India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Regular Member
Oct 23, 2019
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What you wrote is right and I agree with you but still a dead person poses no threat and spews no venom. If lord Ram could bid his final respectful adieu to an evil ravan than atleast respect Ram by not cussing a dead enemy soldier. I cannot speak for anyone else but my father who served in army for 30 years always says " a person is an enemy as long as he is alive".
I know that you come from a military family and you are taught a certain character and integrity and have a certain point of view. We, (the Indian society and Indian govt.) promoted that view since independence because it helped build organizational ethos and moral high ground. May be it was the need of the hour for the newly created ex-british indian army to grapple with issues of identity and also to make sense of the violent religion based separation from what we considered our former brothers and sisters. In that backdrop, this kind of "higher than though" value system helped us make sense of and normalize the inexcusable and hide from own inner moral demons. May be we foolishly thought continuing such traditions will earn us respect and legitimacy in the world since other western militaries also give appearance of upholding such values.

But that value system is in the wrong in any nuetral, logical and reasonable world. It is immoral, unethical, harmful to the society and also very much against dharma.

If lord Ram could bid his final respectful adieu to an evil ravan than atleast respect Ram by not cussing a dead enemy soldier.
There is a difference. Ravana was an arya, descendant of sage pulastya, a shiva bhakt, had composed shlokas, musical works, done some social good in his earlier life. He had 1-2 weaknesses which led him to do bad karma when older and thus he deserved to be killed by Lord Ram. This was in SatyaYuga when even the bad doers when 1000 times better than current good doers in this Yuga. There is NO comparison between Ravana and Pakistanis today. This shows a complete lack of knowledge of our shastras, our dharma and ability to discriminate between right and wrong. How much the hindu society has fallen!

" a person is an enemy as long as he is alive".
Lord Krishna says this in Mahabharat to Arjun but look at who the enemy they are looking at is here. Great men like Bhisma, Guru Dronacharya, Krupacharya etc. These good words are for enemies like these. Are average pakistani jehadis on the same level as bhisma or guru dronacharya? To deserve same level of respect?

What you wrote is right and I agree with you but still a dead person poses no threat and spews no venom
This is absolute bollocks. A dead person can do as much as or more damage to your cause. If you give him immortality by allowing him to continue his legacy after death, use his death for propaganda purposes, or if the death results in increase or maintaining of status quo in enemy morale. Indians giving respect to dead paki soldiers definitely boosts their jihadi morale and encourages them to be more anti-india. If you think they see it as a sign of humanity, you are uneducated, they see it as confirmation of the superiority of their demonic anti-kaffir worldview and inferiority of the pious hindu. Like blood to a vampire, it recharges them, fuels their demonic zeal and adds to their numbers.

Why does Goddess Kali have a severed head of her enemy always? Is it a human rights violation? Is it disrespecting the body of the dead soldier who can spew no venom?

If you read about Devasura Sangram, Vedas, Purana, Smriti texts they they teach you to poison the wells, terrorize enemy population, dismember enemy warriors body parts, do any trick in the book to defeat them if your enemies are like Asuras/Rakshas. If your enemy is uncivilized and follows no dharma, has demonic blood thirsts for humanity, only way you can win is by climbing the barbaric ladder higher than your enemy. You need to terrorize the terrorizers. Thats the dharmic way. Here, winning the propaganda war and demoralizing the enemy is more important that actual victories on the battlefield. Otherwise you will lose, which will bring a bigger calamity upon the innocent dharmic people and you will incur more bad karma by failing to protect them than you would have by disrespecting dead bodies of enemy soldiers or not upholding any false higher than thou standards. Thus it is a sin not to abuse 100 dead asuras if it helps you protect lives of 1000 innocents by demoralizing and stopping another 100 asuras from joining the cause.

Lord Krishna, Lord Ram, Lord Shiva in their lives taught us to wipe out all traces of such evil entities from existence. They should be killed, their remains never be found, their lives erased from public memory, they and their supporters should never have any measure of closure. This is to send a message to the society and also to discourage future evil wannabes.

These same Avatars and Divine Beings respected the dead and forgave the enemy and gave them a chance at penance, played by rules of wars when dealing with a moral enemy. Lord Ram told Laxman to touch dying Ravans feet and ask for life advice from him as surely Ravana - who had done some good things in life earlier - had some wisdom that could benefit the society at large. Lord Krishna takes the Pandavas to dying bhisma to honor his legacy after being the chief actor of his demise. Our folly as modern hindus is we take this as the standard treatment to be given out to all enemies and ignore that this is only one side of the coin.

To put things in perspective, the asuras, rakshasas of the past were much more noble in reality than the enemies India has today. They deserve a treatment 1000 x worse than asuras. We have a serious void in our psychological make up if we can not understand that. wrt pakistanis I think the reason are as follows:

We Hindus at a fundamental level have not grasped how much the world has changed and how much sand has slipped past our feet since we were last in charge of our own destiny.

WE Indians expect the pakistanis to think like us because we want them to think like us. We want them to judge us by our value system and thus we impose our own value system on them by respecting their dead soldiers etc

We are not willing to accept or come to terms with the fact that 1/3rd of us have turned into such blood thirsty zombies in such a short period of time with islam.

Which has its roots in our failure to acknowledge the swallowing up of almost the whole world by similar abrahamic cults of judaism, christianity, islam - the world which until a few centuries ago was fully hindu & sanatani.

That such abrahamic cults represent absolute evil and are mental descends of the demonic asuras and rakshas. In fact, they are many fold worse than asuras & rakshasas our ancestors faced. This is KalYuga so by definition our evil is worse than evil of the previous generations.

Facing such truths causes deep scars and we instead hide from them by justifying our (mis)deeds on humanitarian grounds.

We Hindus need to free ourselves from such confusion & ignorance and have a clarity of thought & dharma to fight this head on and win.


Senior Member
Oct 27, 2019
We need to give them surprise by attacking from Afghanistan soil.
Recent Attacks has shown us anything through the attack against Rawalpindi which was carried out by RAW in Cooperation with NDS and Pro-India Pashtun Freedom Fighters is that if we put our mind into it even the most protected part of Terroristan can be targeted and destroyed inculding Bahawalpur.


Tihar Jail
Jun 8, 2020
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Saale porki saying front khol do ek taraf chini hai dusro taraf hum aur phir kashmeer humaara

I say tum gaand sambhalo porki wahi kaafi hai


New Member
May 8, 2020
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Pakistan very well knows, when things will get really hot for China; China will drop them faster than the current spokesperson of Chinese MEA dropped 'Mohammad' from his Twitter display name.
Even then Woh apna katora leke ghumna bandh Nahi karege, kya Jane kab aasman se PingPong ka poop gire....jisko milega shayad woh karorpati bann jaaye :rofl::scared2: :mad2:
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