India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Sep 5, 2020
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Mean while porkis are shouting no casualties on our side only crows and trees uprooted.
Exactly...this is the problem. They will lie and deny the casualties, as we have no way of solidly showing that proof. And we are back to the next CFV. This strategy is NOT working. IA has to change approach. One interim measure could be to go behind enemy lines and get exact footage of killed PA soldiers/terrorists and display conclusive proof of our kills. Porki awam must get shit scared and PA should have no way to deny casualties. They are not going to believe news coming from Indian media like ANI and TimesOfIndia etc. Look at how BLA puts out exact footage of killed PA soldiers. We have got to get our drones, satellites, spy equipment etc in there to photograph killed soldiers, infrastructure and shows that to the paaagal Porkis.That should destroy the credibility of PA with their brainwashed jihadi citizens. We have got to do things differently. Same CFV tit for tats is plain useless. I am not sure why IA is not realizing this despite repeated failure of this strategy.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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nope these claims alone are not acceptable. we have heard such numbers for long now. This is about enforcing a deterrence where the Porkis do not dare lift a finger to even fire a single shell. Even if we kill twice the number of our casualties, it is not enough. Because it is not establishing deterrence. We have to make this war extremely expensive for them - take down their subs or naval assets or air assets like their AWACS etc. We must enforce deterrence by any means necessary, if need be by targeted elimination of their key officers or even internal coups to topple their governments. I am hugely, hugely disappointed with our response especially the part where we appear to be satisfied with just a tit for tat number count. Pakis have so many jihadi nut cases that losing even hundreds won’t make them blink. We are NOT going to enforce deterrence by just eliminating cannon fodder foot soldiers. Also, do not get into excessive diplomacy mode like we did with the PLA - we are going to come across as a pussy. Act decisively and rain down firepower and sanctions to cripple Porkis and establish permanent deterrence.
short of capturing the entirety of the POK and then subsequent Balkanization of the rest of the Pakiland, nothing will deter these suicidal pigs.


New Member
Sep 9, 2020
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Looks like IA is giving befitting reply to Porkistanis. Porkis have already started crying on twitter and tagging UN.


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Feb 28, 2016
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Exactly...this is the problem. They will lie and deny the casualties, as we have no way of solidly showing that proof. And we are back to the next CFV. This strategy is NOT working. IA has to change approach. One interim measure could be to go behind enemy lines and get exact footage of killed PA soldiers/terrorists and display conclusive proof of our kills. Porki awam must get shit scared and PA should have no way to deny casualties. They are not going to believe news coming from Indian media like ANI and TimesOfIndia etc. Look at how BLA puts out exact footage of killed PA soldiers. We have got to get our drones, satellites, spy equipment etc in there to photograph killed soldiers, infrastructure and shows that to the paaagal Porkis.That should destroy the credibility of PA with their brainwashed jihadi citizens. We have got to do things differently. Same CFV tit for tats is plain useless. I am not sure why IA is not realizing this despite repeated failure of this strategy.
GoI is not intended in PR/Optics/Propaganda, we have enough "footage" already, nobody wants to release it tho.
There is no "deterrence" with these people, even if there is it is short lived, there are limitless jihadi cannon fodder they can send ad inifinitum and have deniability.
Sep 5, 2020
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short of capturing the entirety of the POK and then subsequent Balkanization of the rest of the Pakiland, nothing will deter these suicidal pigs.
Or in the meantime, at least take out one of their expensive about a naval ship or two with a contingent of 100 sailors? They got any AWACS in the air, take that out. Or even better rain fire on their brigade HQ. Killing their foot soldiers will not even cause a belly ache to the pizza selling generals. You have to hit them where it hurts. Ammo dump is a good target. Good job by IA there, as ammunition is more expensive than porki lives. How about getting an insider to fire a rocket at Lahore airport? Even better, let’s March into PoK and GB and gain territory. This last thing is what is going to give these scums diarrhea - loss of territory, as that can never be denied. We have holy places like sharda temple in PoK and we should just just take those areas.


Tihar Jail
Aug 5, 2019
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Or in the meantime, at least take out one of their expensive about a naval ship or two with a contingent of 100 sailors? They got any AWACS in the air, take that out. Or even better rain fire on their brigade HQ.
All good options on paper but things can go south from there pretty quickly and I don't think our gormint is in such a mood right now, unfortunately.
Killing their foot soldiers will not even cause a belly ache to the pizza selling generals.
No shit!! No wonder they keep sending those poor FC fuckers in those open-top unarmored Toyota pickups right into their deaths.
You have to hit them where it hurts. Ammo dump is a good target. Good job by IA there, as ammunition is more expensive than porki lives. How about getting an insider to fire a rocket at Lahore airport?
Good for getting even and causing some heartaches but I don't believe that will deter the Porkchops for long either.
Even better, let’s March into PoK and GB and gain territory. This last thing is what is going to give these scums diarrhea - loss of territory, as that can never be denied.
That should be the ultimate goal. Meanwhile, I think we should send in cheap recon drones into POK right after a flare-up and try to get real-time BDA imagery and release them to the public so that they can no longer keep denying their losses.
We have holy places like sharda temple in PoK and we should just just take those areas.
No, screw that. Forget about holy places, time for half-cocked measures is long gone, we need to start by taking the strategically/ tactically important features adjacent to the LoC and then keep extending westwards until we capture the entire PoK along with GB, no two way around it.
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Feb 28, 2016
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"Haha hendu baniyo nay khud kay bunker ko udaya hay "
And even this is not a joke, if it is a big "event" rather than the usual at LOC, twitter secular bot brigades will be activated and will spew the exact same line, we saw this during Balakot bombings, ISPR official statements of crows 'n' trees were being repeated word-for-word by the most eminent Macaulaysons in this country.
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