INS Vikramaditya (Adm Gorshkov) aircraft carrier


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2012
how does the pilots deside to takeoff so quickly in case they miss the cable, ?
Unlike landing on shore wherein we cut power for touch down, on Deck, the pilot opens full power once he arrives on the deck and flies the ac on to the deck. The arrestor hook than engages the wire and pulls the ac down and stops it. The power is cut only after the ac comes to stop.

The pilot opens the power to ensure a safe go around in case he fails to engage the wire.


Senior Member
Nov 19, 2012
Some Pakistani with burned up ass in Chinese forum was saying that Bridge on Viki dont have modern rugged computers and old 1980 vintage, he should see this video and we should send fire engine and burnal for his back side.
You will be pleasantly surprised to know that we Indians have given that tech to russians. Ships made in India are far more high tech than Vikky bridge as we had to mate russian junk with India Tech. IN is way ahead of most navies of the world in infotech.

cobra commando

Tharki regiment
Senior Member
Oct 3, 2009
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Some Pakistani with burned up ass in Chinese forum was saying that Bridge on Viki dont have modern rugged computers and old 1980 vintage, he should see this video and we should send fire engine and burnal for his back side.
*sigh* Sometimes i really feel sorry for these Dumbazz pakis, really do ! :tsk: :facepalm:


Regular Member
Jun 21, 2013
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You will be pleasantly surprised to know that we Indians have given that tech to russians. Ships made in India are far more high tech than Vikky bridge as we had to mate russian junk with India Tech. IN is way ahead of most navies of the world in infotech.
this is reg the firing trials video. Why is the loading done manually?? wont automating the rocket loading will enhance response time and increase the firing frequency??


Senior Member
Mar 28, 2013
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Former Soviet Aircraft Carrier Sets Sail for India

Read more: Former Soviet Aircraft Carrier Sets Sail for India | Business | The Moscow Times
The Moscow Times

The long awaited aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya sailed off to serve in the Indian Navy on Tuesday, after completing a multi year upgrade at a United Shipbuilding Company shipyard.

The craft, originally built in 1987 for the Soviet Navy and christened the Admiral Gorshkov, had been undergoing modernization for the Indian Navy since 2004, with delivery dates repeatedly pushed back by a series of delays.

After leaving the Sevmash shipyard in Severodvinsk, on the White Sea, the carrier will dock for several days in Murmansk for customs procedures and refueling, and then will be escorted by Indian Navy vessels to its new home base, Interfax reported.

A Russian crew of more than 180 servicemen will accompany the craft to India to instruct Indian sailors in the use of equipment and help with maintenance and any repairs.

The craft is scheduled to stop at 14 foreign seaports, before reaching India in early January to begin service.

Work on the ship under an initial $1.8 billion contract had been scheduled to be completed by 2008, but a series of delays and additional costs have driven the total sum of the contract to $2.3 billion.

The contract also included the purchase of MIG fighter jets and helicopters to be used on the ship by the Indian Navy.

Read more: Former Soviet Aircraft Carrier Sets Sail for India | Business | The Moscow Times
The Moscow Times

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