What he needs is secondary. My bigger concern is that you have supposed seasoned operators of our premier SOF units running around with Kit that they have onbiously NEVER used either in training let alone in combat.
The "Amateurishness" of this is mind bongling. Frigging LARPers would do a better job. and even if you say this is just a photo op. Would a proffessional ever tolerate that answer? This is like that NSG photo with the Optics backwards.
well we don't know if they are using it in training or not ,
About the larping part though, i don't think there is any other way to evolve your kit setup other than larping
surely there are some recommendations but in the end you do what you find best ... some like canted mag holders some don't , some like to keep their sidearm on their PC while others don't .Everyone is larping in their initial days until they find what they like ..
Give them time ,don't be so hard on them ......