Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Sep 28, 2019
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See if you can find the original parliamentary report, it should be available in public domain. Better to look at the source instead of media reports.
“The implications of shortfall in miscellaneous expenditure include inability to operationalisation of Defence Space Agency (DSA), Defence Cyber Agency (DCYA) and Armed Forces Special Operations Division (AFSOD)."

This is what the committee noted.

Full report here, if you wanna verify for yourself.


I'm attaching the report's relevant section for convenience.

What!!!! They planned out the new commands. Didn't they do a budgeting excersise??!! There is no national security imperative? If they didn't have funds why make such a big hoopla with press releases ?

The sheer incompetence in executing ANYTHING by this govt is starting to get really annoying.
Government was apparently acting on the assumption that the economy will keep growing at 7 percent but the economic slowdown sunk that ship mid ocean. This corona outbreak is gonna make things even worse. So AFSOD is going to take more time than originally anticipated :(

Let's just hope they use this extra time to brainstorm on concepts and a much better version of AFSOD comes up!


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Sep 15, 2014
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Government was apparently acting on the assumption that the economy will keep growing at 7 percent but the economic slowdown sunk that ship mid ocean. This corona outbreak is gonna make things even worse. So AFSOD is going to take more time than originally anticipated
That is what is starting to worry me. The Govt's delusion and incompetence in execution. I can understand that an economic slow down has been there since 2016. I am a capital Market participant that managers over USD500m of AUM. I know it first hand. However. Slow down in Growth doesnt mean Govt Exp comes to a standstill. it has to get reallocated on a priority bases. Health Care, Education, Military, Infra, etc etc.

Also the economic slow down has been THE writing on the wall for many quaters now. Saying the govt continues to believe in a 7% GDP growth rate is mindboggling. Its Criminal.

Cyberwarfare Command should be an EVEN more national security imperative than 36 Rafales no? Whats the point of being able to control the skies if a bunch of kids in Ukraine or NorthKorea can shut our cities, and civilian communication, power infra down??!!!

Maximum projects under each and every section of GoI either onhold or stopped due to not available of funds.
Lol. I dont even know how to reply to this.


Mera Bharat mahan
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Mar 19, 2016
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Government was apparently acting on the assumption that the economy will keep growing at 7 percent but the economic slowdown sunk that ship mid ocean. This corona outbreak is gonna make things even worse. So AFSOD is going to take more time than originally anticipated :(

Let's just hope they use this extra time to brainstorm on concepts and a much better version of AFSOD comes up!
Economic growth high or low shouldnt be a reason for 0 as for budget the shortfall is of roughly 400 crore.If the GUBBERMINT wanted this problem fixed they could have easily fixed this one.

Forces and the GUBBERMINT must fix things up rationalize and prioritise things fast.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Economic growth high or low shouldnt be a reason for 0 as for budget the shortfall is of roughly 400 crore.If the GUBBERMINT wanted this problem fixed they could have easily fixed this one.

Forces and the GUBBERMINT must fix things up rationalize and prioritise things fast.
There will be reasons that go unnoticed, just because people are not looking in that direction.

For example: how many of us know that NATGRID HQ & data centre was delayed because of a PIL on environmental clearance.


New Member
Dec 15, 2019
There will be reasons that go unnoticed, just because people are not looking in that direction.

For example: how many of us know that NATGRID HQ & data centre was delayed because of a PIL on environmental clearance.
All these PIL are done by NGO funded by foreign countries who are against our interest.


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Sep 15, 2014
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There will be reasons that go unnoticed, just because people are not looking in that direction.

For example: how many of us know that NATGRID HQ & data centre was delayed because of a PIL on environmental clearance.
A PIL against a Govt initiative for environmental reasons is fine and is an active AGENCY cost of being a democracy.

And there is no need to blame "NGOs" as if they are afflicted by leprosy. In most parts of the country its these very NGOs that we loathe that are providing basic servcies that local governments are unable to do so.

The argument here is what is within the Government's control. Budgeting IS. Prioritizing Defense spending from a smaller pie IS THE PRIMARY JOB OF MOD.


New Member
Dec 15, 2019
A PIL against a Govt initiative for environmental reasons is fine and is an active AGENCY cost of being a democracy.

And there is no need to blame "NGOs" as if they are afflicted by leprosy. In most parts of the country its these very NGOs that we loathe that are providing basic servcies that local governments are unable to do so.

The argument here is what is within the Government's control. Budgeting IS. Prioritizing Defense spending from a smaller pie IS THE PRIMARY JOB OF MOD.
Stfu these NGO are funded by foreign countries who clearly don't want us to develop and safe.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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A PIL against a Govt initiative for environmental reasons is fine and is an active AGENCY cost of being a democracy.

