India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Jun 21, 2018
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How true is this part though?

"Nothing prevented the PM from getting a squadron or two of Rafales directly from the French airforce inventory as the IAF had suggested.
Nothing prevented this government from buying heavy artillery in numbers, 500 would have done which could have been bought within the country.
Both have been done! Rafale deliveries by September 2019 and artillery modernisation by 2021 complete!

Babloo Singh

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Oct 8, 2015
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Mi 17 crash was Friendly Fire Accident
What is probability that Mi 17 was actually hit by a astray AAMRAM, timing is similar.... one of these BVR fired by Paki's which missed target and flew straight got the lock on Mi 17 ?
The other 120C derby was also found deep inside our territory.


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Jun 21, 2018
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You are free to disagree, I didn’t make my worry about some of the procurement known only now, it predates before Pulwama too. I think that Modi showed resolve and I only wished his government had done more to prepare for this eventuality.

Your name calling doesn’t interest me, labels don’t bother me.

As for trade, you made the assumption about GSP, I wasn’t referring to that except as in reference to the use of F16 by Pakistan and US law etc which I find silly.

India has a $26 billion trade surplus with the US and while oil supplies are one way of balancing it out, arm supplies are another. In any case, it doesn’t matter because the capital outlay for purchases is very limited and we can’t buy a lot of anything, whether from the US or anywhere else.

It is not about a full scale war, there is no doubt that we will prevail there. It is about a situation short of it. As I said, had we bought around 500 pieces of heavy artillery and positioned on the LC, the Pakistanis would have been facing an a$$ kicking much worse then they are now.

Unfortunately, the forces have, as of now, the same equipment that they had during the UPA years. Granted that many of these are multi year purchases and show up after a duration but if you believed that the previous 10 years were lost, then you should have made up with more urgency. That hasn’t happened. Mr. Modi has plenty of guts as is clearly evident, the forces have unfortunately to do with the same. That I think and I don’t think you would disagree, is a shame
I dismantle these BS arguments bit by bit :

1) F 16 were sold by US to Pakis because of MiC. The fact these guys are trying to sell us F 16s as well show their double standards. This is nothing new under the sun. Only thing is so called 'non aggression' principle of US FMS has been violated in open and can make US lose a 20 bn $+ deal. Thus the panic and stink pieces in NYT, WSJ, Reuters, etc.

2) With our massive forex reserves, we can buy more weapons than can be readily produced in the world right now. If it comes to an actual shooting war, Pakis will be hilariously trounced.

3) Check out the arty modernisation thread. You will be pleasantly surprised.

4) It takes 5 -7 yrs to fulfil a commitment for a FMS. Things will kick in around 2021. As years go by, Pakis will find it difficult to fight even Bangladesh!


Laughing member
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Nov 23, 2017
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Now you know why western journos are taking a particular POV...
India's 'embarrassment' against Pakistan could be a big win for US weapons-makers — via @ForeignPolicy
BS ; Embarrassment is when Aim 120
Gets jammed and evaded
"F-21" should be kicked out of MMRCA2 citing experience with AIM-120's & F-16's capability... that should drive home the point.

Giving the F-18 Super Hornet some hope would keep USA pacified & we can make bullshit demands like full TOT of 75-115KN engine, if don't want to ultimately buy it.


New Member
Jun 21, 2018
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What is probability that Mi 17 was actually hit by a astray AAMRAM, timing is similar.... one of these BVR fired by Paki's which missed target and flew straight got the lock on Mi 17 ?
The other 120C derby was also found deep inside our territory.
Unlikely because it was situated far away from weave zone. Unless some new evidence comes along, it was HAL's babudom striking again!


New Member
Mar 20, 2018
Curious case of F16 hit!! Let's put the pieces together.....

- Several eyewitnesses see THREE parachutes in the air almost at the same time. One is Abhinandan; one pilot is said to have drifted towards India, another one came down inside POK itself
- DGISPR and Pakistan's own government news agency states that THREE Indian pilots are captured (this is reported very early on). Two Indian jets are down!
- Several eyewitnesses capturing Abhinandan are heard saying "let's go get the other guy".......not two they all kinda of knew that the third guy is out-of-reach.
- In DGISPR conference Abhinandan's capture is mentioned. The 'other guy' is supposedly being treated in a hospital. Two Indian jets are down.
- Later in the day DGISPR states that only ONE pilot is in captivity. But insists TWO Indian jets are down.

Possible scenarios:

- The second pilot in hospital is identified as Paki, and his identity hidden; or he died.
- The THIRD pilot is in Indian custody (just like Col. Habib, India chose to keep mum!). Or the third pilot is enjoying Kashmiri hospitality in Indian J&K.
- The third pilot died either on the Indian side or the Paki side.


