Indian Special Forces (archived)

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May 16, 2011
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I'd be very glad if every soldier in the IA gets: moden combat boots, gloves, knee pads, ear piece for comms, a good reliable assault rifle, a good plater carrier with ability to stop atleast AK rounds, a good helmet, a standard knife, a good 9mm or .45 cal secondary fire arm, a modern uniform that remains stealthy even with night vision & thermal sensors, a standard small bino, optics for the weapon (a reflex or red dot sight) with ability to clip on thermal sights when needed, camel bak, tactical combat shades, IR laser pointers, atleast a 3rd or 4th gen NVG monocle. If we can get there that is already good.


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Oct 11, 2017
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bit of an old one....but nothing much has changed, if im not wrong.

India's Special Forces: Are We Misusing Them & Losing Precious Lives?

India's Special Forces continue to suffer from a lack of a dedicated command and neglect from the higher echelons of the politico-military hiearachy.

On February 21, three men from the India Army’s elite Special Forces lost their lives while trying to evict two terrorists from Pampore’s Entrepreneurship Development Institute in the Kashmir valley. The deaths of Captain Pawan Kumar, Captain Tushar Mahajan and Lance Naik Om Prakash are tragic, but also raises several questions that urgently need answers.

Officers among the Rashtriya Rifles formations, a force that is permanently situated in Jammu and Kashmir for counter insurgency operations, said that several inexplicable decisions were taken during the Pampore operation that led to the sudden rise in casualties.

“In any hostage rescue operation in a multi-storied building, it is key that the commandos enter the building from multiple entry points simultaneously to achieve surprise,” said a senior Special Forces army officer in the area. “In this case the team commander of 10 Para (SF) had requested for time to plan the operation and ensure a simultaneous multiple entry into the EID building, but this was denied by the senior commanders.” The officer requested anonymity since he is not authorised to speak.

An officer in the Rashtriya Rifles formation deployed under Victor Force (the formation dedicated for operation in the Kashmir Valley region) confirmed this. “Ideally, the men should have cordoned the area and conducted the operation in day light,” he said. The rush into the building at night, he contended, “can be dangerous and this probably cost Pawan his life”.

Tactical error

Most Special Forces veterans who are familiar with such operations pointed out that entering a building from the top is a standard precaution that is taken along with a simultaneous multiple-entry to gain tactical advantage. “If take the higher ground, you have the tactical advantage and as you rush in using multiple entry points, you overwhelm the enemy,” said a former SF veteran, who retired as a Lieutenant General a few years ago.

The fact that a helicopter was not used to land the SF team on the roof has also perplexed many SF veterans. “A dedicated squadron of Advanced Light Helicopters is usually kept at the disposal of the SF teams in Udhampur,” the former General pointed out. ”They could have been used to land the team on the roof. This was done during the 26/11 operations in Mumbai at Chabad House.”

Several other officers who are familiar with the Pampore operation agreed that the lives of Captain Kumar, Mahajan and Lance Naik Om Prakash could have been saved if these tactics had been followed. While 10 Para (SF) took the lead in trying to flush out the terrorists, a team from 9 Para (SF) was rushed in to aid their operations. This team also did not intervene from the roof or use multiple entry points, leading to another casualty.

Much of this could have probably been avoided. A rescue of the hostages from the Iranian Embassy in London by the British SF unit, the SAS is still considered as the classic text book operation for others to emulate. Unfortunately, the pressures of reacting to a tense situation, many suspect, led to an inordinately high number of casualties. But there seems to be a deeper malaise that is contributing to these high casualties among the Special Forces.

High casualties

Since September, the Special Forces has lost five men in different operations in the Kashmir valley, which is unprecedented. In September, Lance Naik Mohan Nath Goswami of 9 Para (SF) was killed in an operation. Two months later Col Santosh Mahadik formerly of 21 Para (SF) was killed leading his unit in an operation in Kashmir. The Pampore operation has now claimed three more, in such a short span.

