Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Indian Sniper.001

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Sep 22, 2016
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In another thread i had reported it but some bhakts trolled my post and said before Modi there were no raids.
That thread was the LOC skirmishes thread.

If you might have missed the point here, this raid was given a go-ahead from the highest authority, and the then COAS had requested to give more Operational Freedom which was absent earlier.


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2016
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Wow, you were quite late to the party...

Folks who had the pleasure of listening to Radio Jhoothistan in 1965 and 1971 came to the realisation long long ago.

Elders tell me that the broadcasts would be hilarious...
What do you think i was born in 1965 like you?

I am young! :biggrin2:


Senior Member
Dec 10, 2016
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That thread was the LOC skirmishes thread.

If you might have missed the point here, this raid was given a go-ahead from the highest authority, and the then COAS had requested to give more Operational Freedom which was absent earlier.
Read @aditya g posts on 2008 raid and post kaluchak raid.

And chuck the topic.I have learnt lessons from that thread.


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
That week article almost reads like a parody, disguised as a farticle..

aditya g

Senior Member
Jan 14, 2014
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That week article almost reads like a parody, disguised as a farticle..
Missing the colour, flourish and violence found in Shatrujeet's articles!

This is the only worthy titbit

A few more silent, swift and deadly operations have since been carried out against the Pak terror apparatus, but none have made news.

Brahmaputra Mail 2

Regular Member
Aug 11, 2017
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Most likely SG only. Otherwise there have been various adhoc covert Task Forces that get formed up and then shut down over time. TSD, SIT J/X, etc. (MI has a long history of poaching SOF personal and creating temporary sub units)
It is SG. They use Khukri.

30 characters


Senior Member
Feb 26, 2010
Most likely SG only. Otherwise there have been various adhoc covert Task Forces that get formed up and then shut down over time. TSD, SIT J/X, etc. (MI has a long history of poaching SOF personal and creating temporary sub units)
I am more inclined towards the latter an adhoc task force assembled from specialists drawn in from different units for a very specific task and then either disbanded or left dormant, to be revived when duty calls.

Reminds me of the military scenarios published by Vivek Ahuja first at BRF and then in a book form. It was about a group of Paras (SFs) who were brought together to form a specialised unit- The Pathfinders, who first wreaked havoc behind the enemy lines in Tibet and Bhutan and later in Pakistan. The reconstituted unit that was sent to Pakistan for a very specific objective, had the same call sign but included only two members from the original team.

Won't spoil the fun, but I strongly recommend reading Chimera and Phoenix by Vivek Ahuja.


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Oct 11, 2017
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Revenge of the Fallen -

Part 2


Getting ready -

On the due date ,preparation for the raid began.Surprise and shock are basic element for a successful raid,for this you have to become a part of the terrain , use concealment and deception , approach unseen and remain hidden within striking distance of the enemy .The area where they were going to operate was densely vegetated and it was going to be dark.To exploit the terrain to their maximum advantage,the team members got dressed in a woodland pattern combat dress,painted their faces and hands black ,which would help them to melt away into the surrounding .Weapons of their choice were, a Pikka which is a 7.62x54mm general purpose machine gun, an extremely reliable and effective weapon whenever you want to rain down heavy fire on your enemies .PSG 1, a 7.62x51mm semi-automatic sniper rifle designed by the German company Heckler & Koch,an extremely accurate and efficient rifle to engage and take down threats from a distance.Then there was a mix of tavor TAR 21 and m4,these are 5.56x45mm assault rifles apt for carrying out swift fire assault and CQB(close quarter battle).All of these were the primary weapons and were equipped with night and thermal scopes .Beside these there were pistols as secondary,for times when it is too close for comfort.

Then there were claymore mines and grenades-to blow things up when required.Each of them was carrying a secure radio set along with tactical headsets ,to ensure secure and clear communication.They also had night vision goggles and handheld thermal cameras.Apart from these they had certain items ,which cannot be revealed here due to its CLASSIFIED NATURE.

With all the things in place and one last check of the weapons and gear the team gathered for the final briefing. After going through the map,plan and the call signs for the one last time ,the team of of elite predators was all set to carry out their task.


