Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Dec 10, 2016
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Haven't seen the video, what exactly did he say about SS?
He says that we didnt retaliate after Abhinandan was shot down..seems to not like that we didnt retaliate and hence feels we let them attack us in broad daylight whereas the govt has accepted it was a act of war.

About SS 1 he says it was a raid and it was going on even in the 90s and the only difference is this time we struck the terrorist not the Pak Army.


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Jul 20, 2013
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IMHO he provides a very bleak opinion of the chain of events from the Balakot strike to the Abhinandan incident.

The Balakot strike was an intended strike against a terror camp, an objective achieved. But like he said, we can only estimate the efficacy of the strike based on intelligence inputs of the number of residents of the camp.

The next day the pakis intruded our air space, true, but we managed to chase them away before they could strike at us. In the course of the deterrence, we shot down one of their F16s,

It is quite possible that Rafale could have proven to be a better option at countering the F16s than the Bison.

Also, like you said, the title is (deliberately???) misleading.

I am sorry but everything he said is 100% true.

Since i find you to have a good attitude to learn And if you have a open mind to debate you can put across any line you think is a lie and i will clarify the meaning of it for you.

BTW he didnt say Surgical strike 1.0 was fake.

Assassin 2.0

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Aug 13, 2019
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Wars are fought on the basis of objectives by first surgical strike we proved we will strike you and will claim and show that to the world. (when was the last time we conduct this big operation and claimed it.)

Second we again called of Pakistani nuclear bluff by striking in Pakistan with airforce first time after 1971. And Pakistan retaliated and every time you do anything they will retaliate. International pressure on both sides led to release of our pilot. For the next time we should maintain supremacy to the level which Pakistan cannot even match (which makes there pilots to have scary dreams and s-400 will just do thato_O) . Weakness of IAF needs to be fixed asap. We lacked capabilities first we did offence and then we tried defence and find out iaf doesn't have huge capabilities against Pakistan in short quick strike from there side. And they knew this. Still we managed to chase them away cool.

Next objective wipe terrorist from Kashmir and remove article 370A and that to just happened.

All these efforts by india have shaken the Islamabad.
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Sep 13, 2010
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After 26/11 has NSG been used in any operation? I will wait for actual confirmation before proclaiming their renaissance.

and since 26/11 they have been working flat out. They are constantly foreword deploying assets, carrying out threat assessments and security audits and carrying out mock drills and have had a role in raising/training pretty much every specula police units states have raised in the last 10 years.

unfair to judge them by the fact that they aren’t constantly involved in kinetic operations- that is a testament to how robust the entire security apparatus of India has become.

Pathankot attacks............
NSG lost a man in that operation...
Lost a BDS member who triggered a booby-trap during terrorist body retrieval. Lessons were learnt.

the Pathankot operation itself was 100% a success. All terrorists neutralised and no civilians harmed or strategic assets even touched.

IMHO he provides a very bleak opinion of the chain of events from the Balakot strike to the Abhinandan incident.

The Balakot strike was an intended strike against a terror camp, an objective achieved. But like he said, we can only estimate the efficacy of the strike based on intelligence inputs of the number of residents of the camp.

The next day the pakis intruded our air space, true, but we managed to chase them away before they could strike at us. In the course of the deterrence, we shot down one of their F16s,

It is quite possible that Rafale could have proven to be a better option at countering the F16s than the Bison.

Also, like you said, the title is (deliberately???) misleading.
The important thing that folks miss about the Balakot strike and Feb 27 events is that we demonstrated that we can control the escalation ladder and all those Hai tauba shenanigans about any conflict spiralling out of control were completely rubbish.
what he says is true though. After IAF lost assets they lost all initiative and they never recovered from it.

PAF equalled the score to a large extent. And India didn’t make any effort to regain the high ground, instead they backed down.

Rafale wouldn’t have changed anything. It wasn’t about sophistication of weapons but a unwillingness to use them.


