Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Oct 10, 2014
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I know 1st and 9th Para SF guys are deployed in Kashmir, but 10nth Para SF ? Are they not deployed in Rajasthan area due to their specialisation in desert warfare ? Good to see even Lt. Col being directly involved and participating in operations.
as far as i know, 10 Para SF do operate in valley. Shaheed Captain Pawan Kumar belonged to 10 Para SF. also the President's current ADC Major Gaurav Chaudhary also belongs to 10 Para SF.

as far as Lt.Colonel being involved in operations, i know that 2015 Myanmar ops were carried out by Lt.Colonel Nectar Sanjebam from 21 Para SF.


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Dec 10, 2016
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Without going into the details of what's best for combat (lean muscular or bulky muscular), I have to disagree with you that bulky muscular folks get screwed without food or water!

When you run out of food, your body will attack fat reserves first and then go onto to breakdown your muscles and consume it as protein. So a bulky body will actually last longer when you run out of food to eat!

(also, western soldiers don't just have strong upper bodies, they have pretty strong/bulky legs too..)
Western Soldiers have every muscles bigger than Indians because of diet and weight training.

The thing you say about fat reserve and consuming muscles for energy is so carefully said without taking into consideration that a bulky guy would spend more calories per metre as compared to a lean guy?

Metabolism would be higher,calories required to maintain weight is higher?Can they carry that much food in LRP?

I have seen a lean guy doing ok 8 hours without food but i have never seen a bulky guy not complain about food after 6.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Western Soldiers have every muscles bigger than Indians because of diet and weight training.

The thing you say about fat reserve and consuming muscles for energy is so carefully said without taking into consideration that a bulky guy would spend more calories per metre as compared to a lean guy?

Metabolism would be higher,calories required to maintain weight is higher?Can they carry that much food in LRP?

I have seen a lean guy doing ok 8 hours without food but i have never seen a bulky guy not complain about food after 6.
Did you actually mean to say 'carefully' (in which case I accept your compliments on my nuanced description) or perhaps you meant 'carelessly'? I would take an insult over ambiguity any day :)

US military and Special forces carry high calorie meals - only difference is that Special forces carry freeze dried packets.
Your sampling of lean guys versus bulky guy is hardly valid scientifically or otherwise! Also, the question is not about 'feeling hungry' (which is a mental signal that lasts for a short time only), the issue is literally 'lasting extended periods without food'. Someone with more reserves will last longer - simple logic. And if the reserves are in the form of muscles then they'll be more effective in carrying weights etc.


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Dec 10, 2016
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Did you actually mean to say 'carefully' (in which case I accept your compliments on my nuanced description) or perhaps you meant 'carelessly'? I would take an insult over ambiguity any day :)

US military and Special forces carry high calorie meals - only difference is that Special forces carry freeze dried packets.
Your sampling of lean guys versus bulky guy is hardly valid scientifically or otherwise! Also, the question is not about 'feeling hungry' (which is a mental signal that lasts for a short time only), the issue is literally 'lasting extended periods without food'. Someone with more reserves will last longer - simple logic. And if the reserves are in the form of muscles then they'll be more effective in carrying weights etc.
It was a compliment.

i would like to read such scientifc studies which says bulky guys would outperform lean guys in climbing mountains or running 100 kms. .. atleast marathon pictures or military academy photos dont say that.

Happy to be proved wrong.. bulky guy myself.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
Scientific studies are the ones most lacking in many assertions here.

I only hope the that's not how most decisions are made..


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
It was a compliment.

i would like to read such scientifc studies which says bulky guys would outperform lean guys in climbing mountains or running 100 kms. .. atleast marathon pictures or military academy photos dont say that.

Happy to be proved wrong.. bulky guy myself.
Thank you for the compliment.

As an active mountaineer myself, I know that core strength is more important than muscular bulk (heavier body weight is harder to pull up on rocks & ice).

To be honest, I don't have an idea about the impact of lean vs bulky body in active combat - as such tried to steer clear of that discussion.

That said, it would be hard to believe that US SEALS are allowed to bulk up when it is actually to their detriment! From what I've seen, SEALS in Afg & Iraq carry their (heavy) exercising weights and keep working on them constantly....

