Indian Special Forces

Fire and groove

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Mar 5, 2021
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Your will vs BPJ in stopping a 7.62 round- Who wins?
Your will vs COMTACs preventing hearing loss increasing longevity of a SOF soldier's career- Who wins?
Your will vs a LPVO scope on every gun of a squad increasing their effective range to 500 metres- Who wins?
I can go on and on and on but don't bring this absolutely stupid argument of "mah commando's will".

What, you think SSG commandoes (idiotic as they are) lack will?
The Chinese SOF?
Hell, I would say the Kurdish militias have similar levels of motivation and will.
American losses were, barring freak accidents like Extortion 17 and Red wings, not tactical but strategic in nature.
They didn't manage to set up an effective fighting force as ANA attracted mostly moles and addicts with the officers being the cream of the crop (which isn't that high of a standard in Afghanistan anyways.)
Taliban lost tactically almost EVERY TIME. Their victory was strategic simply because the ANA was incompetent and they had all the time in the world while Americans would have to worry about cost overruns and overall scope of their involvement in Afghanistan once they killed UBL.

My point is-
When two men of equal will clash to kill each other, the one with better pedigree, equipment, training, assets and backing wins.
Unless you want to remain at mercy of the enemy's complacency and rely on his weakness as your strength (which is a stupid move. It doesn't take more than an year to professionalize a pipeline for an infantry element) you should be howling for better gear all the time.

Demand drives innovation too. Innovation is important if you want your guys to stay on top of the food chain locally or internationally. Domestic R&D for stuff like missiles, radars etc occur when an organization feels the need for it.

Its not like the R&D department wakes up one day and says "Maybe I could plug this gap in our force's capability".
It's when they get requests after requests that they get off their arse and start working on the needed project.

How do you reckon this would work out if they decided to compensate the deficiency of something like... say... Bhramos with the "will to fight"?

Not well, right?
Similarly, on a smaller scale, but important nonetheless, is the gear provided to your individual soldier.

No matter how much will you have, you won't pick up on heat signatures in a cold night with your naked eye, see in the dark, talk to your teammates 200 metres away in the midst of a gunfight without a radio etc etc.

Technical hurdles cannot be overcome by mere will or even training.
I think people need a reality check of what the human body is capable of. SOF push to the extreme, but that just highlights human limitations even further.


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Nov 10, 2019
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I'm getting sick and tired of the same fallacious arguments being recycled again and again by people who've clearly not made the slightest effort to research about the actual conditions in play.
They watch Rambo and think thats what commandos are, thats the amount of research these guys do. They might even think that Vidyut Jamwal movie (commando) is a documentary.


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Apr 27, 2021
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No amount of hardware at the special forces disposal is match to experience and will to fight to the last bullet. It is the experience and will to fight matters more than the armchair generals recommending this hardware or that hardware. If still in doubt then last five years example of Americans in Afghanistan should be the guide. Their the most modernized and well equipped American soldiers lost to rustic and poorly equipped Afghans with only Ak-47 and their experience and will.
*Wake up to Reality , nothing in this accursed world goes as planned*

If you still believe that will power is all it takes then please I request you say that to a professional army personnel posted at the border . I would love to see them Winter Soldier through enemy posts , doing jiu-jitsu and kick-boxing . Yes it is true , it takes a considerable amount of will and strength to actually operate weapons and take lives when your country requires it . But that is all to it . You barely get to see hand to hand combat in 2022 in a life or death situation . Even in this , you have to use your brain and utilise dirty tactics in order to live .
Technology enhances a soldiers ability .
Please , I dare you to actually shoot a CGRL close to your ear without PELTOR COMTACs
Or use an unsuppressed weapon during a reconnaissance op or surgical surprise raid .
Please also try touching a weapon system without a free floating barrel after firing 1000 of rounds * like in the movie * without burning your hand
Also , the text you sent is also sent using advanced 4g/5g internet technology and mobile handset . If you have guts please also run miles to deliver the same message to everyone of us members .
Look I don't want to get disrespectful and triggered but superstitious and fictional theory enrages me to the core .


New Member
Jan 13, 2021
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No amount of hardware at the special forces disposal is match to experience and will to fight to the last bullet. It is the experience and will to fight matters more than the armchair generals recommending this hardware or that hardware. If still in doubt then last five years example of Americans in Afghanistan should be the guide. Their the most modernized and well equipped American soldiers lost to rustic and poorly equipped Afghans with only Ak-47 and their experience and will.
I disagree janab, all of the SF guys want better stuff but are provided with things that they have to make do with. Although situation is improving, they want better and modular equipment. No unit in the armed forces wants to loose men where better equipment would have saved them. There are certain places where no amount of training can help as mentioned by almighty @Waanar and many people in the army aswell.

Hari Sud

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Mar 31, 2012
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I disagree janab, all of the SF guys want better stuff but are provided with things that they have to make do with. Although situation is improving, they want better and modular equipment. No unit in the armed forces wants to loose men where better equipment would have saved them. There are certain places where no amount of training can help as mentioned by almighty @Waanar and many people in the army aswell.
I somewhat differ with you. Glory and victory comes with blood and guts. Hardware plays its role but decisive role is played blood and guts.

Aditya Ballal

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Dec 16, 2020
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Mepro Hunter Night Vision Scope. This looks like the 4x version.


New Member
Aug 13, 2020
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The guys on the boat and the guys in the photo aren't probably the same. I think the guys in the photo were just pulled in last minute for the photo op. Most probably guys on security duty for the day or something. It's speculation though.
Definitely not VBSS or Sagar Prahari Bal. Cause neither have graduated from mostly Sterlings or Amoghs to Tavors and Viper P2 helmets.


New Member
Nov 9, 2021
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The guys on the boat and the guys in the photo aren't probably the same. I think the guys in the photo were just pulled in last minute for the photo op. Most probably guys on security duty for the day or something. It's speculation though.
Definitely not VBSS or Sagar Prahari Bal. Cause neither have graduated from mostly Sterlings or Amoghs to Tavors and Viper P2 helmets.
Sagar Prahari Bal has Tavors and VBSS has Viper P2

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