India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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This will at best be a mouthjob and talks will begin. Pakistan may drop Kashmir into cold bag as Imram's administration indicated on its initial days. They wanna leave Kashmir quagmire.
It was just not worth of losses Pak has incurred while gained nothing.

Indeed they have it and that's why Pak can compromise Kashmir now. If any agreement is reached, then rhetoric on Kashmir will go away now.

India and Pakistan will only be seen as ideological enemies and this time our diplomats (and theirs too) will have hard time arguing. Worst case scenario would be India moving to invest in Pak (which although is going to remain unlikely given how unsafe destination they are).

They will probably propose ball in India's court by proposing LoC as border. If happens, it will be on India to surrender its claims in PoK and massive strategic potential gains on China for normalising relations with Pakistan. This simply nullifies India's advantage after Kashmir's integration.

Pakistan, a country which is dent on Indian nationalism, sponsored separatism and terrorism in India, responsible for thousands of civil military deaths and it was only recent that it was reduced to a status of insignificance against India like Bangladesh or Nepal. Indeed looking "responsible" won't mean anything for India, grabbing PoK will not only let India cut off China from near east but also allow to compete with Russia in Central Asia in long term.

We have to understand that any jihadi within Pakistani border are well within touch with Pakistani establishment (except Taliban may be).

If Pak actually has started to believe that being an economic power is a must before challenging India, they will try to leave no stone unturned to show India as an unnecessary aggressive and panicking state.
Their agenda to look like a normal country now instead of an unstable jihadi state on lines of Afghanistan and Somalia will take decades to bear fruits even if starts today.

What I've learnt that Indian think tanks aren't a bunch of clueless idiots too. They are less miserable than before everytime. Obviously they may be having something in mind, some catious approach unlike before or may be a military plan underlying.

There is also a factor that Pak is in no position to repeat what it did in Kargil. There is no way that India won't cross LoC in case of another war. The balance of war too is even more unequal than ever in history.
Porkis even cheated US whhich was porkis biggest aid provider and even provided porkis with free f16, missiles, etc.
They supported taliban and even hided osama bin laden (US biggest enemy)
Butto signed shimla agreement when he was preparing atom bomb for India
Musharraf started kargil when atal ji was going to lahore for peace summit
Even still pak is ignores Indian vaccine and is ready to pay heavily on foreign vendors.

Indx TechStyle

Kitty mod
Apr 29, 2015
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Porkis even cheated US whhich was porkis biggest aid provider and even provided porkis with free f16, missiles, etc.
They supported taliban and even hided osama bin laden (US biggest enemy)
Butto signed shimla agreement when he was preparing atom bomb for India
Musharraf started kargil when atal ji was going to lahore for peace summit
Even still pak is ignores Indian vaccine and is ready to pay heavily on foreign vendors.
I'm not saying that South block believes in this bullshit, what I'm saying that we are caught in a sugar trap.

It's like that we are in a party of conservationists and a stinky but cute skunk or a poccupine is rubbing himself on our shoes. But we can't kick it since we are in front of everyone in party.


Senior Member
Jul 22, 2020
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Porkis even cheated US whhich was porkis biggest aid provider and even provided porkis with free f16, missiles, etc.
They supported taliban and even hided osama bin laden (US biggest enemy)
Butto signed shimla agreement when he was preparing atom bomb for India
Musharraf started kargil when atal ji was going to lahore for peace summit
Even still pak is ignores Indian vaccine and is ready to pay heavily on foreign vendors.
I am pretty sure it is not like that this time around, Modi has upped the stakes by Balakot and the next terrorist attack if any will be even more costlier for Pakistan.


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2019
- If another “Aman ki Tamasha” is the direction this is again going, India might as well insist on 5 year review period where in no terror attacks or cross border infiltration should happen in India during that period.
Sure! But why stop at 5.. no attacks for the next 500 years or ever!
From earlier this month:
A top J&K official said they had not detected any infiltration over the last five days after the ceasefire agreement came in force
we should scan twitter for any foreign Ts killed this month and beyond to see how Pakis are holding up their end of the line. In any case ceasing terror was a precondition to talks- and now that talks may be happening maybe Pakis have had a change of heart?