- so much hoopla about Shahzad-ud-din as ONE of the pilots; why no talk about the third pilot at all? Is it because he survived?


New Member
Jun 21, 2018
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The helicopter Mi 17 was 150 km Inside

So there is no question of Amraam bringing it down

In that whole area there was an air defence alert

So some Indian soldier himself fired a
Manpad at our Mi 17
Not possible. I think 'bang' is hydraulics failure or something. 150 Km away from weave zone means no chance of friendly fire.


New Member
Jun 17, 2009
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How true is this part though?

"Nothing prevented the PM from getting a squadron or two of Rafales directly from the French airforce inventory as the IAF had suggested.
Nothing prevented this government from buying heavy artillery in numbers, 500 would have done which could have been bought within the country.
Defence purchases do take time, Modi Govt. did their best to speed up the aquisitions.

In 2009 UPA received the requirement of approx 2 Lakh bullet proof vests, they ignored it. This is one example.

Every one know UPA halted the defense purchases fearing for scams or may be they showed this reason to cripple defense and they have done this all during their 55 years of rule.

What ever things you are saying is like "Randeep surgewala of congress telling that they did an airstrike inside pakistan in secrecy even IAF do not know".
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New Member
Apr 24, 2016
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Now you know why western journos are taking a particular POV...
India's 'embarrassment' against Pakistan could be a big win for US weapons-makers — via @ForeignPolicy

Bullshit. :bs:

What the whole F-16 being downed by a MiG-21 debacle absolutely guaranteed is that the F-16 will never be part of the IAF.
The muricans are just trying to manage optics for their other F-16 customers.

Pakis did the same with the Starfighters and the Sabres, they have a habit of completely destroying the rep of modern fighters.

pankaj nema

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Oct 1, 2009
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Not possible. I think 'bang' is hydraulics failure or something. 150 Km away from weave zone means no chance of friendly fire.
As soon as PAF intruded all Military establishments in Kashmir would have gone on alert

Read the above article

pankaj nema

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Curious case of F16 hit!! Let's put the pieces together.....

- Several eyewitnesses see THREE parachutes in the air almost at the same time. One is Abhinandan; one pilot is said to have drifted towards India, another one came down inside POK itself
- DGISPR and Pakistan's own government news agency states that THREE Indian pilots are captured (this is reported very early on). Two Indian jets are down!
- Several eyewitnesses capturing Abhinandan are heard saying "let's go get the other guy".......not two they all kinda of knew that the third guy is out-of-reach.
- In DGISPR conference Abhinandan's capture is mentioned. The 'other guy' is supposedly being treated in a hospital. Two Indian jets are down.
- Later in the day DGISPR states that only ONE pilot is in captivity. But insists TWO Indian jets are down.

Possible scenarios:

- The second pilot in hospital is identified as Paki, and his identity hidden; or he died.
- The THIRD pilot is in Indian custody (just like Col. Habib, India chose to keep mum!). Or the third pilot is enjoying Kashmiri hospitality in Indian J&K.
- The third pilot died either on the Indian side or the Paki side.


- so much hoopla about Shahzad-ud-din as ONE of the pilots; why no talk about the third pilot at all? Is it because he survived?
One F 16 pilot died , that is confirmed

F 16 crashed , because 2 people jumped out

The debris was collected by Pak Army trucks
Because US will come for inventory inspection

They have to show the debris


New Member
Jun 21, 2018
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As soon as PAF intruded all Military establishments in Kashmir would have gone on alert

Read the above article
Read it. Whole article is based on one defence source saying it could be friendly fire due to IFF system failure of Indian SAM at Srinagar Airport. He also uses eyewitness statements to say a loud 'bang' occured and vouches for the helicopter's safety record!

Simple fact is unless you have a next generation A2A missile 150 - 200 km BVR targeting is next to impossible. Also there would be missile fragments of Indian SAM which have not been recovered. Even logs of such system would be easily retrieved and eyewitness reports would see the missile launch. So this is highly speculative.

pankaj nema

New Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Read it. Whole article is based on one defence source saying it could be friendly fire due to IFF system failure of Indian SAM at Srinagar Airport. He also uses eyewitness statements to say a loud 'bang' occured and vouches for the helicopter's safety record!

Simple fact is unless you have a next generation A2A missile 150 - 200 km BVR targeting is next to impossible. Also there would be missile fragments of Indian SAM which have not been recovered. Even logs of such system would be easily retrieved and eyewitness reports would see the missile launch. So this is highly speculative.

I am talking of Manpads not SAMs
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