India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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New Member
Jan 31, 2019
Drone detecting radars are not that cost intensive. The threat has been flagged for quite a while now. But in India things moves only after serious incidents.

I read an article by AIM which is more mundane that Vivek Agnihotri’s tweets.

The drone built in China or Pakistan will obviously use their own softwares.

GPS jammer will effect our own equipments which we use in our installations.

Diffrent registered brands like DJI use their own softwares which enforce registration and pairing drone serial number.

They do have flight data saving provisions in the software but it is optional.

The registration can be made mandatory on some government ID and phone number including Live Photo capturing like many websites especially financial, trade etc., do.

I generally check on DJI maps Air Share app to make sure I am not flying in restricted or other probhited zones. They always encourage operators to pre inform the planned flight schedule. These are all again optional formalities but when flying in restricted zones they can prompt the operator to contact concerned authorities.
Example of one my correspondence with air share.
View attachment 96916

These optional formalities can be made compulsory for domestic users.

Also these software update their maps and have clearly GPS marked zones. Trying to fly in these zones the software can start giving warning or at times bring the craft down when it uses GPS signals.

There are certain flight profiles like flying below the trees of nearby buildings and these are called shielded operations. These are very discrete and safe operations. But any domestic operator can be traced with more advanced scrutiny of software, data, mobile signal triangulation, gps use in the area of concern like we do trace criminals.

With all above mambo jumbo exceeding strategic and tactile response and deterrence.

The problem can be cheaply solved by re designing cantonment perimeter by clearing vegetation and moving important buildings away from possible drone incursions.

Therefore only effective method is to see, detect and shoot.
As the old saying goes the best form of defence is attack.

Spending millions of dollars on new radars and equipment is not the answer.

The real answer comes in the form of a GBU-500 bomb exploding right at the location from where this attack was done.


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
Drone detecting radars are not that cost intensive. The threat has been flagged for quite a while now. But in India things moves only after serious incidents.

I read an article by AIM which is more mundane that Vivek Agnihotri’s tweets.

The drone built in China or Pakistan will obviously use their own softwares.

GPS jammer will effect our own equipments which we use in our installations.

Diffrent registered brands like DJI use their own softwares which enforce registration and pairing drone serial number.

They do have flight data saving provisions in the software but it is optional.

The registration can be made mandatory on some government ID and phone number including Live Photo capturing like many websites especially financial, trade etc., do.

I generally check on DJI maps Air Share app to make sure I am not flying in restricted or other probhited zones. They always encourage operators to pre inform the planned flight schedule. These all are again optional formalities but when flying in restricted zones they can prompt the operator to contact concerned authorities.

Example of one of my correspondence with air share.

These optional formalities can be made compulsory for domestic users.

Also these software update their maps and have clearly GPS marked zones. Trying to fly in these zones the software can start giving warning or at times bring the craft down when it uses GPS signals.

There are certain flight profiles like flying below the trees of nearby buildings and these are called shielded operations. These are very discrete and safe operations. But any domestic operator can be traced with more advanced scrutiny of software, data, mobile signal triangulation, gps use in the area of concern like we do trace criminals.

With all above mambo jumbo excluding strategic and tactile response and deterrence. The problem can be cheaply solved by re designing cantonment perimeter by clearing vegetation and moving important buildings away from possible drone incursions.

Therefore only effective method is to see, detect and shoot.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Drone detecting radars are not that cost intensive. The threat has been flagged for quite a while now. But in India things moves only after serious incidents.

I read an article by AIM which is more mundane that Vivek Agnihotri’s tweets.

The drone built in China or Pakistan will obviously use their own softwares.

GPS jammer will effect our own equipments which we use in our installations.

Diffrent registered brands like DJI use their own softwares which enforce registration and pairing drone serial number.

They do have flight data saving provisions in the software but it is optional.

The registration can be made mandatory on some government ID and phone number including Live Photo capturing like many websites especially financial, trade etc., do.

I generally check on DJI maps Air Share app to make sure I am not flying in restricted or other probhited zones. They always encourage operators to pre inform the planned flight schedule. These are all again optional formalities but when flying in restricted zones they can prompt the operator to contact concerned authorities.
Example of one my correspondence with air share.
View attachment 96916

These optional formalities can be made compulsory for domestic users.

Also these software update their maps and have clearly GPS marked zones. Trying to fly in these zones the software can start giving warning or at times bring the craft down when it uses GPS signals.