- ISI since they are predictable, is probably investing on opening a new front. (Punjab perhaps)
Not with arbi abbujaan Saudi/UAE standing in the way. May recall they had threatened Ambani's Jamnagar refinery with attack, after which Saudi Aramco was offered part ownership- since then no threats. From Saudi/UAE POV oil driven economy may be on its last legs- last decade? two decades at best? How will the ME royals continue the party after? How about the average ME populace used to living on state largesse? They are frantically looking for some new source of easy money for the next century. They might want to diversify and go big on multi billion dollar investments that yield multi decade returns (like JICA or BRI)- India & China are the two biggest growth engines in the world & China does not need the money.

- Jihadi network will not abide by any peace overtures, that’s a given.
They have thrown everything at the the LoC. Leading luminaries of Paki jihadi establishment have camped for days at the LoC to motivate the yahoos. No form of gun terror has withstood Indian ATGMs. We were at war past few years esp since 5 Aug 19- at least as much war as is allowed across LoC with both sides possessing nukes.

-if we know for a fact that peace overture from pak is always followed up by a major terror attacks, why should India even invest in such a peace deal?
That we gotta wait and watch. This time MAY be different. Since we have the right approach- it is no longer bilateral- Paki good behaviour is guaranteed by adopted abbus who have these wannabe Arabs by their balls.


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Sure! But why stop at 5.. no attacks for the next 500 years or ever!
From earlier this month:

we should scan twitter for any foreign Ts killed this month and beyond to see how Pakis are holding up their end of the line. In any case ceasing terror was a precondition to talks- and now that talks may be happening maybe Pakis have had a change of heart?

Not with arbi abbujaan Saudi/UAE standing in the way. May recall they had threatened Ambani's Jamnagar refinery with attack, after which Saudi Aramco was offered part ownership- since then no threats. From Saudi/UAE POV oil driven economy may be on its last legs- last decade? two decades at best? How will the ME royals continue the party after? How about the average ME populace used to living on state largesse? They are frantically looking for some new source of easy money for the next century. They might want to diversify and go big on multi billion dollar investments that yield multi decade returns (like JICA or BRI)- India & China are the two biggest growth engines in the world & China does not need the money.

They have thrown everything at the the LoC. Leading luminaries of Paki jihadi establishment have camped for days at the LoC to motivate the yahoos. No form of gun terror has withstood Indian ATGMs. We were at war past few years esp since 5 Aug 19- at least as much war as is allowed across LoC with both sides possessing nukes.

That we gotta wait and watch. This time MAY be different. Since we have the right approach- it is no longer bilateral- Paki good behaviour is guaranteed by adopted abbus who have these wannabe Arabs by their balls.
Why this backdoor talk took in UAE and Saudi Arabia. Since both of the countries stopped giving aid to porkis and asked porkis to behave like a good boy in order to restart free aid.
So porkis are behaving like good boy in order to restart the aid and give them economic respite


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2019
So porkis are behaving like good boy in order to restart the aid and give them economic respite
Pakis will be on ventilator economy for a long time that makes them amenable to change. China is sucking them dry in the name of Sea Pack. No free weapons/funds from USA/ME on the horizon. IK is no Lee Kuan Yew- expect no economic miracle. If and when they recover India would have moved into the top 2 or 3 economies on the planet.


Senior Member
Jun 17, 2009
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- If another “Aman ki Tamasha” is the direction this is again going, India might as well insist on 5 year review period where in no terror attacks or cross border infiltration should happen in India during that period.

- ISI since they are predictable, is probably investing on opening a new front. (Punjab perhaps)

- Jihadi network will not abide by any peace overtures, that’s a given.

