India-Pakistan LoC/IB Skirmishes in the Aftermath of August 5 2019

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New Member
Apr 4, 2019
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No, they stole it before the amendments were passed, so they would probably still be sentenced as pro old norms. As far as I know you cannot apply the law retrospectively.
Isn't it dependent on when they are charged?


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
Merkel makes a statement about "the situation in Kashmir" and then sells 10000 guns. Why take money from human rights violators. :hmm:

The Company SIG-SAUER ANI is talking about is US Based Company Bro. There Two Companies Well Technically Three if you count Swiss Arms which makes the SG 550 Assault Rifle Line. The First Company is German Based SIG SAUER GmbH which India doesn’t have Any Connection and Second Company which is US Based Seperate Company from the First One is Called SIG SAUER INC operating out US state of New Hampshire. We bought our guns from the Second SIG not the first one. So Merkel has no connection to this Sorry


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
DJ ISPR is doing press conference today. Hope he comes directly to point and don't bore anyone with long lectures on history, education and economy.

Keep it short even if it's about zoro.

LoL Gafool looks great hanging out with the Same Species as him.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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DJ ISPR is doing press conference today. Hope he comes directly to point and don't bore anyone with long lectures on history, education and economy.

Keep it short even if it's about zoro.

Its another degenerated expect the most retard kind


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Apr 13, 2013
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#BREAKING: US military convoy hit by huge suicide bomb attack near Bagram air base in Afghanistan. Now heavy gunfire is going on between US troopers and Pakistan backed Taliban terrorists.

Some media was reporting that them USA recently concluded a talk with Taliban..
oh Well!!!
USA is still talking to terrorists.... :rofl::rofl::rofl:
shupa powwwaaaa


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Apr 13, 2013
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Treating Pakistan as a friend was a critical error: US officials in Afghanistan Papers
New Delhi: US officials in the Bush and Obama administrations believe the treatment of “Pakistan as a friend” in the country’s trillion-dollar 18-year-long Afghanistan war was a “critical error”, The Washington Post has revealed in its “secret history” of the conflict.

On Monday, the American daily published US government papers in an extensive report, ‘The Afghanistan Papers’. The trove of confidential documents comprise 2,000 pages of interviews with senior US officials and others directly involved in the conflict, conducted by a federal agency under the name ‘Lessons Learned’.

According to the documents, US officials admit that Pakistan — which the US supported with billions of dollars besides modern weapons, including air-to-air AMRAAM missiles that were used against Indian fighters earlier this year — had started playing a “double game” in the conflict as early as 2002.

Pakistan had joined the US in the “war against terror”, but it also supported the Taliban and the al-Qaeda leadership in finding safe havens and logistics support on its soil and in Afghanistan.

The documents obtained by the Post reveal that senior US officials failed to tell the truth about the Afghan war throughout the 18-year campaign. The Post said that US officials kept making rosy pronouncements they knew to be false and hid unmistakable evidence that the war had become unwinnable.

Over the past 18 years, over 775,000 American troops have served in Afghanistan, many repeatedly. Over 2,300 US troops died in the conflict while 20,589 returned home wounded, according to the US Defense Department figures. At present, over 13,000 American troops are serving in Afghanistan.

The George W. Bush administration had entered the country in 2001 to hunt down 9/11 perpetrator, al Qaeda chief Osama Bin Laden, and destroy his terror organisation.

However, the war, continued by Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, eventually became a prolonged conflict, with the US objectives changing over the years to include fighting the ultraconservative religious faction Taliban and installing a democratic Afghan government.

Also read: On India-Afghanistan border, Amit Shah is right and opposition is not wrong

‘Veering off the original track’
According to hundreds of confidential interviews revealed in The Washington Post report, US and allied officials admitted they veered off in directions that had little to do with al Qaeda or 9/11 in what was their first mistake in the prolonged war.

“By expanding the original mission, they said they adopted fatally flawed warfighting strategies based on misguided assumptions about a country they did not understand,” said the Post report.

The result was an “unwinnable conflict with no easy way out”. Further, the issue was compounded because of the US war in Iraq and against the Islamic State, pulling the attention off from Afghanistan.

“We were devoid of a fundamental understanding of Afghanistan — we didn’t know what we were doing,” Douglas Lute told government interviewers in 2015. Lute is a three-star Army general who served as the White House’s Afghan war czar during the Bush and Obama administrations.

“What are we trying to do here? We didn’t have the foggiest notion of what we were undertaking,” added Lute.

The Musharraf folly
In the ‘Lessons Learned’ interviews, other US officials said the Bush administration compounded its first mistake by making another “critical error” — “treating Pakistan as a friend”.

This was because of former Pakistan President and Army chief General Pervez Musharraf, who had allowed the Pentagon to use Pakistani airspace and US intelligence agency CIA to track al Qaeda leaders in Pakistani territory.

“As a result, the Bush White House was slow to recognize that Pakistan was simultaneously giving covert support to the Taliban, according to the interviews,” the Post said in its report.

Marin Strmecki, a senior adviser to former US Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, told government interviewers, “Because of people’s personal confidence in Musharraf and because of things he was continuing to do in helping police up a bunch of the al-Qaeda in Pakistan. There was a failure to perceive the double game that he starts to play by late 2002, early 2003.

“I think that the Afghans, and [President Hamid] Karzai himself, are bringing this up constantly even in the earlier parts of 2002,” Strmecki added. “They are meeting unsympathetic ears because of the belief that Pakistan was helping us so much on al-Qaeda… There is never a full confronting of Pakistan in its role supporting the Taliban.”

