Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Jan 30, 2015
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Ah the helmet issue again :bounce:

I'm not sure what you saw on "India TV" but the RR are sufficently equipped these days with lightweight BPJs (the black ones you see) and Pataks. juries/fatalities from being shot at close range would be eliminatedThere is no such thing as bullet proof- only bullet resistent so even with the best BPJs and helmets in the world that in. There was a similar outrage all over social media when the CO of 41 RR valiantly passed the other week- many touted the tired "give them proper helmets/BPJs" line instinctivly but the fact is he was shot multiple times by 7.62mm ammo at close range including in the neck- he had no chance of surviving that no matter what.
Oh I see.
Thanks for helping me.:D

Chris Jude

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Nov 3, 2015
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I never knew Para Commandoss used M-4! Ain't they Tavor-only force? As long as they get armed to teeth and with good protection equipment for their safety, I don't mind. :)

The end part of the show was very emotional. We people sitting in the comforts of our house should always remember that this is not something we should take for granted. It is because of these men in uniform that we are sleeping safe and calmly. They spend endless nights vigilant, putting their lives on line with a typical government salary, the only incentive to fight being able to return to their loved ones who always have their hearts braced up for the terrible news.

This is not just for fellow Indians whose family members are in military but all of us; we all need to feel the pain they do. You know what makes Israel such a successful nation? They feel each others' pain like no other. Each soldier they lose causes fire in the blood and bodies of the rest of countrymen. Someone dies while others take it as their own loved ones have been killed. That empathy for fellow countrymen is what makes them so strong and so united. We lack that. But it doesn't mean we cannot develop it. We all can. Since we are all in this forum discussing about our folks in uniform, we must take a conscious effort in spreading the empathy for jawans among common people. We all can make a difference. Let us work towards it whenever we are free.

The part also reminded me of this all-time favorite military song:

The song always moistens my eyes and brings a smile on my face. I am sure many fellow Indians feel the same way. :india:
It's so true, I fell that empathy and my blood boils when I hear a brother has been martyred, how nice if all could feel that way, we would save a lot of lives by buying them the right weapons!

Black knight

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Oct 11, 2015
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Wrong. MARCOS Marine commandos operations are not just limited to anti-piracy in sea. As said by Robin, MARCOS are the best special commando force in India. They can operate anywhere on land, sea and air(to a limited extent). They are currently deployed in J&K around the Wular Lake. Apart from anti-piracy ops they are responsible for the security of unmanned islands in the Bay of Bengal and Arabian Sea.

They have operated behind enemy lines in operation Pawan(1988) as a strike force.

Their capabilities are:-

Open and closed circuit diving.
Basic commando skills including advanced weapon skills, demolitions, endurance training and martial arts.
Para training.
Intelligence gathering and reconnaissance training.
Operation of submersible craft.
Offshore operations.
Anti terrorist operations.
Operations from submarines.
Various special skills such as language training, insertion methods, etc.
Explosive ordnance disposal techniques.

About them it is said by high officials and is also true that their is nothing which a MARCOS cannot do. And that is why they are the best special force in India.
From what u saying i can deduce that MARCOS is an desi version of US NAVY SEALS:shoot::shoot:


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Sep 13, 2010
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Sherpa: what is the speciality of this vehicle?
The variant the NSG use is the Armoured Assualt ladder:

The Assault Ladder is designed to support a special team during counter-terrorist, hostage rescue or police missions. 10 officers have access to the roof of a vehicle thanks to a ladder and a large platform with safety features: non-slip floor, handrail and armor protection on shield ramps. The hydraulic ramp allows an easy access to elevated targets - like buildings and commercial planes - or to cross a wall. The modular platform and ramps allow various configurations depending on the team’s strategy and the target location. The Assault Ladder is special equipment ideally suited to the Sherpa Light APC 4x4 light armored vehicle. With this vehicle, the team benefits from all-terrain mobility, a large internal volume and full ballistic protection before using the assault ladder.

Can provide access the largest planes in service currently-747 and A380


Look at the benefit of this type of vehicle vis a vis the Gypsy (totally out of place for a unit of this calibre these days):

the Sherpa can carry more assualters and reach higher



New Member
Nov 18, 2013
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only 1 sherpa in service? nsg could definitely use more. especially now that they're located at multiple places all over the country
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