India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Sep 15, 2014
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Not sure what do you mean by that..and what does it have to do with his point.

Speaking of reality, even now Russia and US are on opposite sides of many conflicts- Georgia, Ukraine, Syria and potentially Venezuela.
From what i understood by what the poster posted was the India had been fighting major world powers since birth and pakistan was simply a proxy. My point was that - thats an incorrect and baseless conclusion.

The Reality is that - the major world powers were fighting using India and Pakistan as proxy (like they did with every other emerging economy in the world - from Asia to Latin America) and simultaneously both India and Pakistan were furthering their own National Agenda using the major world powers as leverage.

I am a bit reluctant of the needless victimization some people hold leading to pointless value destructive rhetoric.

Despite everything India today is a top 5 Global Economy and Military Power. Like i have said before the institutions put in place in India (for a US$2500 per Capital GDP) - Our supreme court, EC, RBI, ISRO, DRDO, our plural democracy is unparalleled in Human History. In 1947 we were a mere fraction of Global GDP in the 70s we were poorer than Sub-Saharan Africa (?) - Look at us today. The United States had nearly 200 years of Cohesion to come to the position it held in the 90s and early 2000s. Imagine what we can achieve in another 50.

We build from this - not from oh the evil whitey wronged us or how the evil chinglooos are circling us.

Thats all.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Let UN ban Masood Azhar only if India agrees to de-escalate, Kashmir dialogue: Pak to China

The time for China to give specific reasons for its technical hold runs out this week after which the US will exercise other options, including discussing the matter in the open UN General Assembly – a move that could embarrass China.

Azhar’s JeM has taken responsibility for the February 14 Pulwama terror strike in Kashmir that left 40 Indian troopers dead.

C'mon china..we looooved and used to love your deception series...a.k.a the forked tongue.
these days you guys are sooo upfront..and straight forward like Doval JI!!

Kyun!!! hurt much em...the balls?


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Jan 13, 2010
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Why does India embarrass itself by providing dossiers that Pakis are only gonna wipe their ass with?
Also, why give out potential 'target' locations??

‘No terror camps at 22 locations shared by India’: Pakistan on Pulwama dossier
I see this as a false flag ops. In the Balakot attack, We made a move as if we are hitting Bahawalpur. But ended up hitting balakot. Now, a false flag move keeps the enemy guessing and makes them consume more resources in a semi-operational scenario. 22 locations means, 22 places to protect i.e more aircraft in air. A point will come when they shut down. We hit them back then.


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Sep 15, 2014
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Let UN ban Masood Azhar only if India agrees to de-escalate, Kashmir dialogue: Pak to China

The time for China to give specific reasons for its technical hold runs out this week after which the US will exercise other options, including discussing the matter in the open UN General Assembly – a move that could embarrass China.

Azhar’s JeM has taken responsibility for the February 14 Pulwama terror strike in Kashmir that left 40 Indian troopers dead.

C'mon china..we looooved and used to love your deception series...a.k.a the forked tongue.
these days you guys are sooo upfront..and straight forward like Doval JI!!

Kyun!!! hurt much em...the balls?

IMO The BLA with Indian Moral Support should start going after CPEC hard. The same can be done in Myanmar and Lanka.

Then you tell the Chinese to Ban Azhar and we will descalate

Major Sahab RR

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Mar 7, 2019
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Let UN ban Masood Azhar only if India agrees to de-escalate, Kashmir dialogue: Pak to China

The time for China to give specific reasons for its technical hold runs out this week after which the US will exercise other options, including discussing the matter in the open UN General Assembly – a move that could embarrass China.

Azhar’s JeM has taken responsibility for the February 14 Pulwama terror strike in Kashmir that left 40 Indian troopers dead.

C'mon china..we looooved and used to love your deception series...a.k.a the forked tongue.
these days you guys are sooo upfront..and straight forward like Doval JI!!

Kyun!!! hurt much em...the balls?
Even if you handover Azhar then also we are not gonna de-escalate. Someday or other he will die, getting back PoK, GB is bigger deal.


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Apr 5, 2010
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Why does India embarrass itself by providing dossiers that Pakis are only gonna wipe their ass with?
Also, why give out potential 'target' locations??

‘No terror camps at 22 locations shared by India’: Pakistan on Pulwama dossier
what do you expect Pakistan to acknowledge the existence of those terror camps ?

