India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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They could fit 300 little piggies in there?
I think that number is exaggerated, but whatever happened, it caused assorted Paki bots to come out of the woodwork even two fucking years later to push memes like
>4 crows and 2 trees
>"Chai accha laga?"
>"Saboot kya hay iska Henduo?"

and the more rare
>"Haha moot peenay walo, khud ka Helicopter uda diya tum jahilo nay! "

Ironic the average urbanite Dindu will believe all this bullsht, meanwhile if tomorrow a war happens, and there is a tricolour permanently over the Badshahi Mosque in Lahor, the Piggies will still not believe it.

It is quite easy to demoralize an Indian rather than a Piggy.
Guess religious delusions have their perks.
Although not conclusive, I still believe Abhinandan shot down F-16, because atleast IAF bothered to show radar data, and put forth its side of the story..
On balakot bombing, apart from those khoofiya sources, we have nothing. I would like GOI to do more w.r.t convincing indians, because we ain't brain dead goat f**kers..


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Feb 28, 2016
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Osama killing was acknowledged by al qaeda 4 days later on May 6. US released footage of al baghdadi raid.. and there was/is no official acknowledgement of 300 terrorists killed during the balakot raid by Pakistan..
I know India has some real roohani ISR tech that forces us to not divulge any detail / proof.. lest we may compromise ourselves :crazy:
It's more like they don't want to "force" the piggies to declare an *economically destructive* war on India by humiliating them with evidence of the strikes.
The average Dindu doesn't care about "humiliation" and has a short term memory.
The average Suwwar -e- Momins of Pakiland do however, if india isn't given a conventional "retaliation" for any "humiliation" inflicted on them, the Piggies will turn on their Jernail masters and political proxies.
Which will force them to go into a conventional war.
Now both Bharat Sarkar and the Jernaildom of Pakiland know that conventional wars have destructive effects on economy $$$.
So both seek to avoid such an eventuality.

In the aftermath of 1971, by 1972 Bhutto was deposed in a military coup and was hanging.


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Apr 29, 2020
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Osama killing was acknowledged by al qaeda 4 days later on May 6. US released footage of al baghdadi raid.. and there was/is no official acknowledgement of 300 terrorists killed during the balakot raid by Pakistan..
I know India has some real roohani ISR tech that forces us to not divulge any detail / proof.. lest we may compromise ourselves :crazy:
Bro our situation is just like kargil , 1971,1947 , 1965 war
Pakistan never admits losses in kargil.
1965,1947 are their victory.
1971 was defeat due to sazish.
For porkis we Indians are baniyas who can do nothing. So just to make their people feel. Indians did nothing.
Porkis victory lies in accepting nothing
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Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Bro our situation is just like kargil , 1971,1947 , 1965 war
Pakistan never admits losses in kargil.
1965,1947 are their victory.
1971 was defeat due to sazish.
For porkis we Indians are baniyas who can do nothing. So just to make their people feel. Indians did nothing.
Porkis victory lie is accepting nothing
Let Pakis not accept their losses.. its their choice.. My only request is that India release some proof, to buttress its claims..

Shashank Nayak

New Member
Nov 27, 2017
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It's more like they don't want to "force" the piggies to declare an *economically destructive* war on India by humiliating them with evidence of the strikes.
The average Dindu doesn't care about "humiliation" and has a short term memory.
The average Suwwar -e- Momins of Pakiland do however, if india isn't given a conventional "retaliation" for any "humiliation" inflicted on them, the Piggies will turn on their Jernail masters and political proxies.
Which will force them to go into a conventional war.
Now both Bharat Sarkar and the Jernaildom of Pakiland know that conventional wars have destructive effects on economy $$$.
So both seek to avoid such an eventuality.

In the aftermath of 1971, by 1972 Bhutto was deposed in a military coup and was hanging.
Well.. by that logic, we should have never forced a surrender on Pakistan in 1971, because that would cause west Pakistan, to declare a war of annhiliation against India, to reclaim some honour. Or maybe Indira had a lot more b*lls than Modi.. ?

