Indian Naval Aviation

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
May 26, 2010
I have tried to find differences between the 2 tenders and as far as i Know there isnt much other than the fact that one has to be "stealthy" why go for 2 different tenders for the same type of helo? MOD is probably going to send RFI to the same vendors as in the previous one my guess....
Don`t fall for stealth word, Indian Media incorrect reporting..

I assume they realized they need more or kick backs..


Senior Member
Mar 18, 2011
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NHI Industries Seeks Clarifications on Rival Sikorsky's Performance in Indian Navy Tender

Our Bureau , Mon, Dec 26, 2011 06:55 CET

NHI Industries, the manufacturer of the NH90 helicopters and one of the two bidders in the race for the US$1.2 billion Indian Navy Multi Role Helicopter (MRH) contract, has claimed that its rival, Sikorsky's S70B does not meet a number of parameters as outlined in the Request for Proposal (RFP).

Referring to the field evaluation trials (FET) of the two choppers which were completed last month, the company said that against a number of naval staff quality requirements (NSQRs), "it would have been, within the constraints of the FET process, impossible for the S70B to have demonstrated compliance against".

In a letter addressed to Indian MoD officials concerned with the MRH procurement, NH Industries has listed out several parameters where it claims that the Sikorsky S70B does not meet the relevant NSQRs and has sought a meeting with the concerned officials to explain its position.

Regarding the specific concerns on which it wants clarifications, NHI has said that one of the NSQRs requires that no failure of a single system should lead to a catastrophic failure. "NHI would like to understand how this has been demonstrated in the case of the S70B as it does not have dual redundancy built in to all aircraft flight control systems." Referring to another concern, NHI says that one of the NSQRs is for the fitment of both external and internal fuel tanks with all the other mission equipment installed and 2 cabin crew. "Given the small cabin size of the S70B, NHI would like to understand how this was this requirement was demonstrated".

Another area of concern, according to NHI is that the usable fuel reserve of the S70B in anti-submarine mission is less than 4% which is non-complaint in terms of the NSQRs as the need there is for a 15% fuel reserve. Other areas listed include availability of all sensor functions at each operating station in the rear cabin of the S70B .

NHI Industries Seeks Clarifications on Rival SikorskyÂ’s Performance in Indian Navy Tender : Defense news


Senior Member
Oct 24, 2010
NHI Industries Seeks Clarifications on Rival Sikorsky's Performance in Indian Navy Tender

Our Bureau , Mon, Dec 26, 2011 06:55 CET

NHI Industries, the manufacturer of the NH90 helicopters and one of the two bidders in the race for the US$1.2 billion Indian Navy Multi Role Helicopter (MRH) contract, has claimed that its rival, Sikorsky's S70B does not meet a number of parameters as outlined in the Request for Proposal (RFP).

Referring to the field evaluation trials (FET) of the two choppers which were completed last month, the company said that against a number of naval staff quality requirements (NSQRs), "it would have been, within the constraints of the FET process, impossible for the S70B to have demonstrated compliance against".

In a letter addressed to Indian MoD officials concerned with the MRH procurement, NH Industries has listed out several parameters where it claims that the Sikorsky S70B does not meet the relevant NSQRs and has sought a meeting with the concerned officials to explain its position.

Regarding the specific concerns on which it wants clarifications, NHI has said that one of the NSQRs requires that no failure of a single system should lead to a catastrophic failure. "NHI would like to understand how this has been demonstrated in the case of the S70B as it does not have dual redundancy built in to all aircraft flight control systems." Referring to another concern, NHI says that one of the NSQRs is for the fitment of both external and internal fuel tanks with all the other mission equipment installed and 2 cabin crew. "Given the small cabin size of the S70B, NHI would like to understand how this was this requirement was demonstrated".

Another area of concern, according to NHI is that the usable fuel reserve of the S70B in anti-submarine mission is less than 4% which is non-complaint in terms of the NSQRs as the need there is for a 15% fuel reserve. Other areas listed include availability of all sensor functions at each operating station in the rear cabin of the S70B .