-if we know for a fact that peace overture from pak is always followed up by a major terror attacks, why should India even invest in such a peace deal?
The bilateral gestures does not mean anything for India.

India and Pakistan are at war, after August 5th Pakistan did what ever it could.
India can deal with the scenario.

It is the other way around, Pakistan realised they are going no where and only way they can have a breather is through peace talks.


Designated Cynic
Jul 12, 2014
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The bilateral gestures does not mean anything for India.

India and Pakistan are at war, after August 5th Pakistan did what ever it could.
India can deal with the scenario.

It is the other way around, Pakistan realised they are going no where and only way they can have a breather is through peace talks.
And our issue is that “peace talks” are usually followed by major terror attacks.


Senior Member
Apr 6, 2019
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LOL inbreds are already preparing for Indo-Pak bilateral cricket series. PCB is ready just waiting Indian govt to give the nod...
Pakis are heavily suffering and to bring back their economy on track they need India and hence this peace peace


Regular Member
Jul 14, 2017
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My $0.02

1> Pakistan cannot be trusted. At all.
2> The current lull is primarily due to Pak's need of reprieve on eastern border to focus on: Pak's economic doldrums, US pressure on Pak for Afg exit route, Instability in B'Stan, Instability on western front of Pak, Instability with Pakhtun population.
3> The moment Pak regains decent stability and firmer economic footings, the Jihad shall start again.
4> Pak will certainly look to get US weapons in exchange for cooperation. Any supply of US weapons to Pak should result in losses to US businesses in India, as well as a repeat S400 order. Fuck CAATSA. That being said, I don't think the US will supply weapons to Pak given that it needs India's cooperation against China. And China is an area of mutual interest for both the US and India.
5> Upcoming terror attacks will be as spectacular as Mumbai or Pulwama. Remember that if 100 terrorist teams are attempting a strike, then it takes only 1 to succeed. There will be no dilution in the quantum of damage they want to deal to us.
6> Similarly an intifada type movement will be attempted again in J&K, with the issue being outsiders are getting settled in Muslim lands.

From our end we can do a few things:

1> Detailed study of Pak's export markets and outcompete Pak products with cheaper and better Indian goods.
2> Continued pressure to push Pakistan on FATF's black list. Even if it fails, the gray list will keep bleeding them.
3> Encourage political and secessionist unrest in Pak.
4> Target that Pak's middle class suffer economically. Average Pakistani middle class citizen must have a hard time because of very high inflation, and there must be a sense of despondency within the citizenry.
5> Tighten medical visas from Pak.
6> Maintain the CF for a while but break it on our terms when needed.
7> Unearth political and military scandals in Pak and scandalise their leadership when needed.
8> Prop up propagandists like Gaurav Arya who questions Pakistan's ideology and Islam, and disses Pk citizens on a daily basis. Make such videos viral in Pak.
9> 100 % utilisation of our share of the Indus waters treaty. Will affect Pak food supplies and drive up inflation even further.
10> Strike deals and use diplomatic pressure on both western countries and Russia to ensure that China becomes Pak's #1 military supplier. It will accelerate Pak's colonisation by the Chinese.
11> Pressurize companies that have sizeable presence in Pak to cease operations there. We can inceltivize them to do so, and penalise them if they disagree. A few big brands like Pak Suzuki, Pak Honda, Pak Toyota, Standard Chartered Bank, etc are some worthwhile names. Expect the Chinese companies to not comply, which will hasten our process of kicking them out of our markets.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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My $0.02

