Iran Military Developments

Would Iran having a Nuclear Bomb benefit India vis-a-vis Pakistan?

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Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
Iran’s IRGC launches 2nd Qadir radar system

IRGC has launched a long-range radar system in the southwest of the country to enhance its air defense capabilities.

The second Qadir radar system was put into service in Iran’s southwestern city of Ahwaz on Saturday.

The first Qadir system was unveiled in the city of Garmsar in the central province of Semnan in June 2014. The third system is also scheduled to be unveiled in the near future.

The domestically-manufactured Qadir radar system, designed by IRGC’s Aerospace Division, is capable of detecting targets with a very small cross section from a long distance.

The system enjoys a direct range of 1,100 kilometers (more than 680 miles) and can be used to detect different types of aircraft as well as ballistic missiles.

Qadir falls in the category of long-range three-dimensional radar systems.

its probably useless if not total bullsh*t.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Iran Ballistic Missile Program is Unaffected by Nuclear Deal

According to the latest reports stemming from the P5+1 talks, Iran is now insisting that UN sanctions on its ballistic missile program be lifted as part of a long-term nuclear accord.

Iran is believed to have the largest strategic missile force in the Middle East, producing short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, a long-range cruise missile, and long-range rockets. Although all of its missiles are conventionally armed at present, its medium-range ballistic missiles could deliver a nuclear weapon if Iran were to build such a device.

The main Iranian ballistic missile force consists of Shahab 3, Shihab 3B and the newer Sejil-2 two stage ballistic missile.

The Iranian Shahab-3B missile is said to be a derivative of the 1,000-1,300 kilometer range North Korean Nodong-1. The Nodong missile was developed by North Korea with Iranian financial assistance. In 2005 Iran claimed for the first time to have developed and produced a laser gyroscope INS system coupled with GPS as backup. With that guidance system, the Shahab-3B could archive an accuracy of around 30-50m CEP or even less. This new improved accuracy was apparently the reason why the warhead weight has been significantly decreased - to suggested 500-750kg. This, namely, is sufficient for pin-point target attack capability.

Iran has successfully tested an optimized version of the solid-fuel Sejil-2 missile. This new version of the Sejil-2 is faster during the powered flight portion of its trajectory and also during the re-entry phase. It is also harder to detect for anti-missile systems, as it is covered with anti-radar material. The new highly maneuverable missile is also more efficient as it requires less amount of time for prelaunch preparations.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Iran, Russia to Ink New Contract for Delivery of S-300 Missile System Soon

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan announced on Tuesday that a new contract for the delivery of Russian-made S-300 air defense missile systems to Iran will be signed in the coming days.

Speaking to reporters at a press conference in Tehran on Tuesday, Dehqan said the contract will be signed by the two sides in Russia in a week or two, adding that according to the new deal, four battalions of S-300 missiles will be delivered to Iran, instead of three battalions in the previous agreement.

He went on to say that within a short period after inking the new agreement, the missiles will be supplied to Iran.

Under a contract signed in 2007, Russia was required to provide Iran with at least five S-300 defense system batteries. In 2010, former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev cancelled the contract as he came under strong US and Israeli pressure not to go ahead with the sale of the weapons system, but his pretext was that the sale was covered by the fourth round of the UN Security Council sanctions against Iran.

Elsewhere in his comments, Brigadier General Dehqan said Iran has completed a number of “significant strategic projects” in the sphere of ballistic missiles.

He also unveiled plans for the mass-production of the new generation of Iranian tanks.

According to the minister, a 500-ton submarine will be also delivered to Navy in the current Iranian year, which ends on March 20, 2016.

Earlier this month, Navy Commander Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari had announced that Iran’s new homegrown naval gear, including missile-launching warships, destroyers, as well as squadrons of vessels and submarines, will be launched until March 2017.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Tehran, Moscow to Work Jointly on Making Warplanes: Iran’s DM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian defense minister on Tuesday said there have been talks with Russia for cooperation on manufacturing fighter jets.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran, Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said Russia has agreed to develop cooperation with Iran in the “joint designing and manufacturing” of aircraft after learning about the Islamic Republic’s capabilities.

“In the sphere of (manufacturing) fighter jets, we will not develop such cooperation with any country other than Russia,” he stressed.

