India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Senior Member
Jan 31, 2019
India has kicked pakistan when USA and most of our so called "Allies" was against us and that include the Kargil.
I think Indian army is in a good position always to do another C-Section on pakistan and IA have worked out all eventualities.
As for Russia, Indian administration knows how Russia fleeced India not just once but many times before during critical times. Well cant blame them afterall its business and we were not in a strong position then..but now many things have changed. Russia is working with china in Afghanistan, so their combined position on India is understood.

Human rights and blah blah blah....When have India gotten cornered by such agencies? not even in Kashmir for all these years..
We have give out rebuttal and thats settled..also we have never let these CIA tools any credence but flushed it down.
MEA was very vocal last couple of weeks making public statements as how and why america is using the human rights as a tool to reign in India.

btw, USA still has considerable influence in the ME and they wont simply close down their black ops locations just like that.
Those days are long current administration would rather not deal with the prospect of a two front scenario not matter how ready we feel we are.

I never said we were getting cornered what I meant was that unlike the previous administration which supported this one is needlessly troubling us instead of cooperating.

ME is a long drawn affair US has a lot of influence true but it is not exactly in the increasing direction.

Basically its a long drawn game and the current administration might have decided to just lay low and let this pass for now.


Senior Member
Sep 8, 2019
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India has kicked pakistan when USA and most of our so called "Allies" was against us and that include the Kargil.
I think Indian army is in a good position always to do another C-Section on pakistan and IA have worked out all eventualities.
As for Russia, Indian administration knows how Russia fleeced India not just once but many times before during critical times. Well cant blame them afterall its business and we were not in a strong position then..but now many things have changed. Russia is working with china in Afghanistan, so their combined position on India is understood.

Human rights and blah blah blah....When have India gotten cornered by such agencies? not even in Kashmir for all these years..
We have give out rebuttal and thats settled..also we have never let these CIA tools any credence but flushed it down.
MEA was very vocal last couple of weeks making public statements as how and why america is using the human rights as a tool to reign in India.

btw, USA still has considerable influence in the ME and they wont simply close down their black ops locations just like that.
Drafting reports by US proxy agencies is one thing but raising it at the diplomatic level is another.

I am sure that an appropriate response on human rights would be given back as well to any one who chooses to raise it.

What we are seeing is certainly US brokered.

The situation would have been the same had we remained slightly cold to the previous Trump regime as well.


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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as always USA and Russia fought with each other using proxies in another land.. be it Syria or elsewhere.
now I think USA vs Russia will be played in Iran.

what we are seeing now will be the foreplay for it.


Regular Member
Apr 2, 2020
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I have learned something from all the events happening from last 2 months. The global left agenda changed from attacking modi to dethrone bjp. Every possible factor which boosted votes for modi will be nullified & the 2 major factors of Hinduism & Nationalism will be handled such that they no longer gets you votes. Without pak & china poking us there is no fuel for nationalism. Will have to see what they gonna do to hindus such that they start hating modi, mostly economic & roadblocks, even these peace deals + social media wishes have made a lot of people mad but not so much that they stop voting?

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Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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Why should they? Have we? Would we?

As for pansies, they fought for 2 decades in Afghanistan and almost as long in Iraq.

Kohinoor? Sure, why not? All countries should put a high value on the lives of those who serve in uniform.
The fighting in Iraq ended in 2011.. and in Afghanistan US has bought peace, by asking Taliban/ISI not to hurt their precious soldiers, while being absolutely fine with Talibani violence against Afghan army and people, with the US MILITARY safely lodged in their huge bases..

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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I have learned something from all the events happening from last 2 months. The global left agenda changed from attacking modi to dethrone bjp. Every possible factor which boosted votes for modi will be nullified & the 2 major factors of Hinduism & Nationalism will be handled such that they no longer gets you votes. Without pak & china poking us there is no fuel for nationalism. Will have to see what they gonna do to hindus such that they start hating modi, mostly economic & roadblocks, even these peace deals + social media wishes have made a lot of people mad but not so much that they stop voting?
Dude.. BJP has 200 million Indian Muslims.. to keep the Hindu base motivated.. Indian Muslims are BJP's greatest asset..

Lost user

Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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diplomacy work in its way....thats the job of work the options and opportunities which present themselves. let the politics see how long they can work peace..Anyway its good for the forces, they can take a break at LC.. re evaluate, restock, etc etc.

our India army is doing thier job perfectly.