This was going to be a night operation ,set in a cold winter night.By the time predators set out for the hunt,it was already dark.The LoC does not run in a straight line but creates geographical avenues, jutting into opposing territory.The terrain consist of mountains abruptly intersected by deep, steep sited valleys,rides, deep gorges and is characterized by thick forests and undergrowth in pockets, limiting visibility to the bare minimum.Unlike the Indian side the Pakistani side does not have any fencing , have very few number of post as well as troop deployment and carries out very little patrolling along the LOC.The reason behind this is not only the limited resources of Pakistan but also because unlike India they do not have the danger of hostile terrorist crossing over to their side to create mayhem, terrorist movement is one way out of Pakistan.However this unparity in troop deployment is fully exploited by Indian special forces, which get an easy access to that side of the LOC.

The infiltration was done on foot ,as it is the best mode to infiltrate maintaining stealth and surprise .The team was skillful in their use of camouflage, silent movement by night, and movement along the hill.They were accustomed to carrying heavy loads and travelling long distances on foot in form of speed marches , still the cold, wind, and steep terrain overgrown in places with thick vegetation made the trek a test of endurance and skill.Prior reconnaissance and marking of the INFIL route had already been carried out by them, they had thorough knowledge of the terrain and disposition of the Pakistani forces.Moreover they were ace hunters,who had honed their skills in the art of stealth ,tracking and recognizing signs in the jungle.Which enabled them to detect the men or animals moving through jungle,presence of a concealed enemy,enabled them to move without leaving signs of their passage and to avoid mines or booby traps.The team made their way through thick vegetation and broken terrain in complete darkness and finally made it to their planned hideout spot ,which was marked earlier during the recon.The hideout was located on a hill overlooking the target village ,behind the enemy lines.


The Village -

The hideout was shielded by thick vegetation and provided adequate shelter.As the team approached the hideout they conducted a brief halt, to rest and recuperate for a while.After sometime they moved into position overlooking the village and began their observation and recce of the village using high power nightvison and thermal scopes ,looking down hill.The village was located at the bottom of the hill.It consist of a cluster of 15 to 20 houses along with a masjid,material used for construction of the houses was mainly mud,wood and a little mix of concrete.The village was situated in a small valley with its open end facing towards the khueretta town.

There were two narrow foot trails moving out of the village through the cultivated fields around the village,these trails were leading to an asphalt road located at a distance.Being a remote village there was no electricity connection in that village.The village lay enveloped in darkness but for the dim light of the moon that shone through fleecy clouds,of a cold winter night,there were solar lamps lit in some houses,whose lights could be seen twinkling dimly from the distances .The atmosphere was calm and peaceful ,not a single soul was in sight.Being late at night most of the people were already slept or preparing to go to bed.The moonlight was dimly reflected by the dome of the village mosque.This peace of the village night would now and then broken by barking and howling of dogs somewhere at a distance,as if they have sensed the bad omen that loomed over the village that night.The target house was located at the outer edge of the village,near the bottom of the hill .A glitter of light from the solar lamp was coming through the window of the house indicating that people were still up.



After scouting and scanning the sleepy village in detail,the team leader held a final briefing after which the team got divided into sub groups and the men encircled the village under the cover of darkness.The sniper took position at vantage point situated on a high ground,providing perfect line of sight of the target house and overlooking the entire village.Some team members took position along the trails moving out of the village,to block the escape routes once the target had arrived.Few men took position around the village,with the entire village covered through their line of fire.A small assault group lead by the team leader moved down towards the village,and positioned themselves in the bushes and thick vegetation surrounding the target house.With everyone in place and the cordon laid,stage was set for the assault ,now the wait began.

There was an eerie silence in the area,just like a graveyard .The ghosts were already there only the "dead body" was yet to arrive.The silence was finally broken by the crackle of radio and the call sign echoing in the ears of the team leader.The forward scout reported that two vehicles had come to a halt on the asphalt road ,just at the edge of one of the trail leading to the village and he could spot 5 figures moving on foot toward the village ; however it was not possible to id them as they had their face covered and not much was visible through the night vision.Contrary to previous input indicating Anwar to be alone ,it was a small group that had arrived. However ,in special forces you are always prepared to expect the unexpected.A mission is a fluid situation ,where you have to adapt as per the situation demand and ensure successful accomplishment of the mission .

The team leader waited with the bated breath,soon he could see those figures approaching the target house.As they came close ,it was clear that 2 of them were holding ak series rifles,since other three were wearing shawl , it was not easy to make out whether they were carrying any weapons or not.The team leader decided to wait and watch before executing the assault. Soon those figures reached the target house,two of them moved inside the house while the three of them stayed outside the house.

