Indian Special Forces (archived)

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Sep 15, 2009
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Some CAPFs do earn airborne-qualifications and their "wings" but it's a rarity. The NSG would be an exception here, most if not all of the SAG will have their "wings". The SG is made up purely of Army personal (operators and support personnel), men from the CAPFs are ineligible.
Men from CRPF do have enough experience in CT ops so is the case of BSF.So i dont think making men from CAPF ineligible for SG or SAG of NSG is not a wise decision.Plus now days the duty of CRPF guys are much like those of RR guys except the fact that in naxal belts they had to encounter an ennemy who attacks in much more numbers.


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Sep 13, 2010
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Men from CRPF do have enough experience in CT ops so is the case of BSF.So i dont think making men from CAPF ineligible for SG or SAG of NSG is not a wise decision.Plus now days the duty of CRPF guys are much like those of RR guys except the fact that in naxal belts they had to encounter an ennemy who attacks in much more numbers.
It's irrelevant. The SG, much like the SAG, are staffed and structured like the Indian Army wrt ranks and how they operate so CAPFs would find it hard to fit into the structure. It makes sense to keep SG only eligible for IA SFs and SAG for IA men.


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May 16, 2011
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SFF is in no way a SF organisation. I think you're referring to Special Group. There are only 3 SFs in India- Garuds, PARA (SF) and MARCOs as acknowledged by the GoI and the SG but their existence is officially denied by the GoI. People can call the SFF or CoBRAs SFs but that doesn't make it true. I see a lot of attacks on the current system but this seems to be borne out of ignorance to the realties rather than any actual knowledge.
Correction, SFF is indeed a covert SF unit working closely with RAW and Special Service Bureau, strength is estimated over 10000 yet very little is really known of them today. They are all para-trained, experts in jungle, guerilla, moutain and diving/amphibious ops. They are trained extensively to take part in dangerous missions well beyond enemy lines. They are similar in their missions to the Green Berets/Force Recon and would play an extensive role in irregular warfare, support/train enemy resistance, gathering battel intel and play a crucial role of assisting in going after critical targets of strategic importance. Today, they are among India's finest and most experienced Covert Special Forces. They were also among the first SF units in country to begin the process of modernization, the first batches of Tavors actually bought for the SFF.


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Sep 13, 2010
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Correction, SFF is indeed a covert SF unit working closely with RAW and Special Service Bureau, strength is estimated over 10000 yet very little is really known of them today. They are all para-trained, experts in jungle, guerilla, moutain and diving/amphibious ops. They are trained extensively to take part in dangerous missions well beyond enemy lines. They are similar in their missions to the Green Berets/Force Recon and would play an extensive role in irregular warfare, support/train enemy resistance, gathering battel intel and play a crucial role of assisting in going after critical targets of strategic importance. Today, they are among India's finest and most experienced Covert Special Forces. They were also among the first SF units in country to begin the process of modernization, the first batches of Tavors actually bought for the SFF.
No, they are NOT SF. As I have said there are ONLY 3 SFs in india (Garud, MARCOs and PARA (SF) discounting SG. SFF are not SFs in the same way the CIA's SAD aren't SFs.


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Dec 16, 2013
No, they are NOT SF. As I have said there are ONLY 3 SFs in india (Garud, MARCOs and PARA (SF) discounting SG. SFF are not SFs in the same way the CIA's SAD aren't SFs.
Though you have a lot of knowledge on indian SF but i have to disagree with you on SFF and NO i am not talking about SG they both are different organisation.

SFF are india covert sf the basic reason of my calling them SF is coz they come under defence ministry.Now much is not known about them coz they are "covert" but still a little that i was able to gather about them directly point out they are Sf .

Some time back by chance i stumbled upon a webpage which was of a SFF member himself who had fought in war where he has given all the details about SFF and the operation carried by them in which he himself was involved.There he had clearly mentioned that during bangladesh war their company was directly receiving order from a very senior sikh indian army officer plus he also mentioned that even in army barring few top officals no one knew about their existence as it was meant to be so.He had also presented the letters which he had written to defence minister because of his grievances basically the whole purpose of his webpage was to show that how poorly are brave heart are treated by politican.Unfortunately i had not bookmarked that page but still i would try to find it and would post a link over here for all coz that is the ultimate proof to establish that they are sf for all.

Recently i had come across a mention of Sff from a army guy who claimed that he came across them few years back in the jungles of assam where they were carrying training exercise.Now see this quote "By the late-1960s, the SFF was organized into six battalions for administrative purposes. Each battalion, consisting of six companies (each with 123 men), was commanded by a Tibetan who had a rank equivalent to a lieutenant colonel in the Army."