(but the hypothesis on longer survival with more muscle mass still sounds logical to me)


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Dec 10, 2016
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Thank you for the compliment.

As an active mountaineer myself, I know that core strength is more important than muscular bulk (heavier body weight is harder to pull up on rocks & ice).

To be honest, I don't have an idea about the impact of lean vs bulky body in active combat - as such tried to steer clear of that discussion.

That said, it would be hard to believe that US SEALS are allowed to bulk up when it is actually to their detriment! From what I've seen, SEALS in Afg & Iraq carry their (heavy) exercising weights and keep working on them constantly....

(but the hypothesis on longer survival with more muscle mass still sounds logical to me)
My arguement was on being mentally fine with less supplies

Since i am quite bulky myself i need good amount of carbs and protein a day to survive.If i eat a normal guys diet in India i loose weight and in few days in the gym i feel weak.

But i have seen lean guys survive on coca cola and cigrattes the whole day which i cannot lol

Anyway thats a personal observation...Infact in running also i cannot do long runs.. but in short sprints i am good.

Bulky body is like a heavy engine...without gas you are screwed...with gas you can screw anyone.

feel free to disagree.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
(but the hypothesis on longer survival with more muscle mass still sounds logical to me)
It appears logical but it is also highly simplistic.

Because by that reasoning, more muscle mass also indicates higher metabolic/calorific requirements. Under adverse conditions, those inputs will be severely compromised and body reserves activated.

Thus, longer survival on body stores will have a far greater destructive impact on body's muscles are reserves will be pulled in to keep the core bodily functions going.

That would mean that those muscles and bulk will soon lose their effectiveness and weaken progressively more than lean muscle mass.

In this case longer survival will not really help, since the survivor will be incapable of performing anywhere near their optimum or even adequately.

Once again studies (in other fields such as athletics) have shown that endurance is not necessarily determined by the muscle mass, but by host of other factors. Which is why sprinters are differently build to long-distance runners.

Having said that, a truly comparative assessment of differently build SF operatives is unlikely to be available in the public domain, so any assertions will be speculative at best.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
It appears logical but it is also highly simplistic.

Because by that reasoning, more muscle mass also indicates higher metabolic/calorific requirements. Under adverse conditions, those inputs will be severely compromised and body reserves activated.

Thus, longer survival on body stores will have a far greater destructive impact on body's muscles are reserves will be pulled in to keep the core bodily functions going.

That would mean that those muscles and bulk will soon lose their effectiveness and weaken progressively more than lean muscle mass.

In this case longer survival will not really help, since the survivor will be incapable of performing anywhere near their optimum or even adequately.

Once again studies (in other fields such as athletics) have shown that endurance is not necessarily determined by the muscle mass, but by host of other factors. Which is why sprinters are differently build to long-distance runners.

Having said that, a truly comparative assessment of differently build SF operatives is unlikely to be available in the public domain, so any assertions will be speculative at best.
Once again, I don't want to get into comparisons when someone is 'active' (running marathons or actively in combat).
My statement is applicable when a muscular guy and a lean guy are lying with no food. I would think that the core body requirements for both would be very similar; also since they're not 'active' the muscular guy's muscles are not consuming that much energy....they're just fact they're disintegrating to provide energy for the rest of the body..and the lean guy has 'less' of what could power his body.

Remember that folks can die quickly without water....but will survive without food for a long time until all of body fats and skeletal muscles are used up....

I have no more data to offer on the topic at this time.


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May 23, 2015
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I know 1st and 9th Para SF guys are deployed in Kashmir, but 10nth Para SF ? Are they not deployed in Rajasthan area due to their specialisation in desert warfare ? Good to see even Lt. Col being directly involved and participating in operations.
Actually Lt Colonel is the highest ranking officer who can directly take part in operations. Above that you'll have to sit in base camp etc.

