Indian Army Armored Vehicles


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Jul 8, 2011
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Offtopic, Challenger 2 is a shit tank.
No more shittier than our Arjun I fear.In fact, Challenger 2 is the second most well protected tank in the world after the M1A2 Abrams SEP.
Lets not make it a role model.
Why not??Oh wait, I know why, because the great Rohit babu has given his verdict, that's why, right??
Arjun's Gun is far superior to that.
Really??The stats say otherwise, unfortunately.


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Jan 11, 2014
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No more shittier than our Arjun I fear.In fact, Challenger 2 is the second most well protected tank in the world after the M1A2 Abrams SEP.
Premature statement. We'll have to wait till the Arjun is tested in combat to pass blanket statements like that.

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
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May 26, 2010
Strictly in Indian context, Rifled Gun preform better than those smooth bore gun, This achievement based on multiple factors which counts not only include Gun but FCS and superior crew training indeed, But Gun is one of those prime factor which cannot be ignored when India Army wanted it to be carried on, Tanks guns don`t use APFSDS most of the time but regular rounds like HEAT and HE in case of Arjun MK2 its thermobaric rounds with lower chamber pressures ..

If we wanted a smooth-bore its no rocket science as we are already making our own version of 2A46M as because of Tot issue, I personally have no issue if Indian Army finds 120mm smooth-bore a gud option, It would be welcome move in my opinion..


We are talking about MK2 and hence related ammunition with it and its development history ..

1. The CAG Report No.24 of 2011-12 (Defense Services) explains the development of DRDO Mk-2 round:

“Ministry of Defence, Department of Defence Research and Development (DDRD) in May 1996 sanctioned the above project at a cost of INR 2.30 crore to be completed by May 1998. It was sanctioned by DRDO without GSQR from Army HQ. The project after four revisions of probable date of completion (PDC) and three cost revisions, was closed in December 2004 after an expenditure INR 7.27 crore. The ammunition developed by the Laboratory did not meet the Users’ requirement as Users expressed an apprehension as to whether the trials conducted for MK-II ammunition in the absence of GSQR for this ammunition would qualify as user trials. To resolve the issue, the ammunition was subjected to Accelerated User Cum Reliability Trials (AUCRT) in August 2007 which again proved to be unsatisfactory. Ministry of Defence in its reply in February 2011 stated that trials with 30 rounds of improved ammunition, have been successfully completed in May 2010 and Army HQ has given go ahead for accelerated user trials with 500 rounds of the improved ammunition. Ministry’s reply should be viewed in the background of the fact that even after a lapse of 15 years the ammunition is yet to be inducted. Such ammunition is still being imported by Army.”

One measure of technological progress made by DRDO in development of 125mm APFSDS is the comparison of L:D Ratio of DRDO MK-1 and MK-2 round – this parameter was 14:1 for earlier round while the L:D Ratio of Mk-2 is 20:1.The picture above shows the comparative parameters for the Mk-1 and Mk-2 125mm rounds.
This ammunition is into production in 2015.


DRDO has also developed the Mk-2 version of its earlier 120mm round for Arjun tank using same rod ..


The objective is to archive 650mm @ 2000ms, This will be accomplished in time and cannot be expected in short time considering India`s reach of technology from outside ..

And I find that rather weird because it just doesn't make any sense??I mean why would they do that, why would they wanna cling on to the outdated stuffs when more modern, cheaper and simpler to produce and above all, outright better alternatives are almost readily available??Does it originate from their love for legacy stuffs, I hope it isn't because if that's indeed the case, then I'm afraid it's pretty, in fact a stupendously stupid practice to follow, in such a line of business they are into.

I mean, show me one modern tank, just one barring Arjun, where the developers or the users decided to go for a rifled gun over a smooth barrel one.
Just name one modern tank, that's all I wanna hear from you, Sir.

I just don't understand, why are you people so hell bent on proving everything that comes out of our stable has to be a world-beater, when the facts speak otherwise??Why are you trying so hard to defend the indefensible??Why is it so hard to admit that our army made a wrong decision by going with an outdated gun??What purpose it serves you guys, because if it does, I'm really having a hard time seeing it!!

Ok, just forget all these, forget all these 'stupid, emotional rants' of questions.Just show me one merit, one good reason for retaining an outdated gun??Just......just show me one freaking advantage a rifled gun holds over a smooth barrel one, just freaking one and I promise I'll stop my 'rants' once and for all.
PS - Please do not bring in the small arms or heavy machine guns or AAA or tube artillery to justify your views, because we are talking about tank guns here.

