Indian Air Force: News & Discussions


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Aug 12, 2015
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Has this been posted??

Basic Rafale 2016 costs less than 2007, weapons extra: Officials

“The IAF told us that because we were buying only 36 Rafale and not 126, they needed them to be more potent. Meteor missiles, 75 per cent serviceability and some special requirements were insisted upon by the IAF. It even asked for two separate maintenance support flights for redundancy. These imposed additional costs which were not even thought of in 2011. They are two separate packages,” government sources said.
“We didn’t negotiate with Eurofighter as it would be against the CVC guidelines to deal with the second-lowest bidder. The full price discovery of Rafale had already been done and audit of every sub-component concluded. Going with Rafale was the easiest and the fastest option,” the government source said.


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Dec 6, 2017
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In view of UDAAN scheme I think the IAF and AAI should seriously think of having a dual runway setup at a few major Air Bases. Civvie or military Air Craft getting stuck at middle of runway will be disastrous.Especially if PAF carries out sudden air strikes.


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Dec 6, 2017
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How many C130 do we finally have now? All 7 new delivered ? Wiki still shows 5. But last year's news shows Panagarh got 2 new C130s. Seen in satellite pics too


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Oct 20, 2015
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Update on AMCA

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is likely to issue a RFI eyeing new fighter jets which will subsequently facilitate India's own fifth gen fighter jet program AMCA. IAF may start the process of inviting foreign military contractors to build fighter jets in the country under the government’s Make in India plan in the next four weeks reported by the HT. This multi-billion-dollar project to build 114 jets will be “directly linked” to the development of an indigenous futuristic stealth fighter – the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA). The manufacturer that India finally decides to collaborate with will have to commit to transfer of technology not only for the fighter to be built in India but also for the AMCA that is on the drawing board, reported.


New Member
Oct 20, 2015
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India may issue a RFI for new fighter jets, will be produced under ToT, tech will be used in #AMCA too. (HT)


New Member
Oct 20, 2015
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Euro fighter Typhoon is also best fighter aircraft but headache will be dealing with 4 nations. So MIG-35 fighter jet will win this new tender because it is cheaper than other aircrafts and Russia will give some tot if not 100%. This is my personal opinion. What about your opinion guys.


New Member
Jul 9, 2014
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Euro fighter Typhoon is also best fighter aircraft but headache will be dealing with 4 nations. So MIG-35 fighter jet will win this new tender because it is cheaper than other aircrafts and Russia will give some tot if not 100%. This is my personal opinion. What about your opinion guys.
I think this tender will also face the same fate of old tenders.
On the second i don't like russians,because simple example SU-30MKI because the part of TOT we need to buy the raw material from them which is always higher than market.
If the tender needs technology for AMCA then Mi-35 will not even qualify.

Tactical Frog

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Jan 31, 2016
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Euro fighter Typhoon is also best fighter aircraft but headache will be dealing with 4 nations. So MIG-35 fighter jet will win this new tender because it is cheaper than other aircrafts and Russia will give some tot if not 100%. This is my personal opinion. What about your opinion guys.
Rafale all the way :tongue: (you are surprised ?)
It is either France or Russia. Americans don’t give away any stealth technology. Not even to Japanese or Israelis.
Smart move by IAF, linking AMCA to a new procurement. If the source is correct !

EDIT : btw, how many jets ?? Order has to be big to justify major tech transfers. 150 would be optimal.
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Flame Thrower

New Member
Apr 16, 2016
Rafale all the way :tongue: (you are surprised ?)
It is either France or Russia. Americans don’t give away any stealth technology. Not even to Japanese or Israelis.
Smart move by IAF, linking AMCA to a new procurement. If the source is correct !
Maybe and maybe not.....

Until some good news comes out of Kaveri, french can only dream of more(36) rafales.

And one last thing, even if the new rafales are coming, there won't be a follow-up order till at least half of the previous order is delivered.


