Indian Air Force: News & Discussions


Senior Member
Jul 25, 2017
Sad but true and I would add...

6) Being blamed by the public for, for delays and failures of the development agencies and industry.

It took ADA years, to modify the weapon station from R73 to Python V and even now there are still issues with the launch of the weapon. But instead of blaming ADA, we blame IAF for asking for another missile, although it's simple replacement of outdated equipment.
Astra is delayed for years and was suppose to enter production this year, but we blame IAF for ordering only low numbers for tests.
Without ordering Pilatus PC7, IAF wouldn't have cadets or even trained pilots now, because HALs old basic trainer was phased out for unreliability and HTT40 was nowhere near to be available, but we blamed IAF for ordering a foreign trainer.

So yes, IAF is fighting a war on multiple fronts and being an Air Chief certainly is not an easy job.
UPA is blamed, not IAF. Except may be people like you, that is.


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2011
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If it is made in India, it must be done for all Su30s. That is why asked
No. The Su-30MKI is an air superiority platform. It's unwise to transform the best dogfighter in the IAF into a bombtruck just because we can. The pylon modification and airframe strengthening adds unnecessary weight and drag to the airframe. Its okay to do it for two dedicated squadrons, retaining the rest for A2A combat.

Babloo Singh

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Oct 8, 2015
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No. The Su-30MKI is an air superiority platform. It's unwise to transform the best dogfighter in the IAF into a bombtruck just because we can. The pylon modification and airframe strengthening adds unnecessary weight and drag to the airframe. Its okay to do it for two dedicated squadrons, retaining the rest for A2A combat.
Remember strategic forces wanting some 40 aircraft of it's own for Nuke delivery ?
Remember ACM saying we ordered 2 Sq of Su 30 MKI, and yes we ordered 2 Sq of Rafal which is capable of Nuke delivery.
So 40 Mki being modified :brahmos:fits in but then what role they will play after Rafale's comes in :shock:


Senior Member
Jul 25, 2017
No. The Su-30MKI is an air superiority platform. It's unwise to transform the best dogfighter in the IAF into a bombtruck just because we can. The pylon modification and airframe strengthening adds unnecessary weight and drag to the airframe. Its okay to do it for two dedicated squadrons, retaining the rest for A2A combat.
You are misunderstanding me. I am saying that all Su30 must be integrated with Brahmos, not prepared to launch Brahmos.

What I mean is that all software upgradation etc must be readied. The physical modification need not be done. Just keep ready the parts for modification during war as and when necessary.

The most important aspect is readying the software


Senior Member
Jul 25, 2017
Remember strategic forces wanting some 40 aircraft of it's own for Nuke delivery ?
Remember ACM saying we ordered 2 Sq of Su 30 MKI, and yes we ordered 2 Sq of Rafal which is capable of Nuke delivery.
So 40 Mki being modified :brahmos:fits in but then what role they will play after Rafale's comes in :shock:
The way I see it is that once Tejas becomes operational, there is no need for Su30 to be air to air fighter. Instead it can be used as heavy bomber to drop heavy bombs. Su30 has some extraordinary payload carrying ability. India can actually make Su30 itself too once high powered engine is made (10 years)


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Remember strategic forces wanting some 40 aircraft of it's own for Nuke delivery ?
Remember ACM saying we ordered 2 Sq of Su 30 MKI, and yes we ordered 2 Sq of Rafal which is capable of Nuke delivery.
So 40 Mki being modified :brahmos:fits in but then what role they will play after Rafale's comes in :shock:
First of all, Nearly each and every MKI is capable to deliver nuclear payload. 40 MKIs are modified to carry Brahmos doesn't mean others can't carry a nuclear payload. Moreover, Brahmos is capable to carry Nuclear payload, but it would be the last missile to be equipped with a Nuke warhead. If you talk about CM with nuke warhead, upcoming Nirbhay is one for this role.

Rafale is a multirole aircraft whereas MKI is a air superiority fighter. Both have two distinct different roles to play in confrontation.


Senior Member
Jul 25, 2017
First of all, Nearly each and every MKI is capable to deliver nuclear payload. 40 MKIs are modified to carry Brahmos doesn't mean others can't carry a nuclear payload. Moreover, Brahmos is capable to carry Nuclear payload, but it would be the last missile to be equipped with a Nuke warhead. If you talk about CM with nuke warhead, upcoming Nirbhay is one for this role.

Rafale is a multirole aircraft whereas MKI is a air superiority fighter. Both have two distinct different roles to play in confrontation.
Why would Brahmos not be equipped with nuclear warhead? Why would anyone use any other warhead in such a potent missile? Nuclear warheads are cheap and easy to make if enough Uranium is available. India has plenty of Uranium.


