India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Senior Member
Oct 12, 2020
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The Gvt should've been seizing any of the n-number of such opportunities thrown to us by Pak. These are all essentially juicy full tosses being thrown during "Free Hits" - which the Gvt is deflecting on the backfoot.
The government has an excuse to retaliate disproportionally every time a pork terrorist is killed or when a CFV happens. They've never used it.


Dharma Dispatcher
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Nov 10, 2020
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Indian's are bankrolling their own destruction by steadily adding to a big fat trade deficit with the Chinese. The Chinese will keep bankrolling the Pakistan Army along with its two bit Ummah-Chummah birathers now and then.
It is only a matter of time before they hit a Somalia like state and start eating each other. Literally.
I agree that our trade deficit with chaina needs to be fixed .But guess our debt is leveraged over a market cap of 2.9-3 leveraging around 50%. Most of our debt is in fact payable in INR domestically.Now what are these figures for porkystan?250 billion leveraged over 50 billion market cap....about 5 times....10 times worse than India's rate. Made worse in recent years by the market cap halving.Hence the constant need to go to IMF for "top off bailout" and bhikhari pana intensifies every few years and submit in humiliating way to severe taxation/inflation on porkys lmao.

Easy answer really , for all practical purposes their military controls the government , their military gets more than enough funds from public and private sectors and nothing major gets done in Pakistan without bringing their top brass.
Very well explained . Thanks for your informative post dear sir . Its obvious porkyland has more voldemorts than harry potter could even dream of.


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2020
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Keeping it classy you say, hmmm........ Do you have any idea how many bright young chaps had we have had to lose and continue losing each year, in order for us to put up with the facade of keeping it classy and civilized??!! Do you have any idea how utterly heartless this statement would feel like, especially to the friends and families of the dead??!! If we were up against a more civilized opponent along the LoC, the PLA for example, I'd never advocate for such dastardly methods but these Pakis are not humans!! So why the heck should we treat them humanely, huh??
Perhaps I haven't been clear enough in what I wanted to convey. What I prescribe is not some Gandhi style non violence. Not fighting against adharma isn't going to make adharma go away. IMHO, the best way to go about it would be to follow the path of dharma. The Bhagwad Gita is a great manual on that. There's a reason Indian civilisation has lasted long as it has, while every other ancient culture has long crumbled around us.

If something seems stupid but actually bears a result, then it ain't stupid to me.

What do we know of the Paki pigs - that they are pisslamic fundamentalist nutjobs above all else (most of the lower-ranking ones and even a big chunk of their officer cadre are like that). And you know such nutjobs fear the most - not being able to enter jannat and cash in their 72s and as a result, the mere thought of either getting burned to a crisp (including cremation of their corpses) or somehow consuming pig meat gives them sleepless nights as doing either one of those would mean you'll never be granted entry into their jannat or some bullshit like that. So, you see, bullets dipped into pig blood and or burning their bodies will definitely have an impact on their psyche as you said it quite rightly yourself that the Pakis are known for their lack of education, this factor will

So, I ask you, if we can degrade their morale and their will to fight us using such tactics (albeit barbaric and brutal) and thus, helps us reduce the loss of lives on our side, then why should anyone have any objections to such practices. Or do your optics and lofty ideals take precedence over the lives of our fighting men??
All I'm saying is that, I don't know how much of an impact would slaughtering a helpless pig have on the Pakis. After all, the aasmani kitab expressly states that one of the goals of Islam upon world domination is to "exterminate all pigs". So, you see, their reason for not eating an animal is very different from ours.

So it'd appear. In my 24 years of existence, I'm yet to see this lady named Karma ever manifesting herself upon the wicked. I've watched high school bullies tormenting/beating the weaker kids and get away with it.
I've watched rapists and even murderers go scot-free. But not once, your karma did anything to those perps. So you may be willing to wait for some supposed karma or divine intervention to right what's been made wrong but you can count me out. If someone intentionally wrongs me, then it'd be only prudent to get back to him/her on my own and not wait for others to intervene.

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Give it another reading, a bit slower this time. Read it, process it, ruminate about it, and then post your reply.

Religion has got nothing to do with it, rest assured. My suggestion is grounded purely on the foundation of cold hard logic and practicality. Personally, I put no stock in religion.............any religion.

