India Strikes Against Pakistani Terrorism 2019

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Jun 1, 2017
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On this forum as well as on multiple social media platforms I see this common pattern. People want to win social media/coffee table wars. When they lose these wars they come on such forums and curse GOI claiming that we are losing PR war

1. Any government worth its salt has its intelligence agencies and satellites. They know what happened , some of them have been briefed by GOI. So those who matter the most know !!
2. If you can not shut up the paki supporters showing history of their own Government from various wars, not accepting soldiers killed in Kargil, Imran Khan on live TV claimed that 2 pilots captured..only one found where is other, air space closed for more than week for just bombing trees etc ...then you are the problem
3. If you think any country and its followers who still think that they won 1965 war, and 71 was a tie breaker, you can not convince them by showing Sattellite images.
4. It is not GOIs business to help you win flamewars. Stop associating your need to look Mard in social circles with GOIs strategy.


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Feb 27, 2018
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There will be a time to discuss actual tactics used in this situation, that time is not now. What we can be sure is that the attempt to try and do “war” ( I’m using it generally for any military engagement) on the cheap doesn’t work and will likely prove costlier in the long run. One can blame the UPA government wasting 10 years but this government too, for all its talk hasn’t done anything substantial. Nothing prevented the PM from getting a squadron or two of Rafales directly from the French airforce inventory as the IAF had suggested. Nothing prevented this government from buying heavy artillery in numbers, 500 would have done which could have been bought within the country. Imagine if we had that numbers raining hell on the LC right now...Blaming the previous government for its inaction can only take you so far, even when it is true because their failures is why you are in power.

We have all been critical of the UPA for their lack of guts but this government should have planned for this kind of a situation. We are now making noises about Pakistan using their F16’s as if we thought they wouldn’t. We could have bought as many F16’s as we wanted if that was indeed our choice. It would have even stopped Donald Trump targeting India over trade. We have waffled our way through this and today we have this situation. If this government does not make it back, none of these lessons will be of any use and the next government will simply take it to mean that the people of thiis country simply don’t care about national security and terrorism except for a few days after the event. That was true after 26/11, it may well be true now.


New Member
Jun 1, 2017
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Now question to experts here -

I feel Modi is gaming Pakis into escalation. He wants them to declare a war on India so that we can continue the claim "India never starts wars". Thoughts?
Secondly given India's superiority in air ..Does preparation/ramping up of ground forces by Pak really matter? If war really breaks out wouldn't IAF quickly overwhelm Paki air power ..with no Air support won't these ground forces be naked and we would again end up in 71 like situation.
Oh and Indian Navy is completely different story

So what does Pakistan achieve by mobilizing its ground troops forward?


New Member
Jun 21, 2018
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A lot of it is concern trolling here. Easy to sidestep. GoI is playing the long game now. Let Pakis embarrass themselves and try to put falsehoods. They look small to the world now!


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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Despite Modi's charged speeches.. the fact that Pakistan has mobilised to a certain extent along the loc.. and India hasn't .. is proof that India is not prepared to escalate by striking back at Pakistan's military installations..
Firstly, how do we know our army hasnt mobilised. There were visits by COAS and head of Northern command to forward areas. They must have gone there to see the readiness and mobilization. Secondly even if Pak mobilizes its army near LoC, it does not make a case of us just bombing them. Its only when they directly attack our formations that a war call is made. Presently both are playing cat and mouse game in the skies. Let it go on.
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New Member
May 13, 2015
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When it was released, it was too late and the internet was filled with paki propaganda.
Most of the internet was actually spammed by Pakis, their entire 50 paise army was up and running. I did a search for f-16 vs mig on google, and literally every aviation forum was filled with new users from Pakis side parroting the Paki version, so, should not really read much into it. When they bring up the Paki version, just remind people of Paki stupidity of not knowing about Osama living in Al Bakistan, right next to their military compound :lol: or of Baki 1971 victory :lol: alluding to how silly their denials and propaganda is.

Both India and Pakistan have asked their High commissioner to go back to their job and restart the katarpur corridor talks . Looks confusing one side Army, Airforce and Navy putting pressure on Pakis . Another side Modi saying in every speech he will take revenge and then this katarpur corridor talks on one side . So many confusing signals as usual we are always never clear about what we want to do with pakistan
Well, here is one way to look at it. Remember how every time Bakis make a peace offering they end up doing Kargil, Pathankot etc? Why would they offer peace and then supply and train terrorists to attack India.. what irrationality?
Similarly we can do the same, kartarpur corridor, etc, at the same time we will take pre-emptive measures to strike at terror targets/terror enablers to ensure peace, even across the border in Pakistan. They are of course non-military, non civillian targets (why would Pakis be angry, they are, after all,victims of terror too :)) If they do retaliate then we reserve the right defend ourselves :)

I however hope we do take preemptive measures and dont wait around for another attack to happen, each strike will make the next one easier, and make Bakis cry a lot more.
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New Member
Jun 21, 2018
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There will be a time to discuss actual tactics used in this situation, that time is not now. What we can be sure is that the attempt to try and do “war” ( I’m using it generally for any military engagement) on the cheap doesn’t work and will likely prove costlier in the long run. One can blame the UPA government wasting 10 years but this government too, for all its talk hasn’t done anything substantial. Nothing prevented the PM from getting a squadron or two of Rafales directly from the French airforce inventory as the IAF had suggested. Nothing prevented this government from buying heavy artillery in numbers, 500 would have done which could have been bought within the country. Imagine if we had that numbers raining hell on the LC right now...Blaming the previous government for its inaction can only take you so far, even when it is true because their failures is why you are in power.