The team had special equipment which enabled them to hear the conversation going on inside the target house from a distance,through this they were able to id one of the voice as Anwar,as they were familiar with his voice and had his call recordings in their database.From the conversation it was clear that he had no idea of the danger lurking around,he seemed to have his guard down as he could be heard gossiping about girls and merry making in general.It was the right time for assault,but before the team leader could signal for it ,he was in for a shock , he saw two figures approaching towards him.These two men were among the three men who had stayed outside the target house,they were most probably the bodyguards of Anwar and were caring ak 47 rifles.With these two men approaching ,multiple thoughts start running through his head .Have they seen him,should he deal with them then and there but then any noise could jeopardize their mission and blow their cover too soon.In fraction of seconds he had to evaluate the threat,choose the right course of action to ensure the success of mission. Suddenly out of the two men approaching,one of them halted and turned around while the other kept on coming towards the bush, team leader was positioned in.On approaching the bush the man started lowering his pajama and start preparing to take a piss,at this point the team leader lowered his assault rifle and let it slung by his side, reached out for the khukri he was carrying and then gently draw it out,he had made his decision.

The team leader sprang out of the bush and before the bodyguard could lift his head ,beheaded him in one clean sweep of his khukri in a flash.Even before the dislodged head could roll over the ground ,the team leader turned his attention toward the other bodyguard who was unaware of the carnage that had just occurred behind his back.The elite predator having already tasted the blood of his enemy,carefully approached the second bodyguard from behind .Stalking his prey and moving swiftly , with an elegance of a tiger without making a sound.The head of the bodyguard was already painted by the red dots of the rifle laser of other members of the assault team,any sudden movement would have resulted in a bullet to his head.As the team leader approached his prey from behind, he placed his left hand on the mouth of the bodyguard and slit his throat from the khukri in his right hand ,in a complete text book style kill.In less than a minute death has struck twice ,in complete silence .The blood soaked khukri glittered in the moon light before it went back into into its sheath.With his rifle raised the team leader signaled the rest of the assault team to move in for the assault.They started moving towards the target house ,just like the fog moving swiftly ,silently in a cold winter night .As the assault team approached the house ,there was a thud ,as a high velocity round ripped through the night air and tore through the neck of the third guard postioned in front of the house,killing him instantly before he knew what had hit him.It was a divine intervention,deleiverd by a protective god ,the sniper ,who was overlooking the movement of the assault team from his vantage point.

The door of the house was only partially closed and not locked,within moments the assault team stormed into the house.The first room was large and square, all of stone with walls covered with mud and rugs on the floor.There were two wooden cots placed perpendicular to each other and a wooden trunk placed by the side of the wall with a solar lamp resting on it.A small table was placed in front of the kots. A bottle of alcohol ,jug of water and plates with snacks were placed on that table.Two AK 47 rifles were propped against the wall next to one of the cot.There were two men inside the room,one on each cot with a glass in their hand.One of them was Anwar himself while another one seemed to be the man who was accompanying him.The two men were caught unaware,with complete surprise.The other man had realized that none other than the Death itself had just walked in,his eyes were wide with fear,feelings of disbelief and shock was evident on his face, He went for the ak lying near his cot,when the first bullet ripped through his shoulder.The man opened his mouth to yell,but only a slight grunt came out,as the second and third bullets smashed through his forehead and nose ending his life.Even Anwar realized that his end is near,startled in a fit of rage he stood up , muttering a few cuss words he lifted his hand to throw the glass toward the team leader ,but before he could proceed a kick caught him in the stomach and pushed the air from his lungs.He coughed ,gasping for breath.The toe of the man's hard shoe slammed into him once more sending him onto his back and knocking the wind out of him.In a fit of rage he rose once again on his feet and tried to swung his body wildly, but his attempt was cut short by a bullet that smashed into his skull,shattering the bone as he collasped down,never to rise again.