1> Pakistan cannot be trusted. At all.
2> The current lull is primarily due to Pak's need of reprieve on eastern border to focus on: Pak's economic doldrums, US pressure on Pak for Afg exit route, Instability in B'Stan, Instability on western front of Pak, Instability with Pakhtun population.
3> The moment Pak regains decent stability and firmer economic footings, the Jihad shall start again.
4> Pak will certainly look to get US weapons in exchange for cooperation. Any supply of US weapons to Pak should result in losses to US businesses in India, as well as a repeat S400 order. Fuck CAATSA. That being said, I don't think the US will supply weapons to Pak given that it needs India's cooperation against China. And China is an area of mutual interest for both the US and India.
5> Upcoming terror attacks will be as spectacular as Mumbai or Pulwama. Remember that if 100 terrorist teams are attempting a strike, then it takes only 1 to succeed. There will be no dilution in the quantum of damage they want to deal to us.
6> Similarly an intifada type movement will be attempted again in J&K, with the issue being outsiders are getting settled in Muslim lands.

From our end we can do a few things:

1> Detailed study of Pak's export markets and outcompete Pak products with cheaper and better Indian goods.
2> Continued pressure to push Pakistan on FATF's black list. Even if it fails, the gray list will keep bleeding them.
3> Encourage political and secessionist unrest in Pak.
4> Target that Pak's middle class suffer economically. Average Pakistani middle class citizen must have a hard time because of very high inflation, and there must be a sense of despondency within the citizenry.
5> Tighten medical visas from Pak.
6> Maintain the CF for a while but break it on our terms when needed.
7> Unearth political and military scandals in Pak and scandalise their leadership when needed.
8> Prop up propagandists like Gaurav Arya who questions Pakistan's ideology and Islam, and disses Pk citizens on a daily basis. Make such videos viral in Pak.
9> 100 % utilisation of our share of the Indus waters treaty. Will affect Pak food supplies and drive up inflation even further.
10> Strike deals and use diplomatic pressure on both western countries and Russia to ensure that China becomes Pak's #1 military supplier. It will accelerate Pak's colonisation by the Chinese.
11> Pressurize companies that have sizeable presence in Pak to cease operations there. We can inceltivize them to do so, and penalise them if they disagree. A few big brands like Pak Suzuki, Pak Honda, Pak Toyota, Standard Chartered Bank, etc are some worthwhile names. Expect the Chinese companies to not comply, which will hasten our process of kicking them out of our markets.
Much as i agree with you, on the things that we can do, i have a feeling that "Aman Ki Tamasha" is about to start. That would rule out a lot of stuff. Expect "Cricket", FS/FM talks (already unconfirmed reports). Indus talks already started. There is pressure building from the Pappi Jhappi brigade for more "talks".


Benchmark for any Paki atrocity in India has already been established. But Pakis being Pakis might attempt the same with the expectation that an Democrat regime might come to their aid coz. Afg pullout.


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2020
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My $0.02

1> Pakistan cannot be trusted. At all.
2> The current lull is primarily due to Pak's need of reprieve on eastern border to focus on: Pak's economic doldrums, US pressure on Pak for Afg exit route, Instability in B'Stan, Instability on western front of Pak, Instability with Pakhtun population.
3> The moment Pak regains decent stability and firmer economic footings, the Jihad shall start again.
4> Pak will certainly look to get US weapons in exchange for cooperation. Any supply of US weapons to Pak should result in losses to US businesses in India, as well as a repeat S400 order. Fuck CAATSA. That being said, I don't think the US will supply weapons to Pak given that it needs India's cooperation against China. And China is an area of mutual interest for both the US and India.
5> Upcoming terror attacks will be as spectacular as Mumbai or Pulwama. Remember that if 100 terrorist teams are attempting a strike, then it takes only 1 to succeed. There will be no dilution in the quantum of damage they want to deal to us.
6> Similarly an intifada type movement will be attempted again in J&K, with the issue being outsiders are getting settled in Muslim lands.