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Why would Brahmos not be equipped with nuclear warhead? Why would anyone use any other warhead in such a potent missile? Nuclear warheads are cheap and easy to make if enough Uranium is available. India has plenty of Uranium.
Brahmos is something which would be used to target specific high value target of strategic importance in battlefield. With its immense speed and pin point accuracy the mere use of conventional explosive could achieve the target. Even BRAHMOS corp has never mentioned of using nuke as warhead. Its all our fantasy from very first time.

Moreover from where you got the idea that Nukes are cheap? Nukes are the most inefficient weapon taking in point the amount of explosive fuel it use. But we do have a dedicated thread to discuss nuclear warhead and so lets not derail the thread.

Moreover in one of the previous comment you said to keep the software update of MKIs to make them Brahmos compatible in war time scenario. Now once you achieve it in a prototype, this is the least time taking process. What matter most is the physical upgradation of the platform to carry and launch it. It is what would take time. But converting each and every MKI to fire the BRAHMOS as of now is impractical.


Senior Member
Sep 25, 2011
UPA is blamed, not IAF. Except may be people like you, that is.
Yeah right, just that they are blamed for so called unnecessary upgrades, too high level of development goals and too little orders, is just a fantasy. The fact that you blame politicians and not scientists that actually messed up the Tejas programme also proves the point!


Senior Member
Mar 24, 2013
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If it is made in India, it must be done for all Su30s. That is why asked
Rest assured all su30mki will carry Brahmos missiles. These 40 will carry Brahmos A which weighs around 2500kgs. Brahmos corporation is also coming up with Brahmos Ng a lighter version which will weigh around 1500kgs which su 30 mki will be able to carry 3 without any modifications. So it's just a matter of time before all our Sukhoi30 MKI carry Brahmos Ng.

Further not only su30mki but even MIG 29 and Rafales will be carrying Brahmos Ng. So chill and have fun our neighbours will get their asses fried if they take any PANGA with India.:)

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Senior Member
Sep 25, 2011
No. The Su-30MKI is an air superiority platform. It's unwise to transform the best dogfighter in the IAF into a bombtruck just because we can. The pylon modification and airframe strengthening adds unnecessary weight and drag to the airframe. Its okay to do it for two dedicated squadrons, retaining the rest for A2A combat.
The MKI was always aimed to provide balanced multi role capabilities to IAF, not just air superiority. That's why we specifically chose the twin seat multi role version, that usually is used for strikes or maritime attack roles, while the single seat versions are primarily for air superiority. But thanks to the addition of PESA radar, canards and TVC, we got the most A2A capable twin seat Flanker, that still offers credible A2G capabilities with Kh59, Kh31, Kh29 missiles, or KAB 1500 and KAB 500 bombs.

And if you look at modern warfare today, when even F22s are used in Afghanistan or Syria for precision strikes and when the F15E is one of the prime NATO strike fighters, it gets clear how multi role capability has evolved.


Senior Member
Jul 18, 2011
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Agreed that the Su-30MKI has tremendous A2G capabilities but that is not coming at a cost to the A2A capabilities nor does it compromise its flight characterisitcs.

Making each and every Su-30MKI capable of launching the BrahMos A would be foolhardy in my opinion - especially since we are given to understand that it significantly increases both weight and drag.

At a time when the Su-30MKI, the Rafale, the Mirage 2000-9 and the MiG-29 UPG are the only aircraft in IAF inventory that are qualitatively far superior to everything in PLAAF (a gap that is reducing very alarmingly fast) we need to retain this edge.
The MKI was always aimed to provide balanced multi role capabilities to IAF, not just air superiority. That's why we specifically chose the twin seat multi role version, that usually is used for strikes or maritime attack roles, while the single seat versions are primarily for air superiority. But thanks to the addition of PESA radar, canards and TVC, we got the most A2A capable twin seat Flanker, that still offers credible A2G capabilities with Kh59, Kh31, Kh29 missiles, or KAB 1500 and KAB 500 bombs.

And if you look at modern warfare today, when even F22s are used in Afghanistan or Syria for precision strikes and when the F15E is one of the prime NATO strike fighters, it gets clear how multi role capability has evolved.


Mera Bharat mahan
Senior Member
Mar 19, 2016
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At a time when the Su-30MKI, the Rafale, the Mirage 2000-9 and the MiG-29 UPG are the only aircraft in IAF inventory that are qualitatively far superior to everything in PLAAF (a gap that is reducing very alarmingly fast) we need to retain this edge.
Why do you feel that these aircrafts are technically superior to plaaf aircrafts????

Any specific reason.

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