There are certain flight profiles like flying below the trees of nearby buildings and these are called shielded operations. These are very discrete and safe operations. But any domestic operator can be traced with more advanced scrutiny of software, data, mobile signal triangulation, gps use in the area of concern like we do trace criminals.

With all above mambo jumbo exceeding strategic and tactile response and deterrence.

The problem can be cheaply solved by re designing cantonment perimeter by clearing vegetation and moving important buildings away from possible drone incursions.

Therefore only effective method is to see, detect and shoot. many cases they dont import drones..
they import the parts and assemble..
sometimes these drones can also be made using rudimentary parts.
and software part they could use open source.

Time to bring regulation on GPS operators and other providers when it comes to parties using drones and other means to attack civilians and installations..enforce ban or penalities to operate in the country.

Make aiding and abetting technology for terrorism costly for tech companies who make GPS and provide GPS services from taking part in projects inside India.
Create economic loss for such companies.
These buggers could lose billions if restrictions come in.and in turn they will squeeze the paki balls to reign in their terror pigs and dogs
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New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Drones can be unlocked and most manufacturer set restrictions can be overridden.

The only way out for high value mil/gov installations is to have a proper perimeter protection system.

As a lot of them are in populous areas, firing even 7.62 mm rounds into the air can result in collateral damage or putting a FCS on a minigun would turn most drones into toast before they could get within 200 feet of any valuable structure.

Laser may be used to good effect in disabling these drones.

RIL should seriously consider getting some anti-drone protection system for its refinery in Jamnagar.

The easier way out would be a blanket ban on import of drones altogether. Private ownership can be banned. Those desirous of getting their surveys etc done can contact Ideaforge or some such third party and use them under their supervision. This is the only way to reduce risk of lone wolf attacks.
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New Member
Aug 12, 2019
Some more tidbits:

  • the remnants of drones have not been recovered till now
  • distance between Jammu air force station and international border with Pakistan is about 15-km.
  • 10 incidents of drones being used to drop arms and ammunition from across the border in Jammu in last one year
  • raised concern this time is the distance travelled by drone and that too without being detected
  • Till now all the incidents of drone shot down or recovered have been along the border, both IB and LoC
  • In one or two incidents drones travelled about 10-km inside the Indian territory
  • In today’s incident the drone travelled about 15-km and that too in the highly populous area where BSF, police and army is deployed, without getting noticed.
  • usually high powered drone and much bigger in size can travel this much distance, and they are easy to detect especially if they had reached near airport
  • Last June, BSF had shot down a Pakistani Hexacopter in Samba-Kathua area in Pansar area. It was fitted with four batteries, a radio signal receiver and two GPS devices, 8 x 6.2 ft in size, it weighed 18 kg. It was carrying a payload of nearly 5 kg. Hexacopter can travel a distance of about 7-km
3-4 facts stand out- The drone hasn't been recovered as yet. An 18kg noisy hexacopter can do only about 7km. The drone travelled 15 km without being detected. If it was a large drone it would have been easily detected near the airport. Conclusion, it was a small drone launched from close to the AFS.

A theory to wrap all the facts:
Pakis have already established a pattern of dropping stuff via UAVs just inside the border and scooting back. Smaller drones (fully assembled and ready to strike) could have piggybacked on larger drones and dropped just inside India possibly a few days ago to be picked up by sleepers. The sleepers transported and launched it from within a few hundred metres of the base and since the flight path was pre-programmed GPS based even a not so savvy operator just had to charge the drone and press a button sending it on its flight path.

  1. If the smaller drones returned to an operator after dropping explosive (no drone remnants)- then why did the IAF sentries not see it going back? At around the same instant as the explosions, red blinking lights were seen in the night- easy to make out if they were alive after the explosion & flying back via light and sound cues.
  2. If they were kamikaze drones then destroyed parts would surely be available at the explosion site.
  3. Two drones succeeded and two were thwarted/destroyed- where are the remains of those?


United States of Hindu Empire
New Member
May 29, 2009
First purge; like it was done in Punjab and then fix Pakistan.

There are no other ways.

Fixing Pakistan first will not fix internal insurgency which can be sustained internally like Naxalites and others.

We need to stop blaming Pakistan for few months and so.

This UPA era bullshit has to go that Pakistan is responsible and admitting that it is not internal problem will keep us in a politically correct political comfort.

