India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Apr 13, 2013
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Indian Air Force fighter jets test Udaipur airport for war readiness

The fighter jets took off and landed at Udaipur airport to test its readiness in case of any war related eventuality. During war time, the western front becomes increasingly important and while the Air Force base of Jaisalmer and Jodhpur don the primary role, the importance of Udaipur Airport also goes up significantly.


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Jan 21, 2017
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That's weponization of space and every other nation will start taking pot shots on you.

Apart from that, it would be a fucking nightmare to get those KVs up there with enough propellant to perform the Anti sat manuevers... It would be easier to just blind them or de-orbiting them by a chemical laser ... Even better if they are in geo Synchronous orbit, just use the sun to blind it.
I think the the US and erstwhile USSR already had/have such platforms and capabilities in secret of course. The SDI was quite bountiful for the Americans in this aspect from what I have heard. If India has to do this, it will have to do it covertly. Like launching it in the garb of an IRNSS satellite or something.


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Mar 31, 2015
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US of A toughening their stance further on China

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Good to see tough talk and action but let's not be mistaken that this is for any purpose to help us...Trump is squeezing the PRC from all available fronts to get concessions on Trade. That's all he actually wants...the moment the PRC bends to his demands..all the support for us will be forgotten. Now the PRC of course are stubborn to an extent that Trump I think underestimates and supremely convinced of their own superiority so they are unlikely to actually bend any time soon...but there's no hiding that their economy is feeling the pain.


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Following procedures..thats all.
nations are bound by some RoE
Understood. But it's just counter productive....especially if India has stated a policy of targeting 'terror camps' and has seemingly de-escalated for a while! Pakis could just clear out those camps and reestablish somewhere else.

Pakis have become so ballsy to even offer India to come and visit those sites!!!

It's like forces in Kashmir giving out a week's advance notice of CASO and also announcing the specific house they intend to search.


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May 30, 2017
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Apr 13, 2013
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4 terror camps in PoK shut down fearing attack by Indian Army
Based on intelligence picking up chatter and technical surveillance, agencies have learnt of a meeting held on March 16 in Nikial, Pakistani occupied Kashmir, opposite Rajouri that was attended by ISI representatives from Pakistan and Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist Ashfaq Barwal.

Instructions were sent out to shut down terrorist camps in the area amid Indian Army targeting Pakistani posts and terror camps in retaliation to ceasefire violations by Pakistan.

Camps and offices of terrorists have also been closed in Kotli and Nikial area in the region opposite Sunderbani and Rajouri, respectively.

The four terror camps that have been shut down have been identified to be controlled by Ashfaq Baral of the Lashkar.

Two other Jaish-e-Mohammed camps are in Pala and Bagh area, while another one in Kotli was being run by Hizbul Mujahideen.


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Jul 11, 2011
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We got no idea of operation Shakti until NaMo announced it.
If @sorcerer guessed it right then its the NEWS of THE CENTURY. BabaJi said he only shares as much as SirJi wants him to. So, nobody wants to leak this super operation beforehand. Only possibility is that it has been done. In that case its a joint operation by USA, India with support from Saudi. As we all have some blur picture of Saudi taking Pakis nukes, here USA diplomacy worked, and will ensure they are never returned. USA no more wants Pak to be a nuclear state. Khuzdar incident hints that remaining arsenal has also been destroyed, if not, remaining also been exported to Saudi(we saw c130's in Pak airspace). Balakot was not a reply to Pulwama, so denuclearization was also planned earlier. Revenge of Pulwama and Pak's unsuccessful attack on our installation is being taken on/across LC. Once we get PoK, GB back and problem of terrorism will be solved to a great extend. Since Khuzdar incidence we didn't hear any nuclear bluff from neighbor. They are using 1965 shells that explains the whole story what they are left with.
So my take on this is we already pounded Paxstan, they have nothing to counter us, neither diplomatically nor militarily.
One should never forget or ignore that India has really never fought Pakistan. India has fought others with Pakistan acting as their proxy or face.

1947 - 48 - It was the British empire who had armed and provided ammunition to Pakistan. It was British Army garrison officers of Gilgit and Baltistan who organised and led revolts against Maharaja of J&K.

1965 - Arms ammunition and modern fighters of USA.

1971 - USA, Muslim countries such as KSA, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia all chipped in.

Kargil - Arms and ammunition meant for Afghanistan. Pakistan still has something left over of Ojhari camp.

Today every bullet fired at Indian Army soldiers, every grenade, every mortar / artillery shell, aircrafts, ships, boats and missile is Chinese. India is really fighting China not Pakistan. Destroy Pakistan to bleed China. Put billions of dollars Chinese investment down the drain.

Pakistan is one day affair otherwise. It is our land which was leased to some Muslim fundamentalists to save Nehru and Congress. One day it will be back to where it always was.


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Oct 4, 2016
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This ceasefire agreement that was signed in 2002 was such a blunder.Under its garb pakis built a lot of terror camps near the LoC.

I hope that we make it a point to strike any terror camp thats within our artillery range as soon as we have intel on it. The ceasefire can go to hell.

