Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Sep 21, 2015
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Are the para commandos trained in ops that are in executed in cities , i.e. the ones that involve them posing add tourists , airline employees etc usually to either extract VIP or to destroy an important installation like a c3 node?


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Sep 21, 2015
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For the successful and safe execution of special operations apart from a safe insertion and extraction ,local support of sympathisers too is required ( not in most cases ) this is the job of military intelligence i.e. that of recruiting these support elements , a civilian with no links to the Indian government having a good understanding and the motivation to cooperate with Indian forces is ideal.
Such 'support elements ' can make the life of a special force soldier easier . For example ,a vehicle for local transport can be aranged , heavy equipment can be stored in a safe location that is down by the supporter ,also such people can be the eyes and years of the military units both in peacetime and as we as wartime .

The inclusion of such elements during a mission can give a single unit the capability to execute multiple operations over a span of time while living at a place prepared by the locals

Indian military Intel agencies should cooperate with special forces during both peace time and war and thus improve the efficiency and war fighting capability of the SF unit


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
For the successful and safe execution of special operations apart from a safe insertion and extraction ,local support of sympathisers too is required ( not in most cases ) this is the job of military intelligence i.e. that of recruiting these support elements , a civilian with no links to the Indian government having a good understanding and the motivation to cooperate with Indian forces is ideal.
Such 'support elements ' can make the life of a special force soldier easier . For example ,a vehicle for local transport can be aranged , heavy equipment can be stored in a safe location that is down by the supporter ,also such people can be the eyes and years of the military units both in peacetime and as we as wartime .

The inclusion of such elements during a mission can give a single unit the capability to execute multiple operations over a span of time while living at a place prepared by the locals

Indian military Intel agencies should cooperate with special forces during both peace time and war and thus improve the efficiency and war fighting capability of the SF unit
SSG has this advantage in Kashmir even in Punjab,in fact Iliyas kashmiri who ambushed a Maratha li patrol in 90s and beheaded one was believed to be an ex SSG operative,who had local contacts.

However,cross border raid on Paki posts at LOC is common even after a cease fire 2003,the last such raid which published in paki media was 2010,in which a paki soldier (sawan patra post) was killed another critically injured (Although ISPR hides it's real casualties on LOC),Indian forces left a Dagger and one live Bullet to mark their presence.

PS - 40 Ghatak platoon on standby in kashmir ,post Pathankot.This should've been a secret.
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Sep 13, 2010
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Shouldn't it be a part of the military SOP to cover their faces before allowing any media coverage? In today's world media management is very important. When I say media management, I don't mean just perception management but making sure that operational details don't get leaked because someone irresponsible cameraman took pictures. Recently, Doval wrote to the ministry complaining about NDTV's coverage of sensitive military installations and how it has become daily practice.

I believe the military should have its own media team. This team should have exclusive copyright over coverage of military matters, training exercises, military shows, exhibitions, coverage of anti-terror operations. Once the footage is deemed safe for broadcasting, only then should it be passed on to news and other media, instead of allowing the media people to enter military premises to shoot whatever they want and then complaining that the media is irresponsible. The media IS irresponsible, it's a private business, it has no ethics, we all know that already, so we should plan accordingly. Let's start by not allowing media to cover military related events.

Images create a powerful impact and can be used by vested interests to hurt us militarily and diplomatically. Take the example of the infamous photo of the Bangladeshi girl who was shot while trying to illegally infiltrate Indian fences. Who the fuck clicked that image and how was it leaked out to the media? how come the media was allowed access to sensitive border areas in the first place? Along with army, navy and air warfare, there is such a thing as information warfare. Unfortunately despite repeated lapses, (Kargil, 26/11, Gurdaspur, Pathankot) India fails to learn any lessons about media management.
I think it is quite unreasonable to expect a SF operator (like this Garud) to cover their face when meeting the PM of India (or other high level officals). The onus should be on the entites publishing these pictures to make sure no SOF operator has their face shown- it will take less than 30 seconds to do before clicking "upload".

In France their is a law that states the names and faces of SF/counter terror unit members cannot be shown or published- India needs to follow suit.

Publishing the face of a Garud operator hours after he has just been involved in a anti-terror operation is absolutely criminal IMHO- think about the possible consequences of such reckless behaviour.

Nuvneet Kundu

New Member
Jan 15, 2016
I think it is quite unreasonable to expect a SF operator (like this Garud) to cover their face when meeting the PM of India (or other high level officals). The onus should be on the entites publishing these pictures to make sure no SOF operator has their face shown- it will take less than 30 seconds to do before clicking "upload".