Why do you feel that Pakistan would launch a suicidal conventional war, just because we furnished some proof. They might as well lob a few more bombs on our military installations, and claim to have decimated it and killed N number of colonels and major generals and Paki awam might as well believe it.
I have come across the logic you advance, often, but to me it is just a sorry excuse for either lack of capability or cowardice .


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Feb 28, 2016
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Well.. by that logic, we should have never forced a surrender on Pakistan in 1971, because that would cause west Pakistan, to declare a war of annhiliation against India, to reclaim some honour. Or maybe Indira had a lot more b*lls than Modi.. ?

Why do you feel that Pakistan would launch a suicidal conventional war, just because we furnished some proof. They might as well lob a few more bombs on our military installations, and claim to have decimated it and killed N number of colonels and major generals and Paki awam might as well believe it.
I have come across the logic you advance, often, but to me it is just a sorry excuse for either lack of capability or cowardice .
They were already defeated by then.
Half the country cut off.
Which is why 2 years later Bhutto was hanging, he was a scapegoat to calm the Paki masses.

What we saw was an "act of war", it could have escalated into a full scale war.
GoI didn't want any actual war, which is why during the Balakot strikes they were going on ad inifinitum WE ONLY HIT TERRORIST LAUNCHPADS, NOT ACTUAL PAKISTANI MILITARY FACILITIES continuously.

Cruise missile

Tihar Jail
Nov 30, 2020
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The US doesn't care whether an F-16 gets shot down or not, the fact that people still believe that is supreme ignorance. For starters the F-16 is already one of the most successful export programs in existence with the aircraft being sold to 40 different countries, so they've already milked the export potential of it to a maximum. Second, a downed aircraft is the reputational liability and onus of the relevant air force, not the manufacturer. This is acknowledged world wide as fact, especially by forces who know the reality of air combat. Fact of the matter is that the IAF has shown gross incompetence in it's ability to carry out it's job, there's no two ways about it. I can count 3 different massive fuck ups by the Airforce within a span of a week, all of which have ample proof discounting the IAFs statements and embarrassing the Indian air force's reputation as a capable force.
Well there was pain in America ass bcz f16 was shot down by russian mig 21 it is evident from the fact that pentagon activated it's propaganda asset named foreign policy to publish fake story regarding count of f16 which was later refuted by themselves.


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Apr 29, 2020
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The US doesn't care whether an F-16 gets shot down or not, the fact that people still believe that is supreme ignorance. For starters the F-16 is already one of the most successful export programs in existence with the aircraft being sold to 40 different countries, so they've already milked the export potential of it to a maximum. Second, a downed aircraft is the reputational liability and onus of the relevant air force, not the manufacturer. This is acknowledged world wide as fact, especially by forces who know the reality of air combat. Fact of the matter is that the IAF has shown gross incompetence in it's ability to carry out it's job, there's no two ways about it. I can count 3 different massive fuck ups by the Airforce within a span of a week, all of which have ample proof discounting the IAFs statements and embarrassing the Indian air force's reputation as a capable force.
What will happen if f35 would be shoot down by s400 in case of war. If US conforms shooting of f35. Countries would cancel slales of f35. S400 would come in limelight in world market. F16 is still valuable for sales


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Apr 29, 2020
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The F-35 is not a decades old piece of equipment like the F-16 that has seen it's prime dissipate, and the S400 is NEVER going to get that opportunity in it's lifetime. The F-35 can obliterate the S-400 from hundreds of kilometers away and well beyond the S400s no escape zone of it's furthest hitting missile, forget letting it be detected in the first place. Frankly the S400 purchase is a waste of 5 billion dollars, we do not need to worry about air superiority against Pakistan and the entire Chinese frontier is blocked with mountains. Not ot mention we have the XR-SAM under development as we speak anyway. There's FAR better and more criitcal programs that need money, like AMCA.
US air Force can test s400 by flying f35 over moscow city. Then we will be belive f35 can obliterate s400


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Apr 29, 2020
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That's frankly an idiotic statement, why in hell would the USAF need to push into moscow to do it's job when AGAIN it can destroy it from hundreds of kilometers away, and for what reason would the USAF declare war on Russia???
Their are no proof of your saying that f35 will obliterate s400. If their is any proof in real war then give us.