NHI Industries Seeks Clarifications on Rival SikorskyÂ’s Performance in Indian Navy Tender : Defense news

whatever you want to do, do..but dont delay the tender


Regular Member
Dec 31, 2011
whatever you want to do, do..but dont delay the tender[/QUOTE

couldn't agree with you more... the lack of submarines gets a lot of attention but in my opinion IN needs ASW helos as it would be a better way to counter the PLAN and PN submarine force.... The few Seakings that we have are no where enough in quality or quantity to meet the IN needs.... my guess is that between the two tenders for NMRH IN will order around 200..... 150 for all major IN warships and 50 reserve and shore based.... at least 60 smaller utility helicopters for other needs......
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Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Russian PLAB Bomb 250 – 120 in Indian Navy

Russian PLAB Bomb 250 – 120 (Protivolodochaya AviaBomba – depth charge/anti-submarine bombs, 250 Liters) in Indian Navy.


Defence Professionals/ DFI member of 2
Sep 28, 2011
Russian PLAB Bomb 250 – 120 (Protivolodochaya AviaBomba – depth charge/anti-submarine bombs, 250 Liters) in Indian Navy.
Why capacity in volume rather than mass?


Freakin' Fighter fan
Senior Member
Sep 15, 2010
So, tell me again how does a "stealth" naval helo work? Most "stealth helos" use the terrain and other features to mask their passage, how will that work over the ocean?


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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So, tell me again how does a "stealth" naval helo work? Most "stealth helos" use the terrain and other features to mask their passage, how will that work over the ocean?
this is the answer for your question

Don`t fall for stealth word, Indian Media incorrect reporting..

I assume they realized they need more or kick backs..


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2010
..:: India Strategic ::. Navy: Indian Navy to have 100 combat jets, 500 aircraft

New Delhi. The Indian Navy is set to have 100-plus combat jets, as part of an assortment of its own mostly ship-board capable air force of some 500 aircraft and helicopters.

Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Verma told India Strategic that air power is an integral component of the Indian Navy's modernization programme with at least three aircraft carriers in the future.

The Naval Chief declined to mention the exact timelines but observed that each platform of the Navy would be equipped with progressively better technologies and newer generation systems as they evolve. The effort is on acquiring capabilities, and eventually indigenizing them with special emphasis on operational capabilities in the Electronic Warfare (EW) environment.

The Indian Navy has already ordered 45 Mig 29K combat jets from Russia, 16 of them in the first lot in 2004, and the remaining now. Incidentally, this is the first time that the Russians are supplying training simulators with their aircraft; the Indian Air Force never got any in the good old days from the Soviet Union or Russia.

These Mig 29K aircraft are specifically meant for INS Vikramaditya aka Admiral Gorshkov being acquired from Russia end-2012 before the Navy Day on Dec 4.

The 60 other combat jets being planned for acquisition may be different. Adm Verma did not elaborate.

All he said was that the Navy has planned for about 500 aircraft, helicopters, LRMR and MRMR included.

It may be noted however that various aircraft manufacturers, US Boeing (F/A 18 Super Hornet) and Lockheed Martin (F 35 JSF), French Dassault (Rafale) and Swedish Saab (Sea Gripen) have made presentations to the Navy.

At present, only the Boeing F/A 18 and Rafale operate from aircraft carriers while the JSF, the futuristic 5th Generation aircraft under development has demonstrated the capability to land and take off from ships in flight trials. There is also the naval version of the India's Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) being developed by HAL.

The choice should be known after a few years.

The Navy has already ordered 12 Boeing P8-I long Range Maritime Reconnaissance aircraft (LRMR) and another 12 LRMR and half a dozen Medium Range Maritime Reconnaissance (MRMR) aircraft are under consideration.

Besides these, the Navy is looking for an assortment of aircraft to operate in the contemporary and futuristic Electronic Warfare (EW) environment with cutting edge technologies.

The US has offered Northrop Grumman's advance E-2D Hawkey shipboard aircraft for battle management but that is where it stands. There is no "Yes" or "No" from the Indian Navy.

Adm Verma said that what the Navy was looking at were just not numbers of aircraft, ships, submarines and other assets but their capabilities. Any equipment and system has to operate and last for years. New and newer technologies are emerging rapidly and whatever the Navy buys, has to be value for money and security for years to come.

As for ships and submarines, he said that by 2027, the Navy should have mostly new 150 ships and submarines to enable operations in both the western and eastern seaboards of India to protect the country's maritime interests.

The Navy has also acquired two refueling vessels to enable its ships to stay far from the shores and for longer durations.