You speak as if that is some achievement, beating a round by an inch, which was designed way back in the early 80s!!Actually, we aren't even sure if that is true since the MkI penetrator is actually much shorter than the BM 42 penetrators!!
By the way, BM 42 is the designation for the penetrator where as the actual round, which you are reffering, is designated as 3BM 44, just as the BM 42M being the designation of the penetrator used in the 3BM 44M Lekalo rounds.
Now coming back to Arjun's ammo, there is no way the old MkI could achieve 500+ mm penetration at a distance of 2000 meter at 0 degree vertical angle, it's pretty much impossible.And before anyone decides to post the ARDE posters, I've already seen them, so please don't bother, I know what they have gotta to say and I just don't buy it!!Why - because as a general rule of thumb, a round's penetration value will always be 10-15% lower than the actual length of the rod itself and the rod in the MkI is at best 380 mm long, so it's practically impossible for it to achieve something like what's been claimed....................unless, our guys in the ARDE has managed to develop some miracle heavy alloy, straight out of some science fiction book.Heck, by that standard, MkI isn't even at the early 80's level!!
Both the Mango and Pronit (aka IMI CL MkII) packs longer rods with higher L: D ratio than our MkI does, yet they barely achieve 500 mm at 2000 meter at a muzzle velocity of around 1700 meter/second, so I don't see how on earth the existing round, with a shorter, fatter, lighter and slower moving rod can achieve the same level of performance!!After all, it's not some magic we are talking about, are we??

And as for the supposed MkII, even that would fare little better, as I've already pointed out, simply because again, its vastly shorter and fatter (thicker would be the right term, I know) penetrator rod, compared to even the Chinese APFSDS rounds, which by the way aren't that much impressive themselves!!So yeah, Arjun having better firepower than, I don't know, anything out there, anything of relevance that is, would be simply akin to stretching the facts too far, I mean really really ridiculously far.................and that's saying something!!


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Jul 8, 2011
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Jul 8, 2011
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Premature statement. We'll have to wait till the Arjun is tested in combat to pass blanket statements like that.
Not at all, you would know if you weren't such an ignorant noob!! :D

Again, an immature statement I'll say.
And again, Not at all, you would know if you weren't such an ignorant noob!! :D
You don't have classified gun data on your hands to be passing blanket statements like that again.
Actually, I do!!I do know the maximum chamber pressure these guns can take as well as their length and diameter and that's all you really need to know to come up with a rough estimation of their power.But again, only if you weren't such a noob.

And wait a minute!!What did you say again??I'm making premature statements, really??So what was your highness doing when Mr Rohit the ****** came up with his gems like Challenger 2 was shit and Arjuns gun being far better than that of the Arjun??How come that doesn't end up as a premature statement in your book, hypocrisy much, ehhh??Don't bother to reply m8, it was rhetorical question, a question we already know the answer of.


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Jul 8, 2011
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So principally, anything that doesn't confirm to your logic isn't true.
You have got it in reverse I fear.Actually, the truth is, anything that doesn't add up to the reality doesn't confirm to my logic!!And I'm not one of those who would twist and bend the logic to suit his own fantasy nor would pull out 'facts' from my backside just to win an argument at any cost possible, even if it means making a complete and utter fool of oneself, like what you are doing and now I'm gonna prove it to you point by point!!

Modern HESH round are deadly effective against fortifications. Especially the ones with a thermobaric warhead.
Sorry, sorry, I'm sober now.But seriously man, what the hell??!!Why are you know what??Just forget it, just forget it!!I won't say a thing after this, please keep on amusing me like this. What an ignorant fool!! :D :D :D :D

(recently an indigenous version tested by DRDO)
Quite obviously you do not have even the slightest idea about anything at all, so why are you even bothering to reply with such false info and making a fool of yourself in the process??Is winning an argument (which you aren't, quite obviously) over the net really worth this shiit?For fuckk's sake, you don't even know the basic difference between HESH and Fuel-Air Explosive yet here you have the audacity to tell me that I'm wrong??Where the hell are you getting all these confidence, I could certainly use some myself.

There is no way for a fortification like a concrete bunker to actually stop the resonance wave generated by the round and prevent spalling inside the structure.
Contrary to your fantasies, pillboxes can be easily designed and constructed in such a way so as to completely mitigate the effects of HESH rounds, that's the very reason why DRDO had to develop the Thermobaric ammo (aka PCB, whoever the fuckk was in charge of naming probably has a hard on for porn I think) in the first place!!
But then again, there is no difference between HESH and TB as per you!!Which begs me to question my own actions, why on earth am I even engaging you in a discussion??Well may be right now I've got nothing better to do.