This clearly prove .Actually in the beginning Sf even though controlled by indian army officer was separate organization but i dont know whether it has been merged in army or remain separate till date .Where as calling them elite has many reasons coz they were the first one to start operation against pak they were the first in operation blue star and i am sure in many other operation they were the first bust since these are covert ops not much is known about them .If you can recall the famous letter written by Abhishek verma in which if had emphasized that "one need to focus on SFF as what they buy is followed by others" +SFF were the first one to get tavor in india .There are many things which clearly point out the special status of SFF in india defence apparatus.The Tibetans who fought the 1971 war .:. Tibet Sun

And again i repeat SG and SFF are two different organization and cia SAD is similar to SG not SFF.


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Dec 16, 2013

Lieutenant General Dalbir Singh Suhag is appointed as India's Vice Chief of Army Staff. In the rank of Major General, he had served as the Inspector General Special Frontier Force from April 2009 to March 2011.


To: [email protected]
Subject: The Battle Plan of Operation Eagle – Permission for disclosure
Date: Thu, 21 Jul 2011

R.Pratap Narayan,
Fair View Apartment,
Street No 8,
Hyderabad. 500 007. Tel. 040. 2 717 3543


Dr. Manmohan Singh
Honourable Prime Minister of India,
Prime Minister's Office,
New Delhi – 110 011.

Attn: Prime Minister's Office – Shri. Amar Dass, Section Officer.

Respected Sir,

Subject:- The Battle Plan of Operation Eagle – Permission for Disclosure.

References:- 1. My representation dated 24/5/2011.
2. PMO ID No. 6/3/2011-PMP3/298009 dated 16/6/2011.

3. MoD ID No. 3533/2009/D( Cer ) dated 01 July 2011.
4. Integrated HQ MoD(Army), Military Secretary's Branch ID No. A/45101/REP/MS( X )
dated 08 July 2011.

1. Military Secretary's Branch, Integrated HQ MoD( Army ) in its letter ID No. A/45101/REP/MS( X ) dated 08 Jul 2011 had rejected my representation dated 24/5/2011 regarding my brother's petition to receive a Gallantry Award that was duly recommended by Special Frontier Force which operated under the Command of Major General Sujan Singh Uban, Inspector General SFF, Directorate General of Security, R. K. Puram, New Delhi. As per the decision made by the Prime Minister of India, the Battle Plan of Operation Eagle had included the eligibility criteria for receiving Service Medals and Decorations. My brother is eligible to receive this Gallantry Award because he had participated in Operation Eagle as a Citizen of India. For example, foreign nationals like Bangla refugees who had also participated in Operation Eagle are not entitled to receive Service Medals and Decorations.

2. The Military Secretary, MoD( Army ) while rejecting my representation had also claimed that this battle action took place nearly 39 years ago. However, it must be noted that the Military Secretary has not mentioned the date or dates of this battle action. It appears that the MS Branch is not aware of this basic information or the MS Branch is deliberately concealing information with an intention to deny the grant of this Gallantry Award to an Indian National who had participated in military action on the basis of his Citizenship.

3. In the history of Republic of India, for the very first time, the Prime Minister of India had planned and had personally executed this kind of military operation( Op Eagle ) drawing assistance from nontraditional fighting elements from the Directorate General of Security.

4. Because of the historical importance of Operation Eagle, it would be in public interest to disclose the details of the Battle Plan. Since this Battle Action took place a long time ago, it is assumed that Government of India has no objection if the Battle Plan is disclosed to the People of India.

5. If you have any concerns in this matter, kindly inform me.

Thanking You,

Yours Faithfully,

R.Pratap Narayan.
21 st July, 2011.

To get a clear picture about SFF i suggest you visit the following links




{highly recommended}


New Member
Dec 16, 2013

with president Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan. Special Frontier Force was founded during the presidency of Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan(1962-1967)


Henry "Hank" Booth with top Special Frontier Force Marksmen at his Sniper Course, December 1967


New Member
Dec 16, 2013

Special Frontier Force-The Problem of Espionage: Dapon/Political Leader Radug Ngawang had served at Establishment No. 22 or Special Frontier Force after arriving in India along with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. The Tibetan Government-in-Exile had simply dismissed him from Service and had spared him from punitive retaliatory action even after knowing that he had harbored Communist spy or spies. His Holiness had treated him with mercy and compassion in due recognition of his past performance before falling prey to Chinese influence.

