceptors based in Fort Greely, Alaska and Vandenberg Air Force Base in California are sufficient to protect the United States homeland against "the future Iranian ICBM threat should it emerge," Syring stated.

"The DIA's assessment is that Iran is capable of flight-testing an ICBM in 2015," Syring told members of the US Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday.

"There's not a likelihood expressed with that assessment," Syring said, adding that the DIA will further evaluate the likelihood of an Iranian flight test in an assessment it will conduct later in 2015.

The United States has 30 ground-based interceptors deployed on its West Coast, and will be adding an additional 14 by 2017.

The United States also has 33 Aegis warships with mobile ballistic missile defense capabilities, and will upgrade to 35 ships by the end of 2016, according to the Missile Defense Agency.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Putin liberates Iran from sanctions

Author: M.K. Bhadrakumar April 13, 2015 2 Comments

Iran nuclear issue, New Cold War

The Russian President Vladimir Putin's decision today to sign the presidential decree to forthwith supply S-300 missiles to Iran and the reported commencement of the $20 billion oil-for-goods swap deal between Russia and Iran effectively signifies the end of the sanctions regime against Iran. Putin has "liberated" Iran from the curse of sanctions. The Kremlin de facto opened the floodgates for Iran's integration as a full-fledged member of the international community.

Moscow has signaled that it won't even wait till end-June for an Iran deal to be negotiated by the Obama administration for restoring the strategic partnership with Iran as a 'normal country'. Hmm. The Kremlin beckons the world community to the birth of a a new world order.

Any whichever way one looks at the Kremlin's move, it is a slap on the face of the United States. The message is clear: Moscow will not wait for the Obama administration to set the dynamics of the Russian-Iranian relationship — or for any international issue of vital interest to Russia. Of course, it is a strategic move on the part of Putin, but it is also a brilliantly pragmatic move, brilliant in tactic, insofar as Russia is taking an early lead over the West in rebuilding the sinews of partnership with Iran.

Clearly, Moscow has assessed that it is vital to Russia's interests that the relations with Iran are elevated to the highest possible level in the quickest possible manner. This assessment, no doubt, is based on unambiguous signals from Tehran in the recent period that in the Iranian foreign-policy trajectory, Russia will continue to have a pivotal status, no matter the restoration of Iran's ties with the West. (See my article in Asia Times titled A challenging time for Russia-Iran ties.)

What happens now to the US-Iranian tango is only of academic interest. Indeed, Moscow has also made the Republican-dominated US Congress and the hawkish American lawmakers look very foolish and impotent — and as yesterday's men. This strategic defiance takes the Russian-American confrontation to a cold war era level.

Indeed, the ramifications of today's development, signifying the coming into being of a Russo-Iranian strategic axis, are going to be profound on several theatres of international security in a wide arc stretching from Central Asia through the Caucasus and the Caspian to the Middle East proper. Simply put, the US is staring at a catastrophic setback in its regional policies on several fronts. Without doubt, Iran is a pivotal state and it is a game changer for Russian policies to have such a regional power on its side as a close ally.

Conceivably, Moscow and Beijing are coordinating their moves on Iran. The Chinese President Xi Jinping is due to pay a visit to Iran at an early date and Chinese officials had openly hinted that there could be some "dramatic" announcements during the visit.

For sure, Iran has taken a great leap forward toward induction into the Shanghai Cooperation Organization.


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Apr 11, 2015
Tom Cotton: Military Action Against Iran Would Take Only 'Several Days'


Sen. Tom Cotton accused President Obama of holding up a "false choice" between his framework deal on Iran's nuclear program and war. He also seemed to diminish what military action against Iran would entail.

"Even if military action were required," the freshman Arkansas Republican senator said on a radio show Tuesday hosted by the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins. In the comments first picked up by BuzzFeed, Cotton also said: "the president is trying to make you think it would be 150,000 heavy mechanized troops on the ground in the Middle East again as we saw in Iraq. That's simply not the case."

"It would be something more along the lines of what President Clinton did in December 1998 during Operation Desert Fox. Several days of air and naval bombing against Iraq's weapons of mass destruction facilities for exactly the same kind of behavior. For interfering with weapons inspectors and for disobeying Security Council resolutions. All we're asking is that the president simply be as tough in the protection of America's national security interest as Bill Clinton was."

