Indian Special Forces


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Dec 10, 2016
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It's more to do with ignorance. Lack of understanding of how things our in real life. People dont read. They talk as if they already know all the answers. I mean, we should see how this forum behaves half the time. This is the only thread I check on, and just a few times when I switched to different other threads, belive you me when I say that they seem more immature
I am almost 15 years old on these forums and most people know i have lost relatives to terrorists and have entire family in the army and me being the only civilian.

Still when i post something young people like you said dont read and understand and this is a wrong attitude.

The situation is so wrong that be it any topic taking a stand which is not matching with their extremist stand will invite criticism.

I honestly doubt anyone with this attitude can crack any interview anywhere..and i am saying this coz most of these teens would be giving interviews in the coming years.

The dont even know the Army they represent has a long tradition of the officers taking the religion and faith of their jawans.


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Sep 15, 2014
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Nope those in para do complain about gear and equipment but in IA like other armed forces the higher ups do reject the plea reinstating they have the best and other soldiers don't complain so there no point in complaining until ranks such as Colonel or Lt. Col does so and uper brass agrees.
Think you got the context Crisscrossed. My post was in reference to the child above who washes down his Xenophobia and propogates/condones murder by bringing up 1000 year old grievances

Jedi Operator

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Sep 28, 2022
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Just came across this,

October 1998: As part of the implementation of the Union Home Ministry's decision to conduct pro-active strikes against militants, commando teams supported by IAF Mi-25/35 helicopter gun-ships began striking at terrorist groups deep inside the mountains and forests of Kashmir. After helicopter reconnaissance was conducted to pinpoint the militants, the commandos – comprising NSG and Rashtriya Rifles personnel – were para-dropped, along with supplies, into the area to hunt the militants. They had to rely on these supplies and their ability to live off the land until replenishment every fortnight or so. These missions are possibly ongoing.

I think NSG were operating great here. And by RR units that were para-dropped, I guess those were from the 31 RR (Commando Battalion) since it is affiliated with the Parachute regiment


New Member
Aug 26, 2022
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Just came across this,

October 1998: As part of the implementation of the Union Home Ministry's decision to conduct pro-active strikes against militants, commando teams supported by IAF Mi-25/35 helicopter gun-ships began striking at terrorist groups deep inside the mountains and forests of Kashmir. After helicopter reconnaissance was conducted to pinpoint the militants, the commandos – comprising NSG and Rashtriya Rifles personnel – were para-dropped, along with supplies, into the area to hunt the militants. They had to rely on these supplies and their ability to live off the land until replenishment every fortnight or so. These missions are possibly ongoing.

I think NSG were operating great here. And by RR units that were para-dropped, I guess those were from the 31 RR (Commando Battalion) since it is affiliated with the Parachute regiment
Can't we use this same tactics now , just use Herons to find the terrorists and send the SF teams camping/hiding in the infested areas to take them out at night . Use cargo drones to replenish them at night and use smaller drones like Switch for lookouts .

Response time would be reduced and chances of intel leak will also be reduced .


New Member
Jun 3, 2022
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Can't we use this same tactics now , just use Herons to find the terrorists and send the SF teams camping/hiding in the infested areas to take them out at night . Use cargo drones to replenish them at night and use smaller drones like Switch for lookouts .

Response time would be reduced and chances of intel leak will also be reduced .
Or just use artillery and Pinaka and get done with your "Ceasefire".

But if they have to go sf way yes ur right something might happen don't think this will go unanswered.


New Member
Dec 10, 2016
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I guess because they were considered ineffecient in many ways, and looking back - this is'nt even their job. Considering MARCOs operate their permanently because they deploy near the lakes and rivers there in small numbers
During Garuds first deployment my friend was there in CBS and he told me jokingly that if they are SF then i am Thor.