Mission Accomplished

This is how the story of Anwar came to an end.With his head blown open by a bullet, brain spilled out all over the floor and the body laid there in a pool of blood.His death was a reflection of the life he had lived ,all bloody and mess.Meanwhile few members of the assault team carried out the thorough search of the house,they found the owner of the house along with his wife and two daughters bundled in a corner of one room(the assault team was aware of their identity ,due to prior intel).The ladies were crying profoundly in a state of fear and hysteria ,the man was folding his trembling hands with his eyes wide open,as he looked in horror towards these angles of Death who had descended upon his house that fateful night.It was ensured that none of them was carrying any weapon and then they were made to sit in a corner with their mouth shut.During all this, a field dressing was applied to the head of the dead body of Anwar ,to cover all the mess and ensure that his head remain intact ,his body had to be taken back across the LOC as per the orders.Within few minutes they placed the dead body of Anwar on a body bag they were carrying and were ready to move out.Many villagers had heard the sound of the gunshots leading to noise and commotion in the village,however not a single soul could dare to move toward that house, as they were aware that it was not a wild animal but the devil himself who was on hunt that night and any movement or any interference in the devil's playground would be detrimental to their fate.With the task accomplished, soon the predators set out of the house and melt away in the dense vegetation and darkness of the night ,just like they had arrived.The dead body of Anwar ,as well as the few intel gathered from the spot was carried back.The rifles of the dead terrorists were also taken as a trophy of the hunt.They made their way back to their base through the LOC as per the pre determined exfil routes,the mission was successful and revenge had been served cold.

The End

By daybreak the predators were back at their den.What they had left behind was a trail of destruction and mayhem,the four dead bodies lying in and around the target house were the only mark left behind by them, which signify their wrath which fell upon the Pakistani village that night.Whatever happened that night would surely turn into the folklore of that village ,and will be passed from one generation to the other.If you happen to visit that village and hear the tale of the Devils lurking in night,you better believe it.

The dead body of Anwar was displayed to certain group of people,positioned higher up in the government,now it lies six feet under the ground somewhere inside the Indian territory .The news of his death was revealed to the general public,but the people who were credited and the circumstance and place of his death were altered.The people who carried out the hunt will always remain in the shadows ,only to rise once again , when the blood needs to flow ,to raise a storm and strike the fear into the hearts of our enemies.To deliver fire and fury ,whenever and wherever the Nation Demand.




2. A special one which tasted blood in 1 cross LoC Raid

3. Deadbody of Anwar his Pakistani ID card

4. LoC terrain where Indian Army stands guard 24/7 and crossed over whenever necessary


Sent from my Redmi 4A using Tapatalk

this just makes me feel better. i always felt sick wen i think abt our beheaded soldiers. glad to know they were avenged.:balleballe:


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Oct 11, 2017
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There Is No Peace Time For Special Forces

On January 30, 2018
By:The week

Varun Chhabra was just nine when his father was killed in action on October 14, 1989. A recipient of the Sena Medal, Lt Col Arun Kumar Chhabra was second-in-command of 10 Para (SF), and was about to take over as its commanding officer, when he sacrificed his life in the Army’s Operation Pawan against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam in Sri Lanka. His team had surrounded an LTTE stronghold, killing two militants, when he got hit in retaliatory fire. Despite being wounded, he gunned down the LTTE commander, while his men took out the stronghold.

The nine-year-old who lost his father grew to become a gentleman soldier. As commanding officer of 10 Para (SF), Colonel Varun Chhabra has kept his vow to fulfil his father’s dream.

What was your motivation to join the Special Forces?
Ours is a great nation. The very basis of the society is the family system where sons and daughters grow up seeing the world through the eyes of their parents. My father cherished a dream of commanding this elite and finest unit one day. I only hope, that he sees his dream come true through his son. This was and is my motivation.

What makes a special forces commando different from a regular soldier?
Unlike the rest of the Army, a soldier does not get commissioned into the special forces. Be an officer or a jawan the individual has to be a volunteer for joining the special forces. Out of a million-plus-strong Indian Army, the SF comprises a few hundred selected men. These men undergo a rigorous three-month probation, which replicates actual battlefield conditions that he would face as a special forces operative.

He is checked on the physical aspects of training, to test his limit of taking stress. His performance is tested in 30-, 40- and 60-mile runs [carrying] 30kg loads. He is checked for high IQ…. He is made to survive on the bare minimum, and deprived of all comforts of living. He has to deliver in all aspects and excel in all skills.

But, this alone does not guarantee selection. He is made to endure unending agony in the scorching heat of the day and the biting cold of the night in the desert. As he gets cut off from the civilised world, isolation, pain, despair and fear of the unknown become his constant companions. He is broken, over and over, to see if he has the willpower to survive. Most volunteers give up in the first week of training; others give up within a fortnight. Again, someone who finishes this gruelling probation period is not guaranteed selection. Out of a hundred who come here, only three or four get to wear the coveted maroon beret.