Till the days RHA was standard on tanks, HESH was very effective against them too.
Not that much, the spalling was often inconsistent and wouldn't produce the desired result.Besides, the Britishers found out that in order to create an effective level of spalling, the warhead diameter had to be at least 50% bigger than the LOS thickness of the armor plates!!Which means, in order to defeat even a 100mm RHA plate, you would need need to use an 150mm HESH warhead, otherwise, there wouldn't be the required amount of spalling to actually kill the tank!!Not really that effective as you are making it out to be.
That's the very reason why the armies still continued to make use of HVAP and APDS rounds in primary anti tank roles, despite the HESH being 4 times cheaper to produce!!

But with the advent of composite armor with spacing inside them, armor designers found a way to dissipate the resonating Shockwave.
Well congratulations for getting at least one thing right.I applaud you for that, BRAVO!!

But, implementing the spaced armor concept on the scale of a fortification or bunker is purely un-economical.
Sure, especially since mud and stones are running at a price higher than Diamond.

Which keeps HESH rounds effective and viable against structures.
Sure sure, why not??Except, army has to run to DRDO for a new type of rounds, because apparent the HESH was so good and deadly that the Pakistanis would simply run away by the mere sight of the approaching Indian tanks , no sport in that, right??
Also, while fighting along with dismounted infantry in urban areas, HESH round are used to blow holes into walls and such to open up new approaches for the infantry.
A task that can be done more efficiently by using thermobaric rounds or time delayed HE rounds, which do not rely on rifled guns!!
Secondly as far as your arguments against the rifle gun is concerned. True, modern KEP and FSAPDS type round do not really need spin stability imparted to them because they are stabilized in flight by fins. True.
For starters, KEP and APFSDS is the same thing and secondly, it's called APFSDS and not FSAPDS, got it??
Otherwise, this point is alright.
But, the mere fact that they do not need spin stabilization doesn't mean that they cannot be given the same.
Imparting spin stabilization to a finned projectile leads to a flatter trajectory. Thereby leading to ease of aiming. Thereby leading to lesser time taken in laying the gun.
Frankly speaking, I've never seen something as stupendously stupid as this above statement of yours!!Truly, at this point, I'm not even sure why I'm still moving ahead with this discussion any further!!What you just said doesn't make an freaking iota of sense, really, and here I'm actually being polite!!

There are reasons that the Arjun's gun is far more accurate while stationary and on the move as well than the Russian guns. But those reasons aren't limited to just better FCS on the Arjun.
Nope, only one reason, better FCS, no two way to put it amigo, take it or leave it wouldn't change the reality or the facts!!That's the beauty of the facts - you can choose to accept 'em or reject 'em but it will have no bearings on the reality what so ever!![/QUOTE]


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Jul 8, 2011
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Strictly in Indian context, Rifled Gun preform better than those smooth bore gun,
Sorry but I find that extremely hard to swallow!!How is the Indian context anymore different than the others??Are facing some different types of threats that are completely unique to our context and threats which can not be countered by smooth barrel guns??If that's the case, then I would certainly want to know about those unique threats and if that's not the case, then your reasoning behind clinging on to a rifled gun from the 80s era doesn't hold any water I'm afraid.
This achievement based on multiple factors which counts not only include Gun but FCS and superior crew training indeed, But Gun is one of those prime factor which cannot be ignored
In the context of the comparative trials, the gun wasn't really a prime factor since the relative performance of the different ammunition was not a criteria and since, can be and should be ignored from the equation altogether.
when India Army wanted it to be carried on,
Exactly, and that's what I can't fathom.Why the hell would they carry on with an outdated and weaker gun from the 80s when cheaper and better alternatives can be made available within a relatively short order??And if they love rifled guns so much, they why didn't they bat an eye while selecting their T series tanks??Something doesn't add up.
Tanks guns don`t use APFSDS most of the time
That depends.
but regular rounds like HEAT and HE
Rifled guns are not suited for HEAT rounds since the spin imparted from rifling affects formation of the metal jets.
in case of Arjun MK2 its thermobaric rounds with lower chamber pressures ..
Yes, a round that can be optimised for smooth barrel guns with little difficulty!!All you need to do is just add some fins in its ass and voila!!
If we wanted a smooth-bore its no rocket science as we are already making our own version of 2A46M as because of Tot issue, I personally have no issue if Indian Army finds 120mm smooth-bore a gud option, It would be welcome move in my opinion..
Great, glad that we are on the same page here, between you and me, sir.

We are talking about MK2 and hence related ammunition with it and its development history ..
Alright, no problem there.

