INS Vikramaditya (Adm Gorshkov) aircraft carrier

Victor Sierra

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Sep 20, 2012
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Saw in Media, that INS Vikramaditya has next dead line of April 2013.

After the agreement can Russia increase the Price?

As shown in media they did that 2-3 times, as the dead line gets extended.


New Member
Feb 17, 2009
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Saw in Media, that INS Vikramaditya has next dead line of April 2013.

After the agreement can Russia increase the Price?

As shown in media they did that 2-3 times, as the dead line gets extended.
that is because of boiler issue.


Phat Cat
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Feb 23, 2009
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^^ because of the aforementioned boiler issue


House keeper
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Feb 16, 2009
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This article, which also appeared in some early print editions of The Hindu, was withdrawn because it was insufficiently sourced and potentially misleading.

The Hindu : News / International : INS Vikramaditya trials termed successful

Removed Article
INS Vikramaditya trials termed successful


MiG-29K taking off from INS Vikramaditya. Photo: Oleg Perov

The controversial sea trials of the INS Vikramaditya in Russia, initially described as an embarrassing failure, appear to have actually been a success, while propulsion problems developed by the aircraft carrier are not nearly as serious as reported in the media.

After the ship returned to the Sevmash shipyard a week ago the Indian Navy's overseeing team, who closely monitored the sea trials, came to the conclusion that the ship had overall done extremely well and the programme of tests had been largely fulfilled.

The results of the trials were analysed and remaining work was detailed in a protocol signed by Vice Admiral Nadella Niranjan Kumar, Controller Warship Production and Acquisition (CWPA).

The main conclusion from the trials is that the INS Vikramaditya has stood the test as a full-fledged highly capable aircraft carrier converted from the former hybrid missile-cum-aviation cruiser Admiral Gorshkov. The ship displayed excellent seaworthiness and manoeuvrability and performed flawlessly during aircraft takeoff and landing. It's sophisticated radio-electronic, navigation and other systems demonstrated high efficiency and reliability.

The malfunctioning of the boilers that occurred during high-speed tests will not require their replacement or removal from the vessel. The problem has been pinned down to insulation lining that is placed between the boiler steel casing and ceramic firebricks. Traditional asbestos lining was not used at the request of Indian specialists and replacement material developed slight deformation when the boilers were run at full power, causing some firebricks to fall out. The Indian side has now agreed to the use of asbestos cardboard.

The boiler problem did not prevent the INS Vikramaditya from completing the trials. Informed sources told The Hindu that Indian Navy officers were particularly impressed by the flight programme. A MiG-29K and a MiG-29KUB 4++ generation fighters performed 41 impeccable take-offs and landings with full arms payload and additional fuel tanks. The combination of Russia and India-made optical and electronic landing systems enabled the Russian pilots in 70 percent of the landings to hook the second out of three arrestor wires, which is considered a perfect result, the sources said.

The 44000-ton vessel also displayed superior manoeuvrability, performing a 360-degree turn at a minimum radius equal to one-and-a-half hull length at a speed of 18 knots.

Apart from the boilers, defects were also detected in some other equipment, such as refrigerators, nitrogen generators and compressors sourced from German, British, Polish and Indian suppliers who had been picked by the Indian side.

Russian shipbuilders have promised to complete all repairs by the beginning of next year, but since pre-delivery trials in the White Sea can resume only in late May, when sea ice melts away, the Vikramaditya will be handed over to the Indian Navy next autumn instead of this December, the sources said.


United States of Hindu Empire
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May 29, 2009

average american

New Member
Aug 28, 2012
I figure the boilers have rusted out. They tried to repair them with firebricks but that didnt work. Boilers cause condensation and then sitting open to the salt air for 20 years dont help either. Wonder what the chance of Russia makeing a very advanced aircraft like the T50 or PAK-FA is when they cant even build an aircraft carrier. If the Russians cant figure out that fire bricks in the boilers of an aircraf carrier are not going to work, what chance do they have of correctly designing a advanced aircraft like the T50 or PAK-FA.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Do you know what you write ?

I figure the boilers have rusted out. They tried to repair them with firebricks but that didnt work.

Boilers cause condensation and then sitting open to the salt air for 20 years dont help either.


New Member
Apr 6, 2009
kunal!!! openness by Russians? come on!!!! Glasnost and perestroika have gone with Gorbachev!!! Russians have blamed the Chinese for the bricks, Indians and Brits for some nitrogen generator and other related equipment. These Russians are different!!!!