In France their is a law that states the names and faces of SF/counter terror unit members cannot be shown or published- India needs to follow suit.

Publishing the face of a Garud operator hours after he has just been involved in a anti-terror operation is absolutely criminal IMHO- think about the possible consequences of such reckless behaviour.
Again, it all boils down to the Indian establishment not having passed any such law. We can blame the media all we can but we must make sure we have taken all steps to plug all the holes in our own security apparatus. Please understand that Indian media is not Indian in nature, they are all foreign funded entities and therefore I highly agree with you that we NEED a law governing coverage of all military related things. In the absence of such a law who is to blame? If we urge the media to be held responsible, they will simply turn around and ask "in violation of which law?"

SSG has this advantage in Kashmir even in Punjab,in fact Iliyas kashmiri who ambushed a Maratha li patrol in 90s and beheaded one was believed to be an ex SSG operative,who had local contacts.
This 'Lilly-ass Kashmiri' guy was given 1lac rupees by Musharraf for the beheading. A few years later the same guy tried to assassinate Musharraf. Poetic justice, I must say. (he was later taken into custody and tortured by Musharraf). What's with these Kashmiri people man? Can't be loyal to India, can't even be loyal to their muslim patrons in Pakistan. They are true snakes, in the highest sense.


Chodi Bhakt & BJPig Hunter
New Member
Oct 13, 2015
Again, it all boils down to the Indian establishment not having passed any such law. We can blame the media all we can but we must make sure we have taken all steps to plug all the holes in our own security apparatus. Please understand that Indian media is not Indian in nature, they are all foreign funded entities and therefore I highly agree with you that we NEED a law governing coverage of all military related things. In the absence of such a law who is to blame? If we urge the media to be held responsible, they will simply turn around and ask "in violation of which law?"

This 'Lilly-ass Kashmiri' guy was given 1lac rupees by Musharraf for the beheading. A few years later the same guy tried to assassinate Musharraf. Poetic justice, I must say. (he was later taken into custody and tortured by Musharraf). What's with these Kashmiri people man? Can't be loyal to India, can't even be loyal to their muslim patrons in Pakistan. They are true snakes, in the highest sense.
Already Killed in Drone strike.Pakis themselves accuse India of 13 beheading since 2000 in UNMGOP,i guess Naga Regiment is called Head Hunters for a reason.

Muslim allegiance in kashmir is devided, Shia of Kargil and Laddakh are staunch Indian supporters, in valley they support Pak, can't say about others.

Nuvneet Kundu

New Member
Jan 15, 2016
Muslim allegiance in kashmir is devided, Shia of Kargil and Laddakh are staunch Indian supporters, in valley they support Pak, can't say about others.
But Shias also protest against some cleric being killed in Nigeria and Saudi Arabia. Can they really be called pro-India? Also, this allegiance has to be looked at from a structural angle rather than emotional. For example, the muslims in mainland India aren't necessarily 'emotionally patriotic' about being an Indian like you and I are, but their political leaders who have businesses in India, understand that their financial interests lie in being a part of the Indian growth story, regardless of their personal biases. Why is it that Kashmir is reluctant to plug into Indian economy? Is it not a structural problem that we have created? If being a separate state is more lucrative (special funding, subsidies etc) than being a normal Indian state, how can we expect political leaders in Kashmir to join India, since that entails giving up the special privilege? We talk about art 370 being a constitutionally difficult article to amend, but we can do a lot without touching 370. Simply pass a normal act in Indian parliament stating that no subsidies shall be given to any states who have special status. Thereby cancel all the sops that are sent into Kashmir. Once opportunist Kashmiri leaders see that it is hitting them financially, they will themselves beg to have 370 removed.

We should tell them, if you want good things, you should join the good side. You can't remain in the wrong side and expect us to give you good things. Why is this not being worked on? We give reservations to Kashmiri kids to study in mainland India. In exchange for those reservations, why don't we ask the students to sign a form that says that they renounce Kashmiri citizenship and are *exclusively* Indian citizens. That way, we can pull the population of Kashmir to migrate into the mainland and they can't go back and buy land in Kashmir. Right now, what we are going is, we are throwing all sorts of luxuries at them for not being a part of India and hoping that they will give up those luxuries to become exclusively Indian.

aditya g

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Jan 14, 2014
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Sir, terrorist cited on roof with tandoori chicken in one hand and grenade in the other!
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