The minister said Tehran has military ties with 35 countries including China, Iraq, Russia, Oman, India, Pakistan and Belarus, in different fields, such as technical expertise and engineering, maintenance, and the sale of military systems and weapons.

He further touched on Iran’s progress in the aviation industry, saying Tehran has plans to sell a range of homegrown Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to international customers.

“We have produced diverse drones. In this sphere, we have received offers for the sale of drones and will sell them while taking notice of the intelligence and military issues. We have good customers in the field of defense gear,” added the minister.

In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in its defense sector and has attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and systems. As part of these accomplishments, Iran’s Air Defense has been able to build a big part of its equipment and radar systems by its own experts.

Tehran has always assured other nations that its military power poses no threat to the regional countries, saying that the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine is entirely based on deterrence.


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
Tehran, Moscow to Work Jointly on Making Warplanes: Iran’s DM

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian defense minister on Tuesday said there have been talks with Russia for cooperation on manufacturing fighter jets.

Speaking to reporters in Tehran, Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said Russia has agreed to develop cooperation with Iran in the “joint designing and manufacturing” of aircraft after learning about the Islamic Republic’s capabilities.

“In the sphere of (manufacturing) fighter jets, we will not develop such cooperation with any country other than Russia,” he stressed.

The minister said Tehran has military ties with 35 countries including China, Iraq, Russia, Oman, India, Pakistan and Belarus, in different fields, such as technical expertise and engineering, maintenance, and the sale of military systems and weapons.

He further touched on Iran’s progress in the aviation industry, saying Tehran has plans to sell a range of homegrown Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) to international customers.

“We have produced diverse drones. In this sphere, we have received offers for the sale of drones and will sell them while taking notice of the intelligence and military issues. We have good customers in the field of defense gear,” added the minister.

In recent years, Iran has made great achievements in its defense sector and has attained self-sufficiency in producing essential military equipment and systems. As part of these accomplishments, Iran’s Air Defense has been able to build a big part of its equipment and radar systems by its own experts.

Tehran has always assured other nations that its military power poses no threat to the regional countries, saying that the Islamic Republic’s defense doctrine is entirely based on deterrence.
aircraft making with russia, :laugh:
oh yeah thats really works out good,india have good and long experience in aircraft making with russia, :laugh:

you dont understand russia and china wants their sphere of influence east europe,all over asia and middle east to counter superpower usa, the brics nations and other potential brics members,

saudis have support of usa so iran wants to counter that with russia,
and thats why iran is getting these missiles and 'promise' of jet designing.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Iran unveils Fateh-313 SRBM

On 31st of Mordad (22nd of August) which is known as Defense Industry day in Iran, in a ceremony at Aerospace Industries Organization a new missile named Fateh-313 was unveiled.

This new missile which is a new version of Fateh series has pinpoint accuracy and a range of 500 km.

According to Iranian officials this missile has a lighter body than its predecessors, uses new sensors and new composite solid propellants



Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Iran Begins Mass Production of ‘Nasr’ Air-Launched Anti Ship Cruise Missile

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iran started producing the air-launched version of its homegrown cruise missile Nasr (Victory) in the assembly line.
Speaking on the sidelines of a ceremony to inaugurate the production line of the cruise missile on Tuesday, Iran’s Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan said the mass production of Nasr Missile is part of the country’s strategy to enhance its missile capabilities and upgrade its deterrent power.

Nasr had been originally designed and manufactured as an anti-ship cruise missile, but the country's experts managed to upgrade it to be employed for aerial missions.

According to the minister, the air-launched version of Nasr can be mounted on different types of fighter jets.

The missile will need no additional guided controls, allowing the warplane to immediately leave the danger zone after launching the projectile, Dehqan explained.

Thanks to its radar tracking system, Nasr can hit the targets with high precision, he added.

The new achievement “dramatically boosts the operational and tactical capabilities” of the Army and IRGC‌ air forces, Dehqan stressed.

The minister also noted that plans are underway to install the air-launched cruise missile on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).

Iran had unveiled the air-launched version of Qader (Capable) and Nasr cruise missiles in September 2013. They are capable of hitting targets within a range of 200 km and 35 km, respectively.