From our end we can do a few things:

1> Detailed study of Pak's export markets and outcompete Pak products with cheaper and better Indian goods.
2> Continued pressure to push Pakistan on FATF's black list. Even if it fails, the gray list will keep bleeding them.
3> Encourage political and secessionist unrest in Pak.
4> Target that Pak's middle class suffer economically. Average Pakistani middle class citizen must have a hard time because of very high inflation, and there must be a sense of despondency within the citizenry.
5> Tighten medical visas from Pak.
6> Maintain the CF for a while but break it on our terms when needed.
7> Unearth political and military scandals in Pak and scandalise their leadership when needed.
8> Prop up propagandists like Gaurav Arya who questions Pakistan's ideology and Islam, and disses Pk citizens on a daily basis. Make such videos viral in Pak.
9> 100 % utilisation of our share of the Indus waters treaty. Will affect Pak food supplies and drive up inflation even further.
10> Strike deals and use diplomatic pressure on both western countries and Russia to ensure that China becomes Pak's #1 military supplier. It will accelerate Pak's colonisation by the Chinese.
11> Pressurize companies that have sizeable presence in Pak to cease operations there. We can inceltivize them to do so, and penalise them if they disagree. A few big brands like Pak Suzuki, Pak Honda, Pak Toyota, Standard Chartered Bank, etc are some worthwhile names. Expect the Chinese companies to not comply, which will hasten our process of kicking them out of our markets.
You should understand we are reactive than being we will wait tilll pakistan or china does something big...Lets seee


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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I am pretty sure it is not like that this time around, Modi has upped the stakes by Balakot and the next terrorist attack if any will be even more costlier for Pakistan.
When you are a strong should have the self confidence to let options play out .
Thats one sympton of a strong nation.
India is giving diplomacy a chance..its not out of confusion or the oscar acting by pakistan..but sheer self confidence.

Bois!! its okay to have trust issues with pakistan..but its not okay to have trust issues with own strength and resolve.


Regular Member
Jul 14, 2017
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Much as i agree with you, on the things that we can do, i have a feeling that "Aman Ki Tamasha" is about to start. That would rule out a lot of stuff. Expect "Cricket", FS/FM talks (already unconfirmed reports). Indus talks already started. There is pressure building from the Pappi Jhappi brigade for more "talks".

View attachment 82746

Benchmark for any Paki atrocity in India has already been established. But Pakis being Pakis might attempt the same with the expectation that an Democrat regime might come to their aid coz. Afg pullout.
I trust the government to throw surprises. But I think with Pak our leadership has crossed the Rubicon. Given that Modi has been in political power since 2001 and that he has seen what happens with peace gestures to/from Pak, he has enough training data to set the weights right on his neural network. Which means Pakistan will not be trusted.


Senior Member
May 31, 2020
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The last bilateral series between India and Pakistan was held in 2012-13 but since then the political relations between the two countries have deteriorated resulting in a complete halt of one-on-one series.

A report in Pakistan newspaper 'Jang' has said that India and Pakistan might soon get involved in bilateral cricket series again with a possibility of the six-day window for a three-match T20I series later in the year.

:facepalm: 2-front war , india talking POK , Aksai Chin , China breaking up , free tibet . so many predictions.

now its like we travelled back in time.


Senior Member
Jul 22, 2020
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When you are a strong should have the self confidence to let options play out .
Thats one sympton of a strong nation.
India is giving diplomacy a chance..its not out of confusion or the oscar acting by pakistan..but sheer self confidence.

Bois!! its okay to have trust issues with pakistan..but its not okay to have trust issues with own strength and resolve.
Yeah this peace "overture" is different all other overtures were done when India was in trouble and militancy was at its peak and Article 370 was still in force, now with that gone and the Valley under firm control of the Indian armed forces and heavy price for any attack be it even in Kashmir shows a stronger and firm India, the other overtures were being done when our planes were being hijacked, Parliament being bombed, Mumbai being attacked with NO response from the Indian side, attacks on the mainland was fairly common with little to no price to pay for Pakistan, but now it is a different ball game together, any big attack on mainland India now would most likely be the end of Pakistan as we know it now.
Even in the letter Modi has clearly written that peace can only be achieved if terrorism is stopped and that the onus is on the Pakistani side to ensure that it happens.
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