1. The CAG Report No.24 of 2011-12 (Defense Services) explains the development of DRDO Mk-2 round:

“Ministry of Defence, Department of Defence Research and Development (DDRD) in May 1996 sanctioned the above project at a cost of INR 2.30 crore to be completed by May 1998. It was sanctioned by DRDO without GSQR from Army HQ. The project after four revisions of probable date of completion (PDC) and three cost revisions, was closed in December 2004 after an expenditure INR 7.27 crore. The ammunition developed by the Laboratory did not meet the Users’ requirement as Users expressed an apprehension as to whether the trials conducted for MK-II ammunition in the absence of GSQR for this ammunition would qualify as user trials. To resolve the issue, the ammunition was subjected to Accelerated User Cum Reliability Trials (AUCRT) in August 2007 which again proved to be unsatisfactory. Ministry of Defence in its reply in February 2011 stated that trials with 30 rounds of improved ammunition, have been successfully completed in May 2010 and Army HQ has given go ahead for accelerated user trials with 500 rounds of the improved ammunition. Ministry’s reply should be viewed in the background of the fact that even after a lapse of 15 years the ammunition is yet to be inducted. Such ammunition is still being imported by Army.”

This ammunition is into production in 2015.


I was already aware of it and there's nothing contradictory to my earlier statements.

DRDO has also developed the Mk-2 version of its earlier 120mm round for Arjun tank using same rod ..

And merely adding more powerful propellant and lighter sabot petals will have a rather marginal effect on the end result, at least no where near to the extent necessary to bring the penetration value at 500+ level at 2 km, as has been stated.

The objective is to archive 650mm @ 2000ms, This will be accomplished in time and cannot be expected in short time considering India`s reach of technology from outside ..
Which means, it has been outclassed even before its very inception and that too, by rounds designed in the previous decade or even previous century if we are to count the M829A2's value as true!! :(


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Jan 11, 2014
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Not at all, you would know if you weren't such an ignorant noob!! :D

And again, Not at all, you would know if you weren't such an ignorant noob!! :D

Actually, I do!!I do know the maximum chamber pressure these guns can take as well as their length and diameter and that's all you really need to know to come up with a rough estimation of their power.But again, only if you weren't such a noob.

And wait a minute!!What did you say again??I'm making premature statements, really??So what was your highness doing when Mr Rohit the ****** came up with his gems like Challenger 2 was shit and Arjuns gun being far better than that of the Arjun??How come that doesn't end up as a premature statement in your book, hypocrisy much, ehhh??Don't bother to reply m8, it was rhetorical question, a question we already know the answer of.
Try and say something worthwhile based on fact rather than calling names and putting emotes to try and hide the lack of veracity in what you're saying.
The very manner in which you're literally hopping up and down likens you to a teenage schoolgirl and the only person your making a fool of is yourself.

If you've got your hands on actually combat data on the Arjun which in your hypothetical world has already met combat, then please share it here. We'll all love to be "enlightened" and have a hearty laugh at your imbecileness.

Maximum chamber pressure and length and diameter is all you need to know to guess the power and accuracy of a gun? Really? I mean really?
Again I think you live in some hypothetical world.
Or probably you're writing this after smoking pot.

Barrel whip, Gyro stabilization is all for naught for you.
Sure man you're a super scientist. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE APPLAUSE.


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Jul 8, 2011
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So principally, anything that doesn't confirm to your logic isn't true.
You have got it in reverse I fear.Actually, the truth is, anything that doesn't add up to the reality doesn't confirm to my logic!!And I'm not one of those who would twist and bend the logic to suit his own fantasy nor would pull out 'facts' from my backside just to win an argument at any cost possible, even if it means making a complete and utter fool of oneself, like what you are doing and now I'm gonna prove it to you point by point!!

Modern HESH round are deadly effective against fortifications.
BULLSHIIT!!In reality, HESH rounds can be rendered completely ineffective just by surrounding your bunker walls with mud and stone walls with some air gap in between!!

Especially the ones with a thermobaric warhead.
Sorry, sorry, I'm sober now.But seriously man, what the hell??!!Why are you know what??Just forget it, just forget it!!I won't say a thing after this. What an ignorant fool!! :D :D :D :D

(recently an indigenous version tested by DRDO)
Quite obviously you do not have even the slightest idea about anything at all, so why are you even bothering to reply with such false info and making a fool of yourself in the process??Is winning an argument (which you aren't, quite obviously) over the net really worth this shiit?For fuckk's sake, you don't even know the basic difference between HESH and Fuel-Air Explosive yet here you have the audacity to tell me that I'm wrong??Where the hell are you getting all these confidence, I could sure use some myself.

There is no way for a fortification like a concrete bunker to actually stop the resonance wave generated by the round and prevent spalling inside the structure.
Contrary to your fantasies, pillboxes can be easily designed and constructed in such a way so as to completely mitigate the effects of HESH rounds using simple raw materials which is readily available in your surrounding areas - mud and stones!!That's the very reason why DRDO had to develop the Thermobaric ammo (aka PCB, whoever the fuckk was in charge of naming probably has a hard on for porn I think) in the first place!!
But then again, there is no difference between HESH and TB as per you!!Which begs me to question my own actions, why on earth am I even engaging you in a discussion??