Why are the special forces such a potent force despite them being numerically small?
These are people who are highly skilled in battlecraft. They are trained to use all kinds of weapons—machine guns, sniper rifles, grenade launchers and guided missiles—to make their mission a success. They fire from their primary and secondary weapons with the same expertise. When need arises, they would achieve their purpose even without a weapon.

They are like ghosts in the battlefield. Armed with exclusive weaponry, they have the capability to come through land, sea or air, so as to quickly converge on an unsuspecting enemy, deliver a solid punch and disperse within moments. It is this daring action, carried out in the most swift and silent manner, and executed with such precision and tenacity, that makes them achieve results disproportionate to their numbers.

In a firefight during a counter-terror operation, a young captain was taking stock of his party. He asked his sergeant if he were all right. The soldier replied, “Haan, saab… Bus aisa lagta hai ki meri aankh chali gayi hai [Yes, sir. It just seems that I have lost my eye].”

These are men of steel. Their levels of enduring pain are different.

How is the officer-men bonding in SF?
In the special forces, there is no staunch hierarchy. There is mutual respect and regard. This is the only force where men select their own officers. The officers and jawans who volunteer for the special forces undergo probation together. Officers don’t wear their ranks during probation, and everyone is treated as equals and judged on their performance. Be it operations or peacetime duties the special forces officers and men spend majority of their time together and are often called ‘Buddies’. They sweat together and shed blood together. They trust each other for their lives. Rightly so, they are brothers from another mother.

The recent surgical strikes have put focus on the special forces. Do you think that, in the emerging security scenario, there is a greater need for such covert strikes?
Such operations are important. Firstly, we need to have an upper hand in any fluid situation and keep the enemy confused. He must know he will be punished for his misadventures. It is also important to keep him guessing.

How does an SF commando outwit a terrorist who is on a death mission?
In a way, both are ready to sacrifice their lives. But the difference is we are not here to die, we will take away his life if need be. The real difference is in the intent with which a terrorist and a commando pulls the trigger. An SF commando is a soldier’s soldier. The best any leadership can have on a mission to protect his countrymen. While a terrorist is drugged to insanity—physically by narcotics and mentally by eccentric beliefs—a special forces commando is on a high that comes from taking immense pride in his profession.

What does an SF commando do during peace time?
There is no peace time for such units. They are constantly at war with the enemies of the state, covertly or overtly. Other than doing special operations, they participate in tri-services exercises. They take part in joint training with foreign armies. They undergo professional courses to maintain their professional competence. They constantly prepare for rescue operations involving hostages, or other emergency situations.

Do special forces have their own intelligence and communication networks, or are you dependent on the Army and intelligence agencies?
Assets like satellite-based communication and human intelligence are made available to the special forces on a need basis. If we have our own intelligence network, I can’t comment on it. Intelligence is the most critical part of any successful operation. But work has to go on even with limited intelligence. Our capability to operate deep and for longer duration gives us the edge and increases our chances of success when intelligence is hard to come by.

Between capturing the enemy and killing him, what choice does a commando make?
We are not war junkies or mercenaries. We are soldiers who believe in peace. But, we are fully aware of the fact that this peace would have to be earned…. A captured enemy soldier is a source of information on enemy tactics, morale and routine, which is critical in planning and furthering our missions.

Vinod DX9

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Apr 4, 2017
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#INDRAexclusive #EquipmentUpdate
NSG Commandos spotted using Visor Clamp on New Advance Combat Helmets. Before this they bought ACH and added rails on them plus NVG mount. But instead of attaching 3 components ( 2 rails and 1 NVG mount ) they ordered new Visor Clamp. It is one single accessories attachment unit on which NVG can be mounted , rails are given and face covers can be mounted. Less parts on helmet makes it more user friendly and needs low maintenance.

#Note : Ministry of Home Affairs has ordered 1 lakh Advance Combat Helmets ( ACH ) from MKU and SRG companies for CAPFs. All CAPFs have received their first lot. More pictures related to helmets coming soon.


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Dec 10, 2016
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While a terrorist is drugged to insanity—physically by narcotics and mentally by eccentric beliefs—a special forces commando is on a high that comes from taking immense pride in hisprofession.

Sometimes people just count casualties be it Garud or Para and dont realise who they are against.

A suicidal freak who doesnt want to survive is much much dangerous than an enemy who wants to go back alive.
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