Brahmaputra Mail 2

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Aug 11, 2017
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10TH BATTALION THE PARACHUTE REGIMENT (SPECIAL FORCES) Lieutenant Colonel Vikrant Prasher of 10 Parachute Regiment (Special Forces) led a small team to eliminate a hardcore terrorist. In August 2018, presence of category A++ terrorist was confirmed in a specific area in Central Kashmir. Lieutenant Colonel Prasher, alongwith three other ranks displaying extreme mental agility and situational awareness, closed in on the terrorists leader in a busy market place. Identifying the terrorist in the market was extremely challenging, and difficult to pinpoint their exact location. Suddenly, Lieutenant Colonel Vikrant Prasher came face to face with the terrorists and firefight ensued with the groups of terrorists, at extremely close range. Reacting swiftly, unmindful of fire and risks, Lieutenant Colonel Vikrant Prasher skillfully and accurately eliminated the terrorist leader and had to dive for cover under the return fire while the other terrorists disappeared amongst the crowd. Lieutenant Colonel Prasher skillfully retrieved his small team from volatile crowd in quick time with tremendous professional grit. For displaying untranscended bravery, superior tactical expertise, ingenuity and unorthodox approach leading to surgical elimination of a category A++ terrorist commander, Lieutenant Colonel Vikrant Prasher is awarded “SHAURYA CHAKRA”.


9TH BATTALION THE PARACHUTE REGIMENT (SPECIAL FORCES) Major Rohit Lingwal was deployed along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir for conduct of counter infiltration operations. He meticulously developed intelligence network with respect to activities of terrorist outfits. Major Rohit Lingwal was able to obtain intelligence about likely reconnaissance activity of a hardcore terrorist. The terrorist was to lead a group for conduct of a major attack on own post on the line of control. Maj Lingwal led his troop through mine fields ahead of own defences and laid multiple ambushes for protracted period. In July 2018, he took his party out towards the Line of Control for a long duration operation. His team remained in hide, without any signature of their presence. One afternoon, he observed terrorists approaching own posts. He alerted his troop and started closing in towards the terrorist. Displaying outstanding field craft and nerves of steel, he maintained surprise till the end and soon had a close firefight with the terrorists. Unmindful of the volley of bullets and grenades, Major Rohit Lingwal crawled towards the terrorists and the terrorist leader was shot dead at close quarters. His action thwarted a major hostile action on own troops. For displaying most conspicuous gallantry, outstanding leadership and meticulous planning and perseverance, in eliminating the hardcore terrorist leader, Major Rohit Lingwal is awarded “SHAURYA CHAKRA.”

FIRST BATTALION THE PARACHUTE REGIMENT (SPECIAL FORCES) Captain Abhay Sharma, SM was the party commander tasked to undertake patrolling against enemy Border Action Team along Line of Control in Jammu district of Jammu and Kashmir. On 21 April 2018, Captain Abhay Sharma, SM led a patrol along the Line of Control. At 1310 hours, own patrol spotted movement of 10 uniformed enemy personnel carrying weapons and moving towards own post Spur Forward. He quickly deployed his party in two locations and at opportune time he along with his buddy opened fire and neutralised two enemy personnel. Displaying exceptional battle craft, he provided cover fire enabling his buddy to disengage and move to safety. Thereafter, displaying exemplary junior leadership he crawled under support fire of his buddy and shot down another enemy regular at close range. Once under effective fire from enemy posts, he sensed grave danger to entire party and directed fire of five C-90s and destroyed three bunkers. Exhibiting composure and exceptional tactical acumen under heavy enemy fire, he successfully executed the ambush, destroyed three bunkers, recovered enemy weapon and ensured safe extrication without any casualty. For displaying conspicuous gallantry, unmatched professionalism and resolute leadership in face of enemy, Captain Abhay Sharma, SM is awarded „SHAURYA CHAKRA‟.



India is my Identity
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Aug 30, 2013
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Actually Lt Colonel is the highest ranking officer who can directly take part in operations. Above that you'll have to sit in base camp etc.
Depends upon which kind of Ops they are doing. Late Col M.N.Rai got martyred in an op.


New Member
Sep 13, 2010
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I know 1st and 9th Para SF guys are deployed in Kashmir, but 10nth Para SF ? Are they not deployed in Rajasthan area due to their specialisation in desert warfare ? Good to see even Lt. Col being directly involved and participating in operations.
1st, 4th And 9th operate year round in Kashmir and 21 in the NE the rest of the PARA SF btns send teams in and out of these areas to
Build up their experience and expose them to combat so at any one time there could
Be operators from 4-5 different btns operating in Kashmir.


