India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Brood Father

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Jun 27, 2015
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They kill hapless cows and we slaughter their mard e momins. That's the difference between us and them. Mohra Encounter pic. Mard e momins after gunfight with 4 PARA SF

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India should cremate their bodies by reading Gayatri mantra and tell the world that we have purified them from the evil in full media coverage.

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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There are more incidents about Momin behavior towards Hindus or even other folks like Sikhs when they haven't been harmed by the kaffirs specifically involving cows.

In Multan there was this golden murti of Suyra with big red rubies for eyes, inside a grand temple, during the invasion of whatever the fuck Caliphate there was, the rubies were taken out from the eyes, and beef was put on the murti to insult and humiliate the Hindus.

During some Afghan invasion, I guess it was Abdali? I don't remember precisely though, but the Harmandir Sahib came under their control, and the pool around it was filled with cow carcasses.

There is also the whole tower of skulls in delhi thing during babur's invasion was it? idk which one did it, but this was a reality.

This is practically their default behavior, only we practice MoRaLs against these people.
In delhi it is called chor minar.
There were many such masonry work made during sultante and mughals .
Peter mundy an Brit traveler has said many such towers were being built during shahjahan rule too.
Dakkhan was worst affectd , people (read Hindus )
Were hosted on poles and left there ,till they died .
Sold as slaves if failed to pay taxes .
This punishment of crushing by elephants was invented by sultante era.
Flogging till death , dragged by horse till dead etc were their methods of torture and execution and very regularly they did so .
Gupta era india was complete opposite .
Nobody even killed animals, let alone humans , no death penalty etc .
General humane nature of society .
Which Hindus still are to some. Extent .
Blowing by cannons is mughal execution method .
Basically , when barbarians of central asia will rule you who have no sense of human life of developed civilization etc .
Will act in their own way because for them weak don't deserve to live , it's their ingrained conscience , it's a dogs world for them.
But here the weak were not troubled in fact protected by the strong and protected by law do read about nitisastra by kamadaka or kshatriya dharma , when that failed you get misery upon your civilization .


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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The aim shouldn't be to match them in barbarity.
No, the aim should be to exceed them. That's how the British tamed the Pakhtun motherfuckers and Maharaja Ranbir Singh before them. These goat-fuckers only understand one language and that's the language of violence, my brother.
Their karma will come to bite them back.
Karma is a myth. Only the weak and hapless speak of karma whereas the strong just do their thing while not giving a single fuck to anyone. I for one would rather be among the 2nd group than in the 1st one.
Let them stew in their own bile. Brutalizing animals for such purposes was never the dharmic way.
You don't have to slaughter extra pigs just for this purpose alone!! You could just get the blood of those that are killed for daily consumption, import it from Nepal and Bhutan if the local supply can not keep up with the demand. :D

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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No, the aim should be to exceed them. That's how the British tamed the Pakhtun motherfuckers and Maharaja Ranbir Singh before them. These goat-fuckers only understand one language and that's the language of violence, my brother.

Karma is a myth. Only the weak and hapless speak of karma whereas the strong just do their thing while not giving a single fuck to anyone. I for one would rather be among the 2nd group than in the 1st one.

You don't have to slaughter extra pigs just for this purpose alone!! You could just get the blood of those that are killed for daily consumption, import it from Nepal and Bhutan if the local supply can not keep up with the demand. :D
Karma is what , strong bring to their enemies .
Revenge is karma .
I agree with you here


Senior Member
Jun 25, 2020
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No, the aim should be to exceed them. That's how the British tamed the Pakhtun motherfuckers and Maharaja Ranbir Singh before them. These goat-fuckers only understand one language and that's the language of violence.
Dunno about that. I think our Army does a pretty good job of that, while keeping it classy. Pakis are known for their lack of education, and it shows. Indulging in such juvenile acts in this day and age is plain idiotic.

Karma is a myth. Only the weak and hapless speak of karma whereas the strong just do their thing while not giving a single fuck to anyone. I for one would rather be among the 2nd group than in the 1st one.
I see. My experience of life has been diametrically opposite. I've seen Karma manifesting itself numerous times in my own life.

Acts of brutalizing animals to prove a point is a patently Abrahamic tendency. I for one wouldn't want to turn into that.


Golgappe Expert
Oct 2, 2018
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Pakistan's intentions are getting quite obvious now. They are planning to conduct a large-scale terror attack now that we are pinned on the eastern border by China.

If we counter-attack like doing airstrikes/surgical strikes, Pakistan will try to join the 2-front conflict with China using that as an excuse.

Tactical Doge

𝕱𝖔𝖔𝖑𝖘 𝖗𝖚𝖘𝖍 𝖆𝖓𝖉 𝖆𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖑𝖘 𝖋𝖊𝖆𝖗
Senior Member
Aug 28, 2019
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Pakistan's intentions are getting quite obvious now. They are planning to conduct a large-scale terror attack now that we are pinned on the eastern border by China.

If we counter-attack like doing airstrikes/surgical strikes, Pakistan will try to join the 2-front conflict with China using that as an excuse.
Our intelligence agencies are probably working overtime trying to avoid that kind of a situation,
Vikram Sood explains the shortcomings of R&AW in a very thorough manner
According to him ISI is a very effective establishment


Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
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Pakistan's intentions are getting quite obvious now. They are planning to conduct a large-scale terror attack now that we are pinned on the eastern border by China.

If we counter-attack like doing airstrikes/surgical strikes, Pakistan will try to join the 2-front conflict with China using that as an excuse.
Winter has arrived.


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2016
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Why is Modi Ji tweeting on an encounter which is like a daily occurrence in these areas? This is not normal and maybe signifies potential kinetic action in the days to follow
Ground is being prepared for a response if any g*ndmasti occurs.
He and the establishment are doing this to prepare the public.
Liberands foolishly will add fat to the fire by downplaying this incident of 4 roasted piggies planning something big.
Right now any surgical/airstrike response to Pakis have a chance of escalating into a two front war, so that is why this all is being done.


Tihar Jail
Oct 29, 2020
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Ground is being prepared for a response if any g*ndmasti occurs.
He and the establishment are doing this to prepare the public.
Liberands foolishly will add fat to the fire by downplaying this incident of 4 roasted piggies planning something big.
Right now any surgical/airstrike response to Pakis have a chance of escalating into a two front war, so that is why this all is being done.
Seems like astrological predictions are going to be true for first time.
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