India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Sep 5, 2015
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Point is - Army is not a decision centre. It is a tool to enforce the will of the Govt.

The WHAT and WHEN is the responsibility of the Govt. Once the WHAT and WHEN is figured out, the Army can take care of the HOW.
Apart from WHAT & WHEN, the government is also responsible for all the WHAT IFs & CONSEQUENCES when the dust gets settled that is why No democratically elected government would like to be trigger happy.
I wish there may be a plan set in motion to invade PoK but on the ground there is no such thing happening;
A War, after all, is not fought without logistics. Or May be Modi like Indira Gandhi is waiting for winter to set in to repeat 1971 in the western sector!!
As of now, I am more concern about the retaliation against Handwara attack.

Underground Soldier

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Apr 6, 2020
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Until and unless you kill Pakistan officers and their childrens nothing can be done. Slaughter them and they will come to their senses. Otherwise this will continue and we will keep on losing our men. Remember the number of Taliban strikes in Pakistan b4 APS. PA was enjoying looting ppl. How a single APS brought them to their senses and they started running like dogs. That's the need of time.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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Guys.. get used to this for the next couple of months...there is nothing significant that India will do for the next couple of months... Indian Navy and air force will be busy with the largest evacuation of Indians in history.. 2 million Indians are to be evacuated from camel country alone.. This is the time to rise and shine for Pakistan..


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Apr 6, 2019
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It will be a self defeating idea if we begin to question the utility of gaining additional land in J&K. The Chinese took Aksai Chin which was a barren piece of land.

The battle is also Psychological. Any gain of territory by us will demoralise the Pak Army. We only need to leak the info in the press and on social media so that the Pak public reads it. It will create enormous pressure on the Pak army to respond. If they don't respond they lose face. If they respond they will have to fight a conventional war with a much stronger India. That outcome is a known. They will get f**c*d up.

Taking territory on the international border in Gujarat or elsewhere may get the nuclear angle in focus. All of J&K is Indian territory as per our Parliamentary resolution. We do not recognise Pak control over any part of J&K. So the situation is different from Gujarat in the case of Kashmir. We are fully justified in taking back our land.

Of course if there is total war borders anywhere do not count and we will go into Pakistan from all sides.
Sir creek harami nala is disputed in Gujrat coast and as it stands Pak navy incompetent to defend advancing Indian Navy.
Again LoC is not like plain international border to advance. Few peaks we dominate few they and LoC runs through river in some parts and in range of artillery fire. Even if you move forward advancing will be fired from high peaks and difficult to hold the position. If that was so easy Haji pir pass would be ours by now. Only thing we can get is through full fledge War.


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Dec 19, 2019
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Occupying any part of Pakistan is out of the question. We're a defensive force at best and sustained COIN ops post occupation at such scales would only cause more loss of life on our end. Part of the solution lies in crippling Pakistan's warfighting capability. That's not going to happen with military strikes alone. Their economy and whatever shitty social order they have has to collapse alongside their millitary. At the moment, our government doesn't seem to be doing anything towards any of that.

The second part is on the homefront itself. Our nation will never progress as long as its population holds on to multiple identities and multiple power centers influence those identities to their will. Civilizational wars cannot be won if the country can't integrate itself under one civilizational identity. This government has failed miserably on that front too, they prefer to just watch from the sidelines as the country crumbles from within. If a so called nationalist government is this way, then I'm afraid all hope is lost. Pak sponsored jihad, home grown jihad, commie jihad will all continue in a rinse repeat cycle and we the armchair commandoes will continue to whine our lives away.

Shashank Nayak

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Nov 27, 2017
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I think what he wants to say is that our navy wil strike their naval targets karachi port or ships etc.
Dude navy will be busy ferrying indians from camel country for the next couple of months.. There is nothing coming from the navy...Air force too will be tied down with this.. This is an opening for Pakistan to make mischief...


जय परशुराम‍।
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Oct 7, 2015
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Immediate action would be to keep the tempo high of counter insurgency operation & as well as LoC strikes ,Modi has again called out pakis in NAM summit,when you start chipping away territory it is a tangible resource pakis have limited unlike their Jihadi Madarasa supply chain ,capturing territory in PoK should be a effective deterrent against pakis


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Apr 21, 2020
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I don't give a damm about your suggestions keep them to yourself.
Quote apparent. A professional tried to present a point, yet you failed to understand the point put forth oh Chairborne Warrior

Bullshit in a firefight windows will be fine curtains will be there what nonsense how do you know the window was not shot and blown away.
How do you know I do not know how to undertake Room Entry operations in a typical Kashmir village set up and I do not know the area, the terrain and the outfit?