Till the days RHA was standard on tanks, HESH was very effective against them too.
Not that much effective really, the spalling was often inconsistent and wouldn't produce the desired result.Besides, the Britishers found out that in order to create an effective level of spalling, the warhead diameter had to be at least 50% bigger than the LOS thickness of the armor plates!!Which means, in order to defeat even a 100mm RHA plate, you would need need to fire a HESH round of 150 mm calibre, otherwise, there wouldn't be the enough amount of spalling required to actually kill the tank reliably!!Not really that effective as you are making it out to be.
And that's the very reason armies world over still continued to use HVAP and APDS rounds in anti tank roles, despite APDS rounds being roughly 4 times as expensive as a HESH round of equal calibre!!But then again, what do I know, right??
But with the advent of composite armor with spacing inside them, armor designers found a way to dissipate the resonating Shockwave.
Well congratulations for getting at least one thing right.I applaud you for that, BRAVO!!

But, implementing the spaced armor concept on the scale of a fortification or bunker is purely un-economical.
Sure, especially since the price of mud and stones are running higher than Diamonds these days.
Which keeps HESH rounds effective and viable against structures.
Sure sure, why not??May be that's why army had to run to DRDO for a new type of rounds, because apparently the HESH was so good and deadly that the Pakistanis would simply cower down and run away by the mere sight of the approaching Indian tanks, what's the sport in that, right??

Also, while fighting along with dismounted infantry in urban areas, HESH round are used to blow holes into walls and such to open up new approaches for the infantry.
A task, which can be done far more efficiently with fuel-air explosives or HE rounds with time delay fuses (like APAM) and that too, without having to rely upon rifled guns like HESH does and wouldn't fuck up its anti tank potential by quite some margin in the process!!

Secondly as far as your arguments against the rifle gun is concerned. True, modern KEP and FSAPDS type round do not really need spin stability imparted to them because they are stabilized in flight by fins. True.
First of all, KEP and APFSDS are the same thing, so 'and' isn't really the conjunction of choice here, because to an uninformed person, it may seem that those abbreviations are used to denote two different things.
Secondly, the proper term is APFSDS and not FSAPDS.
Your statement as a whole is correct though, nothing factually wrong in here,.Moving on...............

But, the mere fact that they do not need spin stabilization doesn't mean that they cannot be given the same.
Imparting spin stabilization to a finned projectile leads to a flatter trajectory. Thereby leading to ease of aiming. Thereby leading to lesser time taken in laying the gun.
This literally doesn't make a freaking iota of sense!!Where the hell do you even come up with these stuffs from??Truly, after reading this, I'm not even sure whether it would be the right idea to carry this discussion any further.Dude, seriously, does winning an argument over some online forum really mean that much to you, that you would even make a complete and utter fool of yourself yet wouldn't accept that you are wrong??!!But yeah, you do have the talent of passing complete nonsense as a concrete fact, I like your confidence.Heck, you would have had me convinced only if I didn't happen to know the physics involved behind the stabilisation of a projectile. :)

There are reasons that the Arjun's gun is far more accurate while stationary and on the move as well than the Russian guns.
Complete bollocks.
But those reasons aren't limited to just better FCS on the Arjun.
As a matter of fact, that's the only reason barring the training of the gunners involved in the process!!That is a fact, take it or leave it.
You know, that's what I like about the facts the most - you can either choose to accept 'em or reject 'em (at your own peril) but either way, your choice will have absolutely no effect on the authenticity of those facts!!Just saying.


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Jan 11, 2014
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You have got it in reverse I fear.Actually, the truth is, anything that doesn't add up to the reality doesn't confirm to my logic!!And I'm not one of those who would twist and bend the logic to suit his own fantasy nor would pull out 'facts' from my backside just to win an argument at any cost possible, even if it means making a complete and utter fool of oneself, like what you are doing and now I'm gonna prove it to you point by point!!

Sorry, sorry, I'm sober now.But seriously man, what the hell??!!Why are you know what??Just forget it, just forget it!!I won't say a thing after this, please keep on amusing me like this. What an ignorant fool!! :D :D :D :D

Quite obviously you do not have even the slightest idea about anything at all, so why are you even bothering to reply with such false info and making a fool of yourself in the process??Is winning an argument (which you aren't, quite obviously) over the net really worth this shiit?For fuckk's sake, you don't even know the basic difference between HESH and Fuel-Air Explosive yet here you have the audacity to tell me that I'm wrong??Where the hell are you getting all these confidence, I could certainly use some myself.