“The Pakistanis are sending in hired mercenaries and we are losing some of our most precious boys,” said Lieutenant General Prakash Katoch, a veteran of the Special Forces and several special operations. “This is unacceptable and we have to find a better way to employ our elite.”

In many countries like the US and the UK, the SF have been placed under a unified command to ensure that they are employed judiciously and for strategic objectives. In the US, after the failure of a major operation in Iran in 1980, the US Congress took it upon themselves to address the systemic failures in the military. Two legislative measures followed quickly. The US Congress passed the Reorganisation of the Pentagon Act that would lead the way in reforming the US military. This would be followed by the Nunn-Cohen amendment to the Reorganisation of Pentagon Act, creating the Special Operations Command, created exclusively for the Special Forces through legislative statute.

This ensured that the Special Forces would have a single command for their employment in high-risk operations, or to equip them with the latest equipment to ensure they could carry out their missions to the best of their abilities. While the Special Forces had hits and misses, they also notched up several successes such as Operation Neptune Spear when a team of Navy SEALS infiltrated into Abbottabad, Pakistan, and took out the Al Qaeda’s Osama bin Laden.

Divided house

Unfortunately, in India the Special Forces remains a divided house. In the Army, it has been forcibly placed under the Parachute regiment, which is meant for large-scale airborne operations. The Special Forces are small team operations, which depend on secrecy, speed and mobility to achieve their targets behind enemy lines. There is also no single command for all the Special Forces elements that India has. The Army, Navy and Air Force SF units are all independent of each other. The other Special Forces units – the Special Group reports to the Research and Analysis Wing and the National Security Guard to the Union Ministry of Home Affairs. As a result, each force continues to work in a disjointed manner

Manoj Joshi, a former member of the Naresh Chandra Task Force on security and a distinguished fellow at the Observer Research Foundation, is scathing in his views on how the Special Forces are employed: “We must have a Special Operations Command that is intelligence-led and can carry out operations that can achieve our strategic needs. Using them tactically is a sheer waste of talent and more disturbingly, precious lives.” In fact the committee did recommend the creation of such a command but that proposal was sent into cold storage after the National Democratic Alliance government came to power.

In the end, the Special Forces in India continue to be orphaned by a lack of vision and misunderstood among the military and political hierarchy. “On most occasions they are viewed as super infantry boys, who will rush in and achieve the impossible,” said Katoch. “That is a dangerous myth that must be discarded if we want an SF that can deliver strategic objectives.”

Unfortunately, even the recent spate of deaths and goof ups such as the response in Pathankot has failed to generate a meaningful debate or reform in the military or the government. The wages of the systemic faults are being paid by the loss of precious lives.

The Special Forces men who have died recentlyLance Naik Mohan Nath Goswami, September 5, 2015
Santosh Mahadik, CO, 41 Rashtriya Rifles, killed on November 17, 2015
Capt Pawan Kumar, 10 Para (SF), February 21, 2016
Capt Tushar Mahajan 9 Para (SF), February 21, 2016
Lance Naik Om Prakash, 10 Para (SF), February 21, 2016

SaikatDatta has been a journalist. He has co-authored a book on India’s Special Forces, published by the United Services Institution.


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Sep 15, 2014
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“In this case the team commander of 10 Para (SF) had requested for time to plan the operation and ensure a simultaneous multiple entry into the EID building, but this was denied by the senior commanders.” Th
Only in India does The brass overrule unit level SF Tactical Planning.

Sadly in Kashmir there is this old saying. When in trouble Dial 9.

Now its become the go to decision for everything. How else will Cols and Brigadiers get promoted.


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Oct 11, 2017
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Only in India does The brass overrule unit level SF Tactical Planning.

Sadly in Kashmir there is this old saying. When in trouble Dial 9.