Let us now revisit interaction with you:

I'm still not able to understand what the hell is wrong with our army.

It is really making my head hurt.

I am unable to understand if NSG could have bought those drones why didn't the army just why.

They didn't say purchase a few from NSG themselves just why.

And then I read about the ops starting at daybreak at this point even talking about night vision seems a waste since they won't buy it anyways.

I just don't understand it really doesn't cost much at all a few funds can surely be set aside.

There needs to be some serious checking of the army top brass too much corruption is going on and it's effecting our ops.
Would have asked if you had served, but it was quite apparent. Hence the quip under, after I read your interaction with a professional here, who, in all probability, has slept through more operations than you have discussed here.....


Reading your statements here, you are bang on for one thing - you have no clue really.
Please do correct me then.
And I did. With an open intent.

So replying.


Have a good sleep, drink coffee, wear shades if bright outside, use a Tablet Paracetamol, hydrate if you drink around 1 litre water maximum per day, stare at screen less. These will do away with the headache.

Have you been inside a village house in Handwara? Heck, can you tell me the unique characteristic of a Kashmiri house?

And what role can 'drones' play there? Not that RR does not have small drones...

???? What are you trying to say here?

Why do you think ops start at day break? Or BAT actions take place around 0300 am to 0500 am usually?

What do you think PNVG, PNVD, PNS doing on inventories in unit? Just reflective of a SKU on a shelf?

Yes you do not. It is like you buying a cruise ship and living in Delhi with it. Where will you use it?
Corruption? In operations?
The most pertinent and indicative points I have highlighted. Had you read them, understood why I wrote it, you would have had been able to understand that these are very pertinent and operationally decisive points.

So, your reply

Okay first thing what roles do drones play they you can send them ahead before the unit enters the house to check were the terrorists are hiding and get their location.

What I am saying is like crpf used the sherpa vehicles of NSG for testing army could do the same.

Bullshit these terrorists were trapped there for a long time so night ops was very possible.

Its just proper budget allocation.

No you fool in procurement.
If you are able to answer the unique characteristic of a Kashmiri House, you would be able to understand the hilarity of the first part of your answer above.

And night ops.... Do you think only IA has night vision scopes? Are you aware that the militants have them too, and some of them are Chinese ones for AK clones working on two AA Cells. Excellent stuff that is effective for engagements at 25 to 30 meters in a vegetated area. First time these light weight, easy to use PNVS was noted was at Op Bagtore 2011.

Now, you think a team moving across relatively open space at night has a better advantage when the other side also has night vision?

And if you had known this , you would have known the answer to why an assault is taken at first light. What is the effect of dawn lit sky and dark grounds on night vision devices?

The answer is in this and in your basic physiology.

So my attempt again, to engage. And perhaps to make you think for yourself the answers.

My Dear Friend.

Have numbered your disjoint sentences for clarity. So, here goes:

1. Can your drone enter a house with shuttered window and closed doors? If not, would you at least make some effort to think before posting such points? Also, do you know the characteristic of houses in that area? If you do, can you tell me what is so unique about them and how drones will be effective in it?

2. What is the width of the main street of Handwara? Am not even asking you to tell me the width of the streets around the house in the locality where the firefight took place?

3. I asked you a very simple question. Why are operations launched early morning? Do you have the answer or not? Simple question.

4. What is the proper budget allocation? For what?

5. Oh wise one, how is procurement done for RR units? Do educate out of your extensive experience.

To which a brilliant answer came as under:

And how do you know the window was close you went and saw it personally how do you know it was not blown in the firefight.
Because it is basic drill 101 ... taught to LeT, HM, JeM cadres ....

You think after 30 years, they are fools there, playing cowboys and indians?

And I told you properly they are done in the morning because we can't do them at night.
This was what you had said.

And then I read about the ops starting at daybreak at this point even talking about night vision seems a waste since they won't buy it anyways.

Proper budget allocation means prioritizing equipment based on needs.
So, you have a better idea of criticality of equipment? Why don't we have you at Perspective Planning then?

Oh wise one there often corruption scandals even in defense contracts ever heard of companies being blacklisted that's how it happens.
No, never heard of them. Do care to elaborate.


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Guys.. get used to this for the next couple of months...there is nothing significant that India will do for the next couple of months... Indian Navy and air force will be busy with the largest evacuation of Indians in history.. 2 million Indians are to be evacuated from camel country alone.. This is the time to rise and shine for Pakistan..
Exactly what pakis must have gotten on their calculations.
but the IA and think tanks know pakistan better than ayone..and they would have vectored all that.


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Jul 11, 2011
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OK Guys do not fret too much over the issue of Handwara...