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Oct 11, 2017
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I am sorry but everything he said is 100% true.

Since i find you to have a good attitude to learn And if you have a open mind to debate you can put across any line you think is a lie and i will clarify the meaning of it for you.

BTW he didnt say Surgical strike 1.0 was fake.
my reply is intended to @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR sir. others can agree or disagree. no need to name call or disrupt the thread's peace please!

Military stuff, i do not post much since my knowledge is limited & the video title is very misleading. I also didn't saw fully since i didn't had the time.

generally, i post news, pics, videos and silently read others military matters. also, i have seen it many times here....if u say anything contrary to popular opinion, there is a tendency to mock and name call. i am someone who underwent problems related to depression post my divorce and i still cannot deal with abuse & name calling! so i prefer to read over silently and not express. and the moment name calling begins btw other members too, i log out or hit ignore button! So thank u for being polite in ur response sir. appreciate that very much.

Now to the video....yes i heard his opinion abt not retaliating after abhinandan sir and agree completely. yes, did read that the raids were happening since a long time as well and believe it too & agree with him.
Regarding SS 1, if he didn't say it was fake, then i have no problem.

In that thread(abhinandan related one) this was my post when i read they r de-escalating after abhinandan sir got captured:

I had maintained that time also that we shouldn't stop retaliation on the basis of abinanadan sir's capture and that the country' objective was more imp than one soldier's life and shud consider the bigger picture. and no i wont blame abhinandan sir for anything like some posters at the time did and i honour the man's bravery! yes, i trust IAF's version and yes their strike too and feel it was a success too.

I am very happy that we got abhinandan sir back, otherwise he wud have become another live wound in our country's conscience. i understand the sentiments as well but we shudn't have stopped the attack since they tried to hit us in broad day light! this is what i feel, i might be very wrong though.

Also, wen i first heard abt the surgical strike i felt gung-ho like many other and i still do but wen i sat and thought i feel bjp & modi went over board with all the bragging. I am one of those people who cudn't appreciate or understand the govt organized Surgical Strike Day celebration and all the drama around it. probably we r the only country who did that...i felt it was cringe worthy. but yes, i did shared the pics and gave my respect to all the involved soldiers in the event.

yes, we did SS1 and we claimed it in a very professional way by the DGMO and the involved soldiers were honoured as well. it shud have stopped there. there was no need to release videos. also, i think i have written this before, yes we outed Major Tango's identity we shud have stopped there. but what was the need for outing the identity of air traffic control officer's of air force, Squadron leader Agarwal !!! was it really needed? the tukde gang will ask more proof why cater to their non sense? these r the few things that piss me off abt bjp! bcoz i do feel bjp have our nation's best interest in their hearts, this kind of silliness i can't tolerate.

that being said, i am a proud nationalist(sanghi too but not a blind one) and i do not appreciate or tolerate asking for proof of SS1/airstrike, calling the entire military rapists(bad eggs r in every field), mocking them & indian culture, india ke tukde gang, minority appeasement etc!

also, our armed forces needs a lot of improvement, a publicly accepted fact. there is rot at the top of our armed forces which reached at its zenith during UPA's loot era as we all know. this was also confirmed personally by my army officer friend...he himself endured a lot of abuse regarding some issues. i don't write these things here publicly since pakis and anti-nationals lurk this forum and i do not want them to use anything we say, against our soldiers or my frnd! and that's y i privately msged u about what i heard from my frnd since i respect ur opinions and knowledge.
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New Member
Dec 10, 2016
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my reply is intended to @COLDHEARTED AVIATOR sir. others can agree or disagree. no need to name call or disrupt the thread's peace please!

