India Pakistan conflict along LoC and counter terrorist operations

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Tihar Jail
Feb 9, 2021
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Unfortunately India and probably Hindus do not know how to capture and assimilate territories and populations We return hard won territory to Pakistan after most wars.

The Soviets and Russians on the other hand know very well how to retain battle gains.

There is no need to follow Nazi Hitler like brutal policies but some SOP's should be developed to govern captured lands and integrate their populations.

Maybe we are too morally upright as a society.
Here is a perspective:
Moscow was trying to play the big power broker.. with all the Moscow peace talks and all, between Taliban and various Afghan factions.. and with their man Hamid Karzai playing along..
So, the Taliban/ISI combine going for broke to capture total power in Afghanistan is a nice kick in the nuts to Boris.. :bplease:


New Member
Jun 17, 2021
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Unfortunately India and probably Hindus do not know how to capture and assimilate territories and populations We return hard won territory to Pakistan after most wars.

The Soviets and Russians on the other hand know very well how to retain battle gains.

There is no need to follow Nazi Hitler like brutal policies but some SOP's should be developed to govern captured lands and integrate their populations.

Maybe we are too morally upright as a society.

The 5 people who were responsible for returning of Paki territories after 1971... in 1972 shimla agreement were "KASHMIRI PANDITS"...

Pakistanis paid back their entire community 20 yrs later

Don't want to hurt/offend anyone...

Don't believe me... go to this link... you will find scanned pages



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Apr 23, 2021
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Madarchod generals and babus keep dragging the indigenous weapons on trials and files until the emergency situation arrives so that import can be done. Betichod then dont do drama in the name of 'no import list'.
do we have dev in india solutions for drone defence ??

not so dravidian

New Member
Feb 3, 2021
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Despite being the availability of indigenous options, govt should stop the jumla of this aatm nirbharta .
DRDO, ZEN TECH., TONBO, ASTRA,.... So much companies ( at least 10). at max wud take a week or 2

even f*cking bird radar can easily detect them ( in fact it is the bird radars, that r modified as drone radars, since they are good at tracking non-metal objects)


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Nov 23, 2016
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Taliban / ISI won , we will get kicked out of afghanistan , current afghan president Ashraf Ghani will run away to US or maybe India.

after Soviets left , last afghan president tried to flee to India , but was captured , castrated and dragged through streets.

i doubt Taliban will take full control of country , maybe we can push arms/money to rebels.
even create a new 'Northern alliance' to fight Taliban
Indians need to get this through their head that we don't give a flying fuck about afghanis they are also jehadis just like porkies , except they are on our side, we need to make sure afghanistan remains unstable and no one power can emerge as a clear ruling entity so that we can continue to use that place to fuck porkies whenever we want , any money or investment is just that a means to and end.

this is a game of chess , moves and counter moves as long as we can keep Afghanistan unstable and keep launching attacks in porkistan it's all kosher.

its good we are talking with taliban also , we need to understand talibans are not some civilisational power who builds institutions or empires , its nothing but a bunch of rag tag militias there will always be some factions who can be bought and made to fight porkistan , so it's good that at least that option is also being looked at.
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