Photo provided by Dapon/Political Leader Ratuk Ngawang. In this illegally taken photo image, Gyalo Thondup, the 14th Dalai lama's elder brother is seen addressing the Tibetan men who serve in Establishment No. 22/Special Frontier Force and had encouraged them to join the War of Liberation of Bangladesh 1971. From right to left the persons seated are 1. Brigadier T S Oberoi, Commandant Establishment No. 22, 2. Mr. R. N. Kao, the Secretary, Directorate General of Security and RAW(Research and Analysis Wing), and 3. Major General Sujan Singh Uban, the Inspector General Special Frontier Force. None of us were aware that this photo was taken. Photography was strictly forbidden.

This is an illegal photo image shared by Political Leader Ratuk Ngawang who is at far left. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama(right), Major General Sujan Singh Uban, the Inspector General Special Frontier Force (second from right), and Senior Political Leader Jamba Kalden(third from right). A Chinese spy(later discovered in the robes of a Buddhist monk) secretly took this photo on June 03, 1972 when His Holiness had visited Establishment No. 22 for the very first time after its inception in November 1962. These Political Leaders lost their jobs because of the problem of espionage.

Political Leader Ratuk Ngawang is seen standing at right looking towards the photographer. This illegal photo image was shared by Ratuk Ngawang and it helps me to identify him as a Communist Agent who had harbored Chinese spy/spies at Establishment No. 22. Other people, Major General Sujan Singh Uban Inspector General Special Frontier Force(second from right), Mr. R. N. Kao Secretary Directorate General of Security-Research and Analysis Wing-RAW(third from right), and Brigadier T S Oberoi Commandant Establishment No. 22(far left). I had served with these people including Ratuk Ngawang from September 1971 to December 1974 and I can very easily confirm that this photo is the evidence of the problem of espionage.

Special Frontier Force-Establishment No. 22 – The Problem of Espionage – Illegal photo image taken on June 03, 1972. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama maintained a safe distance from the activities of Establishment No. 22/Special Frontier Force. However, during 1971-72 he had to make an exception as he had granted his permission to train his men by allowing their participation in the Liberation War of Bangladesh 1971. I had participated in this military action known as 'Operation Eagle'. In an attempt to stall this military operation, Dr. Henry Alfred Kissinger, the US Secretary of State had personally urged China's Prime Minister Zhou Enlai to attack India across the Himalayan frontier(North East Frontier Agency-NEFA-Arunachal Pradesh). China did not comply with that request as China gave a high priority to secure the defeat of US Army in Vietnam.

Special Frontier Force – Establishment No. 22 – The Problem of Espionage – Illegal photo image taken on June 03, 1972. This was a historical moment and yet it was not expected to be captured in a photo image. A Chinese spy dressed in the robes of a Buddhist monk was later arrested at Establishment No. 22. I was informed about the death of this spy on January 10, 1973. I do not know the exact date of death. The body was cremated according to Buddhist rites and the cause of death was not confirmed by an autopsy. Indian Intelligence Bureau official had expressed his sense of indignation and was totally dismayed by the attitude of Political Leader Ratuk Ngawang who had failed to deliver the spy to Indian Intelligence Bureau for their interrogation and investigation of the problem of espionage. The fact that this photo image exists is the clearest evidence of the Chinese espionage at Establishment No. 22-Special Frontier Force.



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Nov 23, 2013
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Special Frontier Force-The Problem of Espionage: Dapon/Political Leader Radug Ngawang had served at Establishment No. 22 or Special Frontier Force after arriving in India along with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. The Tibetan Government-in-Exile had simply dismissed him from Service and had spared him from punitive retaliatory action even after knowing that he had harbored Communist spy or spies. His Holiness had treated him with mercy and compassion in due recognition of his past performance before falling prey to Chinese influence.

Photo provided by Dapon/Political Leader Ratuk Ngawang. In this illegally taken photo image, Gyalo Thondup, the 14th Dalai lama's elder brother is seen addressing the Tibetan men who serve in Establishment No. 22/Special Frontier Force and had encouraged them to join the War of Liberation of Bangladesh 1971. From right to left the persons seated are 1. Brigadier T S Oberoi, Commandant Establishment No. 22, 2. Mr. R. N. Kao, the Secretary, Directorate General of Security and RAW(Research and Analysis Wing), and 3. Major General Sujan Singh Uban, the Inspector General Special Frontier Force. None of us were aware that this photo was taken. Photography was strictly forbidden.

