Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Oct 11, 2017
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Himalayas – India’s Northern Frontier, Chinese Claims on Indian Territory | Lt. Gen. Katoch | 2018

Lt. Gen. Katoch (Retd) is a Special Forces officer with 40 years of service in the Indian Army. His last post was as director general of Information Systems. He has commanded a Special Forces Battalion in Sri Lanka, a Brigade on the Siachen Glacier, a Division in Ladakh, and a Strike Corps in semi-deserts. He served as India’s Defence Attaché to the Republic of Korea and Japan between 1994 and 1997. He has authored over 200 articles on international relations, strategic affairs, national security, military, technical and topical issues, and contributes regularly to both Indian and foreign publications. A leading defense analyst, he is a visiting fellow in foreign think tanks and is active in seminars at both national and international levels. He has recently authored a book on the Special Forces of India. He holds a master’s degree in Defense Studies and is an alumnus of the National Defense College of India.


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Sep 28, 2019
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“The implications of shortfall in miscellaneous expenditure include inability to operationalisation of Defence Space Agency (DSA), Defence Cyber Agency (DCYA) and Armed Forces Special Operations Division (AFSOD)."

This is what the committee noted.
Guys, y'all are right. Economic slowdown might be the govt's fig leaf but mismanagement and incompetence is the root cause.

And the govt has once again demonstrated its retardedness. Three days, yes three fucking days after denying money to AFSOD/Space/Cyber they're now going to buy 400 more T-90!!!

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Cheeni KLPDhokebaaz
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Jun 5, 2017
Guys, y'all are right. Economic slowdown might be the govt's fig leaf but mismanagement and incompetence is the root cause.

And the govt has once again demonstrated its retardedness. Three days, yes three fucking days after denying money to AFSOD/Space/Cyber they're now going to buy 400 more T-90!!!

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It's a Russian claim nothing from our side


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Jun 21, 2018
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Why would the Russians lie ? I don't find it surprising at all considering how much our IA Generals jerk off to T-90s
The deal was announced much earlier! This is part of an older commitment.

Even Arjun MK1A is on the verge of orders!

AFSOD is a work in progress. I expect it will take a few years to reach whatever is contemporary with Western SOF. Lots of projects are announced as well so funding will probably be in tranches.


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Dec 10, 2016
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Guys, y'all are right. Economic slowdown might be the govt's fig leaf but mismanagement and incompetence is the root cause.

And the govt has once again demonstrated its retardedness. Three days, yes three fucking days after denying money to AFSOD/Space/Cyber they're now going to buy 400 more T-90!!!

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what difference will 100 tanks less make i wonder..

with the money of 100 tanks what all can we buy for our para sf.. i wonder


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Sep 28, 2019
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The deal was announced much earlier! This is part of an older commitment.
Not true, sir. It's indeed true that an order for some 400 tanks was put last year as you rightly pointed out BUT I'm talking about a NEW order for another 400+ tanks being placed right now.

It's being widely reported in Russian media. There hasn't been any confirmation from our side yet but it's likely to come soon.

The new 118 tank order for desi Arjuns is indeed a welcome step and I don't think anyone in this group would have anything against it, infact more of these toys should be bought.

My limited point was against fauzi obsession of flushing billions down the drain in senseless mass imports when there are so many places where this expenditure would've yielded far more bang for the buck.

AFSOD is a work in progress. I expect it will take a few years to reach whatever is contemporary with Western SOF.
AFSOD (all our SF/SOFs) will definitely get better over time and one day match, if not surpass, our western counterparts but I'm 100% certain that it's not going to happen in next few years. Few decades, at the very least. Perhaps more.


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Sep 28, 2019
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what difference will 100 tanks less make i wonder..

with the money of 100 tanks what all can we buy for our para sf.. i wonder
Definitely worth wondering.

We're a developing country with limited resources meaning we can't afford to arm and equip our 1.5 million strong military with world class shit but what we can do is invest in niche areas to compensate for this general lack of resources. It's always preferable to be extremely good at a few things than be bad at everything.

UK, for example. They don't have enough cash/clout to project conventional military power like US does so they invested in the SAS and they have successfully used SAS as an effective means of furthering their foreign policy objectives across the planet.

I don't see ANY reason why India can't provide for a few thousand special operators if we have the WILL and VISION. We'll have to compromise on some other conventional capabilities but it's totally worth it. Like you said a few hundred less tanks don't matter much but to have an SOF that can produce strategic outcomes in Africa/Latin America is a worthy weapon to yield.

Also it's not just special operations. We can invest in niche areas like Cyber and Space as well.


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Sep 4, 2019
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Definitely worth wondering.

We're a developing country with limited resources meaning we can't afford to arm and equip our 1.5 million strong military with world class shit but what we can do is invest in niche areas to compensate for this general lack of resources. It's always preferable to be extremely good at a few things than be bad at everything.

UK, for example. They don't have enough cash/clout to project conventional military power like US does so they invested in the SAS and they have successfully used SAS as an effective means of furthering their foreign policy objectives across the planet.