We have all been critical of the UPA for their lack of guts but this government should have planned for this kind of a situation. We are now making noises about Pakistan using their F16’s as if we thought they wouldn’t. We could have bought as many F16’s as we wanted if that was indeed our choice. It would have even stopped Donald Trump targeting India over trade. We have waffled our way through this and today we have this situation. If this government does not make it back, none of these lessons will be of any use and the next government will simply take it to mean that the people of thiis country simply don’t care about national security and terrorism except for a few days after the event. That was true after 26/11, it may well be true now.
Bullshit assessment! India has more than 10 days of war wastage reserves of ammo available. We can also buy whatever needed urgently from Russia, Israel, France, South Africa for a war as and when needed.

Rafales are to arrive in India in September 2019. You can thank piddi brigade for trying extremely hard to derail the deal. CAG report and IAF testifying in Supreme Court has made this next to impossible.

"One can blame the UPA government wasting 10 years but this government too, for all its talk hasn’t done anything substantial. "


Only a Congi writes bullshit like this trying to support UPA's indecision. Seeing lots of nonsense like this now. URI, BALAKOT maybe next KARACHI! We went and called Pakistan's nuclear bluff and took down their F 16.
We lost a MiG 21 sure but we got our boy back in record time! Even in Kargil we did not do any deep strikes!

GSP brings us like 190 - 250 mn$ every year. Trade between India and US is 90% taxed so remaining 5.6 bn$ will not affect us much. Trump is trying to use this to act tough on India while negotiating with China. He is also trying to tone down us after airstrikes. We went ahead and broke their monopoly of Amazon on e - commerce with new regulations.



New Member
Mar 20, 2018

It is the DUMBEST form of journalism possible (am saying that not as an India supporter).

The reporters apparently did "extensive interviews with people in the surrounding area" but did not visit the actual building that was supposed to have been hit.....instead they have been scouring the entire world for high resolution images (taken from 100s or 1000s or kms altitude) and experts in satellite imagery to see if there was any damage!!

Why didn't/couldn't they just visit the building?? Obviously they weren't allowed to!
Why weren't they allowed to? There's the answer!!!!


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Pakistan has invested a fortune to run its terror enterprise.

Only a fool will think that they will not invest in denial of the same.

Not to mention their population unlike India's knows how to cover it up. Everything is fair as long as it is to kill Hindus.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
GSP brings us like 190 - 250 mn$ every year. Trade between India and US is 90% taxed so remaining 5.6 bn$ will not affect us much. Trump is trying to use this to act tough on India while negotiating with China. He is also trying to tone down us after airstrikes. We went ahead and broke their monopoly of Amazon on e - commerce with new regulations.

This is the truth. India stopped being eligible for GSP a while ago because our per-capita income went up.

Of Indian exports to the US, GSP applies to barely 11% of it. Typically net gain for us is $190 million.

In return India will slap reciprocal tariffs on American imports.


New Member
Feb 26, 2010
The westerners are going to repeat the Pakistani version everywhere . The Pakistanis built good relations with the west during cold war and they have sympathy toward Pak .
More like these "Westerners" are part of "think-tanks" or "lobbies" who represent various interests.

Sometimes the agendas are blatantly obvious.

India’s Dogfight Loss Could Be a Win for U.S. Weapons-Makers

The loss of the jet shines a light on India’s aging military and may lend new urgency to New Delhi’s long-delayed fighter replacement program, analysts said. The renewed focus would be a boon for the U.S. aerospace giants Boeing and Lockheed Martin, which are eyeing the lucrative contract for more than 100 airplanes.
So you see, it is in their interests to showcase this as an indictment of Indian military hardware and push American maal onto us.

In addition to the immediate cash value for whichever company wins the work, India’s fighter replacement also offers Boeing and Lockheed the opportunity to extend the production of legacy systems that are reaching the end of their service lives.
It becomes even blatantly obvious here- "legacy systems reaching the end of their service lives"- India to be used to dump old and outdated stuff.

“It is hard to sell a front-line fighter to a country that isn’t threatened,” said Loren Thompson, an analyst with the Lexington Institute. “Boeing and Lockheed Martin both have a better chance of selling now because suddenly India feels threatened.”
The agenda becomes even clearer- they are not even pretending. To sell Amreeki maal, India must be made to feel threatened. What better option that paint India in a bad light and use it for peddle your wares?

In fact the (f)article goes on to add

Thompson’s think tank receives funding from a range of firms including Lockheed and Boeing.
So this Loren Thompson is actually funded by both Boeing and Lockheed. Seems like Conflict of interest is not a concept they are familiar with.

The rest of the (f)article is filled in similar vein.

There are plenty of agendas at work.


New Member
Jun 17, 2009
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Bullshit assessment! India has more than 10 days of war wastage reserves of ammo available. We can also buy whatever needed urgently from Russia, Israel, France, South Africa for a war as and when needed.

Rafales are to arrive in India in September 2019. You can thank piddi brigade for trying extremely hard to derail the deal. CAG report and IAF testifying in Supreme Court has made this next to impossible.

"One can blame the UPA government wasting 10 years but this government too, for all its talk hasn’t done anything substantial. "


Only a Congi writes bullshit like this trying to support UPA's indecision. Seeing lots of nonsense like this now. URI, BALAKOT maybe next KARACHI! We went and called Pakistan's nuclear bluff and took down their F 16.
We lost a MiG 21 sure but we got our boy back in record time! Even in Kargil we did not do any deep strikes!

GSP brings us like 190 - 250 mn$ every year. Trade between India and US is 90% taxed so remaining 5.6 bn$ will not affect us much. Trump is trying to use this to act tough on India while negotiating with China. He is also trying to tone down us after airstrikes. We went ahead and broke their monopoly of Amazon on e - commerce with new regulations.

Adding to what you have said, it is clear India has the momentum against terrorists and Pakistan which is a big factor.
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