Now its become the go to decision for everything. How else will Cols and Brigadiers get promoted.
the oldies need to b shamed and named for being responsible for the death of those young SF boys. hate those guys with passion.

this is probably the most heartbreaking picture i have ever seen........ the CO trying to calm capt.mahajan's mom!!!!
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Jul 7, 2016
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the oldies need to b shamed and named for being responsible for the death of those young SF boys. hate those guys with passion.

this is probably the most heartbreaking picture i have ever seen........ his CO trying to calm capt.mahajan's mom!!!!
My knowledge is not great but I beg to differ. When terrorists come knocking we can't sit around and watch isnt it... para or RR should go and flush them out. If RR would have gone in wouldn't we have lost more men??? Every lost soldier is painful. If not for SF there is a good chance we would be mourning more than one.

Now NSG wants to be part of counter terror ops, garud wants to be part of it as well. Why ? To be battle ready.

Yes I agree they have been over used but they should not completely stop doing Anti terror ops. local jihadi s should be handled by RR.

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Oct 11, 2017
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My knowledge is not great but I beg to differ. When terrorists come knocking we can't sit around and watch isnt it... para or RR should go and flush them out. If RR would have gone in wouldn't we have lost more men??? Every lost soldier is painful. If not for SF there is a good chance we would be mourning more than one.

Now NSG wants to be part of counter terror ops, garud wants to be part of it as well. Why ? To be battle ready.

Yes I agree they have been over used but they should not completely stop doing Anti terror ops. local jihadi s should be handled by RR.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk
“In this case the team commander of 10 Para (SF) had requested for time to plan the operation and ensure a simultaneous multiple entry into the EID building, but this was denied by the senior commanders.”

buddy plz read the article. this^ is wat we were mainly referring to. im not against them being used but why do SOME of these seniors (gud for nothing clearly) need to interfere in their OP plans ?

Paras were there since the regulars cudn't get the job done or may b it was a keen kumar commander luking for easy accolades. using Paras r easy way since they don't seem to brag about the OPs. so these non SF commanders can easily get the credit. again im not blaming the entire seniors....the article quotes an officer who clearly blamed the top commaders!

in this case the para's commander asked for time to plan but these morons denied that!!! WHY? Step back if u can't get the job done. this guy clearly messed it up costing the lives of 5 brave youngsters.

Im not an xpert either. my comments r based on what i read.

Darth Malgus

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Aug 24, 2016
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“In this case the team commander of 10 Para (SF) had requested for time to plan the operation and ensure a simultaneous multiple entry into the EID building, but this was denied by the senior commanders.”

Wow, this is pathetic...The ops was already taking days. Ek aur din leta tho kya ho jata ?


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Jul 7, 2016
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“In this case the team commander of 10 Para (SF) had requested for time to plan the operation and ensure a simultaneous multiple entry into the EID building, but this was denied by the senior commanders.”

buddy plz read the article. this^ is wat we were mainly referring to. im not against them being used but why do SOME of these seniors (gud for nothing clearly) need to interfere in their OP plans ?

Paras were there since the regulars cudn't get the job done or may b it was a keen kumar commander luking for easy accolades. using Paras r easy way since they don't seem to brag about the OPs. so these non SF commanders can easily get the credit. again im not blaming the entire seniors....the article quotes an officer who clearly blamed the top commaders!

in this case the para's commander asked for time to plan but these morons denied that!!! WHY? Step back if u can't get the job done. this guy clearly messed it up costing the lives of 5 brave youngsters.

Im not an xpert either. my comments r based on what i read.
Well I did not know it but I still say, We never get the complete picture do we? All we get is an article from the journos. We don't know why the decision was taken.