Pakistanis know all the terror locations and they are at the back of their hand...

If they act fine else it will be prerogative on India to act on those terror camps ...


New Member
Apr 6, 2018
Ok, as promised. Here is the result of my digging.

It is a spread rumor that PAF F-16 pilot was beaten half-dead by their own citizens since they mistook him as Indian pilot. How he was mistaken as an Indian pilot?

Let's have a look at F-16s ACES 2 Ejection seat rescue chute.
View attachment 33582 View attachment 33583

Bright tri-color chute. One can easily mistake it as Indian insignia.

And, now let's look at Mig21 ejection chute.
View attachment 33584

It's mostly white with orange borders. No green part.

Now, let's look at this video,
It is claimed that it is taken in PoK, and one can clearly the see parachute coming down. Listen to it from 00:57 onwards. People with the basic Hindi background can pick up what they are saying.
For our non-hindi friends, here is the translation: -

Guy1: - It's Indian, it seems Indian....
Guy2:- What?
Guy1: - Umbrella (referring to parachute here) seems Indian....
Guy2: - *Confirmation nod*
Guy1: - Umbrella seems Indian only....

So, how a villager sees a parachute and declares it Indian? Yes! It is a tricolor parachute!

I.e., they are actually watching their own PAF pilot parachuting down after his F-16 is blown to pieces and falls like a lawn dart. The extension of the above video where the falling aircraft can be seen is here...

Special thanks to @jackle007 and @akk for providing Mig21 ejection parachute pic!
Oh dear yes it is
I just watched behind the enemy lines flight scene ..
The ejection chute is tri colour only


New Member
Feb 27, 2018
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This ceasefire agreement that was signed in 2002 was such a blunder.Under its garb pakis built a lot of terror camps near the LoC.

I hope that we make it a point to strike any terror camp thats within our artillery range as soon as we have intel on it. The ceasefire can go to hell.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Tapatalk
There is no ceasefire agreement signed, there's nothing on paper.


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Feb 17, 2017
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Just to let them know that we know and we will take punitive measures anyway. If modi is re-elected there won't be enough time neither for salwar kameez army nor for stray pigs to sit on their ass...cause it will be on fire all the time.
Once Modi is re-elected, next time there won't be any dossiers. Israel doesn't give any dossiers. It simply eliminate the threats. If we are following Israeli footsteps, there will not be any dossiers. Straight bombing of terrorist and military installations that support terrorists. Pakistan by rejecting dossiers has done a big blunder. It gave an opportunity to directly bomb next time without the need to talk to anyone. We can show that Pakistan never cared for any dossiers that were biased on specific Intel from world famous intelligence agencies. If Pakistan doesn't care for any, we will not bother them with further dossiers. Straight kick their asses.


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Feb 27, 2018
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Bhai Sahab,
This Aryan Dravidian thing is Bull. Subah Subah Why get into it?

My 1 liner. Even Assuming that Aryan Dravidian stuff is true, How will someone remove the Aryan or Dravidian component from their cells?[#BeingNanaPatekar]
Aryan, Davidian thing is linguistic and nothing else. Pointed out only in reference to the "Aryans" in the Rig Veda and the ancestry claim mentioned.


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Jan 7, 2016
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Still need at the least the following to have good deterrance against China.......

- 2 more SSBMs
- 2 more SSNs
- Fully deployed BMD
- 1000+ of 1000-1,500km range cruise missiles
- 5 more squadrons of Rafales (or equivalent)
To deter China, We need specific weapons to hit chines infrastructure in neighboring area and allow us to capture territory to negotiate in case of ceasefire. Such weapons are Pralay, Brahmos etc. With these missiles, we shall be able to cut off Chinese supply line and capture Chinese territory near Bhutan and Tibet.
I know that many people with disagree and tell me fan boy but let me tell you that it is not very difficult considering the favorable terrain and highly specific weapons to take out Chinese infrastructure. The stand we took in Doklam was a very calculated move to humiliate China. China could not have gain any advantage in spite of applying 4 time more resources including Manpower. India would have easily dominated.

If anybody looked at India's military preparation, one can easily see that India is deploying, purchasing and developing mission or requirement based assets. Pralay, Steep dive Brahmos, Agni 1 P, New version T 90 ordered etc are example of highly specific weapons developed for specific roles. Steep dive Brahmos will enable us to target Chinese assets on other side of the mountain. Indian navy has started following mission based deployment. This is basically the management of resources. Better you manage it, maximum you will get out of it.