The main features of the missiles are quick preparation capability, usefulness in low-altitude flights, high precision in hitting targets, particularly naval vessels, great destructive power and high resistance to radio disruption tactics.

commentary : Nasr is an AShM with a range of 35 km, it was initially tested in 2008 and entered mass production in 2010, the air launched version of Nasr was unveiled in 2013 and have undergone tests since then, it has now entered mass production.

This is the same missile that was used on July 14, 2006, in the 2006 Lebanon War when Hezbollah fired at Israeli warships. The missile hit the Sa'ar 5-class corvette , INS Hanit
causing significant damage and four fatalities.
Last edited:


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Iran Plans to Equip Home-Made Drones With New Air-Based Missiles

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan announced the country's plans to equip its drones with the home-made powerful and high-precision air-based Nasr cruise missile, Iranian media reports.

“Using the air-based Nasr missile by the Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) the Air Forces will remarkably increase their operational and tactical power,” he said.

As the Nasr missile is equipped with a high-precision radar allowing it to trace and intercept targets, it doesn’t need any backup and the fighter jet can leave the danger zone immediately.

Noting that the Nasr missile can be mounted on various types of fighter jets, the minister announced Iran's future plan to equip its home-made drones with the air-based missile.

Since March, the Iranian defense ministry has started the mass-delivery of different ballistic missiles, including the Qadr, Qiam, Fateh 110 and Khalij-e Fars missiles, as well as the Mersad air defense system to the IRGC and Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base.

“These missiles can strike and destroy enemy targets with a high-precision capability and provide for a wide range of the Armed Forces’ needs to missiles with different ranges,” Dehqan said during the inaugural ceremony.

In recent years, Iran has made great progress in the defense sector and has become self-sufficient in essential military hardware and defense systems. The country has repeatedly made it clear that its military might is based on the state's defense and that it poses no threat to other countries.


Imagine The high endurance Shahed-129 and
The Sa'ar-5 killer , Nasr’ Air-Launched Anti Ship Cruise Missile together
O man that's DEADLY!



Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Uzi Rubin talked about missile defense and the agreement over Iran’s nuclear program

Uzi is called the father of Israel's missile defense and a very famous missile specialist.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Iran, Russia Start Talks on Sukhoi 30

TEHRAN (FNA)- Tehran and Moscow started talks on the supply of the Russian-made Sukhoi 30 fighter jets to Iran.
The talks were held on Tuesday on the sidelines of the MAKS 2015 air show in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow during which Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari were present.

"Today, we visited different parts of the exhibition and the fighter jets' air show for three and a half hours accompanied by Mr. Putin which was a rare opportunity," Sattari told FNA yesterday.

"Putin showed that he is well aware of the military issues, knows the companies and products and spends time to get more familiar with them," he added.

Asked if the issue of purchasing Russia's Shkhoi 30 was raised during the visit, Sattari said, "We spoke about it but we didn’t discuss purchasing them and talks were mostly focused on the technological issues."

"You should ask issues related to purchasing (Sukhoi 30) from the defense ministry, and other groups like the trade teams should pursue the issue," he added.

The Sukhoi Su-30 is a twin-engine, two-seat supermaneuverable fighter aircraft developed by Russia's Sukhoi Aviation Corporation.

It is a multirole fighter for all-weather, air-to-air and air-to-surface deep interdiction missions.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Russia Offers Iran to Localize Sukhoi Superjet 100 Production - Company Head

Russia has offered Iran to localize a part of the production when acquiring Russian Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft, president of Russia's United Aircraft Corporation Yuri Slusar said Wednesday.

"The Iranian side expressed an interest in acquiring the Sukhoi Superjet 100. In return, we are offering large-scale localization of these aircraft in Iran," Slusar said.
He added that the Iranian side has voiced its readiness to buy up to 100 aircraft.

"The agreement on Sukhoi Superjet 100 deliveries could be signed here at the MAKS tomorrow if the negotiations are successful," Dr. Ali Vatani, the deputy for technology development of the scientific and technological department of presidential office told RIA Novosti.


