India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Senior Member
Oct 12, 2020
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Another question that arises is are there *only* four piggies or are there more piggies out in the wild? Or are the collaborators of the piggies in on this scheme?

Pulwama wouldn’t be possible without local support
Yeah, the guns were meant for locals. Already trained ones. Sleeper cells. The fact that these guys can travel so freely between Srinagar and Muzzaffarabad is scary, to be frank. Catching one of those cinst alive would have been so good. If the local terrorists aren't caught, they will do some kind of attack in the future...

Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
Senior Member
Aug 28, 2019
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Or wiping the ass using quran.
The guy from this YouTube channel actually ate the Qur'an (I think the Sura verses) and spit it out.........

I'm puzzled

Khaana nahi mila to t*tti se kaam chala liya


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2019
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That explains the pre-emptive CAPS/AWACS deployment and what not from Pakis. Wonder what made them try to provoke something this big though, did they expect China to jump into a 2 front war in the middle of winter with passes closing/closed?

Fuckers are showing a real suicidal streak lately, but of course our Gvt won't oblige them.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Dunno about that. I think our Army does a pretty good job of that, while keeping it classy.
Keeping it classy you say, hmmm........ Do you have any idea how many bright young chaps had we have had to lose and continue losing each year, in order for us to put up with the facade of keeping it classy and civilized??!! Do you have any idea how utterly heartless this statement would feel like, especially to the friends and families of the dead??!! If we were up against a more civilized opponent along the LoC, the PLA for example, I'd never advocate for such dastardly methods but these Pakis are not humans!! So why the heck should we treat them humanely, huh??
Pakis are known for their lack of education, and it shows. Indulging in such juvenile acts in this day and age is plain idiotic.
If something seems stupid but actually bears a result, then it ain't stupid to me.

What do we know of the Paki pigs - that they are pisslamic fundamentalist nutjobs above all else (most of the lower-ranking ones and even a big chunk of their officer cadre are like that). And you know such nutjobs fear the most - not being able to enter jannat and cash in their 72s and as a result, the mere thought of either getting burned to a crisp (including cremation of their corpses) or somehow consuming pig meat gives them sleepless nights as doing either one of those would mean you'll never be granted entry into their jannat or some bullshit like that. So, you see, bullets dipped into pig blood and or burning their bodies will definitely have an impact on their psyche as you said it quite rightly yourself that the Pakis are known for their lack of education, this factor will

So, I ask you, if we can degrade their morale and their will to fight us using such tactics (albeit barbaric and brutal) and thus, helps us reduce the loss of lives on our side, then why should anyone have any objections to such practices. Or do your optics and lofty ideals take precedence over the lives of our fighting men??

I see. My experience of life has been diametrically opposite. I've seen Karma manifesting itself numerous times in my own life.
So it'd appear. In my 24 years of existence, I'm yet to see this lady named Karma ever manifesting herself upon the wicked. I've watched high school bullies tormenting/beating the weaker kids and get away with it.
I've watched rapists and even murderers go scot-free. But not once, your karma did anything to those perps. So you may be willing to wait for some supposed karma or divine intervention to right what's been made wrong but you can count me out. If someone intentionally wrongs me, then it'd be only prudent to get back to him/her on my own and not wait for others to intervene.

Acts of brutalizing animals to prove a point is a patently Abrahamic tendency.

Give it another reading, a bit slower this time. Read it, process it, ruminate about it, and then post your reply.
I for one wouldn't want to turn into that.
Religion has got nothing to do with it, rest assured. My suggestion is grounded purely on the foundation of cold hard logic and practicality. Personally, I put no stock in religion.............any religion.


United States of Hindu Empire
May 29, 2009
That explains the pre-emptive CAPS/AWACS deployment and what not from Pakis. Wonder what made them try to provoke something this big though, did they expect China to jump into a 2 front war in the middle of winter with passes closing/closed?

Fuckers are showing a real suicidal streak lately, but of course our Gvt won't oblige them.
I predicted this soon Trump lost the election that Pakistan has started to plan terrorist strikes in India.


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2019
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I predicted this soon Trump lost the election that Pakistan has started to plan terrorist strikes in India.
The Gvt should've been seizing any of the n-number of such opportunities thrown to us by Pak. These are all essentially juicy full tosses being thrown during "Free Hits" - which the Gvt is deflecting on the backfoot.
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