India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Jul 21, 2010
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You are forgetting that Shia sunni division only came recently due to Iranian revolution trying to usurp entire power of Islamic world and Saudi hostility of it. Otherwise, historically shias aand sunnis were quite similar. Abdali, Nadir Shah of 18th century were all shia.

Assuming that Shias prefer India ia inappropriate. Shia and sunni both prefer Islamic theocracy. Being short sighted and increasing shia shia population, citing them as pro-India will severely backfire in long term

Bangladesh was never an ally of india except for a few years. Immediately after independence Mujibur was killed and BD became anti-India. Even now, Indian military threat and hostility of Myanmar keepa Bangladesh silent. Otherwise their infiltration in 1990-2010 shows their real intention
Abdali was Sunni , not Shia ..........

Advaidhya Tiwari

New Member
Aug 2, 2018
All current extant laws are codified forms of some pre-existing larger set of rules. Codification by itself is the the most unnatural of acts. Codification is what converted a larger body of rules, that governed multitude of social groups, into a finite set of laws that applied to all of them

Anthropologists and others who have studied human evolution, refer to a "great leap forward" in our history (around 80,000 YBP) where homo sapien sapien under went a cultural revolution (perhaps the very first cultural revolution). Developments like manufacturing sophisticated and complex tools, primitive language, early farming techniques, painting techniques, burial rituals, etc allowed 'modern man' to leave the 'natural world' for good. We haven't done anything natural since nor allowed any 'natural laws' to constrain our activities, not sure you want to turn back the clock on it.

Of course I'm nobody to suggest what laws you submit to. Perhaps you can file a petition in the SC and seek the highest courts counsel on why you should be governed by any constitution at all, but I would personally advise against any such thoughts.
All current laws are manifestation of something that existed in the past? Who told you that sudden changes are impossible? Did Quran or Hadith exist before 600AD? But they suddenly started to be implemented after 630AD.

Codification of natural law is not unnatural as it just collects facts as they are. Natural law doesn't mean how things happen in nature but how things work. Whatever nature does is not natural law. For example, agriculture is natural law as it is just about the biology if the plants. It may not be natural act but it is natural law. Similarly, things like painting or even today our usage of tools, equipment etc are all based on properties of the elements created by creation.

You are confused between natural act vs natural law. Hence you tend to mix up these two.

Moreover,filing petition is Supreme Court that Supreme Court is invalid (as Supreme court is deriving its powers from constitutional provision) is highly stupid. Taking permission from the court about what you should do or not is unacceptable. Changes are brought by mass direct campaign,not by taking permissions of the ruling elite


New Member
Oct 7, 2016
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Can the mods clean up this thread of:

- All sorts of irrelevant stuff about religion
- The Turkey vs Russia incident being passed off as the Indo-Pak incident and endless analysis on it even when it's clear that it's irrelevant



New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Reports terrorist chief of JEM Masood Azhar got wounded in the Indian Air Force strike on terror camps Pakistan says Masood Azhar was being treated for liver cancer at army hospital in #Islamabad Question : Why Pakistan Army trying to save a known terrorist in their hospital ??
Even if one drop of this asshole's blood got spilled in the raid, the whole operation was worth it! If he got killed due the's jackpot!!!

Funniest thing would be if he got moved to Balakot thinking that it would be the safest place for him :) :)


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Mar 22, 2013
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Times don't change Islam. There is no radical Islam or moderate Islam.

Bangladesh under Hasina is under severe pressure to contain Islamic problems. Due to Bangladesh geography, it makes Bangladesh very vulnerable to others attacks. Accepting this reality, Bangladesh military itself has agreed to keep Islamists in check. Khalida Zia etc are not even contesting elections under one pretense or the other. BNP as been asked by Bangladesh army to not campaign. Bt this doesn't mean Bangladesh army is unislamic. It is just that they are keeping overt activity in check while waiting patiently. Hasina wins elections not because people are secular but because she has taken the support of Islamic Madrassas and Mullahs under the banner of ''Hafezat-e-Islam". Unlike Jamat-e-Islami, these people are more disciplined and sophisticated. Jamat-e-Islami were undisciplined and would regularly keep causing trouble

Upper caste hindus, especially Brahmans never tolerated Islam. It was only that Brahmans had very little control left for themselves and many of them were extremely stupid an unintelligent that they couldn't do much. There is a reason why Peshwas were Brahmans. Hereditary based society created extreme inefficiency overall & made it difficult to get results as wrong people were at key decision making position. One mus understand that even as much as 800AD, Shankaracharya had to bring buddhists into Hindu fold showing how deeply Buddhism had weakened society and control of Brahmans. It was not uppercaste hindus bhindus but Buddhism that was the reason for weakness. Buddhism was spread under Ashoka and shakas with royal decroyal decree.

So, looking at anything superficially is going to cause great harm. One must always look at intention of people and cause for having that intention to judge. Merely looking at action without underlying context of intent and situation is incorrect.

So, even by today's standards, Bangladesh nor Shia are friends out of intent but mere capability deficit and some pragmatism is keeping things under check. They are simply waiting for their time
constant brahmanical based heriditary rule has always damaged india and made poor landless labourers


Designated Cynic
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Jul 12, 2014
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Such is the fixation on glamorous Dog Fight and F-16 that nobody seems much concerned about Pakistan Sponsered Terrorism and India responding to it Face On.

No wonder The core issue is already down in bin.

Congratulation to fellow Indians discussing F-16. Congratulations again to such Indians you just bowed to and kissed Pakistani subversion tactics. Carry on.
That’s one way to look at it...


Aerial dogfight is such a rare event, especially an American aircraft being at the receiving end.