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Oct 11, 2017
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We never get the complete picture do we?
yes bro. we don't. but the journos quotes multiple serving army officers and retd. Paras. they all called the decisions as weird!
can they all b lying or b wrong?

again i have zero knowledge abt military tactics but is it fair to override the decision made by ground commanders? even with the surgical strike, they were saying, the Commanding Officers' left the decision making to ground commanders. why cudn't these people do that? isn't it plain arrogance?

yes, there is no point saying this, i know. but some of the higher ups seems like total jerks. i had posted an article about the behaviour of some of the superiors & their wives towards youngsters and jawans, authored by a retd. brigadier himself. he had posted pictures as proof as well. and it was always an oldie who has brought shame on the miitary by indulging in scams and making scapegoats of their subordinates. indian army' most decorated officer is in military court for getting justice due to these same oldies messing with his service record, for doing the right thing!!!! so we can't deny the fact that jerks r present everywhere. and probably one such jerk made the decision.

whatever the reasoning behind the decision, the ground commander's request was denied as per news, and proved to b costly. and 5 youngters paid with their life which is what making me angry.
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Oct 11, 2017
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if already posted, let me know.

a gud docu on Para SF (if u can over look the overzealous narration!)
the Commanding Officers also has to keep on taking fitness tests and prove their fitness to remain as CO's!!!! :hail:
didn't know that. AWESOME


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Sep 15, 2014
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There is a TA SF battalion if I am not wrong. It gets seconded to RR . However no idea about their selection and training


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Sep 28, 2015
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“In this case the team commander of 10 Para (SF) had requested for time to plan the operation and ensure a simultaneous multiple entry into the EDI building, but this was denied by the senior commanders.”
If my memory serves me right, i remember reading that at pampore EDl building ingress through roof was not possible .....if u could see the building pic u can see their is no access through the sloping roof of the building....


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Sep 15, 2014
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If my memory serves me right, i remember reading that at pampore EDl building ingress through roof was not possible .....if u could see the building pic u can see their is no access through the sloping roof of the building....
Multiple ingress doesn't just mean roof. You can use ladders to enter through different t floors / sides of buildings etc.

Adapt and overcome. Don't get bogged down by red tape


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Oct 11, 2017
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If my memory serves me right, i remember reading that at pampore EDl building ingress through roof was not possible .....if u could see the building pic u can see their is no access through the sloping roof of the building....
bro, my main point was the denial of time needed for the op, even after requested by the SF ground commander and unnecessary intervention by seniors in the SF ground commander's plans.

im just a commoner and have no knowledge of military plans. but if u r calling SF what was the need to put a spanner in their plans! the SF was called in bcoz the situation was already messy; then why intervene unnecassarily? i doubt SF CO's doing this kind of foolishness. the two CO's that we all read abt in relation with surgical strikes come off as very grounded realists. both seem to b humble and intelligent men who listens to their subordinates. i don't think SF commander made the decision but some keen kumar commander did. no offense, there r so many great officers in regular battalions.

this is what is bothering me. Does this happen often? do SF commanders plans get overruled by others, aside from over exploitation? y bother calling them; esp. if they have no freedom to even plan an OP?

during surgical strike related interview lt.gen. hooda was repeatedly saying that the CO's and ground commanders made the plans; he just presented their plans to delhi. then the CO's said that they left crucial decision making during the raid to OP leaders. i think it was maj. suri (from what we saw in the docu; i may b wrong) who decided to delay the attack till day break as per the original plan and stuck to it. i don't think his CO intervened in that at all. and it went well. zero casualties.

what the Veterans r saying is also imp: “The Pakistanis are sending in hired mercenaries and we are losing some of our most precious boys,” said Lieutenant General Prakash Katoch, a veteran of the Special Forces and several special operations. “This is unacceptable and we have to find a better way to employ our elite.“On most occasions they are viewed as super infantry boys, who will rush in and achieve the impossible,” said Katoch. “That is a dangerous myth that must be discarded if we want an SF that can deliver strategic objectives.” they r all saying the OP got messed up due to unneeded intervention in SF plan, besides over using them or even over exploiting their skills. same sentiment is expressed in this very forum by people in the know (im not one of them, i know nothing. my comments r based on what i read.)

anyway at the end Para SF lost brave officers and men, didn't they!!!
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