Contrary to your fantasies, pillboxes can be easily designed and constructed in such a way so as to completely mitigate the effects of HESH rounds, that's the very reason why DRDO had to develop the Thermobaric ammo (aka PCB, whoever the fuckk was in charge of naming probably has a hard on for porn I think) in the first place!!
But then again, there is no difference between HESH and TB as per you!!Which begs me to question my own actions, why on earth am I even engaging you in a discussion??Well may be right now I've got nothing better to do.

Not that much, the spalling was often inconsistent and wouldn't produce the desired result.Besides, the Britishers found out that in order to create an effective level of spalling, the warhead diameter had to be at least 50% bigger than the LOS thickness of the armor plates!!Which means, in order to defeat even a 100mm RHA plate, you would need need to use an 150mm HESH warhead, otherwise, there wouldn't be the required amount of spalling to actually kill the tank!!Not really that effective as you are making it out to be.
That's the very reason why the armies still continued to make use of HVAP and APDS rounds in primary anti tank roles, despite the HESH being 4 times cheaper to produce!!

Well congratulations for getting at least one thing right.I applaud you for that, BRAVO!!

Sure, especially since mud and stones are running at a price higher than Diamond.

Sure sure, why not??Except, army has to run to DRDO for a new type of rounds, because apparent the HESH was so good and deadly that the Pakistanis would simply run away by the mere sight of the approaching Indian tanks , no sport in that, right??

A task that can be done more efficiently by using thermobaric rounds or time delayed HE rounds, which do not rely on rifled guns!!

For starters, KEP and APFSDS is the same thing and secondly, it's called APFSDS and not FSAPDS, got it??
Otherwise, this point is alright.

Frankly speaking, I've never seen something as stupendously stupid as this above statement of yours!!Truly, at this point, I'm not even sure why I'm still moving ahead with this discussion any further!!What you just said doesn't make an freaking iota of sense, really, and here I'm actually being polite!!

Nope, only one reason, better FCS, no two way to put it amigo, take it or leave it wouldn't change the reality or the facts!!That's the beauty of the facts - you can choose to accept 'em or reject 'em but it will have no bearings on the reality what so ever!!
Pillboxes can be easily constructed to be resistant to HESH warheads. What are such wonderful conjurations in your dream world? please share with us.. we'll love to be enlightened.

According to you mud and stones constitute spaced armor. Dude are you on some psychedelic trip or what?
I think you're a little back in time in the iron age where you're trying to build a castle wall to resist a rock fired from a trebuchet.

Ever heard of anti spalling coating? Probably not.

but sure you'll advocate applying it to the inside of each and every pillbox and bankrupting the army in the process.

Oh. Armor piercing Fin stabilized discarding sabot is an entire galaxy different from Fin stabilized armor piercing discarding sabot.

Sure man. On your psychedelic trip.

Read the reports on what makes the newly developed round by DRDO more powerful than a traditional HESH. Use of a thermobaric warhead to cause a more powerful secondary shockwave.
That's PCB for you.
Go figure.

Also take the time out to inform yourself of the reasons as to what makes the Arjun's Gun more accurate than Russian Smoothbores.
you won't find everything on Wikipedia. Do a bit if research. If you know the concept.
And no, just FCS isn't the answer.
Flatter trajectories, better gyro stabilization, Barrel whip sensors... they all contribute to it.

But obviously these factors do not exist in your delusions.

What a dumbass man. Really.
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Jul 8, 2011
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Try and say something worthwhile based on fact rather than calling names and putting emotes to try and hide the lack of veracity in what you're saying.
You know, I believe in treating a person the exact way he deserve to be treated!!And twats like you should be shamed and ridiculed at every opportunity there is!!So yeah, this is the way I'm gonna reply to ignorant stupid little brats like yourself kiddo, get used to it, because I'm only gonna up the ante on you from this point on, twat!!
The very manner in which you're literally hopping up and down likens you to a teenage schoolgirl and the only person your making a fool of is yourself.
Trust me, the only one hopping up and down like a little whore is you and only you.You are the ones who's having an emotional outburst at the moment, not me!! :D :D

If you've got your hands on actually combat data on the Arjun which in your hypothetical world has already met combat, then please share it here.
And why on earth do I need to put my hands on 'combat data' to actually figure out the relevant stuffs??And what is this obsession of yours with so called 'combat situation'??Do you expect the tanks to suddenly turn into something else during combat or something?? :D :D
We'll all love to be "enlightened" and have a hearty laugh at your imbecileness.
Munna jhund mein toh suar atein hain!!Tu kya sala suar hain?? :D :D

Barrel whip, Gyro stabilization is all for naught for you.
Sure man you're a super scientist. APPLAUSE APPLAUSE APPLAUSE.
And what does barrel stabilisation have to with the lethality of the guns??Clinging on to straws here, are we now ******?? :D :D


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Jan 11, 2014
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You know, I believe in treating a person the exact way he deserve to be treated!!And twats like you should be shamed and ridiculed at every opportunity there is!!So yeah, this is the way I'm gonna reply to ignorant stupid little brats like yourself kiddo, get used to it, because I'm only gonna up the ante on you from this point on, twat!!

