India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Sep 5, 2020
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This is a Paki style of thinking. They sure lost in 1965, 1971 but havent accepted defeated psychologicially. Infact they believe they won in their minds. So does it make our gains in those wars irrelevant. :confused1:
I feel that is precisely why we need to do psychological warfare on them. Porkid are unaffected by reality - deaths and destruction is something they have suffered for 2 decades now.F$%* they have had so many suicide bombings with thousands killed (including school children) that nothing fazes them. The only way to get the message into these bottom feeders is to show them what is really happenin. Right now ISPR has effectively mushed their tiny brains into believe Pak Army is able to impose casualties at will on the IA and holds the upper hand in Gwadar, CPEC, Balochistan etc. This makes the jaahil quom’s awaam be ok with their mercenary army siphoning off 50% of their meager budgets to fight a much superior enemy. When the goatf$%^ers finally realize the number of PA donkeys being roasted, the mullahs will be out on the streets baying for PA’s head. This is why BLA releases quality propaganda videos of their kills. This pisses off PA as it diminishes their credibility in their jaahil awaam’s eyes. Just killing foot soldiers will never deter porkies. Not publicizing their casualties will play straight into ISPR’s hands. Bad idea. As repeatedly stated, they have unlimited supply of terror fodder from south Punjab (TFR as high as 6 with a 100 million current population, who are all dirt poor and whose lives are worth about 5000 paki rupees - see Vice documentary on target killings in Lahore). We are dealing with an insane country. Normal rules of engagement do not apply.


Tihar Jail
Sep 13, 2020
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So Brother but I don't agree with your opinion that we should not report our casualties. What will happen, and till how many times we will keep that secret? How bad the Family members of martyrs will feel that their loved one who sacrificed for India we're not even acknowledged. What is happening in PA today are you seeing that? They know that even if they are killed by IA, their deaths will be not considered as Martyrdom and their bodies will be placed below earth surreptitiously. The family members of PA Jawans are crying as to how their loved one we're buried without official recognition. They are questioning PA whenever the soldiers are killed? Do you think that world can't see them Hiding their Casualties?? NYTimes Reported even during Kargil that dead PA soldiers who were unclaimed were buried by IA. Even Chinese were questioning their government when they were killed during Ladakh standoff as to why we are not releasing our Marty soldiers numbers. These things impact psychology of the soldiers. Our soldiers are confident asto even if they are martyrd and their own family forgets them, IA will not forget them. And they should be confident for it even in future!!!
I am saying it should not be reported in media only , no one is saying that ghar waloon ko nahi patana. no information can be leaked if you really want to.


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Oct 12, 2020
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Agree with everything except for the disclosure of the casualty part. Transparency is the name of the game, plus it puts pressure on the government to improve the defenses along our borders.
Complete transparency isn't necessary. We need to disclose numbers and names. That is all. Cause is either combat or non combat. Tell their families exactly what happened and to exercise discretion on whether to share it with the people or not. Leave out all unnecessary details. Even from gallantry citations. Reveal name of only posthumous ones. Reveal names of rest of the awardees after they retire from service. Sector, time, date, exact circumstances, etc. are not needed. There are names of SOF personnel on gallantry awards website. And even their activities. Within valley is okay to an extent, but why do people need to know what is happening across LoC? It compromises opsec of the army..

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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Yo check this shit out. Fucking subhuman cunts. Offered his own daughter, it seems.. Lol them selling their women to china is true after all.

@shade @Haldialal @Maharaj samudragupt @hit&run
Wait a miNute , so these fatty police patty was the good guy here or not .
I cannot comprehend , what that god damn tweet says .
Police walas abducted the woman's daughter or what ?


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Sep 9, 2020
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No, people need to know, otherwise, they'll forget, they always do. Aag bujhni nehi chahiye dilo mein.
Sahi kaha kabhi dekha hai veergati prapta soldiers ka family ka reaction. Their kids say they will join army and many do as well. These soldiers die but they also inspire 100s of other youth to join army. Their sacrifice doesn't go in vain. Aag bujhni nahi chahiye. We aren't coward like those goat fuckers. Why should we hide our soldiers bravery it would be an insult to their sacrifice.

Maharaj samudragupt

Kritant Parashu
Oct 9, 2020
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These Kuttey never question their terrorist army who is trying to kill Indian soilders because it is Diwali. This time these bastards must me taught a lesson and should be made to remember Diwali like 16th of December.
Prachand prahaar .
Shri raam ke aagman me pathake to fatenge hi .
Kyu na mithai ke dabbe ke bajay , 155 mm artillery shell diya jai


United States of Hindu Empire
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May 29, 2009
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Sep 7, 2015
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Guys, I suggest we stop embedding Twitter posts here by all and sundry who claim dozens of Paki casualties and scores of posts and ammo dumps destroyed as well as India occupying certain features along the LoC and Pakis retreating with their flag held upside down and so on! This isn't just laughable but plain silly.

Unless and until there is confirmation from official handles we need to hold our horses. Let's not lose the credibility of IDF. People come here for authentic info and not the garbage posted on Twitter from every Tom Dick and Harry and keyboard Generals who know squat of the ground situation but indulge in great flights of fantasy.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Sahi kaha kabhi dekha hai veergati prapta soldiers ka family ka reaction. Their kids say they will join army and many do as well. These soldiers die but they also inspire 100s of other youth to join army. Their sacrifice doesn't go in vain. Aag bujhni nahi chahiye. We aren't coward like those goat fuckers. Why should we hide our soldiers bravery it would be an insult to their sacrifice.
Exactly!! A level of difference with these goatfuckers has to be maintained at all costs. We're not the same cause unlike them, we have our honor and dignity and we should not sacrifice those just to stroke our egos.


Living in Post Truth
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May 31, 2017
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What did we gain to begin with? We had captured Bangladesh and 1/2 of West Pakistan and we gave up all, we gave up our own land after capturing it as Bangladesh and Pakistan all are integral Part of India partitioned by British in 1947.

We didn’t gain anything from those wars so no territorial or psychological gains!
Giving up Haji Pir or not capturing Bangladesh were political decisions. Esp capturing Bangladesh is a non starter argument as we only(Gandhi/Nehru gang) accepted partition and gave away Bangladesh as East Pakistan. And the whole war was fought to liberate Bangladeshi Mzlmz, not to rejoin them with India. So there is no question of looking it as a loss, as it was not the objective. Millitarily, it was a win along with the 93,000 soldiers surrendering in front of the World.
Perception wars matter to people who have trust issues with reality. They then look for validation in public perceptions. The whole argument of Moral victory of Congis come from same idea.
Since we lost the perception battle the next day to Balakot, can the perception be recovered now, as we have Paki parliamentarians accepting in public that Bajwa s legs were shaking, and if they did not return Abhinandan, India would have hit back with full force. Ex IAF chief also said that all three forces were fully ready, hands on trigger. So shld we believe them or say, oh but we still lost the perception battle.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Oh no...I fell to “OSINT” walas again. These people in the name of information warfare are actually doing more damage to our cause. The military must give these guys a thorough spanking.
Yep, pretty much making us the laughing stock of the world and handing out ammunition to our adversaries. Fucking clueless buffoons.
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