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Test information Vikramaditya

Source bmpd in Indian media, close to the Indian Navy, shared with our blog uninteresting to some information about the course and some of the results will complete the first stage of the tests for India rebuilt aircraft carrier Vikramaditya (former heavy aircraft carrying cruiser " Admiral Gorshkov ").
From June 8 to September 23, 2012, having for this time running a total of about 12,500 miles. On board the ship, there were about 2,000 crew and commissioning team, including 287 Indians. During the test, the ship's deck was made "‹"‹41 flight (landing and take-off cycle), the MiG-29K and MiG-29KUB. Total for the tests themselves (including overflights ship) and was committed to ensure 218 flights of aircraft and helicopters of various types (including flights MiG-29K/KUB from the deck
Regarding problems with boilers the ship, the Indian source said that the loss due to boiler brickwork masonry substrate deformation led to the maximum output of the boiler during the tests was limited to first level of 70 percent, and then did 50 percent.
Tests at full speed (29 knots) in general could not be held, the maximum speed reached was only 27.8 knots. Total loss of masonry boilers ranged from 5 to 10 percent of the total number of bricks. To date, the Indian side has agreed to restore the substrate thermal boilers with asbestos board that was used for this purpose before the boilers of this type. were also conducted successful trial runs Vikramaditya at the nominal cruising speed of 18 knots.
From : bmpd - Информация об испытаниях Vikramaditya

Few people call it The Chindu for no reasons. Anything good boosting Indian capabilities is never in their meme to disseminate.
Hindu article was Right, It was removed unnecessarily..

Where this PDF from ? An open source ?

1. What kind of boiler IN using on Vikramaditya
2. What is the use of Firebricks at which part of the boilers ?
3. What this boilers made of ?

Few of this questions answered the rest will be clear..

Russians have blamed the Chinese for the bricks,
Is that official statement or Open Media ?

average american

New Member
Aug 28, 2012
A few things that cross my mind are why would the USSR even build a Aircraft Carrier that was not nuclear powered. We have been building them for over 50 years, The USA built its first nuclear aircraft carrier 26 years earlier, and it makes no sense to me to build a non nuclear carrier unless you just dont have the technology to make it happen. The Vikramaditya uses steam turbines, evidently they use fire bricks to protect the walls of the furnace that produces the the superheated gases that produce the steam. I expect it looks like this Image Detail for - steam theory within the boiler fuel and air are force and the fire brick is to reduce the heat on the metal container and their is bound to be corrosion after 30 years, especially when it was not being used.

The boilers were changed to use diesel fuel instead of furnace fuel oil. That might be part of the problem.
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New Member
May 25, 2009
A few things that cross my mind are why would the USSR even build a Aircraft Carrier that was not nuclear powered. We have been building them for over 50 years, The USA built its first nuclear aircraft carrier 26 years earlier, and it makes no sense to me to build a non nuclear carrier unless you just dont have the technology to make it happen.
Try googling Kirov class and check it yourself.

Try to find out why these British carriers don't have nuclear propulsion.


Long walk
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Feb 21, 2012
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A few things that cross my mind are why would the USSR even build a Aircraft Carrier that was not nuclear powered. We have been building them for over 50 years, The USA built its first nuclear aircraft carrier 26 years earlier, and it makes no sense to me to build a non nuclear carrier unless you just dont have the technology to make it happen. The Vikramaditya uses steam turbines, evidently they use fire bricks to protect the walls of the furnace that produces the the superheated gases that produce the steam. I expect it looks like this Image Detail for - steam theory within the boiler fuel and air are force and the fire brick is to reduce the heat on the metal container and their is bound to be corrosion after 30 years, especially when it was not being used.

The boilers were changed to use diesel fuel instead of furnace fuel oil. That might be part of the problem.

In 1971...US comes to the Arabian sea to support Pakistan...then you afraid and withdrae from.that area....why ...are you feared of Russian Nuke Subs or some other problems....Russian have capable to put Nuclear power into know mobile Nuclear power vechile ..for your Ref some link below..
Russian Mobile Nuclear Power Plants | English Russia

I think this year a Russian sub comes to near America..are you on sleeping I thing...
Is you capable of send your Nimitz class AC into the Russian waters

average american

New Member
Aug 28, 2012
In 1971...US comes to the Arabian sea to support Pakistan...then you afraid and withdrae from.that area....why ...are you feared of Russian Nuke Subs or some other problems....Russian have capable to put Nuclear power into know mobile Nuclear power vechile ..for your Ref some link below..
Russian Mobile Nuclear Power Plants | English Russia

I think this year a Russian sub comes to near America..are you on sleeping I thing...
Is you capable of send your Nimitz class AC into the Russian waters
Then why not put it an aircraft carrier, and in the case of the nuclear sub in gulf, what are we going to do about, start a war. Russias been transformed by years of decline and stagnation from a superpower into a technological junkyard. Disasters ranging from crashing airplanes to industrial accidents have become commonplace in Russia, an increasingly poor country that can't afford to purchase new equipment or maintain aging Soviet-era machinery. In industry and the military, the problem has been compounded by carelessness, lack of training and pilfering.


New Member
Mar 10, 2009
Try googling Kirov class and check it yourself.

Try to find out why these British carriers don't have nuclear propulsion.
Could you please summarize? If all you are going to do is ask others to Google, then why post at all?

Edit: I looked up Kirov Class. I am still unclear why the Soviets never put nuclear reactors in their air-craft carriers?

[Tactical Aviation Cruisers to be precise]