Military stuff, i do not post much since my knowledge is limited & the video title is very misleading. I also didn't saw fully since i didn't had the time.

generally, i post news, pics, videos and silently read others military matters. also, i have seen it many times here....if u say anything contrary to popular opinion, there is a tendency to mock and name call. i am someone who underwent problems related to depression post my divorce and i still cannot deal with abuse & name calling! so i prefer to read over silently and not express. and the moment name calling begins btw other members too, i log out or hit ignore button! So thank u for being polite in ur response sir. appreciate that very much.

Now to the video....yes i heard his opinion abt not retaliating after abhinandan sir and agree completely. yes, did read that the raids were happening since a long time as well and believe it too & agree with him.
Regarding SS 1, if he didn't say it was fake, then i have no problem.

In that thread(abhinandan related one) this was my post when i read they r de-escalating after abhinandan sir got captured:
View attachment 39406

I had maintained that time also that we shouldn't stop retaliation on the basis of abinanadan sir's capture and that the country' objective was more imp than one soldier's life and shud consider the bigger picture. and no i wont blame abhinandan sir for anything like some posters at the time did and i honour the man's bravery! yes, i trust IAF's version and yes their strike too and feel it was a success too.

I am very happy that we got abhinandan sir back, otherwise he wud have become another live wound in our country's conscience. i understand the sentiments as well but we shudn't have stopped the attack since they tried to hit us in broad day light! this is what i feel, i might be very wrong though.

Also, wen i first heard abt the surgical strike i felt gung-ho like many other and i still do but wen i sat and thought i feel bjp & modi went over board with all the bragging. I am one of those people who cudn't appreciate or understand the govt organized Surgical Strike Day celebration and all the drama around it. probably we r the only country who did that...i felt it was cringe worthy. but yes, i did shared the pics and gave my respect to all the involved soldiers in the event.

yes, we did SS1 and we claimed it in a very professional way by the DGMO and the involved soldiers were honoured as well. it shud have stopped there. there was no need to release videos. also, i think i have written this before, yes we outed Major Tango's identity we shud have stopped there. but what was the need for outing the identity of air traffic control officer's of air force, Squadron leader Agarwal !!! was it really needed? the tukde gang will ask more proof why cater to their non sense? these r the few things that piss me off abt bjp! bcoz i do feel bjp have our nation's best interest in their hearts, this kind of silliness i can't tolerate.

that being said, i am a proud nationalist(sanghi too but not a blind one) and i do not appreciate or tolerate asking for proof of SS1/airstrike, calling the entire military rapists(bad eggs r in every field), mocking them & indian culture, india ke tukde gang, minority appeasement etc!

also, our armed forces needs a lot of improvement, a publicly accepted fact. there is rot at the top of our armed forces which reached at its zenith during UPA's loot era as we all know. this was also confirmed personally by my army officer friend...he himself endured a lot of abuse regarding some issues. i don't write these things here publicly since pakis and anti-nationals lurk this forum and i do not want them to use anything we say, against our soldiers or my frnd! and that's y i privately msged u about what i heard from my frnd since i respect ur opinions and knowledge.
I always reply politely only until someone having life issues starts attacking me personally which i obviously dont take in cyber world as well as real world. So you dont need to thank me for that.

Now coming to the topic the thing is most of the kids here have never been to Jammu and Kashmir or have anyone in the Army to tell them what the ground situation is.

And some members like me have family members who have done operations across the LOC in the 90s.So to explain to them that these kind of operations have been going on for quite sometime is really difficult.

Because these people dont give a fuck about the Army in particular. They are here for their agenda.. which is politics and vote bank.

Abhinandan is a son of a big officer of the Indian Air Force. The Chief of Air Staff in a recent interview very proudly said.. that he called Abhinandans father and said i will get him back.

On a broad daylight when PAF had dropped bombs on our Army bases which missed this is what he was worried about?

I felt so angry because i have been to military hospitals and seen young solders 18 and 19 years old be handicapped or die and no one giving a fuck about it and here we leave all our stratergic objective and are worried about Abhinandan?