Then. perhaps, you haven't been paying close enough attention. The best example of how Karma works is the state of Pakistan today.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2019

UAE suspends issuance of visit visas to Pakistan, 11 other countries

hard times for inbred paki rejects

The other countries hit by the UAE government's fresh visa directives include Turkey, Iran, Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Somalia, Libya, Kenya and Afghanistan.

Their dads / grandfather included as well....


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
The Gvt should've been seizing any of the n-number of such opportunities thrown to us by Pak. These are all essentially juicy full tosses being thrown during "Free Hits" - which the Gvt is deflecting on the backfoot.
I don’t know man. One do not need any reason to go to war with rouge nation like China or Pakistan. The fact that we start investing our time and propaganda resources to establish a reason to attack them makes us defensive. Not to mention how that whole discourse is then stretched in multiple direction by traitors and Pakistani pimps of Indian media.

There is a grace in being aggressive by default and becoming absolutely determined that sooner or later we will teach a lesson to Pakistan and China sans any reason or casus-belli. We lack this grace very badly and live in a reactionary paradigm.

Our debates are founded on longing for peace and disengagement not war. The enemy knows it and machinates its strategic objective on our lack of initiative to start a conflict.

Do first improvise second.

There are never going to be perfect timings and perfect opportunities.


Senior Member
Feb 27, 2019
Another feather in the hats of Imran Khan and his trusted fm Shah Mehmood . As they love to say, " Boys played well"

View attachment 67207

So what has Imrand Khan achieved ?

1. No further MLU or spares , engineering support for the Mirage 3 and Mirage 5 fleet . Mirage 5 forms the bed rock of their night time precision strike and deep strike insides enemy territory capabilities . They can proceed ahead with their own MLU though. Dassault won't be there to iron out the faults .

2. No further support for the decades old Atar 9 series of engines . This is where Pakistan will really feel the heat.

3. No digitization or further upgrades of their Crotale Sam system. Meaning no spiral upgrades to the radars, the user interface like the displays, no digitization of missile electronics , no improvements in PSP ,etc .

4. No further upgrades or OEM support for their Agosta 90B fleet . Same applies for theirolder Agosta. But they will be decommissioned soon .

Shishir Gupta is wrong in some places. The Agosta 90B already has AIP. What he meant perhaps was that Naval Group won't be replacing the components of AIP which have exhausted their technical life like the fuel cell or swap out some of its components which needs replacement . All in all great.

As Rahul Gandhi likes to say, . Tata . Finished . Bye bye .
France have specifically asked qatar to keep their hired inbred porkis away from rafaels ...


Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
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I don’t know man. One do not need any reason to go to war with rouge nation like China or Pakistan. The fact that we start investing our time and propaganda resources to establish a reason to attack them makes us defensive. Not to mention how that whole discourse is then stretched in multiple direction by traitors and Pakistani pimps of Indian media.

There is a grace in being aggressive by default and becoming absolutely determined that sooner or later we will teach a lesson to Pakistan and China sans any reason or casus-belli. We lack this grace very badly and live in a reactionary paradigm.

Our debates are founded on longing for peace and disengagement not war. The enemy knows it and machinates its strategic objective on our lack of initiative to start a conflict.

Do first improvise second.

There are never going to be perfect timings and perfect opportunities.
Yes we missed many opportunities.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2019
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Rudali started..wait for some time.. Modi ji aise kuch nhi bolte..
wAiT f0R sOMe tImE ....

Aur kitna time? Is 70 years of this not enough for you? Has Modi not had 6 fucking years in power already? How much more fucking time do you want? It's time to start pounding those motherfuckers.

PoJK is slowly being giftwrapped with a bow for China to take over through CPEC - eventually the Chinese presence will increase to where it becomes untouchable, Hindus are being whittled away on a daily basis in Sindh, Balochistan is being purged by the day in anticipation of BRI projects (w/ Chinese strategic assets arriving there too), PTM movement & groups like TTP were catching momentum and building up pressure but thanks to presumptive lack of support have fizzled out and disappeared from news, our own soldiers and civilians die routinely in terror attacks and ceasefire violations at the hands of enemies like terrorists & foot soldiers whose lives are completely cheap & dispensable for the enemy while idiots celebrate killing a couple more of theirs in exchange for several of ours.