That bombing operation lasted four days and hit nearly 100 Iraqi targets after U.N. inspectors said Iraq had not fully cooperated with inspections.

Of course, military analysts point out that Iran is a larger country than Iraq with a more sophisticated military.

"The only thing worse than an Iran with nuclear weapons would be an Iran with nuclear weapons that one or more countries attempted to prevent them from obtaining by military strikes — and failed," said Ryan Crocker, the former U.S. ambassador to Iraq and Afghanistan, in 2013.

Added Jim Walsh, a researcher at MIT, who has studied Iran's nuclear program, "I fear that a military strike will produce the very thing you are trying to avoid, which is the Iranian government would meet the day after the attack and say: 'Oh yeah, we'll show you — we are going to build a nuclear weapon.' I think we will get a weapon's decision following an attack, which is the last thing we want to produce right now."

Cotton — who orchestrated a letter to Iran's leaders, which 46 other GOP senators signed, disapproving of any potential deal with their country — also called the president's underlying assumptions in making a deal "wishful thinking."

"It's thinking that's characterized by a child's wish for a pony," he said.

It's not the first time bombing Iran has come up around political campaigns. It was almost exactly five years when John McCain joked in New Hampshire about bombing Iran, singing "that old Beach Boys song, 'Bomb Iran.' "

"Bomb, bomb, bomb, bomb, anyway, ah ....," he sang to the tune of "Barbara Ann."

McCain, though, has also long noted that military action should be a last resort.

Hillary Clinton even said during that election cycle that if Iran attacked Israel with a nuclear weapon, "We would be able to totally obliterate them."


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Apr 11, 2015
Iran Unveils New Weapons Ahead of Nat'l Army Day

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran's Army Ground Force on Wednesday unveiled the latest military equipment it has manufactured, including an armed remote-controlled robot and a Sniper rifle

The remote-controlled robot is equipped with four-wheel drive system and can be programmed for reconnaissance and combat missions within an operational range of 2 kilometers.

Capable of carrying loads up to 600 kg, the robot can be armed with machine guns, air-defense or anti-armor missiles.

Nazir Combat UGCV




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Apr 11, 2015
Iran Building New Submarine with Missile-Launching Capability

The submarine, named Be'sat, which is now in designing stage will be 60 meters long and has the operational power for missions in the depth of 300 meters.

Iranian military experts plan to mount 6 launchers for firing torpedoes and marine cruise missiles on the new submarine and equip the subsurface vessel with mine-laying capability.

The submarine will weigh over 1,300 tons.


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Apr 11, 2015
Official: Iran needs 500 passenger planes

Iran needs to buy up to 500 passenger planes in the next 10 years to renovate its aging fleet, head of the country's aviation organization says.

A preliminary agreement between Iran and the P5+1 group of countries in November 2013 led to an easing of sanctions on the aviation sector.

Boeing entered into an agreement with Iran Air in 2014, which generated $120,000 in gross revenues, the American company said then.

The deal included sale of aircraft manuals, drawings and navigation charts as well as data to the Iranian flag carrier airline.

American engine manufacture General Electric has also received permission from the US government to sell spare parts to Iran.


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Apr 11, 2015
Supply of Russian S-300 systems to Iran will not happen soon: TASS

Moscow: Supplying Iran with Russian S-300 missile defence systems is not a matter of the nearest future, TASS news agency quoted a Foreign Ministry official as saying on Thursday.

"It is more important that a political and legal decision, which opens up such a possibility, is taken," Sergei Ryabkov, a deputy foreign minister, said according to TASS.


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Apr 11, 2015
Iran has equipped its sensitive areas with anti-EMP filters

Saeed Rahimi the Manager of Kosar IT and Communication Group said: Iran is now building its own EMP filters locally and already applied them to many of Iranian sensitive sites.

Rahimi mentioned that there are many systems and products necessary to achieve an acceptable level of resistance to EMPs and EMP filters are one of them.

He said In past Iran had no choice but to import these filters and other needed products but since a while Iranian high tech company Kosar suceeded with designing and producing these filters as it is considered a sanctioned product.

He said; Iran learned from recent Western invasions that it is no escape from getting Iran an EMP resistant nation and therefore, a while ago there was orders to make all Iranian sensitive sites ready for this possible scenario.ساخت-فیلتر-مقابله-با-بمب-های-emp-در-کشور

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