I still ask..why did we not chase those aircrafts with huge numbers of sukhoi and bomb their bloody bases?

Why is the life of a pilot more important than the stratergic mission and why do we have to do these kind of ops when we cannot tolerate pows or casualties.

We will need many Abhinandans and thousands of troops if we really want to destroy Pakistan and if we keep weeping and putting Facebook status to get someone back.. then Hasta la Vista baby.. war is not for the soft hearted.

I was personally very angry with what was happening then.Many of my friends were celebrating Abhinandans return.I didnt feel happy and i am somewhere still angry over what happened.

We are underperforming in every field. Our defence budget is worth billions of dollars and our best Commando is dressed up like a US SF operator in Afghanistan 2001/2002.

You know why? Because some General thinks we need more T 90s.I have seen T 90 tanks only in exercises in the last 10-15 years.

But the tank crew will be sent to RR to fight terrorists as RR soldiers.And i guess they will be needing a good infantry kit for that..but where is that?

So either they are too dumb or their pockets are full. And then we have countless soldiers dying because of lack of proper gear. But yeah our POW is more important coz i i guess all lives are not equal.

On the day Abhinandan was shot we had one AWACS taking off and another landing.There was a gap in between.We didnt have plenty of resources..why..because we needed only more Sukhois like the Army needed more T 90s.

These senseless buying needs to end.

We can easily equip all of our SF battalions if we delayed buying extra T 90 tanks by few years.

So if you ask yourself honestly.. what did we win on the day Adbhinandan was shot down.. the answer will be nothing!

And yeah before anyone replies..dodging missiles is not stratergic objective.


तस्मात् उत्तिष्ठ कौन्तेय युद्धाय कृतनिष्चय
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Aug 15, 2016
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On the day Abhinandan was shot we had one AWACS taking off and another landing.There was a gap in between.We didnt have plenty of resources..why..because we needed only more Sukhois like the Army needed more T 90s.

Not only that, IAF was disinterested in NETRA AEWACS till they realised its worth in the Gagan Shakthi exercise and luckily deployed it during Balakot strikes. This is how we work !


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Jun 21, 2018
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and since 26/11 they have been working flat out. They are constantly foreword deploying assets, carrying out threat assessments and security audits and carrying out mock drills and have had a role in raising/training pretty much every specula police units states have raised in the last 10 years.

unfair to judge them by the fact that they aren’t constantly involved in kinetic operations- that is a testament to how robust the entire security apparatus of India has become.

Lost a BDS member who triggered a booby-trap during terrorist body retrieval. Lessons were learnt.

the Pathankot operation itself was 100% a success. All terrorists neutralised and no civilians harmed or strategic assets even touched.

what he says is true though. After IAF lost assets they lost all initiative and they never recovered from it.

PAF equalled the score to a large extent. And India didn’t make any effort to regain the high ground, instead they backed down.

Rafale wouldn’t have changed anything. It wasn’t about sophistication of weapons but a unwillingness to use them.
Pakis failed in their objective to hit Indian strategic targets and were intercepted by an Indian contingent 1/4 the size of their package.

Losing an F 16 to a MiG 21 is a poor trade. Their original idea was to down a few MKIs and scoot while they bombed us. The bombing failed and the AMRAAMs were jammed by us.

With Meteor missiles, the no escape zone is 100km and the range is 150km. Astra coming online means we have a 110km BVRAAM across all platforms. Combine this with the S400 and you see an absolute dominance across all sectors.


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Sep 15, 2014
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Pakis failed in their objective to hit Indian strategic targets and were intercepted by an Indian contingent 1/4 the size of their package.

Losing an F 16 to a MiG 21 is a poor trade. Their original idea was to down a few MKIs and scoot while they bombed us. The bombing failed and the AMRAAMs were jammed by us.
That is all well and good. But why was a 24 ship strike package only interdicted by 4 CAP screen (Flankers) + 2 Scrambles (Mig-21)

How could the AF Brass and NSA miscalculate the Paki response (to Balakot) to such a degree where all our ISR / SAM/ Air Patrols were at near peace time levels?