Muhhhhh Rudali. Muhhhhh Modiji sab kuch soch ke hi karte hain. Surgical strikes are great. But a couple standalone strikes don't solve these problems, nor can they substitute a serious policy or approach.

Naya aaya hai idhar, mere saath bhidne se pehle in sab cheezon mein zara dimaag laga (agar ho toh).
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Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
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wAiT f0R sOMe tImE ....

Aur kitna time? Is 70 years of this not enough for you? Has Modi not had 6 fucking years in power already? How much more fucking time do you want? It's time to start pounding those motherfuckers.

PoJK is slowly being giftwrapped with a bow for China to take over through CPEC - eventually the Chinese presence will increase to where it becomes untouchable, Hindus are being whittled away on a daily basis in Sindh, Balochistan is being purged by the day in anticipation of BRI projects (w/ Chinese strategic assets arriving there too), soldiers and civilians die routinely in terror attacks and ceasefire violations at the hands of enemies like terrorists & foot soldiers whose lives are completely cheap & dispensable for the enemy while idiots celebrate killing a couple more of theirs in exchange for several of ours.

Muhhhhh Rudali. Muhhhhh Modiji sab kuch soch ke hi karte hain. Surgical strikes are great. But a couple standalone strikes don't solve these problems, nor can they substitute a serious policy or approach.

Naya aaya hai idhar, mere saath bhidne se pehle in sab cheezon mein zara dimaag laga.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2010
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We are too much deluded by the bullshit of aman ki tamasha ,never attacked anyone,Gandhian values etc which are leaders brag about .
Like how China says it a peaceful country ? There is no problem if leaders brag about its good optics, but our leaders seems to take this shit too seriously. But things are changing for the better, so stay hopeful.


Senior Member
Sep 9, 2020
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Like how China says it a peaceful country ? There is no problem if leaders brag about its good optics, but our leaders seems to take this shit too seriously. But things are changing for the better, so stay hopeful.
Our leaders take this thing seriously because most of our people seriously believe in that distorted gandhian philosophy of ahimsa crap. Trust me nobody in my locality want even a small scale war. In my highschool WhatsApp group all my classmates don't want a war even if there is a chance india will win. They don't understand difference between small scale war and real war. Simply fattu distorted ahimsa tard they are. Majority of our people and our leaders are like this don't wanna take risk ignore the problem.
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Freezer Dam

Regular Member
Aug 18, 2019
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Don't overread. Managing to neutralize 4 tangos on time is itself a successful action. Rest don't expect big action on LoC until and unless Terrorist manage to do something in the valley.
Sorry, but PM's tweet is uncommon in nature...He tweeted it today where as encounter happened yesterday, that's rare...


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2019
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No No please, continue celebrating the occasional sURgiCaL sTriKe once every few years. Modi can fight everything from national, to state, to city council elections on that strike - and those talking about Muhhhh Rudali can console themselves with those strikes while we continue the same old 70 year old ping pong game of "2 of ours, 4 of theirs"

This was a big fuckin attack planned on the Anniversary of 26/11 FFS. Hard, visible retaliation should've already happened - with full preparation to handle a Paki response and drag them up the escalation ladder as opposed to 2016 and 2019.

But Republic/Times Now will run some story of "pinpoint artillery strikes on launchpads" w/ unknown casualties for the hundredth time and we'll all just go to bed happy.


Senior Member
Jun 20, 2010
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Our leaders take this thing seriously because most of our people seriously believe in that distorted gandhian philosophy of ahimsa crap. Trust me nobody in my locality want even a small scale war. In my highschool WhatsApp group all my classmates don't want a war even if there is a chance india w8ll win. They don't understand difference between small scale war and real war. Simply fattu distorted ahimsa tard they are. Majority of our people and our leaders are like this don't wanna take risk ignore the problem.
When we teach or kids that we got our independece due to gandhiji's non violent movement you'll get this result. Pro actively tackling threats doesn't exist in our discord. How else can you explain tropes like "we have to ''wait'' for a terror attack to respond", because "if we did, what would other countries say", "we don't want our soldiers to die", "war is not good for economy", "we should be an example for other countries".
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