Indian Special Forces (archived)

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New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I understand mate tht it's part of the job, but using special forces for encounters are something I am unable to digest, losing 5 in a single firefight is huge.

Special forces are supposed to be our best, just imagine wht would be the case if it were normal infantry or even RR guys.

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A direct action mission hunting down a group of high value infiltrating terrorists is one of the few missions that SFs actually should be used for in JK.

An infantry unit could do the same thing but their footprint would be far higher- they’d need 2-3x the manpower and much more support and the risks would also be far greater sending them into such a mission. SFs employed in this role carry all the equipment, ammo, rations etc they would need for at least 24h and are a self-contained fighting element that can get on the trail almost the moment they are dropped off


New Member
Oct 10, 2014
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A direct action mission hunting down a group of high value infiltrating terrorists is one of the few missions that SFs actually should be used for in JK.

An infantry unit could do the same thing but their footprint would be far higher- they’d need 2-3x the manpower and much more support and the risks would also be far greater sending them into such a mission. SFs employed in this role carry all the equipment, ammo, rations etc they would need for at least 24h and are a self-contained fighting element that can get on the trail almost the moment they are dropped off
Couldn’t ghataks be employed for this role? We desperately need to create a dedicated ghatak force that can be employed for such missions. Para SF are not meant for this.


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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Couldn’t ghataks be employed for this role? We desperately need to create a dedicated ghatak force that can be employed for such missions. Para SF are not meant for this.
Ghataks aren’t present in the kind of numbers needed for such readiness- there 1 platoon per btn so they are stretched too thin.

Ideally yes Ghataks would be trained up and equipped to a level where such missions were made their domain solely and not SF teams who have vast amounts of surplus skills.

I can’t speak for what happened in this mission but generally as it stands today there are SF ready teams with co-deployed aviation assets (ALHs Almaty exclusively). When these things happen and they get the call from a local commander they are gone, this is the kind of capability ghataks would have to get to.


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
I understand mate tht it's part of the job, but using special forces for encounters are something I am unable to digest, losing 5 in a single firefight is huge.

Special forces are supposed to be our best, just imagine wht would be the case if it were normal infantry or even RR guys.

Sent from my vivo 1921 using Tapatalk
RR is more than good enough to handle these Porki Terrorists and RR even has there own Dedicated Ghatak and SOG Groups inside each of there battalions.


New Member
Mar 27, 2019
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Majority are not. Also they suffer more from GI problems. All due to their dietary habits.
Too much carbs and spices.
You really don’t know much about what you’re saying. Take the average male in say Tamil Nadu, and you will see they are built pretty tough. Very tough.
Enough with this crap anyways. Stop generalizing regions with such narrow mindedness. If carbs is your problem, then with your logic the us army would be filled with overweight diabetics. Douchebag
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New Member
Mar 27, 2019
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I hope they are not, because a lot of lives are at stake here. Anyway some of them were not much better either.
That’s just an excuse.
Whole world is lauding Pakistan for using Tanks and artillery and LGBs , irrespective of the damage it has caused to local Pashtuns .
World appreciates courageous and brave and abhors cowards. Cowards have a lot of excuses to justify their cowardice.

I’m sure down the line top brass in Forces will realise and appreciate the use of overwhelming force against enemy.

Proportional use is different from indiscriminate use of firepower which btw is counterproductive.
Whole world is lauding?? You seem to be a fucking fanboy of those rag tags. Based On The pattern of your posts you seem to be in awe of those goat humpers. The whole world is tightening the screw on those guys. Which is why they are in the fucking grey lists. Nobody wants to associate with the pakis. You want goi to use lgb’s on indian soil and turn it into another Syria? You fucking numbnut. Do you think goi is as stupid as the goat fuckers next door? The pla already occupies portions of their land. The us can come and go whenever they want.
And who do you think the pakis are fighting? Think about it. For a second take your head out of their groin/crotch and think. Do you think this enemy they are fighting appeared magically out of no where? Can you take a guess who might be funding these guys that they are fighting?

cowards have excuses? Must be real brave, when Socom drones are bombing that place back to the stone ages.
SOB, youre not indian. You would know that the IA and IAF have handed paks ass back to them every time. You’re a lowlife mofo spreading bs in this forum.
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New Member
Sep 4, 2019
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Whole world is lauding Pakistan
The only other people I hear this from are... *gasp*

for using Tanks and artillery and LGBs , irrespective of the damage it has caused to local Pashtuns .
World appreciates courageous and brave and abhors cowards. Cowards have a lot of excuses to justify their

Let me get this straight-
Using attack choppers and tanks and mortars and LGBs on 5 dudes is courage (on your own territory no less) but foot soldiers going head to head in a right proper firefight is cowardice?