The Fact that the Pakis did not do more damage is attributable to a bit of Skill (on our side) and WHOLE lot of luck (tech failure for the pakis).

And GIVEN that the Pakis Clearly targeted Military Targets (when we avoided it + gave a press conference) what was our response other than bababanaras tweets?

We sucker punched the pakis and were ill prepared for the knife fight. Poor form. Pointless talking about meteors and S400s (if wishes were horses)

That being said. Wrong Thread. Can we please move this elsewhere.


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Jun 21, 2018
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That is all well and good. But why was a 24 ship strike package only interdicted by 4 CAP screen (Flankers) + 2 Scrambles (Mig-21)

How could the AF Brass and NSA miscalculate the Paki response (to Balakot) to such a degree where all our ISR / SAM/ Air Patrols were at near peace time levels?

The Fact that the Pakis did not do more damage is attributable to a bit of Skill (on our side) and WHOLE lot of luck (tech failure for the pakis).

And GIVEN that the Pakis Clearly targeted Military Targets (when we avoided it + gave a press conference) what was our response other than bababanaras tweets?

We sucker punched the pakis and were ill prepared for the knife fight. Poor form. Pointless talking about meteors and S400s (if wishes were horses)

That being said. Wrong Thread. Can we please move this elsewhere.
The simple fact of the matter is that you cannot account for all variables in an rapidly changing scenario.

There is a gap of 1/2 hour between AWACS changing duties. 24/7 CAPs are not possible in India. R77E has 80km vis a vis AIM 120 C5 having 105km. IFF systems not switched on in the SPYDER SAM.

We were ready to do #PKMKB if necessary.

Wing Commander Varthaman was captured after he bailed out of his aircraft across the Line of Control, but not before he brought down a Pakistan Air Force F-16 that, along with other PAF aircraft, tried to attack positions within India on the morning of February 27 in the Nowshera sector of Jammu. The two also discussed the Indian army’s deployment of 12 short-range surface-to-surface missile batteries in Rajasthan, the people added.


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Feb 26, 2010
@rkhanna, I believe you may have read the posts of Karan M, Rudradev and Ramana over at BRF about what exactly happened on Feb 27th and what it exactly means and what objectives were achieved.

One thing was certain, more than luck it was Napaki arrogance and incompetence that led to vast numbers missing their targets.

None of the Bandars and Mirages managed to get even close. Ra'ad ka baap was a bigger dud than diwali patakha dunked in water

Only one jet managed to get close to landing a hit- the twin seater F-16 that guided the LGB that hit the tree in front of Brigade HQ.

WC Abhi chased that F-16 and brought it down while at the same time allowed his wingman to get away (the broken AMRAAM), in the process sacrificing himself, but not before avenging the strike on our HQ.

Were there mistakes? Yes.

Were lessons learned? Seems like

Were our objectives met? Yes.

That discussion has been done to death there and here and probably in highly articulate manner.

Let's not go around in circles just because the likes of jihadi Sawhney for whom Napakis are "brothers in arms" with "same language same culture" starts farting.

Anyway last from me on this matter.


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Sep 15, 2014
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One thing was certain, more than luck it was Napaki arrogance and incompetence that led to vast numbers missing their targets.
And that pretty much is all that disturbs me. We dodged a bullet here.

I agree with everything said on BR but those conversations dont address the IAF's underestimating the Paki response

There is a gap of 1/2 hour between AWACS changing duties. 24/7 CAPs are not possible in India. R77E has 80km vis a vis AIM 120 C5 having 105km. IFF systems not switched on in the SPYDER SAM.
What will we do if we get into a Shooting war? We cant put assets in the air? We hit Balakot. Logic would dictate the pakis will do something stupid to save face.

