India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Mar 11, 2016
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Thought so too. However the pieces do add up. Initially Pakis said they had 3 pilots.

Then 2.

Finally 1.

Pakis as usual are not admitting F 16 loss.
Absolutely.. the number of chutes, the odd pieces of wreckage being loaded on to trucks all suggest that.
And I believe IAF totally.
We should not care who is asking for evidence because its only for public consumption. The actual facts of the matter are known to Pak forces and they know how costly it is to attack us. They may say whatever else for their public and their own image but in heart of hearts they know very well what has happened and Indian forces know that Pakis know that.


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Apr 24, 2016
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The mystery of shahzad ud din. Now they are saying air marshal waseem has no son named as such.
Don't take Pakis' word for it, there are conflicting reports of his status.
They will go to any lengths to save their shitstained face.
Suddenly Shahzad became a friend & relative to 1000 something people that all happen to be on twitter in a gawar country like pakistan?
Yeah right.:dude:
If he was alive, they wouldn't let doubt fester and would have revealed Shahzad Ud Din to be alive from the get go.

This paki poster says he's alive but again, NO VIDEO proof with some dated info just more anecdotes and lies.
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Apr 13, 2013
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Looks like cfv happened for 3and half hours from 3:00 am today.
Cnnnews 18


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Mar 21, 2009
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Reports terrorist chief of JEM Masood Azhar got wounded in the Indian Air Force strike on terror camps Pakistan says Masood Azhar was being treated for liver cancer at army hospital in #Islamabad Question : Why Pakistan Army trying to save a known terrorist in their hospital ??


New Member
Mar 16, 2018
Don't take Pakis' word for it, there are conflicting reports of his status.
They will go to any lengths to save their shitstained face.
Suddenly Shahzad became a friend & relative to 1000 something people that all happen to be on twitter in a gawar country like pakistan?
Yeah right.:dude:
If he was alive, they wouldn't let doubt fester and would have revealed Shahzad Ud Din to be alive from the get go.

This paki poster says he's alive but again, NO VIDEO proof with some dated info just more anecdotes and lies.
Can this terrorist people show the good face of wing commander Shahzaz-ud-din alive and talking? NO. Because he is killed by own terrorist people.

I request everyone present in this forum to flood this message to Pakistan SM and then enjoy!

Sent from my Redmi Y2 using Tapatalk

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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Common sense tells me that....
1. We have not yet convincingly demonstrated that we had an upper hand during this entire episode.
2. Modi probably has no incentive to call it off now and let politics begin in full flow. It suits him to keep opposition muted.
3. The GOI has not even once come out and properly given their version of events. Each time, it was pakistan coming out with a statement and India was kinda forced to give a statement of sorts. I would expect a proper statement at the end of hostilities.
4. It has never been clarified what objective actions India wants from Pakistan, in order to end hostilities. Either we don't know or there are no specific objectives..... Basically want to drag it for a while.

I therefore think there will be status quo in the foreseeable future till elections, with may be a few intermittent skirmishes to keep it simmering...... But a big flare up is unlikely..... Unless there is a big objective in mind. The only big objective I see.... Balochistan or pok. Not sure if he is prepared for it, he alone cannot decide it as US will need to play crucial role. Alternately, he may keep a gun on pakistan head and make fundamental changes in j&k, the response may remain muted from all quarters.
Basically, there are many possibilities this conflict has opened and perhaps only a few people know where are we heading.
We need to inflict more punishment to Pakistan Before de escalation


New Member
Mar 28, 2009
Dharma is natural law. Dharmashastra is codification of natural law. The question is about requirement for arbitrarily written Constitution. Why should I or anyone follow the Constitution or other man made books written by random people?

