The main strength of the F-35 lies in its sensor fusion and advanced electronics. They would wipe the floor with currently any other fighter.
Does US again making the same mistake that they done in Vietnam war where they removed canons from F-4, later added it when it feels the decision is wrong.
Putting too much emphasis on one area and compromised it on other areas. For me the F-22 is the only optimized 5th Gen Fighter since it has good stealth capability, decent Sensors and good dog fighting capability if required.
Other 5th Gen compromised on few fronts.
1. F-35 - Good sensor fusion. Questionable aerodynamics and weapons carrying capability, compromised rear ward stealth.
2. J-20 - Got good sensor like EOTS. But poor engine + poor aerodynamic design. Compromised stealth with canards.
3. SU-57 - Poor sensor + Engine. But good aerodynamic capability. Compromised stealth with rear side.
4. KF-21 - Compromised Stealth.
Interested to see how AMCA optimized on these parameters.