India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Oct 10, 2014
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Problem is the soft attitude successive administrations have had towards Kashmiri Muslims. Even after Pandit exodus they did nothing. You must be super aggressive and smoke out these 'bad apples' and make an example of them. Break their spirit, their hearts, their soul!

Resettlement is the long term solution. Reverse love jihad in J&K to ensure next generation doesn't have Radical Islamic virus.
Just do what KPS Gill did in Punjab. Winning hearts and mind experiment fails everytime


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Feb 16, 2009
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Problem is the soft attitude successive administrations have had towards Kashmiri Muslims. Even after Pandit exodus they did nothing. You must be super aggressive and smoke out these 'bad apples' and make an example of them. Break their spirit, their hearts, their soul!

Resettlement is the long term solution. Reverse love jihad in J&K to ensure next generation doesn't have Radical Islamic virus.
May be its because of our Dharmic belief system, trying to change there mindset. But we should understand that the people who don't believe our ways of life will never understand the values will never see the path we are trying to show them. Adharmee's should never be treated in the ways of Dhamic belief system, they should be treated as per there own system. We have tried enough we have given enough chances.

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Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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Handwara encounter: A large group of terrorists were hiding in the cowshed and just when the Security Force (SF) entered the house, the terrorists also entered from the rear end of the house and that's how the security personnel got trapped.
No communication yet with SF men.

there were 4-5 Pakistani terrorists who recently infiltrated. really I don't understand why we are saving Kashmiris when they are absolutely worthless for us. we need Kashmir not kashmiris.


New Member
Dec 22, 2019
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there were 4-5 Pakistani terrorists who recently infiltrated. really I don't understand why we are saving Kashmiris when they are absolutely worthless for us. we need Kashmir not kashmiris.
Only 2 were killed so 2-3 more are still out there


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Feb 26, 2019
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What is the difference between a stone pelted by a hand and a bullet shot by a gun? Nothing, both are lethal. The difference is that a gun is more portable and accurate. If someone differentiate between a stone pelting person and a terrorist, he must consult a psychiatrist. Anyone having a stone in his hand and whoever provides the cover for these stone pelting terrorists must be neutralised. We have already seen the instances, where Army people saved the lives of Kashmiris and later on such Kashmiris welcomed our Jawans with stones.

Underground Soldier

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Apr 6, 2020
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There is never a problem of Hostage situation in JK. Most Of the people allow terrorists to stay inside their house for time being and get credit for being mard e mujahid. Has anyone forgotten operations of Hostage crisis in Handwara 2 years ago. Same pattern was there. Terrorists had taken hostage 10 year old boy. Ultimately terrorists and that boy both were killed in operations. And does anyone know why SF got wind of terrorists. Because terrorists wanted to marry family daughter.
So point of saying is that these families allow terrorists after knowing that they are terrorists. Why to save the family and get out boys killed? Let these sc7m die. But unfortunately in our nation, we care only about Civilians casualty, SF Can be killed, no one gives a damn!


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Sep 7, 2015
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The Paki pigs and the Kashmiri Islamists are setting the media on fire celebrating like they've won a frikkin war against India. One Kashmiri pussy asked in his tweet, How's the josh'? I'm so pissed that I want to go back and show these buggers what josh is!

We need to change our doctrine of 'no collateral damage' and blow these fukrs up. If these pro Pak Kashmiri civilians are present too, just blow their asses off with the rest of the terrorists. Period!


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Jul 11, 2011
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Too generalized. Rule of 10:10:80 in any counter-insurgency holds. 10% pro government, 10% against government, and 80% simply trying to survive. That is why, level of violence decides on your ability to coerce the public (the 80%) to do your bidding. You can unleash violence on your own society in initial stages for a very short time, and you will see immense military success in the counter insurgency efforts (1990-1996). This is the time you take to undertake political steps to finnish the root cause of insurgency.