If one notices carefully the entire Kashmir Vally has been divided into three distinct parts - That is North Kashmir, The Srinagar City, and South Kashmir.

Just see the trend of the last two years' operations to notice how Mahbooba's South Kashmir (such as Pulwama , Tral etc) had been the focus of terrorist operations. Naturally, it also became the focus of IA and SF operations. IA scored some major success in South Kashmir. South Kashmir thus is under considerable pressure.

It is a natural strategy for the terrorist to shift terrorist violent activities to North Kashmir in order to ease pressure on South Kashmir. Make IA shift attention, forces and resources from South to North.

Another indicator is that infiltration seems to have increased and that is why North Kashmir is witnessing increased activity being the major infiltration area.

In COIN ops maneuver is undertaken by opposing parties in this manner by swinging and projecting forces somewhere else. It is essential for IA and other SF not to ease any pressure from South Kashmir for a firefight in the North. Chinar Corps has the wherewithal to do that and manage infiltration and increased terrorist activities in North Kashmir. It definitely is a tactical maneuver on the part of ISI sponsored terrorist masters.

Keep South Kashmir under tight screws. Drive the bastards from Suth Kashmir and trap them in North Kashmir. North Kashmir is better for army type of operations and provides some military advantages to the military means.

That is my two cents.
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Jun 21, 2018
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Aaj ka hero

Has left
Oct 8, 2018
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I can write many things but I let all you see the videos which you all can see.
And also this
And this too
Well this has three parts so I urge you all to go there and see the rest parts.
Also see this
The thing you all guys can see here is that these pukies are desperately trying their age old method of thousand cuts because only in this time they can do that because after pandemic they can't, so they are trying to do their stupidity now.
So, atleast look at the big picture.


New Member
Apr 6, 2019
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Occupying any part of Pakistan is out of the question. We're a defensive force at best and sustained COIN ops post occupation at such scales would only cause more loss of life on our end. Part of the solution lies in crippling Pakistan's warfighting capability. That's not going to happen with military strikes alone. Their economy and whatever shitty social order they have has to collapse alongside their millitary. At the moment, our government doesn't seem to be doing anything towards any of that.

The second part is on the homefront itself. Our nation will never progress as long as its population holds on to multiple identities and multiple power centers influence those identities to their will. Civilizational wars cannot be won if the country can't integrate itself under one civilizational identity. This government has failed miserably on that front too, they prefer to just watch from the sidelines as the country crumbles from within. If a so called nationalist government is this way, then I'm afraid all hope is lost. Pak sponsored jihad, home grown jihad, commie jihad will all continue in a rinse repeat cycle and we the armchair commandoes will continue to whine our lives away.
These issues will be forever. We need strong headed person who can act than speak.
Indira had much to face still went ahead in 71 and liberated Bangladesh by countering USA who were breathing down our neck in bay of Bengal.
It was all coordinated for months by army/RAW/Govt.
Here we lack clear vision and lack of faith.
Heck we fear to use Arial assets in COIN ops let alone doing something like 71. This PoK Jaap by BJP is next political slogan like Ram Mandir/ 370 for next 30 years.


New Member
Apr 21, 2020
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Just see the trend of the last two years' operations to notice how Mahbooba's South Kashmir (such as Pulwama , Tral etc) had been the focus of terrorist operations.
It is because of the draw down of troops primarily which had taken place in earlier part of this decade till about 2015 and also the topography ... and ease of access for movement for ingressing militants across LC due to proximity of population centers and lower altitude and easy connectivity.

It is a natural strategy for the terrorist to shift terrorist violent activities to North Kashmir in order to ease pressure on South Kashmir. Make IA shift attention, forces and resources from South to North.
There is no shift of forces required. There respective RR force and sectors have the area well stitched up with CRPF South Kashmir and North Kashmir having their own forces to provide back up.

North has always been active - Handwara-Sopore-Lolab-Bandipore have always been active thanks to difficult terrain existing along Shamshabari and western edge having thick vegetations with smooth gradients and dense population centers.


New Member
Feb 27, 2019
Yea that's what I was thinking myself naval strike will be a big escalation if modi does it jai ho.
we need a easy valuable and above all highly visible target....We have already called their nuclear bullshit .. Anyways porkis dont have mind to retaliate in diff way....


New Member
Apr 6, 2019
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Something big will now happen. 100%

Iff elections were approaching Modi would have ranted 1000 times Pakistan in his 5 Min speech but now he is relectant to even name them? This is how politicians use army
Heck forget any action now just you will see hell lot of lollipop actions from OSINT guys on twitter with war like situation, posts blown, aise laga waise laga sab Jaga laga...
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