Pakistanis themselves say that it is armed struggle for freedom run by Kashmiris not us. We have to agree with them and fix it. Pakistanis themselves are fighting many secessionist armed insurgencies using indiscriminate force. We must start seeing this elephant in the room and act decisively.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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Some more tidbits:

  • the remnants of drones have not been recovered till now
  • distance between Jammu air force station and international border with Pakistan is about 15-km.
  • 10 incidents of drones being used to drop arms and ammunition from across the border in Jammu in last one year
  • raised concern this time is the distance travelled by drone and that too without being detected
  • Till now all the incidents of drone shot down or recovered have been along the border, both IB and LoC
  • In one or two incidents drones travelled about 10-km inside the Indian territory
  • In today’s incident the drone travelled about 15-km and that too in the highly populous area where BSF, police and army is deployed, without getting noticed.
  • usually high powered drone and much bigger in size can travel this much distance, and they are easy to detect especially if they had reached near airport
  • Last June, BSF had shot down a Pakistani Hexacopter in Samba-Kathua area in Pansar area. It was fitted with four batteries, a radio signal receiver and two GPS devices, 8 x 6.2 ft in size, it weighed 18 kg. It was carrying a payload of nearly 5 kg. Hexacopter can travel a distance of about 7-km
3-4 facts stand out- The drone hasn't been recovered as yet. An 18kg noisy hexacopter can do only about 7km. The drone travelled 15 km without being detected. If it was a large drone it would have been easily detected near the airport. Conclusion, it was a small drone launched from close to the AFS.

A theory to wrap all the facts:
Pakis have already established a pattern of dropping stuff via UAVs just inside the border and scooting back. Smaller drones (fully assembled and ready to strike) could have piggybacked on larger drones and dropped just inside India possibly a few days ago to be picked up by sleepers. The sleepers transported and launched it from within a few hundred metres of the base and since the flight path was pre-programmed GPS based even a not so savvy operator just had to charge the drone and press a button sending it on its flight path.

  1. If the smaller drones returned to an operator after dropping explosive (no drone remnants)- then why did the IAF sentries not see it going back? At around the same instant as the explosions, red blinking lights were seen in the night- easy to make out if they were alive after the explosion & flying back via light and sound cues.
  2. If they were kamikaze drones then destroyed parts would surely be available at the explosion site.
  3. Two drones succeeded and two were thwarted/destroyed- where are the remains of those?
Didn't they say 4 drones were used, two exploded, two were found intact?

How effective are rubber bullets against drones? Do you think they are lethal enough to bring small drones down.


New Member
Jun 17, 2021
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There are 100s if not 1000s of paki serving/retired personnel currently in Afghanistan leading the Taliban overtake of Afghanistan.

To avoid the overtake of Afghanistan by Taliban, we need to open several fronts for Pakistan.

One has opened up in balochistan... as I had predicted earlier

One more... we will have to open up.

Pakistanis asked for a ceasefire only to focus on Afghan matter for few months & once their western border is sorted out... they will come in full force with their daddy china

so to avoid a 2 or more front situation for ourselves... we need to open & sustain several fronts for Pakistan.


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Apr 13, 2013
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Pakistan will shut border if Taliban take over Afghanistan - Times of India
AP / Jun 27, 2021, 22:38 IST

2 minutes

MULTAN: Pakistan's foreign minister said on Sunday that violence and lawlessness could reign in Afghanistan after the United States' withdrawal, and that Pakistan would shut its border to the country if the Taliban takes control of it.
Shah Mahmood Qureshi said that Pakistan has already taken in 3.5 million Afghan refugees over the years, but would not accept any more. He was speaking in a weekly media briefing held in the central city of Multan.

QUreshit fart


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Apr 13, 2013
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People losing their trust in Pakistan Army, says opinion piece

"In the fast changing world of information and global networks, the scandals of the elite senior officers of the Army range from their involvement in the land, housing, commercial ventures to illicit relationships.These have contributed to the erosion of their morals and ethics," the piece said.

"In the era of the information revolution, the Army will find it more challenging to hide its misconducts from the eyes of both its men and its civilians. The consequences of these developments might lead to increasing discord and disharmony within its rank and file," read the opinion piece.

well! India should help this cause.


New Member
Jan 31, 2019

It’s the first IED attack using drones and represents a significant step up in grey zone warfare. If not countered, this has the potential to escalate into bigger attacks.


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Mar 28, 2013
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Just Now

Terrorists in Kashmir's Awantipora, shot J&K Police SPO Fayaz Ahmad. He was rushed to hospital in critical condition. He later succumbed to the injuries. Another person - who was also shot- remains critical. Searches launched.

Our top defence expert Mr. Mitra today wrote about waning support for Pak bases terror in Kashmir.
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