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New Member
Mar 20, 2018
With the demonstrated ASAT capability, India has proved its mettle to counter china with or without the USA.
USA can now choose to stick or stay in the waters
Still need at the least the following to have good deterrance against China.......

- 2 more SSBMs
- 2 more SSNs
- Fully deployed BMD
- 1000+ of 1000-1,500km range cruise missiles
- 5 more squadrons of Rafales (or equivalent)


New Member
Sep 15, 2014
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One should never forget or ignore that India has really never fought Pakistan. India has fought others with Pakistan acting as their proxy or face.

1947 - 48 - It was the British empire who had armed and provided ammunition to Pakistan. It was British Army garrison officers of Gilgit and Baltistan who organised and led revolts against Maharaja of J&K.

1965 - Arms ammunition and modern fighters of USA.

1971 - USA, Muslim countries such as KSA, Iran, Turkey, Malaysia and Indonesia all chipped in.

Kargil - Arms and ammunition meant for Afghanistan. Pakistan still has something left over of Ojhari camp.

Today every bullet fired at Indian Army soldiers, every grenade, every mortar / artillery shell, aircrafts, ships, boats and missile is Chinese. India is really fighting China not Pakistan. Destroy Pakistan to bleed China. Put billions of dollars Chinese investment down the drain.

Pakistan is one day affair otherwise. It is our land which was leased to some Muslim fundamentalists to save Nehru and Congress. One day it will be back to where it always was.
By your logic in the past Russia was fighting USA KSA etc

Please do a rethink of reality


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Oh well!!
chinese HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATION..coming up the center stage..

USA is opening another flank in East Turkestan

The world cannot afford China’s shameful hypocrisy toward Muslims. On one hand, China abuses more than a million Muslims at home, but on the other it protects violent Islamic terrorist groups from sanctions at the UN.


Shiv sagar

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Mar 8, 2019
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Why does India embarrass itself by providing dossiers that Pakis are only gonna wipe their ass with?
Also, why give out potential 'target' locations??

‘No terror camps at 22 locations shared by India’: Pakistan on Pulwama dossier
Just to let them know that we know and we will take punitive measures anyway. If modi is re-elected there won't be enough time neither for salwar kameez army nor for stray pigs to sit on their ass...cause it will be on fire all the time.


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Jul 11, 2011
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4 terror camps in PoK shut down fearing attack by Indian Army
Based on intelligence picking up chatter and technical surveillance, agencies have learnt of a meeting held on March 16 in Nikial, Pakistani occupied Kashmir, opposite Rajouri that was attended by ISI representatives from Pakistan and Lashkar-e-Taiba terrorist Ashfaq Barwal.

Instructions were sent out to shut down terrorist camps in the area amid Indian Army targeting Pakistani posts and terror camps in retaliation to ceasefire violations by Pakistan.

Camps and offices of terrorists have also been closed in Kotli and Nikial area in the region opposite Sunderbani and Rajouri, respectively.

The four terror camps that have been shut down have been identified to be controlled by Ashfaq Baral of the Lashkar.

Two other Jaish-e-Mohammed camps are in Pala and Bagh area, while another one in Kotli was being run by Hizbul Mujahideen.
How does it matter much ?

We have seen that infiltration is possible from across the IB, Punjab, Rajasthan and Gujrat. they have been coming from Nepal, Bangladesh and even Sri Lanka and sea routes. They will shift to KPK which has been a traditional area for "Laskar-Kassi". They can even shift into border ares of Afghanistan - a third country

Can we forget and gloss over our history? Can we ignore that being "mercenaries " and raiders has been the largest vocation for the population of Pakistani Punjabis, population of KPK and Pashtuns. All muslim invaders came and captured areas upto Lahore and used that as their "Firm Base". They used to organise their mercenary forces from there and constantly raid the areas adjoining and across. and they did that for a thousand years.

No Punjabi Musalman or a Pashtun was the ruler of India. Rulers were all Turkish, Mongols, Iranian or Uzbek war lord.

Did they bring thousand of soldiers from Kazakhstan or Turkey or Afghanistan ? Did they use their formal army?

Answer is no. They hired Punjabi converted Muslims, Pashtuns and Afghans as mercenaries for percentage of loot, captured women and plunder. They raided western India for about thousand years before they finally reached and captured Delhi. They used Army for final assaults only. Military campaigns were rare but raids were constant phenomenon.

The strategy of "thousand" cuts emanates from that historical memory. Keep raiding India till Delhi falls and comes under Muslim rule. Tire down the fragile Indian minds. Use the Punjabi, Pashtun and Pathan mercenaries (Lashkar or Jaish terrorist in modern form) for that purpose. Keep your Army only for the final assault.

So India must keep those raiders in check but destroy the core - Pakistan Army. Let us do it.


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Mar 24, 2019
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People of pakistan so proud of their muslim identity..Their nation is made out of Islamic identity. Never heard someone raise their voice against oppression of muslims in china.. china even not allowing muslims 2 have a beard.. putting them in to detention camp... Beggers have no choice but 2 b hypocrites :biggrin2: When they die thier allha ll give them 72 men with big instruments instead of hurs....
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