Also read: Trump makes surprise visit to Afghanistan, says peace talks with Taliban have resumed

The cost factor
Officials in the Obama administration acknowledged in the ‘Lessons Learned’ interviews that they failed to resolve another strategic challenge that had dogged Bush — what to do about Pakistan?

Washington kept giving Pakistan billions of dollars every year to help fight terrorism. Yet, the Pakistani military and intelligence leaders never stopped supporting the Afghan Taliban and giving sanctuary to its leaders, the Post reported.

“The Obama administration just thought if you just hang in there Pakistan will see the light,” a former White House official told government interviewers.

Another unnamed official complained that the Obama administration would not let US troops attack Taliban camps on the Pakistani side of the border.

“And still today we wonder what the problem is,” the official said. “I talked to (CIA chief) General Petraeus and I was saying that if I were a general and a bullet came and hit my men I would follow it. And Petraeus said yeah well go talk to Washington.”

Ryan Crocker, who also served as the US ambassador to Pakistan from 2004 to 2007, told government interviewers that Pakistani leaders did not bother to hide their duplicity, the Post reported.

He recalled a conversation he had with General Ashfaq Kayani, who was the chief of Pakistani intelligence agency ISI and one of the principal plotters of the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks.

“And he says, ‘You know, I know you think we’re hedging our bets. You’re right, we are, because one day you’ll be gone again, it’ll be like Afghanistan the first time, you’ll be done with us, but we’re still going to be here because we can’t actually move the country. And the last thing we want with all of our other problems is to have turned the Taliban into a mortal enemy, so, yes, we’re hedging our bets,’” Crocker quoted Kayani as saying.

In his December 2016 interview, Crocker said the only way to force Pakistan to change would be for President Trump to keep US troops in Afghanistan indefinitely and give them the green light to hunt the Taliban on Pakistani territory.

“It would allow him to say, ‘You worry about our reliability, you worry about our withdrawal from Afghanistan, I’m here to tell you that I’m going to keep troops there as long as I feel we need them, there is no calendar.’

“That’s the good news. The bad news for you is we’re going to kill Taliban leaders wherever we find them: Baluchistan (Balochistan), Punjab, downtown Islamabad. We’re going to go find them, so maybe you want to do a strategic recalculation,” the Post reported.

BTW!! its Umrica...dont fall for whatever they say...
its just gas!
Its Umrica making a statement of "WE SCREWED UP" on afghanistan..thats all


New Member
Jun 21, 2018
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Merkel makes a statement about "the situation in Kashmir" and then sells 10000 guns. Why take money from human rights violators. :hmm:

This is Sig Sauer USA, the American branch of the Swiss/German conglomerate.

H&K is the one who made the HK 416 with AR 18 short stroke Piston and AR 15 design. The SIG 716 G2 Patrol is an AR 10 with the short stroke Piston design.


New Member
Jan 2, 2018
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This is Sig Sauer USA, the American branch of the Swiss/German conglomerate.

H&K is the one who made the HK 416 with AR 18 short stroke Piston and AR 15 design. The SIG 716 G2 Patrol is an AR 10 with the short stroke Piston design.
Wokay. Just gotta edit the lint to "USA was making anti-Kashmir statements..", baaki logic same rahega.


New Member
Jan 2, 2018
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Also people say US is at war with Afghanistan from decades is a LIE , look at their battle casualties and compare them with afghans who died ,
They are more like counter terrorist operators ,
And a support unit to afghan soldiers.

Inside of their bases look like a city ,
While outside afghans live in mud huts and poverty ,
They 100% are making more money via illegal weapons trade ,HASHIS ,drug trade and keeping an eye out on everybody and central asian trade, so its more like modern version of colonization .

Imagine money spent on making these small cities with good facilities and maintaining them,
When they talk about trillion dollar war ,thats where a trillion dollars have been spent NOT WAR, wheres the war?
War ended in a few days , talibs ran into mountains then to porkistan ,
US will need a a few days to bomb the shit out of fata and waziristan and war will be over ,but they supply weapons to them indirectly and then supply weapons to afghans ,go in few operations here and there and claim to be fighting a War , making chutiya of everyone.
They are there to permanently occupy Afghanistan. Being in Afghanistan and putting their ELINT stations there allows them to keep an eye over Iran, Pakistan, Kashmir, Russia. It's a very strategic spot. Otherwise there are larger sized militias in South America than Afghanistan.

Holy Triad

Tihar Jail
Dec 16, 2018
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Then it can be used in DMR role too,
That makes dragunov obsolete and that will be needed to be replaced by some thing better and frankly that will overlap with a sniper rifle itself.

So, how will be roles defined? Does it has something to do with IBGs? and structural change.
Are we looking for DMR too?
Theoretically,any soldier equipped with 716 with play dmr role. But the variant procured to be said to be "basic" variant(patrol variant o guess,@vampyrbladez your input needed here)
Plus optics for these rifles is yet to be procured,that needed to be sorted out,(anyway this is a temporary snag)

Imo,any soldier with decent marksmenship can bag a 700mts hit for sure. ie, PKMKB


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Apr 13, 2013
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Pak troops resort to artillery shelling along LoC in Poonch
The Pakistan army violated the ceasefire and resorted to artillery shelling along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir's Poonch district on Wednesday, a defence spokesperson said.

This is for the first time that artillery has been used to target forward posts and villages along the LoC.

"At about 1730 hours Pak Army initiated unprovoked ceasefire violation by firing of small arms and shelling with mortars & artillery along LoC in Shahpur & Kirni sectors in district Poonch on Wednesday," he said.

Indian Army is retaliating befittingly, the spokesman said.
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