PS during week long excercises we routinely practice a larger numbver of BARCAP Screens for extended periods.

Anyways Like Mayfair said. last on this.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
And that pretty much is all that disturbs me. We dodged a bullet here.

I agree with everything said on BR but those conversations dont address the IAF's underestimating the Paki response

What will we do if we get into a Shooting war? We cant put assets in the air? We hit Balakot. Logic would dictate the pakis will do something stupid to save face.

PS during week long excercises we routinely practice a larger numbver of BARCAP Screens for extended periods.

Anyways Like Mayfair said. last on this.
That I agree with, we were caught at a vulnerable moment, because we were caught unawares by them dusting off their old plans (just like Napakis the day before). Also we were taken aback by Napakis rushing head-on into a fight just for face-saving.

That we recovered splendidly and pulled down their retreating chaddis does not take away form the fact that we were caught unawares.

Subsequent actions suggest that hopefully IAF and the political leadership has learned their lessons. We'll have to wait for the next conflict to see if that's really true and how much of it translates into practice.

But you are right, let's move on the other thread.

My absolute last on this.
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Oct 11, 2017
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I always reply politely only until someone having life issues starts attacking me personally which i obviously dont take in cyber world as well as real world. So you dont need to thank me for that.

Now coming to the topic the thing is most of the kids here have never been to Jammu and Kashmir or have anyone in the Army to tell them what the ground situation is.

And some members like me have family members who have done operations across the LOC in the 90s.So to explain to them that these kind of operations have been going on for quite sometime is really difficult.

Because these people dont give a fuck about the Army in particular. They are here for their agenda.. which is politics and vote bank.

Abhinandan is a son of a big officer of the Indian Air Force. The Chief of Air Staff in a recent interview very proudly said.. that he called Abhinandans father and said i will get him back.

On a broad daylight when PAF had dropped bombs on our Army bases which missed this is what he was worried about?

I felt so angry because i have been to military hospitals and seen young solders 18 and 19 years old be handicapped or die and no one giving a fuck about it and here we leave all our stratergic objective and are worried about Abhinandan?

I still ask..why did we not chase those aircrafts with huge numbers of sukhoi and bomb their bloody bases?

Why is the life of a pilot more important than the stratergic mission and why do we have to do these kind of ops when we cannot tolerate pows or casualties.

We will need many Abhinandans and thousands of troops if we really want to destroy Pakistan and if we keep weeping and putting Facebook status to get someone back.. then Hasta la Vista baby.. war is not for the soft hearted.

I was personally very angry with what was happening then.Many of my friends were celebrating Abhinandans return.I didnt feel happy and i am somewhere still angry over what happened.

We are underperforming in every field. Our defence budget is worth billions of dollars and our best Commando is dressed up like a US SF operator in Afghanistan 2001/2002.

You know why? Because some General thinks we need more T 90s.I have seen T 90 tanks only in exercises in the last 10-15 years.

But the tank crew will be sent to RR to fight terrorists as RR soldiers.And i guess they will be needing a good infantry kit for that..but where is that?

So either they are too dumb or their pockets are full. And then we have countless soldiers dying because of lack of proper gear. But yeah our POW is more important coz i i guess all lives are not equal.

On the day Abhinandan was shot we had one AWACS taking off and another landing.There was a gap in between.We didnt have plenty of resources..why..because we needed only more Sukhois like the Army needed more T 90s.

These senseless buying needs to end.

We can easily equip all of our SF battalions if we delayed buying extra T 90 tanks by few years.

So if you ask yourself honestly.. what did we win on the day Adbhinandan was shot down.. the answer will be nothing!