I don't see ANY reason why India can't provide for a few thousand special operators if we have the WILL and VISION. We'll have to compromise on some other conventional capabilities but it's totally worth it. Like you said a few hundred less tanks don't matter much but to have an SOF that can produce strategic outcomes in Africa/Latin America is a worthy weapon to yield.

Also it's not just special operations. We can invest in niche areas like Cyber and Space as well.
Cyber warfare is one field where investment will pay back overtime. A simple example-

When Russians invaded Georgia in 2008, their hackers shut down the Georgian internet and ran a massive misinformation campaign. This resulted in off duty soldiers, policemen and civilian security not even comprehending the scale of the war and it's consequence.
This sudden attack resulted in Georgia losing 1/3 of it's territory in a month with minimal casualties on Russian side.

Make no mistake, bullets may break the enemy, but only misinformation and lies (barring a crushing defeat) will break their morale. Just wait for the bitching and crying by the Indian Public when the Army mobilizes to push into PoK.

What do you think makes them squeal? Their pain for the soldiers? F**k that, half of them wouldn't even have family in the forces.
It's twitter, it's fb, it's the SM and then some foreign funded NGOs.

Ah, gosh we're lagging in the propaganda department.....

fire starter

Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Cyber warfare is one field where investment will pay back overtime. A simple example-

When Russians invaded Georgia in 2008, their hackers shut down the Georgian internet and ran a massive misinformation campaign. This resulted in off duty soldiers, policemen and civilian security not even comprehending the scale of the war and it's consequence.
This sudden attack resulted in Georgia losing 1/3 of it's territory in a month with minimal casualties on Russian side.

Make no mistake, bullets may break the enemy, but only misinformation and lies (barring a crushing defeat) will break their morale. Just wait for the bitching and crying by the Indian Public when the Army mobilizes to push into PoK.

What do you think makes them squeal? Their pain for the soldiers? F**k that, half of them wouldn't even have family in the forces.
It's twitter, it's fb, it's the SM and then some foreign funded NGOs.

Ah, gosh we're lagging in the propaganda department.....
this video sums up everything what u said.
and plz don't forget to subscribe this channel.


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Sep 4, 2019
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this video sums up everything what u said.
and plz don't forget to subscribe this channel.
Subscribed a long while back.

Anyone wants good knowledge and Indian perspective of warfare and the evolving mindset among these somewhat improvised civilian think tanks must watch Vaibhav's videos.

Btw, please, anyone, I've been looking for that tune at 00:30 (the beginning of the video) for a long time. I love it.
Anyone know which one is it? I have failed in finding it.


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Jul 29, 2010
Every pro Indian person with decent history and geo political knowledge is a potential cyber warrior. What is required is a structure to fight it at a strategical level. A forum like dfi tends to disseminate knowledge to people who want to learn something. What is required is to take that pro India content to other less receptive individuals. Note that Russia invested heavily in RT today nobody cares about CNN or BBC. Check the channels views on you tube. Can India do it? Maybe but I have my doubts.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019
At this point I fail to understand how is the army even able to justify orders of tanks our tank force has an overwhelming superiority over pakistani ones.

We won't be fighting china anytime soon at all.

Why are even wasting money on tanks at all just spend these funds somewhere else and save a portion of it to fund the indigenous next gen tank.

Tanks are honesty the last thing we need right now.


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Oct 19, 2019
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Maybe they think that making sf super infantry will minimize the casualties of actual infantry.
It's not that way,a retired para Buddha will tell you that they can do everything that a SF guy can do so why distinguish between them? The only thing they care about is the fact that SF units bring lots of citations and gallantry awards with them and it adds to Para's bhaukaal of being the most decorated regiment of the Indian army. Talk to them and you are most likely to pluck most of your hairs on your head. These idiots are jealous of SF units and oblivious to the strategic nature of SF's deployments.


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Sep 4, 2019
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It's not that way,a retired para Buddha will tell you that they can do everything that a SF guy can do so why distinguish between them? The only thing they care about is the fact that SF units bring lots of citations and gallantry awards with them and it adds to Para's bhaukaal of being the most decorated regiment of the Indian army. Talk to them and you are most likely to pluck most of your hairs on your head. These idiots are jealous of SF units and oblivious to the strategic nature of SF's deployments.
If you've donned the uniform, it's good to know, but curb your insolence a bit.
They might be making mistakes and getting ambitious in their career but "Buddha" and "idiots" are not suitable terms to use for veterans unless you're one yourself. No, NCC doesn't count.


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Oct 19, 2019
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If you've donned the uniform, it's good to know, but curb your insolence a bit.
They might be making mistakes and getting ambitious in their career but "Buddha" and "idiots" are not suitable terms to use for veterans unless you're one yourself. No, NCC doesn't count.
My family has given 9 members to services and that does not include me but my father and uncles and cousins. As far as use of some rather uncivilized words is concerned then let me tell you that those are not my words but of a former operator who's sadly no longer with us. Ask any old and perhaps retired member of our special forces community and those words will resonate. They donot like para oldies and some of them even hate some retired para officers. The reason is that they see airborne officers as the sole reason behind their inability to go ahead with special operation regiment. I cannot say anything about what our current generation officers think but oldies do think in the same manner. By the way once I had a nice argument with a retired para officer who came across a rather ....... can't say that word
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