This is an illegal photo image shared by Political Leader Ratuk Ngawang who is at far left. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama(right), Major General Sujan Singh Uban, the Inspector General Special Frontier Force (second from right), and Senior Political Leader Jamba Kalden(third from right). A Chinese spy(later discovered in the robes of a Buddhist monk) secretly took this photo on June 03, 1972 when His Holiness had visited Establishment No. 22 for the very first time after its inception in November 1962. These Political Leaders lost their jobs because of the problem of espionage.

Political Leader Ratuk Ngawang is seen standing at right looking towards the photographer. This illegal photo image was shared by Ratuk Ngawang and it helps me to identify him as a Communist Agent who had harbored Chinese spy/spies at Establishment No. 22. Other people, Major General Sujan Singh Uban Inspector General Special Frontier Force(second from right), Mr. R. N. Kao Secretary Directorate General of Security-Research and Analysis Wing-RAW(third from right), and Brigadier T S Oberoi Commandant Establishment No. 22(far left). I had served with these people including Ratuk Ngawang from September 1971 to December 1974 and I can very easily confirm that this photo is the evidence of the problem of espionage.

Special Frontier Force-Establishment No. 22 – The Problem of Espionage – Illegal photo image taken on June 03, 1972. His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama maintained a safe distance from the activities of Establishment No. 22/Special Frontier Force. However, during 1971-72 he had to make an exception as he had granted his permission to train his men by allowing their participation in the Liberation War of Bangladesh 1971. I had participated in this military action known as 'Operation Eagle'. In an attempt to stall this military operation, Dr. Henry Alfred Kissinger, the US Secretary of State had personally urged China's Prime Minister Zhou Enlai to attack India across the Himalayan frontier(North East Frontier Agency-NEFA-Arunachal Pradesh). China did not comply with that request as China gave a high priority to secure the defeat of US Army in Vietnam.

Special Frontier Force – Establishment No. 22 – The Problem of Espionage – Illegal photo image taken on June 03, 1972. This was a historical moment and yet it was not expected to be captured in a photo image. A Chinese spy dressed in the robes of a Buddhist monk was later arrested at Establishment No. 22. I was informed about the death of this spy on January 10, 1973. I do not know the exact date of death. The body was cremated according to Buddhist rites and the cause of death was not confirmed by an autopsy. Indian Intelligence Bureau official had expressed his sense of indignation and was totally dismayed by the attitude of Political Leader Ratuk Ngawang who had failed to deliver the spy to Indian Intelligence Bureau for their interrogation and investigation of the problem of espionage. The fact that this photo image exists is the clearest evidence of the Chinese espionage at Establishment No. 22-Special Frontier Force.

These are some amazing photos! and also an evidence of the network of Chinese intellegence within SFF.


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Nov 30, 2011
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thier operational need would say that wearing helmet would be too Bulky and cumbersome. Btw William Nagar Police station is in Meghalaya.
yeah mate some COBRA units have been deployed in Meghalaya to track and hunt down the GNLA terrorists deep in the Garo hill forests.these units along with the Meghalaya Police SWAT are doing a fine job by tracking down and eliminating the leaders of GNLA in the past 1 year.


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Sep 15, 2009
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Did any one knew which is the optic used in the AK?I had seen the same one in a pic of late mumbai police chief Hassan Gafoor and also with Mumbai Police commandos.Is it Aim point?


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Dec 16, 2013
Did any one knew which is the optic used in the AK?I had seen the same one in a pic of late mumbai police chief Hassan Gafoor and also with Mumbai Police commandos.Is it Aim point?
it is Aimpoint M4 1x35 Red dot sight scope it cost RS 5565 with free shipping


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Sep 15, 2009
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Are these sights bought by personell or by MHA?Coz these type of Aimpoint sights are sported with various paramilitary forces though very rarely.


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Sep 15, 2009
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Are the SRG capale to undertake any missions independenthlly? or are they trained only to act only in support element role and also as elite body guards?


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Sep 13, 2010
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Hey guys, the trailers for this vid were posted here some time back but the full show was unavailable outside the US and had to be paid for, anyway I (finally) found the vid in full (for free!):

Watch Black Ops TV Online | Free Full Episodes | Yesterday Channel

It's a UK tv channel and if anyone outside the Uk has an issue watching it please let me know and I'll give you (hopefully) a solution to this.

The video particularly focuses on the NSG's role (given it is originally from the US's Mil Channel) which is a more unique insight and the fact it has a former NSG Force commander and Col gives a nice perspective on the entire affair. It well and truly puts to rest the "NSG failure" BS certain people like to believe.


Anyway enjoy guys and gals!
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