लड़ते लड़ते जीना है, लड़ते लड़ते मरना है
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Aug 10, 2020
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Why are we leaving out the 5 AMRAAM's that 'missed' their targets from scrutiny?

Can't find a bigger 'lawl' moment for sooper-dooper American hardware.
Ya'll Nibbiars during the Gulf Wars they launched their missiles in thousands like hope atlest one missile hit the target and I am talking about the static ground targets. That much super Duper their Weapons are's.
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New Member
Oct 27, 2019
If Balakot was a failed mission, then how come 300 crows died?
as admitted in their own news channel, by their retired military analysts recently.

Now, let's apply this perception yardstick to USA, who is also claiming to fight counter insurgency for the last 2 decades:

US hasn't released any footage of Bin-Laden dead body (since 2011) or that of Al Bagdadi, while claiming military mileage out of it. They are claiming sucessful raids against top Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorist for last 2 decade, yet no dead body picture?
After each US strike on HVTs in Paki, Afghanistan and Iraq, any media who questioned the villagers following day, say that no terrorist were there and lot of civilians mainly women and children were killed. But global media run by CNN and BBC syndicate claim victory after each raid, make movies and web-series based on them.
The terrorists groups usually announce death of there leaders and pick new ones. It happened for both Bin Laden and Al-Bagdadi after US Raids. When US claims they did something they must have done it because it’s there reputation on the line. When US claims they killed HVT and get it wrong they will be targeted world wide, The reputation of the US Military will be tarnished and enemies of the US will make it a spectacle questioning American capabilities on the battlefield. US also usually releases Video of the raid, Pictures of the HVT or captured items from the strike to prove there claims.
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New Member
Jan 31, 2016
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If Balakot was a failed mission, then how come 300 crows died?
as admitted in their own news channel, by their retired military analysts recently.

Now, let's apply this perception yardstick to USA, who is also claiming to fight counter insurgency for the last 2 decades:

US hasn't released any footage of Bin-Laden dead body (since 2011) or that of Al Bagdadi, while claiming military mileage out of it. They are claiming sucessful raids against top Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorist for last 2 decade, yet no dead body picture?
After each US strike on HVTs in Paki, Afghanistan and Iraq, any media who questioned the villagers following day, say that no terrorist were there and lot of civilians mainly women and children were killed. But global media run by CNN and BBC syndicate claim victory after each raid, make movies and web-series based on them.
Their "admission" about 300 is an edited video. Listen to it carefully again.


New Member
Oct 27, 2019
US air Force can test s400 by flying f35 over moscow city. Then we will be belive f35 can obliterate s400
Israel used F-15s and F-35s over Syria against Assad’s forces who were protected by Russian S-200s, S-300s and S-400s and some older Russian systems but not even one Israeli fighter was shot down by these systems. Russian systems had Golden opportunities to show the world there capabilities and destroy the reputation of both the US and Israel but they failed to do both of that.
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New Member
Apr 29, 2020
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Israel used F-15s and F-35s over Syria against Assad’s forces who were protected by Russian S-300s and S-400s and some older Russian systems and not even one Israeli fighter was shot down by these systems. Russian systems had golden opportunities to show the world there capabilities but they failed to do that.
See what happened to f16.
A Israeli f 16 was shoot down in 2018
I am not doubting quality of USAF fighter jet. They are world class.


New Member
Feb 28, 2019
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IMHO our mkis jamming and dodging 5 american AMRAAMs missiles was the biggest thing .

Funny it not mentioned anywhere.

LOL . pakis must feel real secure now.
We displayed one AMRAAM dud during the press conference. That was a tight enough jhappad for Uncle Sam and his good for nothing Munna.
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