Where are you from mate, would love to meet you and discuss this one on one..
DM me your whatsapp number and we can talk on video about the absolute mindfuck of a logic that you just poured in this forum.
Don't worry, I'll be polite. I'm just baffled and curious.
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New Member
Oct 27, 2019
There is a clear change in the strategy, If they cross the LoC and kill one of our soldiers. Then India reserves right to cross the border and hit them hard and extract a greater price.
Why would we Reserve anything? We can hit them anytime and anywhere and when ever we want. This is not a video game where we wait till enemy hits us back to strike back against them again. PorkiShitani Dogs are our enemies and wants to see the total annihilation of Bharat. India doesn’t need permission for anybody to start a war if we wish. PorkiShitani wouldn’t have provoked india this much if they didn’t have nukes. But the Chinki Bastards knew this and shared there shit with the Camel Pee Drinkers. If Porkis want a war we should give it to them.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
I think attaching a surveillance drone with infrared scanner to a special force team which will get real time updates from the control room will be good.

Since the drone can check nearby locations beforehand and hopefully prevent any ambushes.

This Is just too painful.

Sab kutto ko coronavirus ho jaye mare sale.


New Member
Jun 17, 2009
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Why would we Reserve anything? We can hit them anytime and anywhere and when ever we want. This is not a video game where we wait till enemy hits us back to strike back against them again. PorkiShitani Dogs are our enemies and wants to see the total annihilation of Bharat. India doesn’t need permission for anybody to start a war if we wish. PorkiShitani wouldn’t have provoked india this much if they didn’t have nukes. But the Chinki Bastards knew this and shared there shit with the Camel Pee Drinkers. If Porkis want a war we should give it to them.
it is always good to be one step ahead, but unfortunately these infiltration do happen when snow melts. They provoked India and they are getting hammered at the LoC regularly.


New Member
Dec 22, 2019
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2020 has been a terrible year for the Pakis. Was only a matter of time before they tried something like this. The good thing is they didn't get very far inside our territory. IA will light up LOC once again and they'll crawl back into their holes.


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Dec 10, 2016
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Why do we have a fetish of comparing ourselves to US in everything?

Is the US fighting in its own territory?

High inferiority complex among us.

If it was would have taken POK in 1948.

Lets talk about what we can do...

I dont give a fuck about how many US SF died in what operation..we lost operators and yeah the number could very well be less.

Losing so many operators against BAT which are a mix of terrorist and SF is not acceptable.

4 families lost someone..a husband..a son..a father...their lives are screwed now.

And we lost a JCO who is really experienced and may have been the team leader.

I always talk for better gear so that on these days we have lesser casualties unlike some others who will have mental masturbation watching good gear.

Jab tak khud ka nahi marta toh dard thode hota he...and thatswhy i see no concern for lives in most people's post here.


New Member
Jul 7, 2016
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These disasters happen, look up Op Red Wings and that was a pre-planned surveillance Mission. In direct action ops there’s always a huge risk to the hunters and it seems like the area where this happened was heavily forested. Equipment levels can only get you so far but after a certain point it’s all down to fortune and hoping you get the upper hand, like I said in a direct action mission the odds are already stacked against you.

We also can’t rule out that this was intended to be an ambush from the outset by the Paki rats, this team could’ve walked into a well planned trap and there’s not much you can do in those situations.

Just be grateful that these beastly men exist ready to go out on those choppers into the darkness to hunt these monsters
this will be my position unless it’s proven that equipment deficiencies (which are surely there) led to their deaths.

+ EDI is an entirely separate matter, that was a debacle on a monumental scale
Thank you will check that out, one more thing, our special forces are operating in this area for a longtime and have had encounters there before, it's always 1 or 2 casualties never have been 5 in one go that is what is baffling me.

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Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Before the better equipment gang starts their circle jerk... please do analyze what actually happened

They fell into that ditch all at the same time?? Man, what happened to the age old basic most tactic of employing a pointman??!! If anything, this should be even more disconcerting than lack of proper gear!!
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