Trust me, the only one hopping up and down like a little whore is you and only you.You are the ones who's having an emotional outburst at the moment, not me!! :D :D

And why on earth do I need to put my hands on 'combat data' to actually figure out the relevant stuffs??And what is this obsession of yours with so called 'combat situation'??Do you expect the tanks to suddenly turn into something else during combat or something?? :D :D

Munna jhund mein toh suar atein hain!!Tu kya sala suar hain?? :D :D

And what does barrel stabilisation have to with the lethality of the guns??Clinging on to straws here, are we now ******?? :D :D
You haven't managed to "shame or ridicule me." little bitch. All you've managed to do is display your imbecileness by coming up with "Mud and stone" spaced armor.

barrel stabilization has got a whole lot to do with accuracy. But if course somebody like you with his head up his arse won't comprehend.

Combat data- yes of course. You're the one saying that Arjun is worse off in armor protection than other tanks. So apparently you've seen it perform in combat to make such a statement with misplaced conviction.

And don't worry little girl. Putting green emojis in your posts doesn't hide the fact that you're literally off your tenterhooks trying to come up with a comprehensive answer in your neuralgic state.
Green is the color of envy by the way. LOL.

and the concept of tanks turning into something else in combat is probably more relevant to your thought process, since you're such a big fan of anime to even keep your name here based on one.
Cheers bitch!

Kunal Biswas

Member of the Year 2011
New Member
May 26, 2010
That does not depend by a fact based on two points following :

1. Tank barrel life degrades ( T-72M1 barrel in Indian Army has life of only 250rnds back in 2001, T-90 bhishma`s has 500rnds as 2010 ) with high pressure rounds, In its life majority in peace time it fires low pressure rounds such as HEAT and HE even in exercise mostly ..

2. In conflict, A Tank is called upon providing close support to Infantry or creating deep penetration in enemy lines, Majority of times a tank vs tank battle are rare ..

Not some theory but in practice around the globe, You can conform this to any service man in Armour of any country you like ..


Indian Army on purpose pitched for Rifled gun on purpose, As told before multiple factors are responsible for an result, People in Army who advocate for rifled gun were proved correct in combine trails,

Every gun has some degree of error in zeroing regardless what ever FCS they use, Its lesser with Rifled gun with regular rounds from a tank gun, Its simple physics ..

Selected people who come up with strange RFI were entertained before, Its not the same any longer, I don`t want to start abt this particular subject in this thread as the topic is covered in various others before various times ..


Arjun`s gun had 120mm HEAT but was not called into service, It might be easily said than done by multiple PHDs and with cores of rupees, Our scientific community is not a stupid, Majority of delays are caused by red tapes and error in official documentations so does poor work by L1 bidders ..

Indian Army make requirement taking regional threads, Not global ..

Sorry but I find that extremely hard to swallow!!How is the Indian context anymore different than the others??Are facing some different types of threats that are completely unique to our context and threats which can not be countered by smooth barrel guns??If that's the case, then I would certainly want to know about those unique threats and if that's not the case, then your reasoning behind clinging on to a rifled gun from the 80s era doesn't hold any water I'm afraid.

In the context of the comparative trials, the gun wasn't really a prime factor since the relative performance of the different ammunition was not a criteria and since, can be and should be ignored from the equation altogether.

Exactly, and that's what I can't fathom.Why the hell would they carry on with an outdated and weaker gun from the 80s when cheaper and better alternatives can be made available within a relatively short order??And if they love rifled guns so much, they why didn't they bat an eye while selecting their T series tanks??Something doesn't add up.

That depends.
Rifled guns are not suited for HEAT rounds since the spin imparted from rifling affects formation of the metal jets.

And merely adding more powerful propellant and lighter sabot petals will have a rather marginal effect on the end result, at least no where near to the extent necessary to bring the penetration value at 500+ level at 2 km, as has been stated.