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Sep 13, 2010
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This movie is amazing on so many levels but I think this period of time is notable for
The Indian SFs. They have gained prominence immensely in the last few years from
Their operations to their significance. Not only
Are their achievements being celebrated but they are being configured to take their natural role- a strategic asset. The news that the tri-service SOD has already begun being raised just further highlights this.

And yes. This IS creditable to Modi and his govt, a shift HAS taken. Let’s just hope this is taken to its natural conclusion.


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Sep 15, 2014
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Lieutenant Colonel Vikrant Prasher of 10 Parachute Regiment (Special Forces) led a small team to eliminate a hardcore terrorist. In August 2018, presence of category A++ terrorist was confirmed in a specific area in Central Kashmir. Lieutenant Colonel Prasher, alongwith three other ranks displaying extreme mental agility and situational awareness, closed in on the terrorists leader in a busy market place. Identifying the terrorist in the market was extremely challenging, and difficult to pinpoint their exact location. Suddenly, Lieutenant Colonel Vikrant Prasher came face to face with the terrorists and firefight ensued with the groups of terrorists, at extremely close range. Reacting swiftly, unmindful of fire and risks, Lieutenant Colonel Vikrant Prasher skillfully and accurately eliminated the terrorist leader and had to dive for cover under the return fire while the other terrorists disappeared amongst the crowd. Lieutenant Colonel Prasher skillfully retrieved his small team from volatile crowd in quick time with tremendous professional grit. For displaying untranscended bravery, superior tactical expertise, ingenuity and unorthodox approach leading to surgical elimination of a category A++ terrorist commander, Lieutenant Colonel Vikrant Prasher is awarded “SHAURYA CHAKRA”.

Major Rohit Lingwal was deployed along the Line of Control in Jammu and Kashmir for conduct of counter infiltration operations. He meticulously developed intelligence network with respect to activities of terrorist outfits. Major Rohit Lingwal was able to obtain intelligence about likely reconnaissance activity of a hardcore terrorist. The terrorist was to lead a group for conduct of a major attack on own post on the line of control. Maj Lingwal led his troop through mine fields ahead of own defences and laid multiple ambushes for protracted period. In July 2018, he took his party out towards the Line of Control for a long duration operation. His team remained in hide, without any signature of their presence. One afternoon, he observed terrorists approaching own posts. He alerted his troop and started closing in towards the terrorist. Displaying outstanding field craft and nerves of steel, he maintained surprise till the end and soon had a close firefight with the terrorists. Unmindful of the volley of bullets and grenades, Major Rohit Lingwal crawled towards the terrorists and the terrorist leader was shot dead at close quarters. His action thwarted a major hostile action on own troops. For displaying most conspicuous gallantry, outstanding leadership and meticulous planning and perseverance, in eliminating the hardcore terrorist leader, Major Rohit Lingwal is awarded “SHAURYA CHAKRA.”

Captain Abhay Sharma, SM was the party commander tasked to undertake patrolling against enemy Border Action Team along Line of Control in Jammu district of Jammu and Kashmir. On 21 April 2018, Captain Abhay Sharma, SM led a patrol along the Line of Control. At 1310 hours, own patrol spotted movement of 10 uniformed enemy personnel carrying weapons and moving towards own post Spur Forward. He quickly deployed his party in two locations and at opportune time he along with his buddy opened fire and neutralised two enemy personnel. Displaying exceptional battle craft, he provided cover fire enabling his buddy to disengage and move to safety. Thereafter, displaying exemplary junior leadership he crawled under support fire of his buddy and shot down another enemy regular at close range. Once under effective fire from enemy posts, he sensed grave danger to entire party and directed fire of five C-90s and destroyed three bunkers. Exhibiting composure and exceptional tactical acumen under heavy enemy fire, he successfully executed the ambush, destroyed three bunkers, recovered enemy weapon and ensured safe extrication without any casualty. For displaying conspicuous gallantry, unmatched professionalism and resolute leadership in face of enemy, Captain Abhay Sharma, SM is awarded „SHAURYA CHAKRA‟.


All of these are outstanding special operations actions. !!!!
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