And there is no need to blame "NGOs" as if they are afflicted by leprosy. In most parts of the country its these very NGOs that we loathe that are providing basic servcies that local governments are unable to do so.

The argument here is what is within the Government's control. Budgeting IS. Prioritizing Defense spending from a smaller pie IS THE PRIMARY JOB OF MOD.
My point is that every project has hundreds of line items in their check list, some critical others not, all line items with their own dependency. External factors play a role as well.

We need not be assuming that govt is the only player in this project. In these kind of initiatives, clarifications come much later.

Another example: check Ananth krishnan’s tweet this morning. Apparently GSAT1 launch was delayed because Americans put pressure and countdown was called off minutes before the start.

I am just hoping that he is not talking about GISAT1.


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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My point is that every project has hundreds of line items in their check list, some critical others not, all line items with their own dependency. External factors play a role as well.

We need not be assuming that govt is the only player in this project. In these kind of initiatives, clarifications come much later.
Setting up a budgeting exercise for setting up 3 Tri services Command should have very limited External Players other than PMO, CS, MOD, Services. The external factor here is the economy and the sheer lack of management capability of this government. It has become almost systemic to most arms of the government now which is why i am left banging my head on the door and cursing myself for voting for them. TWICE.

Another example: check Ananth krishnan’s tweet this morning. Apparently GSAT1 launch was delayed because Americans put pressure and countdown was called off minutes before the start.
Well that is neither here not there. American Appeasement is a very active (pro-active) part of this Government's agenda. Again back to my cursing myself of having any hopes from this Government of a new style of Governance in India.


New Member
Dec 15, 2019
My point is that every project has hundreds of line items in their check list, some critical others not, all line items with their own dependency. External factors play a role as well.

We need not be assuming that govt is the only player in this project. In these kind of initiatives, clarifications come much later.

Another example: check Ananth krishnan’s tweet this morning. Apparently GSAT1 launch was delayed because Americans put pressure and countdown was called off minutes before the start.

I am just hoping that he is not talking about GISAT1.
From where did we got those sensors? even if we imported them from USA then why they gave us and then objected at the last moment? if those sensors are indigeneous then why USA is bothered just say fuckoff to them.


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Sep 13, 2010
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NSG Commandos from 29th Special Composite Group (SCG), NSG Regional Hub, Kolkata
And weapons in a form of high-ready...not something I've seen before.

Noticed initially by @abingdonboy

Guess all that training with SFGs is rubbing off.
Video of the demo, the only one I can find annoyingly (media is SO bad at their jobs):

Once agin NSG demonstrating they are in a different league to any other unit in India. The way they move with purpose, speed and aggression is like nothing I've seen from any other specialist unit in India. What you see from IA/IAF/IN SFs in comparison is slow, sloppy and lacks commitment.

Even their weapon handling is a step above any mil SF.

Again NSG Shows the way to evolution
Absolutely, this is one of the things that has impressed me greatly since 26/11. NSG have been constantly evolving and almost every time you see them since they have been demonstrating something new- tactics, equipment etc. Meanwhile PARA (SF) and the other 2 (to a lesser extent) have pretty much stood still since 2009.


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Setting up a budgeting exercise for setting up 3 Tri services Command should have very limited External Players other than PMO, CS, MOD, Services. The external factor here is the economy and the sheer lack of management capability of this government. It has become almost systemic to most arms of the government now which is why i am left banging my head on the door and cursing myself for voting for them. TWICE.

Well that is neither here not there. American Appeasement is a very active (pro-active) part of this Government's agenda. Again back to my cursing myself of having any hopes from this Government of a new style of Governance in India.
Looks like you have made up your mind..

FYI, GSAT1 was launched in 2001.


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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Looks like you have made up your mind..

FYI, GSAT1 was launched in 2001.
Sir, I am not denying external factors which are outside your control. Geopolitics is definitely one such thing. But i am refering to specifics that are within the govts control, off their initiate and unable to be seen through.

And yea my mind is made up unfortunately for very tangible reasons. Dont have the ability (non discourses and Chatham house rules) to start listing them here but happy to do so in a private convo at some point. Wrong thread anyways.


New Member
Jan 10, 2013
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The incident Ananth is referring to is for GISAT 1(Geo Imaging Satellite) - which is way way different from GSAT1. GISAT series hasnt been launched yet - it was supposed to be first of many!

@rkhanna is right, BJP behaves tries too hard in being goody goody in front of US.


New Member
Dec 15, 2019
The incident Ananth is referring to is for GISAT 1(Geo Imaging Satellite) - which is way way different from GSAT1. GISAT series hasnt been launched yet - it was supposed to be first of many!

@rkhanna is right, BJP behaves tries too hard in being goody goody in front of US.
We import nearly 90% of components used in satellites so unless we indigenize them we will remain goody goody in front of them.
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