Unfortunately, our leadership and people in their finite wisdom, decided that military operations can be an answer for eternity. So we saw resurgence of Militancy when Gujral pulled back troops from valley briefly, then again we unleashed forces, and by 2007 things were controlled, and again the same. And will remain the same.

Let me know which of you will continue to support the Government if for 30 years your houses are broken down and searched and if you are mistakenly beaten up multiple times in the anti terror operations? Even you will pick up arms.
[-- Redacted --]

And what happened to your logic ...

Look, the aim of anti-terror operations by Army is to contain and suppress acts of terror and minimize violence in society so that the writ of civil administration runs large.. the military is not there to raze everything to the ground and say = Ah everything is solved now.. there is nothing left to solve.. :pound: :pound: :pound:

The elimination of insurgency or terrorism is a political objective to be achieved through politics by politicians and civil administration. If you do not know that do not shout.

How do we know, if the continuation of insurgency/terrorism is is not part of any strategy ....?? In India some agencies are well known to create and sustain insurgencies/terrorism to attain political goals of some Party of leaders...

Who created Bhaindarwala and Bodo insurgency for example ...?? Who funded LTTE and also got so many Armymen killed?


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Sep 5, 2015
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It seems tragic death of Col MN Rai has gone in vain as another CO of RR attained martyrdom. May be it's a trap laid just to get a hit on HVT but we can't become so naive to get the CO of the unit going in to neutralize a couple of low life jihadi abduls. In cantonment parlance, CO is the BAAP (Father) of the Unit and his Wife is MAA (Mother) and every jawan of his unit swear by it. We are not fighting a war for our survival in which such sacrifices are justified. People will now say that in IA, Officers lead by example but history teaches us that many battles were lost when the commander lost his life in action even though rest of army is fighting tooth & nail. I am sure that morale of the unit would be at abysmally low level now as it lost its commander. My prayers for the departed soul and his family (In fact, was praying for their safety since last night when news was trickling that they were trapped; it seems the worse has come true!)
In such a difficult times, when common citizen are struggling in lock-down, many poor are looking at their bleak future; this news has been a brutal shock.

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Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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CQB with a terrorists is not a affordable option it should be prevented at all cost. terrorists fire indiscriminately at such situations just blow them up that's the only tactic that every country learned while engaging these desert cults.

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Tihar Jail
Jan 14, 2020
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It seems tragic death of Col MN Rai has gone in vain as another CO of RR attained martyrdom. May be it's a trap laid just to get a hit on HVT but we can't become so naive to get the CO of the unit going in to neutralize a couple of low life jihadi abduls. In cantonment parlance, CO is the BAAP (Father) of the Unit and his Wife is MAA (Mother) and every jawan of his unit swear by it. We are not fighting a war for our survival in which such sacrifices are justified. People will now say that in IA, Officers lead by example but history teaches us that many battles were lost when the commander lost his life in action even though rest of army is fighting tooth & nail. I am sure that morale of the unit would be at abysmally low level now as it lost its commander. My prayers for the departed soul and his family (In fact, was praying for their safety since last night when news was trickling that they were trapped; it seems the worse has come true!)
In such a difficult times, when common citizen are struggling in lock-down, many poor are looking at their bleak future; this news has been a brutal shock.
I am really pissed that we are wasting precious officers on these low cost goat shaggers who are even worthless to Pakistan.


New Member
Feb 27, 2019
The Paki pigs and the Kashmiri Islamists are setting the media on fire celebrating like they've won a frikkin war against India. One Kashmiri pussy asked in his tweet, How's the josh'? I'm so pissed that I want to go back and show these buggers what josh is!

We need to change our doctrine of 'no collateral damage' and blow these fukrs up. If these pro Pak Kashmiri civilians are present too, just blow their asses off with the rest of the terrorists. Period!
I am just hoping that "Kadi Ninda" is alive and aware..We need to increase the cost of these actions for porkis...
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