Americans as a doctrine have moved away from aerial dogfight, with this incident You can bet that with in a year will be talking about either extending f-16 service or build a new aircraft capable of dog fight because f-35 is not built for that.

chetan chopade

New Member
Feb 6, 2019
All current laws are manifestation of something that existed in the past? Who told you that sudden changes are impossible? Did Quran or Hadith exist before 600AD? But they suddenly started to be implemented after 630AD.

Codification of natural law is not unnatural as it just collects facts as they are. Natural law doesn't mean how things happen in nature but how things work. Whatever nature does is not natural law. For example, agriculture is natural law as it is just about the biology if the plants. It may not be natural act but it is natural law. Similarly, things like painting or even today our usage of tools, equipment etc are all based on properties of the elements created by creation.

You are confused between natural act vs natural law. Hence you tend to mix up these two.

Moreover,filing petition is Supreme Court that Supreme Court is invalid (as Supreme court is deriving its powers from constitutional provision) is highly stupid. Taking permission from the court about what you should do or not is unacceptable. Changes are brought by mass direct campaign,not by taking permissions of the ruling elite
please shift this discussion on islam to another thread i mentioned...


New Member
Dec 25, 2016
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I seriously doubt that as the Air defence network around Bhawalpur is much more stronger than Balakot . So pakis moved him out of pindi to balakot looks not practical . Unless the pakis thought we might bomb bhawalpur and won't come close to balakot and made a stupid decision to move him there . But he was admitted in hospital for dialysis not sure balakot camp has medical facilities to treat him .

I wish he died in our bombing letting him die in hospital bed for natural cause is shame to a country of 1.2 Bn people who cant punish a terrorist who had caused so much loss of life .

Even if one drop of this asshole's blood got spilled in the raid, the whole operation was worth it! If he got killed due the's jackpot!!!

Funniest thing would be if he got moved to Balakot thinking that it would be the safest place for him :) :)


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
I seriously doubt that as the Air defence network around Bhawalpur is much more stronger than Balakot . So pakis moved him out of pindi to balakot looks not practical . Unless the pakis thought we might bomb bhawalpur and won't come close to balakot and made a stupid decision to move him there . But he was admitted in hospital for dialysis not sure balakot camp has medical facilities to treat him .

I wish he died in our bombing letting him die in hospital bed for natural cause is shame to a country of 1.2 Bn people who cant punish a terrorist who had caused so much loss of life .
All the while Bahawalpur and Muridke were the likely targets.....much discussion revolved around air strikes on these for last 10 years (even after 26/11). Since both those cities were in populated areas, there might have been a fear of RAW cells that might do something subversive. Balakot requires crossing POK - which is also heavily militarized! For a guy of MA, fixing a dialysis machine at Balakot is not a big deal!

In fact the decoy operation IAF put up was flying towards Bahawalpur and Muridke. The Paki nutjobs fell for it!

I definitely hope he doesn't die a natural death!


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
So, the Trishul dude has 'modified' his story now!
Initially he claimed no Spice bombs were used but only HSLDs.
Now he claims that 3 Mirages were equipped with Spice-1000 bombs, while another 3 were equipped with HLSDs!
First they dropped the Spice-1000 bombs from a standoff distance, and then the other 3 Mirages flew all the way to Jaba Top and dropped HSLDs....
It seems like taking out a guy with a sniper rifle, then running all the way to smash a rock on the guy's face!!! Overkill, me thinks! Fictional, maybe!


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Dec 18, 2013
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Terror and suspicious financial transactions are up by 57% in terrorist state of Pakistan for this year. FATF is giving them a nightmare as they are already on grey list and will be blacklisted soon if they don't do anything about it.

So Indians shouldn't get carried away if they see headlines like this from Pakistan in next few months :
Govt plans decisive crackdown on militant outfits

ISLAMABAD: A decisive crackdown on extremist and militant organisations in the country looks imminent.

“The action would soon be visible as things progress,” a source told a group of journalists at a background briefing on Sunday.

The imminence of an action against extremist groups was confirmed by Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry while talking in DawnNews programme Do Raaye. He said the government had taken a firm decision that there would be a stern action against all militant groups. This, he said, was in accordance with the political consensus contained in the National Action Plan (NAP).
Pakis will probably spin this as a responsible Dimran move and that they are a peace loving nation.

Forgotten Prince

New Member
Mar 2, 2019
constant brahmanical based heriditary rule has always damaged india and made poor landless labourers
This hereditary stuff was practised by everyone. Look at just not various social and political landscape in India but in east and west too.

Be it ancient China, Rome or Egyptians; we always had a hereditary structure. The only difference being in India Intelligentsia was held above the Kings and it was an excellent system of passing on the skills from one generation to another in an era when formal education was a rarity.

Forgotten Prince

New Member
Mar 2, 2019
constant brahmanical based heriditary rule has always damaged india and made poor landless labourers
The problem of poor landless labourers is recent in my opinion.

Very Very poor economic and farm policies of British led to this. They killed Indian traditional industries which led to mass migration of people into agriculture which led to more stress and then zimandari system and forced growing of cash crops killed farmers.


New Member
Mar 22, 2013
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This hereditary stuff was practised by everyone. Look at just not various social and political landscape in India but in east and west too.

Be it ancient China, Rome or Egyptians; we always had a hereditary structure. The only difference being in India Intelligentsia was held above the Kings and it was an excellent system of passing on the skills from one generation to another in an era when formal education was a rarity.
in india the role of mantri,financial officer everything was passed as heridiatry the peshwa who was mantri of chatrapati was made heriditary even millitary had heriditary system this weakened india on course of time
while in the rest of the world had only monarch as heriditary
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