Codifying natural law is different from whimsically written books
All current extant laws are codified forms of some pre-existing larger set of rules. Codification by itself is the the most unnatural of acts. Codification is what converted a larger body of rules, that governed multitude of social groups, into a finite set of laws that applied to all of them

Anthropologists and others who have studied human evolution, refer to a "great leap forward" in our history (around 80,000 YBP) where homo sapien sapien under went a cultural revolution (perhaps the very first cultural revolution). Developments like manufacturing sophisticated and complex tools, primitive language, early farming techniques, painting techniques, burial rituals, etc allowed 'modern man' to leave the 'natural world' for good. We haven't done anything natural since nor allowed any 'natural laws' to constrain our activities, not sure you want to turn back the clock on it.

Of course I'm nobody to suggest what laws you submit to. Perhaps you can file a petition in the SC and seek the highest courts counsel on why you should be governed by any constitution at all, but I would personally advise against any such thoughts.


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Mar 2, 2019
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Big Questions:
1. So many days of heavy firing across LOC, is this India who is trying to move the NSG commando into Pak or is it Pak trying to sneak/move in Jihadhis into India.

At least one country had ultra motive here.

I suspect India is also trying to achieve something at the backdoor here, Just a wild thought, NSG team into Pak for Masood Kill?


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Jan 11, 2014
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Big Questions:
1. So many days of heavy firing across LOC, is this India who is trying to move the NSG commando into Pak or is it Pak trying to sneak/move in Jihadhis into India.

At least one country had ultra motive here.

I suspect India is also trying to achieve something at the backdoor here, Just a wild thought, NSG team into Pak for Masood Kill?
NSG doesn't do any kind of cross border ops.


New Member
Mar 10, 2013
This US guy posted this news article and all Pakistani are posting anti India messages. I just replied. If more people can reply, it will be good.
Typical western attitude of our intolerance is right, your intolerance is wrong. In burgerland, you can have your life and career ruined for making one politically incorrect comment.

chetan chopade

New Member
Feb 6, 2019
Times don't change Islam. There is no radical Islam or moderate Islam.

Bangladesh under Hasina is under severe pressure to contain Islamic problems. Due to Bangladesh geography, it makes Bangladesh very vulnerable to others attacks. Accepting this reality, Bangladesh military itself has agreed to keep Islamists in check. Khalida Zia etc are not even contesting elections under one pretense or the other. BNP as been asked by Bangladesh army to not campaign. Bt this doesn't mean Bangladesh army is unislamic. It is just that they are keeping overt activity in check while waiting patiently. Hasina wins elections not because people are secular but because she has taken the support of Islamic Madrassas and Mullahs under the banner of ''Hafezat-e-Islam". Unlike Jamat-e-Islami, these people are more disciplined and sophisticated. Jamat-e-Islami were undisciplined and would regularly keep causing trouble

Upper caste hindus, especially Brahmans never tolerated Islam. It was only that Brahmans had very little control left for themselves and many of them were extremely stupid an unintelligent that they couldn't do much. There is a reason why Peshwas were Brahmans. Hereditary based society created extreme inefficiency overall & made it difficult to get results as wrong people were at key decision making position. One mus understand that even as much as 800AD, Shankaracharya had to bring buddhists into Hindu fold showing how deeply Buddhism had weakened society and control of Brahmans. It was not uppercaste hindus bhindus but Buddhism that was the reason for weakness. Buddhism was spread under Ashoka and shakas with royal decroyal decree.

So, looking at anything superficially is going to cause great harm. One must always look at intention of people and cause for having that intention to judge. Merely looking at action without underlying context of intent and situation is incorrect.

So, even by today's standards, Bangladesh nor Shia are friends out of intent but mere capability deficit and some pragmatism is keeping things under check. They are simply waiting for their time
we could shift this discussion in "the root of all evil" section...

Rahul Singh

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Mar 30, 2009
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Such is the fixation on glamorous Dog Fight and F-16 that nobody seems much concerned about Pakistan Sponsered Terrorism and India responding to it Face On.

No wonder The core issue is already down in bin.

Congratulation to fellow Indians discussing F-16. Congratulations again to such Indians you just bowed to and kissed Pakistani subversion tactics. Carry on.
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