Regular Member
Aug 6, 2015
Iran, Russia Start Talks on Sukhoi 30

TEHRAN (FNA)- Tehran and Moscow started talks on the supply of the Russian-made Sukhoi 30 fighter jets to Iran.
The talks were held on Tuesday on the sidelines of the MAKS 2015 air show in the town of Zhukovsky near Moscow during which Russian President Vladimir Putin and Iranian Vice-President for Science and Technology Sorena Sattari were present.

"Today, we visited different parts of the exhibition and the fighter jets' air show for three and a half hours accompanied by Mr. Putin which was a rare opportunity," Sattari told FNA yesterday.

"Putin showed that he is well aware of the military issues, knows the companies and products and spends time to get more familiar with them," he added.

Asked if the issue of purchasing Russia's Shkhoi 30 was raised during the visit, Sattari said, "We spoke about it but we didn’t discuss purchasing them and talks were mostly focused on the technological issues."

"You should ask issues related to purchasing (Sukhoi 30) from the defense ministry, and other groups like the trade teams should pursue the issue," he added.

The Sukhoi Su-30 is a twin-engine, two-seat supermaneuverable fighter aircraft developed by Russia's Sukhoi Aviation Corporation.

It is a multirole fighter for all-weather, air-to-air and air-to-surface deep interdiction missions.
If this deal is inked the it will be a huge boost for Irans air force


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2015
Iran Plans to Equip Home-Made Drones With New Air-Based Missiles

Iranian Defense Minister Brigadier General Hossein Dehqan announced the country's plans to equip its drones with the home-made powerful and high-precision air-based Nasr cruise missile, Iranian media reports.

“Using the air-based Nasr missile by the Army and the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) the Air Forces will remarkably increase their operational and tactical power,” he said.

As the Nasr missile is equipped with a high-precision radar allowing it to trace and intercept targets, it doesn’t need any backup and the fighter jet can leave the danger zone immediately.

Noting that the Nasr missile can be mounted on various types of fighter jets, the minister announced Iran's future plan to equip its home-made drones with the air-based missile.

Since March, the Iranian defense ministry has started the mass-delivery of different ballistic missiles, including the Qadr, Qiam, Fateh 110 and Khalij-e Fars missiles, as well as the Mersad air defense system to the IRGC and Khatam ol-Anbia Air Defense Base.

“These missiles can strike and destroy enemy targets with a high-precision capability and provide for a wide range of the Armed Forces’ needs to missiles with different ranges,” Dehqan said during the inaugural ceremony.

In recent years, Iran has made great progress in the defense sector and has become self-sufficient in essential military hardware and defense systems. The country has repeatedly made it clear that its military might is based on the state's defense and that it poses no threat to other countries.


Imagine The high endurance Shahed-129 and
The Sa'ar-5 killer , Nasr’ Air-Launched Anti Ship Cruise Missile together
O man that's DEADLY!

New pictures from the latest Iranian missile

all this about 'indigenous' stuff is a must be fake and propaganda,

even india with all its capabilities still has to go long way,

iran cannot make all of this stuff with tough sanctions all these years,
its just customized russian or chinese stuff.


Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Iran's Minister of Interior visit the Qandil mountains region in northern Iraq.

Iran's Minister of Interior Rahmani Fazli has published number of his photos showing his visit to Qandil mountains in Iraqi kurdistan. IRGC forces are visible in the photos. Qandil mountains is PKK stronghold in Iraq.



Regular Member
Apr 11, 2015
Indian warships dock at Iranian port

An Indian navy fleet has docked at the southern Iranian port city of Bandar Abbas, as the two countries work to boost friendly maritime relations.

The fleet, comprising the INS Beas (F37) and INS Betwa (F39) frigates, arrived in Bandar Abbas, the capital of Hormozgan Province, on Friday for a four-day stay.

Admiral Amir Hossein Azad, the commander of Iran’s First Naval Zone, said the Indian warship is visiting Iran to promote peace and security in the region and improve Tehran-New Delhi ties in security and economic fields.

He added that Iran and India play a leading role in regional peace and security and said, “The world now believes that Iran is the axis of stability and security in the region.”

During their stay in Iran, the Indian naval personnel on board the warships are scheduled to hold joint exercises with Iran’s Navy, hold talks with Iranian Navy commanders and local officials and visit historical and cultural sites of Hormozgan.

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