Mob Control Manager
Senior Member
Feb 12, 2009
An excellent article, worth full read, look at the pictures posted too

Tarmak007 -- A bold blog on Indian defence: Tech leap to future naval aircraft projects with LCA Navy on 'countdown' mode

Sources say that in horizontal direction, the arrested shock recovery produces axial loads on aircraft structure of the tune of 4.5 g, calling for re-certification of all line replacement units (LRUs), components and associated systems of naval version to ensure fail safe operation repeatedly.
The take-off and landing logics are integrated in its quadruplex digital redundant flight control system and open architecture computer for efficient interface between the pilot and the aircraft with the aim of easing work-load during launch and recovery phase and fail safe operation.
The ADA has designed and fabricated various types of simulators, including engineer-in-loop, real-time software development and maintenance. The shore-based test facility (SBTF) at Goa with ski-jump launch and arrested recovery similar to aircraft carrier is ready. The arrester hook test facility, LEVCON test rig and landing gear drop test rig are also developed in-house.
There are more than 100 agencies involved with the LCA-Navy project. They include DRDO, HAL, CSIR, PSUs, private sector and academia, spread all over India, ranging from NAL, CARE, DARE, CVRDE, , DEBEL, LRDE, Midhani, CSIO, TCS, IITs, IISc and Naval Aviation at NHQ.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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The ramp under construction for the Shore Based Test Facility for training naval fighter pilots.


Senior Member
Mar 21, 2009
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Once more. Not only is it possibly one of the most advanced aircraft in the Indian fleet, it can also shelter a bunch of people with wings folded.



Regular Member
Feb 14, 2012
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NHI Industries Seeks Clarifications on Rival Sikorsky's Performance in Indian Navy Tender

Our Bureau , Mon, Dec 26, 2011 06:55 CET

NHI Industries, the manufacturer of the NH90 helicopters and one of the two bidders in the race for the US$1.2 billion Indian Navy Multi Role Helicopter (MRH) contract, has claimed that its rival, Sikorsky's S70B does not meet a number of parameters as outlined in the Request for Proposal (RFP).

Referring to the field evaluation trials (FET) of the two choppers which were completed last month, the company said that against a number of naval staff quality requirements (NSQRs), "it would have been, within the constraints of the FET process, impossible for the S70B to have demonstrated compliance against".

In a letter addressed to Indian MoD officials concerned with the MRH procurement, NH Industries has listed out several parameters where it claims that the Sikorsky S70B does not meet the relevant NSQRs and has sought a meeting with the concerned officials to explain its position.

Regarding the specific concerns on which it wants clarifications, NHI has said that one of the NSQRs requires that no failure of a single system should lead to a catastrophic failure. "NHI would like to understand how this has been demonstrated in the case of the S70B as it does not have dual redundancy built in to all aircraft flight control systems." Referring to another concern, NHI says that one of the NSQRs is for the fitment of both external and internal fuel tanks with all the other mission equipment installed and 2 cabin crew. "Given the small cabin size of the S70B, NHI would like to understand how this was this requirement was demonstrated".

Another area of concern, according to NHI is that the usable fuel reserve of the S70B in anti-submarine mission is less than 4% which is non-complaint in terms of the NSQRs as the need there is for a 15% fuel reserve. Other areas listed include availability of all sensor functions at each operating station in the rear cabin of the S70B .

NHI Industries Seeks Clarifications on Rival SikorskyÂ’s Performance in Indian Navy Tender : Defense news
This is nothing more than a desperation tactic by NH Industries to overcome the severe problems and negative publicity being experienced by the NH90 and its maritime NFH90 sister aircraft. The NFH90 lost in Australia, the NH90 lost in Sweden, and it will likely lose in India. Ask those customers, like the Germans and the Australians about their experiences with their newly delivered NH90 aircraft. Not a very good track record so far. The NH90 MAY be a good aircraft in 3 to 4 years once it overcomes its infant mortality and system integration issues that it is currently experiencing but not in the near future. The NH90 is a newer and larger aircraft than the S-70B but newer and larger does not mean BETTER. Sikorsky has been doing ASW and ASuW for over 30 years and sets the standard in those areas of martime warfare. The S-70B that will be delivered to the Indian Navy will be fully compliant as I am sure will be the NH90. It just comes down to who does it better and with higher quality, greater reliability and with an integrated mission system that provides the operators with a modern, easy to use, and flexible architecture that can grow with the changes in mission requirements that will likely occur during the lifecycle of this aircraft. That aircraft is the S-70B, in my humble opinion.
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