And yeah before anyone replies..dodging missiles is not stratergic objective.
Agree with u.

but I am happy that we got abhinandan sir back, on a humanitarian level. it comes from the belief that no indian shud rot under paki abuse. same for jadhav sir...i hope we get him back by hook or crook but NOT COSTING OUR OBJECTIVES!

but i believe we shud have never stopped! there is no point keeping any word to a rogue state who is hell bent on killing max indians! i remember kargil war and almost daily someone was being killed...if we r this squeamish abt deaths then how r we going to get back POK? it will take a lot of soldier casualty if we try to get out places back.
anyway they were supposed to return abhinandan sir. i remember the case of kargil air force POW. i don't remember we stopping till we evicted the leeches.

Regarding upgrades and all, it seems infantry soldiers and, especially SF, comes last into consideration for the higher ups! they r the ones who r in direct harm yet they r always ignored. the fact that it took so many yrs to provide bullet proof (still not done fully i believe) for soldiers even when we had funds, instead chose to get all the fancy tanks and weapons, says it all!

what is ur opinion on yoking army SF with the parachute regiment?
can't they be given their old name Meghdhoots(Initially that's wat they were called right?) and given back their identity? i mean both marcos and garuds have separate identity yet the best among them, the army SF, don't even have an existence of their own! why this decision was made and why it is not undone?


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Oct 11, 2017
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Not only that, IAF was disinterested in NETRA AEWACS till they realised its worth in the Gagan Shakthi exercise and luckily deployed it during Balakot strikes. This is how we work !

I do not understand the promotion policy. r we promoting undeserving guys up in the tri services? how can the top guys not know what is needed? many of the people here, enlist the needs of our forces yet no one at the top knows it!
(i have only read abt army cases hence the below points on army but i believe it might be true for the other 2 forces as well)

in an old news link, i read that Col Lalit Rai VrC was denied promotion since he "lacked qualities needed for higher command"!!! this is the same man who led from the front in Kargil yet he is unqualified? as a result, he chose to resign and move on....i feel same goes for Col. Shekhawat who has been messed with since 2009! why r obviously talented officers(in a commoners view at least) getting ignored yet the action of the higher up does not inspire any hope in us either. these highly decorated guys got superseded because they r "not gud enough" for the strategic jobs. if we r to believe this, then y r those guys who superseded guys like Rai and Shekhawat not doing what they r supposed to do? that means the promotion system/parameters is flawed right?


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Dec 10, 2016
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Agree with u.

but I am happy that we got abhinandan sir back, on a humanitarian level. it comes from the belief that no indian shud rot under paki abuse. same for jadhav sir...i hope we get him back by hook or crook but NOT COSTING OUR OBJECTIVES!

but i believe we shud have never stopped! there is no point keeping any word to a rogue state who is hell bent on killing max indians! i remember kargil war and almost daily someone was being killed...if we r this squeamish abt deaths then how r we going to get back POK? it will take a lot of soldier casualty if we try to get out places back.
anyway they were supposed to return abhinandan sir. i remember the case of kargil air force POW. i don't remember we stopping till we evicted the leeches.

Regarding upgrades and all, it seems infantry soldiers and, especially SF, comes last into consideration for the higher ups! they r the ones who r in direct harm yet they r always ignored. the fact that it took so many yrs to provide bullet proof (still not done fully i believe) for soldiers even when we had funds, instead chose to get all the fancy tanks and weapons, says it all!

what is ur opinion on yoking army SF with the parachute regiment?
can't they be given their old name Meghdhoots(Initially that's wat they were called right?) and given back their identity? i mean both marcos and garuds have separate identity yet the best among them, the army SF, don't even have an existence of their own! why this decision was made and why it is not undone?
If the SF officers dont take the stand who can?

When Arty officer becomes Chief he tries to get arty guns.. when armd regtt chief comes he tries to get tanks but when infantry regtt officer becomes chief nothing happens and we still buy tanks.

If i am not mistaken the most number of chief have come from Infantry background and yet the condition of foot soldiers is so bad.

Regarding the name of army SF and meghdoot @rkhanna is the man to answer that as he knows Para regtt politics better than me.
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