शक्तिः दुर्दम्येच्छाशक्त्याः आगच्छति
New Member
Aug 14, 2015

Update on AMCA

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is likely to issue a RFI eyeing new fighter jets which will subsequently facilitate India's own fifth gen fighter jet program AMCA. IAF may start the process of inviting foreign military contractors to build fighter jets in the country under the government’s Make in India plan in the next four weeks reported by the HT. This multi-billion-dollar project to build 114 jets will be “directly linked” to the development of an indigenous futuristic stealth fighter – the Advanced Medium Combat Aircraft (AMCA). The manufacturer that India finally decides to collaborate with will have to commit to transfer of technology not only for the fighter to be built in India but also for the AMCA that is on the drawing board, reported.
Sick of reading about ToT. Stop this farce and go all in for indigenous tech. How many times has this ToT requirement destroyed this tender for MMRCAs?


New Member
Oct 12, 2013
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Drama starts all over again.... They have all the details of testing during MMRCA , use that to decide ...again RFI, RFP, trials... The whole bloody cycle repeats. It took them 1.5 yrs to say.."Ohh, last RFI was for single engine fighters, we want to include all now, so let's start again".
Sick of this lethargy ....


New Member
Aug 12, 2015
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Some IAF jargons trying hard to bring in clause on MMRCA to make it look sweet. No way they are going to get 114 jets at any cost.


New Member
Sep 25, 2011
Rafale all the way :tongue: (you are surprised ?)
It is either France or Russia. Americans don’t give away any stealth technology. Not even to Japanese or Israelis.
Smart move by IAF, linking AMCA to a new procurement. If the source is correct !
If the reports are true, it actually gets tougher for Dassault!

New Delhi continues work on stealthy AMCA
17 FEBRUARY, 2017

Director of New Delhi’s Aeronautic Development Agency C.D. Balaji says that the great majority of work for the shape of the AMCA has been completed.

The biggest challenge involves the development of Radar Absorbent Material (RAM).

He alluded to New Delhi’s challenges in the area of radar cross section (RCS) reduction in comments about the collapse of the 2012 deal to buy 126 Dassault Rafale fighters.

There were several issues that caused the Rafale deal to collapse, he says, but he specifically pointed to France’s unwillingness to part with a proprietary RAM that is applied to the Rafale’s canopy. Had the deal moved forward, Rafales completed in India would have been sent to France to receive the coating...

Also if you look at Rafale as the base for common techs for AMCA, it would be a bad solution, since it doesn't offer much AMCA would need.

AMCA is planned with a single scree touch display, while Rafale only has small touch displays and not even plans with a single screen in future versions. Gripen E and F18 Block 3 here have the advantage, of using Elbits touch display, which also is on offer for AMCA via HALBIT, the JV company of HAL and Elbit.
The EF is planned with a comparable display for the P4E or a follow standard, but the evaluations are just started.

AMCA requires are 110kN AB thrust engine and is planned to have TVC capabilities.
GE has studied TVC on the 404 engine before and is offering an uprated GE414 EPE if required (would be available for F18B3 or Gripen E)
The EF has a 3D TVC demonstrator and partnered GE in the initial studies too. The EJ 200 is also offered in an uprated version.

Rafale has neither any TVC studies, nor an uprated engine with sufficient thrust to power AMCA. The M88 ECO core, that might be used in Kaveri, is probably still not enough for LCA MK2, which might be the reason why ADA and HAL are planing with the GE414 instead.

AMCA is meant to have Advanced EW and passive sensors, a field where the Gripen E sets the benchmark now. No other fighter comes with GaN RWR and Jammer, the Israeli IR MAWS provide full 360 degree, possibly even spherical coverage and belong to the families of MAWS , DARE is developing with Israeli support as well.
Rafale comes second in this field, but coles with the unique FSO, that if added with a capable IRST, could be a game changer. But then again, a new IRST is only planned for 2025 or later and can be evaluated only by then.

Radar - AMCA is planned with Uttam AESA and if any ToT to improve it is considered, it would be asked in the MK1A upgrade.

Stealth design - Dassault, Saab and Airbus are partners in the Neuron TD, Saab has made own stealth and UAV studies, Airbus has already announced a stealth fighter programme to replace EF and most likely Rafale. The US obviously have the most know how, but also the highest restrictions, so not much help there, unless they offer joint development of the F18 weapon pods.