BSF guns down Pak intruder | Jaipur News - Times of India

Jaisalmer: BSF shot dead an intruder from Pakistan at Serpura border post adjoining Anupgarh in Ganganagar district of Bikaner sector.

Lets see what we can shore in with the cease fire.Anyways we are always ready for misadventures from pakistan and china.

Happy hunting lets see how many we burn next few months.
Like always, Pakistan refusing to accept bodies..


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
We should not criticize pm Modi for a single tweet.
PM Modi was wrong when he went to nawaz Sharif daughter marriage and even allowed pak team to visit pathankot air base.
Tweets dosent decide foreign policy change.
GOI is a professional and dosent care about tweets. Pak government are tweet warriors.
No, he was absolutely fine at that time, but not now. I can elaborate on this if got time. (Busy with some assignments)


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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No, he was absolutely fine at that time, but not now. I can elaborate on this if got time. (Busy with some assignments)
Our security of forward air base pathankot was compromised.
Paki team went inside the base and pretended to do fake investigation.
Currently this aman is asha propaganda is totally pakistani based, except single tweet from PMO office. PM would be attenting 50 th anniversary of Bangladesh independence to make Pakistan realize their fear 1971 war


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2018
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Our security of forward air base pathankot was compromised.
Paki team went inside the base and pretended to do fake investigation.
Currently this aman is asha propaganda is totally pakistani based, except single tweet from PMO office. PM would be attenting 50 th anniversary of Bangladesh independence to make Pakistan realize their fear 1971 war
Relations with Pakistan can’t be done only like we feel in the forum. Our aim is to try and get Pakistan to change behaviour (I’ll leave out the destroy Pakistan/take PoK stuff) and we have to test that hypothesis every now and then when the Pakistan reach out. Modi reached out to NS but NS had overestimated his own capability to handle the issue. The visit to Pakistan was imo, premature but that’s how Modi with his grand gestures operates. Pathankot was a test of whether NS could keep his word, one can’t just dismiss a fellow leader’s word and hope to reach agreement. It didn’t work out and the rest is history.

This time the Pakistani army chief has reached out and the onus will be on him. If it’s true that the offices of the UAE and Saudi royals were used, all the better because it won’t be just India that gets pissed off if things blow up. After owning their work behind the scenes, the egg will be on all the faces involved. Won’t be the first time if that happens but who knows, the Pakistanis might feel pressured to sit tight for the next few years. If that happens, we are all better off for it.

Modi has egg on his face equally from his overtures to Xi but there too, at some point, sooner than most people think, there will be an attempt to patch things up somewhat . All the criticisms that are applicable for the Pakistan outreach will be applicable for the China one. That and more. Members here want India to tell the Americans off, improve ties with Russia and remain unaligned for the most part. How do they think it will happen if we don’t even reciprocate offers made by our troublesome neighbours. Count me in among the sceptics but we don’t live in a vacuum and every now and then will have to attempt some sort of an outreach especially if the other side offers it. The benchmarks and red lines are both clear. Breach them and we can always go back to where we were. If it holds, we buy ourselves time too. It’s not just the Pakistanis who need that.


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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FYI, last year March we had closed consulates at Jalabad/Heart

View attachment 82688
View attachment 82689
View attachment 82690

Pakeez had always yelped, whined & executed attacks against these consulates.

View attachment 82691
Pakis must always remember that what their forces had faced in jalalabad in 1989.
Paki invasion of Afghanistan was stopped in jalalabad.
Their was huge casualties of paki forces who were dressed as Muhaijddin.
Hamid gul was sacked by benazir button was his poor battle performance in jalalabad.
Paki establishment must be taking revenge of these incident faced in past


Senior Member
Aug 12, 2019
And sellout Biden has asked us to suck it up and make a peace deal with Pakistan, and we did.
US & UAE as this article seems to suggest and the Americans are racing the clock- which also explains this contrived détente in Indo-China-Pak context. The US focus is to somehow get the hell out of AFG whilst also ensuring it is functional enough to not cede space to al-qaeda for another 9/11. Recording some events of interest in chronological order:

2/2020 U.S. agreed to withdraw all its forces; in exchange, the Taliban promised to sever its ties with al-Qaeda and end its attacks on American forces
7/11 JB wins presidential election
25/11 Indian EAM SJ met bin Zayed and the crown prince on a two-day visit to Abu Dhabi
18/12 Pakistan FM SMQ met bin Zayed
20/1/21 JB inauguration
19/2 India-China complete disengagement at Pangong Tso
25/2 DGsMO smoke peace pipe
26/2 UAE FM meets Indian counterpart SJ in New Delhi
1-4/3 Khalilzad in Kabul hand-delivers a letter from the secretary of state to top Afghan leadership including India on the table
10/3 India to buy 30 Predator UCAVs from US
13/3 UAE demands $1b back from bankrupt Pakis (possibly to speed things up)
19/3 QJB's "bury the past" offer
20/3 NaMo wishes IK speedy recovery from covid
1/5 The US-Taliban agreement stipulates that there should be no US troops left on Afghan soil

1 May is only 39 days away & total American withdrawal by then looks very iffy right now. May happen some months later if at all..

"The American people have wanted us out of Afghanistan probably for the last decade," said Rep. Ro Khanna, a leading progressive in Congress and member of the House Armed Services Committee, adding that the issue cuts across party lines.
"The president's goal is very, very clear," Blinken told members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in March 1 testimony. "It's to bring our troops home, and it's to ensure that Afghanistan does not become a haven for terrorism and an ongoing threat to the United States."
Paul Pillar, a former U.S. intelligence officer for the Near East and South Asia, said the lingering trauma of the Sept. 11 attacks makes any debate about Afghanistan particularly fraught.

There's a "reluctance on the part of any U.S. administration to pull the plug on the Afghanistan endeavor," lest it be followed by another terrorist attack connected to the country, he said during a March 11 forum.

"Then the administration that did the pull out would be taking the political heat for it,"
Indian PoV:
The Afghan polity is highly divided, with each side trying to ensure their political survival – but New Delhi believes that they won’t go beyond a certain bottom line in allowing Pakistani influence over the power-sharing architecture.

“Their goal and our goal are pretty much the same. They cannot tolerate the idea of an Afghanistan strategically subservient to Pakistan,” explained an Indian official.
In the Afghan chess board all players from the AFG leadership to Taliban to countries part of the negotiations are all fighting to save their interests- the Great Game is well and truly underway!


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
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I think going hot and cold will keep on happening between India/Pak. That is partially due to our weakness wrt to economic/global standing, no country will take up with such nonsense.

Trust Paki to go back to monkey business, if nothing else conditioning of their masses will make sure that happens. Modi just need to be very careful as any friendly gesture will be used against him domestically.

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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Pakis must always remember that what their forces had faced in jalalabad in 1989.
Paki invasion of Afghanistan was stopped in jalalabad.
Their was huge casualties of paki forces who were dressed as Muhaijddin.
Hamid gul was sacked by benazir button was his poor battle performance in jalalabad.
Paki establishment must be taking revenge of these incident faced in past
Paki invasion of Afghanistan?


Senior Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Paki invasion of Afghanistan?
RAW successfully divided Muhaijddin factons.
Ahmad shah Massoud didn't provide his forces due to RAW influence.
Muhaijddin under gul was facing a acute shortage of men .
So pak army dressed as Muhaijddin and fought in jalalabad and RAW armed afghan government with weapons and stopped indirect invasion of pak in Afghanistan.
It was huge set back for Pakistan and it can never recovered from this defeat

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
Country flag
RAW successfully divided Muhaijddin factons.
Ahmad shah Massoud didn't provide his forces due to RAW influence.
Muhaijddin under gul was facing a acute shortage of men .
So pak army dressed as Muhaijddin and fought in jalalabad and RAW armed afghan government with weapons and stopped indirect invasion of pak in Afghanistan.
It was huge set back for Pakistan and it can never recovered from this defeat
Ah , massoud the lion of panjshir .
Northern alliance, I see


Senior Member
Apr 13, 2013
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I have learned something from all the events happening from last 2 months. The global left agenda changed from attacking modi to dethrone bjp. Every possible factor which boosted votes for modi will be nullified & the 2 major factors of Hinduism & Nationalism will be handled such that they no longer gets you votes. Without pak & china poking us there is no fuel for nationalism. Will have to see what they gonna do to hindus such that they start hating modi, mostly economic & roadblocks, even these peace deals + social media wishes have made a lot of people mad but not so much that they stop voting?
Progress in real world and scientific achievements can consolidate nationalism at a pride level, which will inturn factor into votes in favor of Modi Govt and BJP.
Global left agenda cant do anything about it...They will ofcourse focus on internal what they are doing in USA.
need to flush out the parallel economy running this show..especially on drug money.
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