So key the key to win against China and Pakistan are specific weapons. Indian forces are fully focused on this philosophy for the deployment of assets. This is the reason why we are forth most powerful armed force in the world inspite of not fourth largest military spender in the world.


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Jul 11, 2011
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It has been always like that ,as we were blessed with riches ,also pashtuns ,Persians etc are also converted slaves and this happened to every area you mentioned above and they all converted ,also they raided but were not always successful and they were raided in revenge too ,even during mongol occupation. There is a reason why North western India is still Hindu and while other regions were raped into Islam in mere few decades ,Indian subcontinent even after being at war with Converted Arabs/Persians/afghans/Uzbeks/Turks/Mongols etc etc for almost a millenia were left with only 22-25% Muslim population during partition ,why didn't there population increase because they were constantly at war with us ,Our History Is written by Foreigners ,our source of History are works of Muslim historians , to give you an example of how "unbiased" muslims are acc to pakis they won all wars against India while being few in numbers while they always have been more in Numbers while attacking with superior weapons and support of Pisslamic world, and west, yet they lost everytime.
The basis of Islam is lies ,deception and conversion and it uses violence and rape as a means.
I am tired of guys undermining our historical struggles and parroting muzzi leftist narrative, Whole of this kazak ,Uzbek etc belt was raped so badly by Mongols that almost all of them look mongloid .
While the world converted like a bitch to Islam and Christianity we are still idol worshipper's despite both pisslamic and xtian attack .
You totally misunderstood me:

Various Muslim rulers were in Lahore area for 1000 years before they captured Delhi.
For those 1000 years they kept mercilessly raiding Western Areas of India and made them weak. During that period they hardly used their main Army but mercenaries to pillage India
Finally they attacked and captured Delhi with their Army.
That is the strategy of thousand cuts they followed then.
We should not allow that in our times.


Lestat De Lioncourt
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Dec 18, 2010
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How about this. How important this test is? Heard people saying this is essential for MIRV, is it true?
I remember when I was in 12th I used to ogle at the pics of Avatar 3d model on wiki and get hyped up.
I hope they test it. I want to feel that feeling once again.


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Sep 25, 2018
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How does it matter much ?

We have seen that infiltration is possible from across the IB, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujrat. they have been coming from Nepal, Bangladesh and even Sri Lanka and sea routes. They will shift to KPK which has been a traditional area for "Laskar-Kassi". They can even shift into border ares of Afghanistan - a third country

Can we forget and gloss over our history? Can we ignore that being "mercenaries " and raiders has been the largest vocation for the population of Pakistani Punjabis, population of KPK and Pashtuns. All muslim invaders came and captured areas upto Lahore and used that as their "Firm Base". They used to organise their mercenary forces from there and constantly raid the areas adjoining and across. and they did that for a thousand years.

No Punjabi Musalman or a Pashtun was the ruler of India. Rulers were all Turkish, Mongols, Iranian or Uzbek war lord.

Did they bring thousand of soldiers from Kazakhstan or Turkey or Afghanistan ? Did they use their formal army?

Answer is no. They hired Punjabi converted Muslims, Pashtuns and Afghans as mercenaries for percentage of loot, captured women and plunder. They raided western India for about thousand years before they finally reached and captured Delhi. They used Army for final assaults only. Military campaigns were rare but raids were constant phenomenon.

The strategy of "thousand" cuts emanates from that historical memory. Keep raiding India till Delhi falls and comes under Muslim rule. Tire down the fragile Indian minds. Use the Punjabi, Pashtun and Pathan mercenaries (Lashkar or Jaish terrorist in modern form) for that purpose. Keep your Army only for the final assault.

So India must keep those raiders in check but destroy the core - Pakistan Army. Let us do it.
This is nonsense.

Undivided Punjab was majority Hindu/Sikh till as recent as 1901. This marauders base was always in Afghanistan or the closest NWFP - they tried really hard to conquer Punjab and Islamize the region for centuries, but were always up against stiff defence from the Sikhs.

Whenever Lahore was conquered, so was Dehli. There is no such as thing as current day Paki Punjab being a Muslim base to launch attacks against India - Punjab by definition is one of the most “Indian” states you can find in Pakistan - this fools now are just brainwashed and reeking of inferior complex to associate themselves as pure Muslims and invaders.
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