Which means, it has been outclassed even before its very inception and that too, by rounds designed in the previous decade or even previous century if we are to count the M829A2's value as true!! :(


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Jul 8, 2011
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Sure, that's why Russian tanks were outgunned in comparative trials.
They were outgunned, not over-matched in terms of power, try to fathom the difference for fuck's sake!!
Pillboxes can be easily constructed to be resistant to HESH warheads. What are such wonderful conjurations in your dream world? please share with us.. we'll love to be enlightened.
Dream world??Dude how big of an ignorant moron are you??Are you even aware of the fact that the tangos in the J&K used to build huts (dhokes in their tongue) with stones and mud with walls so thick that could take on multiple hits of thermo baric hits from Carl Gustav rcl rifles and still stand upright just fine??
Do you know that the TTP had built such structures, again with mud and stones with walls so thick which could resist multiple hits from their hydra rockets and also 125 mm tank HE shells, our HESH wouldn't have fared much better against such constructions either.
But no, why would you try and find out and then go through all that boring stuffs??You have figured out everything on your own already, huh kiddo??Just go on suck your thumb, that's what suits you the most anyway, given the level of your intellect!!
According to you mud and stones constitute spaced armor.
Yes, crazy ain't it??But just because you are not aware of it, doesn't make it irrelevant or false.That's why I keep telling ignorant little sobs like you to get yourselves educated!!
Dude are you on some psychedelic trip or what?
No but you were certainly dropped on your head as a child, that's for sure.You'll get better, I guess. :D
I think you're a little back in time in the iron age where you're trying to build a castle wall to resist a rock fired from a trebuchet.
Nope, my feet are perfectly in the present, but your head is in your arse and feet are in your mouth, that's for sure!! :D
Ever heard of anti spalling coating? Probably not.
Abbe naam toh dhang se kar lia kar!!It's called spall liners, usually made of aramid materials.I know it costs money and that's exactly why I suggested the use of mud and stones for erecting outer walls!!In fact, the Pakistanis have used this solution on their bunkers all across the LoC!!Ask @Kunal Biswas if you are finding my words that much hard to believe!!He can confirm if I'm making stuffs up or merely stating the truth!!Now fuckk off!!
but sure you'll advocate applying it to the inside of each and every pillbox and bankrupting the army in the process.
And when did I advocate that??I'm not the fool of the century around here, thataward goes to yourself you goatfuckk!!
Oh. Armor piercing Fin stabilized discarding sabot is an entire galaxy different from Fin stabilized armor piercing discarding sabot.
Yes, it does, just like calling you by something like "Army of Swines" would do instead of your actual handle. :D
Sure man. On your psychedelic trip.
psychedelic trip, is that the word of your day punk?? :D
Read the reports on what makes the newly developed round by DRDO more powerful than a traditional HESH.
Traditional HESH ??!!Is there something as nontraditional HESH as well, fuckktard?? :D :D
Use of a thermobaric warhead to cause a more powerful secondary shockwave.
That's PCB for you.
Go figure.
Hahahahahahahaha, only if you could realise what big of a moron you are!!HESH and TB are completely different things, which works on completely different principles with no relation being among them whatsoever!!
Also take the time out to inform yourself of the reasons as to what makes the Arjun's Gun more accurate than Russian Smoothbores.
I already know that, thank you sucker.
you won't find everything on Wikipedia.
No shiit Sherlock.By the way, what makes you think I rely on wikipedia??It's not even a source but a what can be best described as a children's handbook for things!!Children like thyself, now go suck your thumb kiddo, and have your nappies changed as well!!
Do a bit if research. If you know the concept.
That's rich coming from a four year old, who still pees and poops in his nappies!!Alle le le, dudu piega kya?? :D :D
And no, just FCS isn't the answer.
Flatter trajectories,
Bullshit!!The T 90's rounds are faster moving, therefore as per conventional wisdom, their rounds should be following flatter trajectory!!
better gyro stabilization,
Stop making shit up you moron!!
Barrel whip sensors.
It's called muzzle reference system or MRS for crying out loud you stupid cocksucker!!And those are pretty standard across all MBTs made 80s and onward!!Nothing special about them.

But obviously these factors do not exist in your delusions.
Sure they do but where is the proof that the systems on board the Arjun are better than the ones on-board the T 90s??How did you reach to that conclusion??Wait, don't answer that, I know that already - out of your stinking @Rse, ain't it?? :D :D
What a dumbass man. Really.
Who??Your daddy-o?? :D :D


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Jan 11, 2014
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Dream world??Dude how big of an ignorant moron are you??Are you even aware of the fact that the tangos in the J&K used to build huts (dhokes in their tongue) with stones and mud with walls so thick that could take on multiple hits of thermo baric hits from Carl Gustav rcl rifles and still stand upright just fine??
Comparing a round fired from a Carl Gustav RCL to one fired from a tank cannon.
I'm sure the velocities and terminal ballistics involved are the same. :crazy:


New Member
Jan 11, 2014
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ullshit!!The T 90's rounds are faster moving, therefore as per conventional wisdom, their rounds should be following flatter trajectories
Where? in your "visions"?
Respectfully speaking, please quote source.

